Alright, so things get a bit out of control with Shayna and Fiona. This thing we have going with them filling my every hole has my symbiote exploding with joy, and the rest of my body doesn't mind it much either. When we're finally done, the bottle is nearly full of the jelly, and I'm as slimy as Shayna.
Oh, and the room, is a total mess. I mean worse than last time. Pools of slime and jelly are everywhere. There's even stalactite of it hanging from the ceiling. My afterglow of rapture is cut short by the fact the red demon is going to murder me. Sure, I'm already dead, but she's going to shred this body and return me to spirit form. Then, probably kick my spirit ass.
I can see this all very clearly and almost start crying about it, but Shayna saves the day by going around and reabsorbing it all back into herself. Which she probably had to do anyway because she'd shrunk down to my height. Between cleaning the room and another milking session, she mostly gets back to the size she was before we started.
Fiona wants to go back to the bar and have a drink together, but I need to clean up myself. The thought of putting the dress on over all this goo disgusts me. How would I ever wear it again?
I look down at my body glistening with its coating of slime. The sheen shows off my little pot belly that I gained from all the jelly I accidentally swallowed. My breasts are bigger too. Even completely depleted of milk, they sit at around an E-cup. The gargoyle said they'd grow a bit. Is this is my new size?
Fiona says, "Stop being such a prude. People go around naked at Bianca's all the time."
"And cover from head to foot in love juice?"
"Well, maybe not that. But screw it. It's just going to make everyone else jealous."
I really doubt that, but I say, "That may be, but I think I'll hose myself off."
Of course, that's going to mean walking around naked while things are in full swing and all the bars are full. I could drink some moonglow. Just a little so it doesn't bother me as much. But would that really change anything? I'd still be naked. I'd just be brazen about it. And if I was going around with my inhibitions wiped away, how long before I got into some sexual shenanigans of one kind or another?
No. I'd been delayed here too long. It was time to grit my teeth and do what I needed to in order to continue moving forward. After all, I was no longer sure how long I'd spent at Bianca's. Days? Weeks? Long enough to get a brain parasite, pink hair, humongous milk giving tits, and a rep as a total slut.
Too long! I've been here too long.
The girls want me to stick around for a few drinks, but after a little bit of arguing, Fiona hands over a cork for the bottle, so I don't have to worry about spilling any of the precious substance. Then, with my hands filled with all my things, I traverse The Red Bar and find my way downstairs. The whole way, I try and ignore the stares and lewd proposals that come my way. Until I finally get outside to the wash station Louise showed me.
There's a bit of line. Apparently, I wasn't the only one having "fun" tonight. Although, I still seem to be the messiest. But perhaps the girl in front of me comes in a close second.
She has dark purple, almost black hair that barely touches her shoulders and is very thick, but it's matted and made stringing by globs of gelatinous pink goo. This slop also covers her face and cleavage, stains her dress, and drips down her legs. The dress is a purple plaid in an apron style. She wears nothing under the bib and the sides of her firm C-cups are on full display. She's barely taller than me, so must be about 5'3". And long elf-like ears stick out from her head. The left one has a thick strand of the pink stuff dangling from it.
When I stand behind her, she looks over at me. "Blue slime?" she asks, and I nod. She points at herself. "Futanari flamingo-girl." She says this as though it explains things, but really it only raises more questions in me.
"Looks like it might take us both a while to wash," she says. "Do you want to help each other out? I'm Evie, by the way."
"Sabina." Her eyes go wide with recognition. I wonder what horrible rumors she's heard about me. "Sure. We can help each other."
I almost expect her to decline now that she knows who I am, but she doesn't. When it becomes our turn, she strips off her dress without any self-consciousness. Pushing a stool toward me, she says, "Have a seat. We'll start with your hair."
She undoes the ribbons in my pigtails and I nearly have a panic attack. I. Need. My. Ribbons!
A feeling of peace washes over me. So, this symbiote does have it's uses after all.
Evie then soaps up my hair, She stands facing me with her boobs in my face. Not a bad view, but I can really smell the stink of the salty-sweet cum on her.
I run my tongue over her nipple slurping up a dollop of the foreign splooge. I want to kill that stupid parasite, but I can't stop myself from swallowing it.
"Oooh! Naughty girl," she says. "I guess what they say about you is true. Oh, don't look all sad. I'm no criticizing. In fact, why don't you clean up my breasts with that mouth of yours while I work on your hair."
"Actually, I'd rather not—"
My brain switches off and my mouth flies into a frenzy, licking and sucking her magnificent tits. When I'm done with them (and gone over them a second time to be sure), I start working my way down. There's almost nothing on her belly just traces that soaked through her clothes, but there's lots down by her pussy.
"Whoa! Whoa!" she yells and pulls me up by my hair. "Maybe later. I need to recover a bit, okay? I'm still a little tender down there."
Her reprimand snaps me back to myself and weakens the parasite's control on me. "Sorry," I say.
"No. It's okay. Normally, I would have been happy to have you eat me clean, but I was really pounded hard tonight." I'm shocked she's talking so bluntly, but maybe she's under the influence of something like moonglow. "Now stand. Let's get the rest of you sudsed-up."
Evie does my back and then moves to my front and lathers my breasts. Holding one up with both hands, she says, "Wow! These are really something. I wish we'd bumped into each other earlier in the evening."
Eventually, I'm done and rinsed off and I get to work on her, trying to be gentle with her more sensitive areas. When we're finished. She holds up her dress and tsks. "It's dried. I'm not sure how I'll get it out now."
