It mustn't be night yet because The Red Bar is deserted except for the bartender.
When I come in, she gives me the stink-eye and says, "Not you again. I just got the place cleaned up."
"I promise, I'm just waiting for someone. I'll sit in the corner quietly until she gets here."
"You know, I had to throw out that card table." I start to apologize, but she drives on with her rant, "Throw. Out. It survived millennia of lusty poker sessions, but then you show up, and I have to throw it out. It was so soiled with your perverted fluids it was practically dissolving. I would have burned it but I was afraid of what the fumes might do. You know, when I walked in there, I honestly didn't couldn't decide between using bleach or an exorcist. I'd call you the biggest slut I've ever seen but a lewd little floozie like you would probably take it as a compliment."
"Um...so I'll just go sit over there, then."
I withdraws to a table at the far corner with the red demon glaring at me the whole time.
I wonder how long it's going to take Foxy Fiona to get here. Will the slime-girl meet us here or will we have to go find her? How long will that take? And what is it going to take to get the slime jelly from her?
Is that all you think about? You're only a few hours old and you're already a total perv.
This was just great. Like I didn't have enough problems. Now, I had some demented voice in my head. What can you do anyway?
I wish I could believe that, but I somehow think you're going to get me into a lot of trouble. You're nothing but a stupid infection. I should find myself some penicillin and get rid of you.
I shout, "Hey, you! Go fuck yourself!"
What the hell? The little fucker is controlling me now!
"What did you say to me?" the demon roars the veins in her neck standing out.
"No. Not you. I was talking to...um...myself."
"You're this close." She holds up two fingers nearly touching. "To getting my boot up your ass."
"Sorry," I squeak again.
See what you've done?
Yeah, but if that demon kicks the snot out of me, you'll feel it too.
I use the time waiting to read over the spells that Fiona gave me. There's the two I need for the Sea of Nightmares, the regenerative incantation she used on me, and the sexual empathy one. I'm a little touched she included such powerful magic but I can't imagine ever using it again. And there are three new ones: Phosfire, Flash Barrier, and Inner Heat.
Phosfire appears to be an offensive spell with the descriptions: "Creates a blue flame almost impossible to extinguish. It will leap from one flammable object to the next, including enemies. Only use in extreme need."
While Flash Barrier appears to be defensive. "Generates a solid wall of light. Blocks people, monsters, and missiles. Last approximately five seconds."
The last one, Inner Heat, appears to be for survival as the only description is: "Cast on yourself or others. For cold winter nights!" Fiona has drawn a heart as the dot in the exclamation point.
At least, none of these look as hard to cast, and they do sound useful. But I'm going to have to concentrate on the two the diary mentioned, before I get to the sea. I set the personal goal of practicing them each twice every day. Or more, if time allows.
After studying all of the spells in the book, I decide to add the others I know. No point in losing one because I forget the words, after all. So, I take out the Hello Kitty pencil and follow the same format that Fiona has used. Sitting there working, I realize I have my own little grimoire now. A grimoire with a sparkly unicorn on the cover, but still.
Perhaps one day, I'll call myself a sorceress the same way Fiona does.
She finally shows up and heads straight to the bar. I wave her over, but she seems to be ordering a drink. While I was writing, the place has started to fill up. There's two others at the bar and half of the tables are occupied. Fiona finally gets served and comes over with a bottle and three glasses.
"So, is she meeting us here then?"
"Yeah, I ran into her on the way, and she said she'd come. I got us some Pond-Scum." She indicates the bottle. "It's her favorite drink. I figured it couldn't hurt to butter her up. It's on the thick side and super bitter, but smile and pretend to like it."
"What does it do?" I ask. "Does it change your body? Or alter your thinking? or make you crazy horny or something? Give you cat's tail? Or makes you're breasts expand into unnatural looking beachballs?"
"Geez, Sabina. Relax. It's a drink. It gets you drunk, if you drink enough of it. What do you think? That everything is some kind of magic potion?" She's looking at me like I'm nuts.
"Sorry, but I've been given some strange things since I got here. That fucking gargoyle demon infected me with a brain parasite earlier."
Yeah, you. Stupid parasite.
Fiona looks up. "Oh, that's cool. Does it do anything."
I'm about to answer that it annoys me, when the slime-girl enters.
There is no doubt it's her. For one thing, she's all one color, a very pale light blue. For another, she's translucent. She appears to have on a floor-length kimono, but it's the same clear blue as the rest of her. It hides her legs. Or rather, it hides the fact she has no legs. Her lower body glides along ground leaving a two foot long slug's trail, following her like a dress train. Her movement causes a Jell-O quiver to shake her head and torso. Her age is hard to pinpoint, but with her sharp bangs and unblemished face, she's as youthful as a teenager. She's a little taller than me, maybe 5'5" or so. The curves of her body are ill defined as though the kimono wasn't silk (although, it's more likely a construct of her own body) but a heavy quilted coat.
