21 – A Little Knowledge ⊗
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Fiona runs through the Gillanious and the Heart-of-Stone spells with me. They're nearly as complicated as her empathy spell was, and I feel like a total idiot fumbling my way through the incantations. It's going to take a week before I get them right.

"Take it easy on yourself," she tells me. "I didn't expect you to be able to do them the first time."

"Yeah, but I'm still screwing up the fourth and fifth times."

"I know. It's going to take a lot of practice. I just wanted to go over them with you a bit to make sure you're on the right track. And you are. But this is going to take thirty or forty tries before they actually work. And a lot longer before you can start rattling them off at need." She looks me over. I must look a totally pathetic mess, sitting on the edge of the bed pouting. It probably doesn't help that I'm naked. (Don't judge. The confines of the tight snakeskin dress aren't very conducive to some of the gestures I needed to make. And besides, despite having a very loose dress, Fiona stripped hers off too.) "Look, I guess after what we shared, I feel pretty close to you and I really want to help you succeed. So, let me write these down for you. I think I have a notebook I can spare."

She digs through her bag and comes up with a little girl's diary. It's bright pink and tied shut with ribbon of the same color. On the front, it's written "A girl has her secrets!" next to a glitter unicorn leaping over a heart. 

I grimace at it, trying to hide the squishy feeling building up inside of me that makes me want to squeal with joy. Have I ever mentioned, how much I hate what that stupid pink drink did to my head?

She sees me scowl and says, "Hey, there's a reason I haven't used this for a spell book already. And I even have this Hello Kitty pencil that kind of matches. You can have it too. Just let me copy these down for you." She very carefully duplicates the words and diagrams from her book into mine. "There! I even added a couple of extras that may come in handy because you were such a good...er...sport. Although, honestly, I knew you'd been into it."

I'm really getting annoyed how everyone around here just assumes I'm a sex crazed slut. Okay, so fine, I've done some things that might suggest it to people who did know me. But I can't see how anyone else around here is any better. 

Not hiding my exasperation, I ask Fiona, "What exactly about me made you think I'd be up for a mind-melting sex spell?"

"Just about everything," she answers. "But mainly the way you fucked Chloe and me like a champ. Oh, and those pleasure runes you have. I haven't met many girls so dedicated sexual indulgence that they'd get those things."

"Pleasure whats? What are you talking about?"

"You're tats." She sees my bewilderment, and says, "You didn't know? Holly shit, you didn't know!" When she's done laughing at me, she explains, "They basically act like extra erogenous zones. Why do you think I was rubbing up against the back of your thighs so much while we were going at it. It felt amazing."

"You're crazy. They're just stupid designs." I rub a hand along the back of my leg, then it touches the image of the pink ribbon— "Oh!"

My legs nearly buckle with the wave of heat that rolls through my body. Just running my fingers over it turns me into a horny drooling mess. I realize I know this feeling from our marathon empathetic session, but I was unable to pick it out among the overload of new sensations bombarding me.

"I'm going to kill that fucking succubus."

"You're so adorable," she says, and comes over to where I sit on the bed. Big Blue wobbles in front of my breasts. A devilish grin forms on her face. "I think I have one more thing to give to you before you leave."



After Fiona fucks me stupid and shows me just how much fun my pleasure runes can be, I leave her room. We have a plan to meet at the Red Bar tonight, so she can introduce me to the slime-girl. I'm not exactly sure how to tell when it's night. I haven't seen one clock in the Underworld, and it's never exactly day. But I figure I can just go and wait for her, once I arrange to get the diary page from the library demon.

I make my way to the bar where I found Foxy Fiona, and sit down in front of the creepy gargoyle bartender. She doesn't react. Her face stares straight ahead and her eerie smile doesn't waver. Each of her hands is planted on the bar and she leans forward letting her bare  boobs droop with gravity so that they're level with her hands

"Um...hi!," I say with a wave of my hand, less a greeting and more a test to see if she's actually alive.

She stands up straight, her body suddenly flowing with life. Hanging, her boobs were truly amazing, but settled on her chest, they loose nothing of their appeal.  Seriously, each one is about as big as my head and are teardrop shaped (Godzilla sized tears). Her eyes snap to me.

"Cute diary," she says without even turning her head to the stuff I've dumped on the bar. I really need to find a bag. I'm carrying way too much shit now.

I explain that I want the page I found in one of her books. She says, "Sure, no problem."

"Really?" I ask unable to believe my luck that something is finally going to be easy and not require having some kind of unnatural sex.