She sits down with us, and Fiona makes the introductions. Her name is Shayna. The two of them make small talk, and we have a glass of the Pond-Scum. It's aptly named, and I'm almost wishing we were drinking that minotaur cum instead. This is pretty vile. We finally get down to business and Fiona helps me explain what I need and why it's important.
When we're done, Shayna says, "Sorry, but no way." I protest, and she continues, "It may not seem like a big deal to you, but my jelly is important to me. I don't just give it to anyone, especially not someone I just met in a bar." To Fiona she adds, "I'm sorry, dear. I know she's a friend of yours, but this isn't like spitting out some gum. This is something I only share with people who are important to me."
Not now! The damn symboite draws my attention to how painful my breasts are getting as the milk replenishes, and I squirm in my seat.
"Look, I don't want you to do anything that your uncomfortable with. What if I got to know you a bit?"
"It's not that simple. You don't want to hang around Bianca's for a few months. You said you were in a hurry, remember? I suggest you find something else to pay the guide with. Or find another guide."
Shut up!
My breasts really seem to have expanded. The top of my dress is so tight against them it hurts. They're overfull. The flesh feels stretched to capacity and my nipples are hard and sore. I might have to excuse myself to release some of the pressure. I squirm again and pull at my neckline to try and loosen it a bit.
"What's a matter?" Fiona asks, seeing my distress.
"Oh, it's that stupid bartender. Along with the parasite, she gave me this stuff that makes me lactate, and my boobs are driving me crazy."
"Are you saying that right now those huge boobs of yours are full of milk?" Shayna asks, and from her tone, I'm sure she's about to laugh at me.
In a very small and humiliated voice, I say, "Yeah."
"Um...well, that kind of changes things."
"It does?"
"Well, yeah!" Fiona says. "Shayna, correct me if I get this wrong. Slime-people have to maintain a certain level of viscosity in order to be able to take human form. Without it they become sort of...globular." She looks over at the slime-girl, who gives a sad nod. "Now there are several things that can help with this. Certain excretions from plants and animals. Stuff such as moonflower pollen, glorioso nectar, violet toad spittle, and gug mucus. But also some things from humans, like sperm and breast milk. Did I get that right?"
"Yes. And I've been getting very thin lately." She holds up her hand and shows us how her fingers look like melting candles. The plants and animals that nourish me aren't found in this region. And even though I present as female, I'm not really into men, so cum hasn't been an option."
"Well, this is great," I say. "Maybe we can make a trade."
I'm surprised and a little attracted to how her lips pucker as she considers the arrangement. It's hard to believe that a person made of slime could have such natural facial expressions.
"Fine," she says after a long pause. "You let me soak up all your milk, and I'll let you suck me off for enough jelly to make a pint."
"I'm sorry, did you say suck off? Do you mean I have to use my mouth to...um...pull bits off of you?"
Both Shayna and Fiona giggle. Fiona says, "No, silly. Jelly isn't bits of her."
"Jelly is my ejaculate. You see, the way this is done is I'll shape an appendage, and you'll suck it until I expel my jelly."
"Then, you can spit it into a bottle," Fiona concludes.
Great! Just fucking great! Why didn't anyone tell me this is how it worked?
Is that what you meant before? Damn. You really have to work on your vocabulary. The warning would have made a lot more sense with some details.
"Wait," I say. "Let's back up. If you're a girl why would I have to give you a blow job?"
Shayna looks down demurely. And Fiona answers for her. "Slime-people are essentially both genders and are capable of shaping themselves into either male or female forms. She just happens to choose to present as a girl. It's kind of why she's shy about doing this."
"Oh," I say, still not sure I'm ready for this. Okay, maybe technically I have already sucked on the strap-on made of her slime, but this feels different.
I remember what Ramona, the guide, told me. She'd only take me through the Fire Bog for a pint of blue slime jelly. It had to be blue and it had to be no less than a pint. If I was ever going to get out of this swamp and get home, I was going to have to swallow my pride and do what needed to be done. "Fine. Let's get this over with."
"Cool," Fiona says. She points to the card room door. "You two go in there for some privacy, and I'll go get a bottle."
There's an awkward moment when I wait to follow Shayna and she waits to follow me. I finally force myself to move forward and lead her over to it. The sooner we do this, the sooner it will be finished.
Fiona is nearly at the bar, when I turn the doorknob. The red demon scream, "Hey, where the hell do you think you're going? The last time you were in there, you ruined the place." Everyone in the bar stops what their doing and stares at us.
Fiona tells the bartender, "It's okay. Sabina is just going to give her a blow job. I'll keep an eye on them and make sure they don't break anything."