"Yeah, really. You can have it. In exchange for one small thing."

Yeah, so not as lucky as I thought. "What?" I ask.

"I've created a new cocktail and I need a willing test subject."

Oh, fuck me! Not again.

"Is there anything else I can give you? Or do for you? I kind of swore of drinking."

She grins again showing a row of sharp teeth. "Nothing comes to mind. But if you want to come back in a year or two, maybe I'll think up something."

"But I can't wait a year. I'm leaving here as soon as I can." She stares at me, unmoved by my plea. "Okay, fine. I'll try the goddamn drink."


Hey there!

So, in the poll, an overwhelmingly number of you wanted Sabina to have a "special" cocktail. I really mulled over what physical or mental change it would give to her. I think I came up with something outside of the box. And I hope you'll like it. 


"Great! You won't be disappointed." She flies into action pulling bottles and flask off the shelves and pouring them into a shaker. After giving the concoction a good mix, she fills a martini glass with a translucent white liquid and garnishes it with a cherry. "I call it a Parachute." She slides it toward me. 

Parachute. That doesn't sound to bad. I mean, parachutes are good things, right? The save people's lives, right? Right?

"Um, what's in it? What will it do to me?"

"So, many questions. I'd like to gauge your reaction without you knowing. Drink it, then I'll explain." I argue with her that this wasn't part of the deal, but she's unmovable.

I take a deep breath and sip it. It actually tastes really good. Creamy, with something minty, and a hint of hazelnut. But everything I've had has tasted good. It's the affects that have been the problem.

"All of it," she orders, and I down the rest.

"There. Are you happy? Now what was it that I just dank."

"Mostly it was a pretty regular mixed-drink, I serve it all the time. But this one had a little something extra. Essentially, I used it as a delivery mechanism for parasitic creature."

"The fuck!?!"

She gives a smug little wiggle, "You see, every demon has there own thing: lust, greed, shame, darkness, yadda-yadda-yadda. Mine is knowledge. And one of the things I've noticed is how many people come through here who really don't know anything about surviving in the Underworld. So, I had this idea of implanting them with a part of The Great Symbiote of the Vast Plane. Now, the interesting thing is that any part of this Great Symbiote has the knowledge of every other part, regardless of how far away each component might be. Theoretically, this should mean that the new host will have access to this knowledge. Thus the name Parachute. It's an easy entry into the knowledge of the Underworld. Plus the para/parasite thing. I thought you'd be ideal for this experiment since you seem utterly clueless."


Not catching my sarcasm, she says, "You're welcome! So, the parasite should have reached your brain by now. Do you sense anything? Go ahead. See if it's there."

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do this, so I close my eyes and think, are you there?


"Whoa! I...I felt something I don't know how to describe it. It's pink and it's smiling, I think." It's hard to explain what's happening. It's as though a thought is in my head that I know is not my own. It's only an image without words but as soon as it's there, I know what this creature is communicating.

"Excellent. While it's still immature, it's not going to be capable of complex thoughts, so you might want to keep things simple. Try asking it something." When I take to long to come up with a question, she suggests, "Ask: If it's connected to the mother organism." And I do.


"I think it is." This might actually be the first useful thing to happen to me. 

"Great! Now, is it okay? Is it healthy?"

I ask it how it feels.


Instantly, as it flashes in my head, the feeling fills me, and my body goes to red alert. Red here being the color of my face as my nipples harden and my pussy starts gushing.

"What did it say?" Then her eyes widen as she understands. "Ohhh!"

"How is it making me feel what it feels?"

"You're one now. Although from my understanding it won't push it's thoughts or feeling on you if you don't ask. The except being is if the host is in danger or great need."

"It would have been good to know that earlier." I stand and cross my legs, trying to contain the intense desire and heat emanating from between them. Strangely, I feel two small wet trickles streaming down my chest. "I think it's doing something to my breasts too."

"Oh, that's probably the holstaur milk I used to give the drink it's creaminess. It'll make you lactate for the next few days."


"It also might make them grow a bit. But not more than a cup size or two. It'll look good on you." I'm trying  to decide exactly what swear word to shout at her, when she says, "That really is a randy little guy in there isn't it. I wasn't expecting that. I can take care of this you, if you want?" She points to my crotch.

No matter how empty and needy I feel, I'm not letting this creepy maniac touch me.


"Yes!" Wait. Did I just say that?