Someone in the crowd with a deep, husky voice yells, "Can I be next?." Another man calls out, "No. Me first!"
The demon is still glowering, but I can't take this attention. I squeal, "No one else," and slip inside.
Shayna closes the door. "Okay. Let me have you're milk."
I suspect some sort of trick and know it would be smarter to get the jelly first, but my breasts are really aching from being too full and milk has already started to dribble out. I really need them emptied. So, I pull my top down and let me boobs pop out. Shayna's eyes go wide at the sight, but she recovers her composure and tells me, "You might want to get naked. Slime tends to get everywhere. Sorry, but it's the nature of things."
I do as she says. Considering what's about to happen, nudity is the least of my problems.
While I'm squirming out of the dress, she takes a seat on the floor with her back against the wall. Her bottom half is like a thick tail but with some effort she splits it into two legs and spreads them apart. Where she touches the floor, she pools out, spreading blue slime around her.
"Now, come here and sit with your back to me."
I do it, and realize it's a very similar position the gargoyle bartender got me in for the milking. I lean into her and am amazed I don't sink all the way through. She offers the same resistance as a normal body, except she's extremely wet and sticky. Her arms come around me , but instead of hands grabbing me, they expand out into a solid mass that covers every inch of my chest.
"Oooohhh!" escapes my mouth. It feels weird but good.
The slime encompassing my chest begins to pulsate, and I'm so ready that the milk starts squirting out right away and is absorbed. I've never imagined that such a total and complete breast massage was possible. Even without the need to empty my mammaries, this would feel amazing. After about a minute, my eyes have rolled up into my head and I'm mewling like a kitten as she squeezes the milk from me.
Okay, truth time. If I knew how wonderful this would be, I would have let her do it even if she wasn't willing to give me the jelly.
An electric heat starts to form in my nipples and spread through my breasts, then into my torso. It grows hotter and expands, until I'm orgasming simply from her manipulating my boobs. "Ooooh," I say. "Don't stop! Uuunnggg!" And she doesn't, even after I'm done. She keeps pulling it out of me, ounce by ounce. My hand finds the moist opening between my thighs and I start rubbing myself as I moan like a fool.
This is when Fiona walks in. She gets a good view us. As does most of the bar for the brief moment the doors open. She sits an empty bottle next to us and says, "Well, this looks like fun. Need any help?"
I look at her with helpless lust filled eyes. She smiles, then gets down on her knees and begins to eat me out.
"Mmmffffppp!" I grunt, overwhelmed by the sensations in my breasts and my pussy.
With Fiona and Shayna's help I'm brought to climax three more times before I'm milked dry. The slime-girl releases me, and I fall over on my side, spent and satisfied.
Shayna has changed. My milk has filtered through her body, and she is no longer see-through. Her slime is foggy and a slightly darker shade of blue. Her body has more form and doesn't pool around her any more. She gets up leaving me where I lie. Once she's standing, her kimono is absorbed into her, leaving her naked. Her legs are separate and toned. Round C-cups sit pert on her chest, and I can make out a slit at the base of her groin. Although, as I look, it vanishes, getting pushed out. A nub forms. The numb becomes a bump. A bump, a tube. A dick.
It not very big (about four inches) and actually kind of cute, as such things go. At least, it's not a giant veiny thing.
Fiona helps me up and sets me on my knees in front of Shayna. "So, I got you an old wine bottle. A pint is about two-thirds full. So, just remember, when she releases, hold it in your mouth, and spit it into the bottle." She pats my shoulder. "You've got this."
I look to the clear glass bottle. Two thirds seems like an awful lot. I mean that is a whole lot of...
Yes, I know the word!
Shut up!
Fiona has gone over to Shayna and whispers in her ear. They both glance over at me with sly smiles on their faces, then go back to whispering.
"What are you talking about? Is it about me?"
"Oh, don't worry about," Fiona says, breaking away from the other girl and retreating into the room behind me. "Have fun."
Shayna says, "Are you just going to stare at it, or are you going to do something?"
I sigh and lower my head, putting my mouth around it. She—it helps thinking of it as she—is about the same firmness as Fiona's dildo, smooth, and strangely both sticky and frictionless. It's almost as though it's covered in a thin layer of syrup. And it may just be my imagination but I get a bit of a blue popsicle flavor from it. I cling to this thought. It's just a blue popsicle. Just a blue popsicle. Nothing wrong with sucking a popsicle.
The impulse slams into my mind. My head bobs and I slurp along it's length.
"Oooooooohhhh! Yeah! Just like that, bitch!" Shayna groans.
Okay, both of you, not helping!
But my symboite really wants this and its thoughts cloud my own. I have her cock stuffed in my mouth, pushing into my throat. Then, I let it out a bit so I can twirl my tongue around the head.
Fiona comes up behind me. "Oh, you're doing that like a pro. I don't know why you were so worried." She leans against me and I feel her bare boobs on my back and something pokes me lower down. "Now, don't be surprised. I'm just going to slip in here while you do your thing."
I want to tell her this is not my thing, but I'm too busy greedily sucking on the tip.
She pulls my back end toward her, forcing me to put my hands on the floor to support myself. I expect her to put her strap-on in my pussy, but instead she prods it into my ass. I almost cry out, but at that moment, Shayna thrusts into my mouth gagging me.
Once again, Samantha's venom helps me take both dicks as my openings easily stretch to accommodate them. And, honest, Fiona has already rammed my ass so many times already, it almost feels natural to have her inside of it.
Shayna puts a hand on my head and says, "There. Now you're spitted like a nice slutty pig. But I think there's one more thing you need. Would you agree, Fiona?"
"Absolutely!" She rocks her hips against me pushing her whole length in and rubbing against my pleasure ruins.
A second cock begins to extend from Shayna below the one in my mouth. It rubs along my chin, growing longer until it's diving through the valley of my boobs, down my belly. It looses its rigidity and sways across my body like a tentacle, the tip probing for my entrance. It finds it, and it's as if a snake is squirming itself inside of me, pushing deeper and deeper.
All three of my holes are plugged, and the girls begin going at, rocking against me and pounding into me.
The symboite's bliss washes over me and my brain goes numb. I know it's the parasite's doing, but this feels like the happiest moment of my life. All I can do is let myself be fucked, while I work the slime schlong in my mouth and gush with incredible glee.
I'm staring into Shayna's eyes, and she's moaning to me, "Oh, Goddess, Oh, goddess. Yes! Take my cocks. That's it! Yes! You feel so good. So, so good! Take them in! All in!"
I need to cum bad. Probably just Fiona's messaging of my tattoos would have done the trick, but all the sensations I'm receiving is short circuiting my entire system. A full-body orgasm hits me, and I quiver and shake as though I'm having seizure. The girls go wild at this and begin battering me with their dicks.
"Aaaahhh-uuuuhhhh! Uuuuunnnggg!" Shayna howls as she gushes out twin loads in my mouth and pussy. I only need a pint, but it feels like she's blowing gallons into me.
I'm filled with the warm sticky goo, and it throws me straight into an another orgasms. In my ecstasy, I begin drinking it up. It coats my esophagus on the way down and heats my belly. I barely have the awareness to stop myself and try to contain the love juice in my mouth. But it keeps coming and begins leaking out and down my chin. She pulls out and finishes all over my face. The warmth of the thick cum delights everywhere it touches, and I have to resist the urge to rub it all over me.
I want to lay on the floor in rapture, but I push myself forward and rush to the bottle. I spit out the contents of my mouth. Then, using a finger, I carefully scrape off all the jelly I can. from my face, my neck, my breasts and belly. It really does get everywhere. I scoop up the copious amount leaking out of my pussy and down my thighs, and using my cupped hands, try to funnel it all into the bottle.
The jelly that didn't make it in and oozes down the sides, and the bottle looks just as sloppy as I do. No one's going to want to touch it. It felt like bucket loads of jelly when it was covering me and in me. But the bottle is less than a quarter full.
Seriously, I groan inwardly. That's not nearly enough.
But Fiona is encouraging and says, "Good job." And adds, "Three or four more times like that ought to do it."
Thanks for the chapter.
Sabina will be Shayna's dairy cow until the breastfeeding effect wears off, since she won't risk leaving Bianca like that, right?
What would Sabina think of each of these clothes below, if offered to her?
And which one would she choose?
I think she's in a pretty big hurry to get going but other things may conspire to keep her there longer.
Of the three, Sabine would pick #1.
@DemonRose Sabina would choose #1 because it has the largest coverage area, right?
..."top"? This means that Sabina is wearing the micro tube dress as a top, because her boobs got so big that walking around with them free and swinging became more uncomfortable for her than having her bottom half exposed, right?
@Gin0001 Partially. Bit I think she'd find it cute too.
@DemonRose Now that I stopped to think about it, it really does look like a cute nightgown, but would it be suitable to wear on a long trip?
@Gin0001 Sadly, I don't think Sabina will have the luxury of appropriate clothing for her travels.
@DemonRose Truth. Well, if Sabina ties or ties the skirt with a pin, it must be manageable to run around wearing it, right?
@Gin0001 Possibly. But I think I might take you're earlier suggestion and have her dress cut into two pieces before they leave.
@DemonRose For Sabina's security I hope so. Since outside the bianca there must be many people who, seeing Sabina walking with her pu**y and ass out of the dress, would think that if she dresses like that it is because she is asking to be raped. And among them there would undoubtedly be men for Sabina's displeasure, right?