Before I can even register what's happening, she's lifting me over the bar. The demon takes a seat on a small stool and places me on her lap. "Now, just close your eyes and relax," she says, patting my head. 

Fuck this shit. I'm not going to allow myself to me controlled by a demon and a parasite. I'm getting out of here.

*no fight*

My body goes limp in her arms. Her tail snakes up my leg twirling around it. A snake is the right word. The smooth gray flesh resembles a python with a heart shaped head. 

"Aaaahhhhhhhh!" I say as it slithers over the stupid tattoo. My legs spread apart, and I can't even blame this one on the symbiote.


"Fuck me now!"

The demon follows direction without hesitation, and the tail expertly find my entrance and pushes it's way in, spreading me wide.


I watch as inch after inch pours into me, stuffing me. It's cool as stone and has hardly any give. It feels less organic than Chloe's dildo, but I'm just happy something is filling my emptiness.

Hey you stupid symbiote, I think. Are you happy now?


A wave of perfect contentment washes over me.

The demon bartender is stroking my hair and plunging her tail gently in and out of me. She moves so slowly I can barely stand it. But instead, of asking her to go faster, I lay back in her arms and nestle in between her boobs. I actually relax with the slow rhythm of her ministrations. At some point, she pulls my top down and starts manipulating my right breasts. She works the nipple until she gets a solid squirt of milk to shoot out.


"Shhhh," she says. "Let me take all the pressure away."

Amid my desire, I hadn't realized how bloated they'd gotten. It does feel nice to be milked and have them emptied.

When she's done with the right, she moves on to the left. All the while, her tail presses in, then slides out, over and over. If it wasn't for the great need I have to cum, I might fall asleep. I could stay this way for hours.

And perhaps I do, because I fade away into a zone of warm wet fuzziness, where time has no meaning. There's only the fingers stroking my head, the hand squeezing my tit, and the tail working away in my vagina.

Yes, I'm happy.

But eventually, the build up becomes too much. Just as the pressure in my boobs shot forth my milk, the pressure in my nether regions begins to push forth. "Uuuuhhh!-Uhhhhhh!" I moan as my whole body burns with excitement of the coming volcanic eruption. "Ahhhh-ahhhh! Ghaaaaaa!" I scream as one of the biggest most satisfying orgasms I've ever had rips through my loins. 

The demon leaves her tail plugging me up and rocks me back and forth in her arms. "There, there, there. All better now," she coos in my ear. "Welcome to this world, little one. I hope this host is good to you."



After she releases me, I struggle to stand. The treatment turned every one of my muscles to mush and keeping upright is not so simple.

I happen to notice that on the bar sits a tall glass filled with milk. My milk. "You kept it?"

"Oh, yes." Her mouth forms into a big smile. "It will be in great demand tonight. People will be lining up just to get an ounce. Ha! Most people stay away from my bar because they think reading is boring. But when word gets around I have the fresh milk of a young slut, this place will be packed. Hahaha!" When she see's me staring at her as though she's a crazy person, she says, "I suppose I should probably pay you for it. What do you want?"

I'm not exactly excited about strangers drinking my milk (or the fact I'm producing milk now, for that matter), but an answer comes to me right away. "Get this parasite out of me."

"Sure. No problem." She puts her hands on my head. just under the pigtails. "Now, hold still while I crack your skull open."

"Ahhh! No! Stop!" I pull away and skitter away from her. "What the fuck is the matter with you?"

"It's attached to you're brain. I can't think of any other way of getting to it. Can you?"

"Let's just leave it where it is then," I say. Then, glancing over at my pile of things, I realize there's something I want that doesn't involve brain surgery. "How about instead of taking it out, you give me a bag."

I might as well have asked her for the Maltese Falcon considering the look she gives me. Apparently, this is one of the most bizarre requests she's ever heard. I explain I need something to carry all the papers and other things I've gathered. Reluctantly she goes searching under the bar, muttering, "Maybe there's something in the lost and found box."

Eventually, she pulls out a canvas tote with alternating light and dark pink stripes and the Victoria's Secret logo. She presents it with a , "Ta-da!"

"What is it with this place and the color pink?"

"You're one to talk."

Hey-hey, My darlings!

I hope you enjoyed the way the poll worked out. I really did go through a whole pile of ideas involving temporary personality changes or body modifications (and I did use one of these ?), but I really wanted to do something unexpected and thought the symbiote might just be the thing. It will become invaluable to her for advice and information. It will also be no end of trouble. Any-hoo, love it or hate it, leave me a comment and let me know.