"Oh, wait." I say, struggling to get my dress on and in place. "I think I have something that might help." I use the fix-it spell Marie taught me, and the stains lift off. A faint pink powder hangs in the air for a second before dropping to the ground.
"Ooh, a magic girl. I like you," she says. "Want to hang out a bit?"
"Sorry. But I need to find someone." I briefly explain how I have to pay my guide to get out of the swamp.
"Well, I'll go with and keep you company." She grabs hold of my arm. "We should stick together. We're two of a kind after all."
After searching just about everywhere, we finally find Ramona having tea with Lily in the Maids' Café. I'm reluctant to go in there after last time. But the pink fog doesn't fill my head as it did then, so I take a deep, bracing breath and go over to them.
"Hi, Ramona. I have you're payment." I place the bottle on the table. I cleaned it up after our wash session and it looks pretty normal except for the viscous blue liquid inside.
Romona gapes at me. "You're still here? I thought you left. I haven't seen you in days.
The silver-white haired Lily appraises the bottle with a whistle. "Holy cow! How many hours did you spend on your knees to get all of this? Girl, you must be a machine."
For some reason, this makes Evie hold me tighter.
Ramona's attention turns to the bottle. "Geez, I only said a pint because I figured you'd only bring me half as much as whatever I asked for. You must really love giving head." Then, she gives the bottle a shake and says, "Hey, how come it's all cloudy? Usually jelly is clear."
"Um...just before I got it, she drank some milk."
Ramona asks, "Breast milk?" I nod. "Eeeww! You mean it's infused with some strange bitch's milk."
"It's not some strange bitch's, it's mine." Although as I say this, I realize that to her I'm probably some strange bitch.
Just then the succubus maid from last time comes up to us. "Oh, you're back! I'm so happy to hear you're lactating now. Would you care for a good milking. I can fix your hair at the same time. And I have some new ideas for tattoos that you'll absolutely love."
"No!" I practically scream. Than, a bit more calmly, I say, "No, thank you. I don't need a milking and I think I have enough pleasure runes."
"Are you sure?" She grabs my arm with one hand and strokes just under my bust with the other. "I could do a nice sternum design. It would sit right below your boobs and when they rubbed and bounced against it, you'd cum."
That would be interesting. I know how nice just a simple finger rubbing across the ones on my legs feel. It would probably be amazing with the constant soft weight of my breast. I'd probably be orgasming every few steps. And what would it be like when I'm scissoring or being fucked with a strap-on, and they're swinging about wildly?
No! No! No! What the hell was the matter with me. Why would I even be tempted by that?
You stay out of this!
When I don't accept, the succubus says, "Well, at least let me fix this mess." She raises a strand of my hair. "What happened to your cute ribbons."
Oh my God! I didn't put them back! I've been walking around without them! Oh no! Oh no! I need her to fix it!
Wait. I've been walking around without them. I hadn't even noticed until she said something. I'm free of the stupid pigtails. Free! I just need to take some deep breaths. And it will be fine. So, long as I don't dwell on them, it will be fine.
"No. Really. I'm okay. You've done enough."
"Fine! Just some tea then!" She storms off in a huff.
I shake my head at her antics and sit down across from Ramona. Evie takes the seat next to me.
"Okay, where were we? Are you going to accept this as payment or what?"
Gingerly, she lifts the bottle. "I suppose. It should still work. And this is definitely a ton of jelly. I've never seen this much in one place before—that wasn't inside of a slime-person that is." Then, Ramona points to Evie "Is she planning on coming too?"
I hadn't considered this. But the way she's clinging to me makes me wonder if she's hoping for a ticket out of here. I look to her and mumble, "I...um...do you...?"
"Oh, no," Then with more force, she says, "No! I'm not going to traipse about the Fire Bog. Not my style."
Ramona says, "Good. It's going to be hard enough looking after one dumb skank. If the two of you were together, you'd probably never stop fucking long enough for us to get anywhere."
I'm about to protest, when Evie puts her hand on my thigh and says, "That sounds about right."
The succubus comes back and slams two cups down in front of us, sloshing hot water everywhere.
As she stomps away, Evie calls after her, "Can I get some milk for mine."
"Use hers," the succubus says throwing a thumb in my direction.
I say, "Okay, great. So, we have a deal. Lets—" Evie pulls my right boob out and plays with the nipple to get a jet of milk to squirt into her cup. "Um...as I was saying, let's get started in the morning."
Ramona says, "The morning! Are you nuts! It will take a day to get turn this jelly into the tonic I need."
Evie keeps working my nipple, until I say, "Do you mind?"
"Sorry, but I like my tea milky." After another squirt, she stops.
"Look, I'm anxious to get going. How soon can we leave?"
"Damn. First, you vanish for days, now you're in a rush. And will you tuck that back in. It's a bit distracting." I squeeze my boob back into my dress. "Okay. Tell you what, let me get started on this." She taps the bottle. "And we'll leave at mid-day the day after tomorrow."
"Sounds good. Except, I'm have trouble telling time here. How will I know when it's mid-day?"
Ramona sighs like she's dealing with a dopey child. "Just ask a bartender what time it is. We'll meet in the Dark Bar."
"Fine. Now I just have to figure out what to do until then."
Evie says, "Oooh! I'm feeling better. We can spend the time screwing each other blind. Or we could get an orgy going instead." She turns to Lily. "Do you want start an orgy with us." Then to the rest of the room, "Hey! Who's in for an orgy?"
I begin to wonder, who exactly I'd just made friends with.
Aw dang, I caught up

Hoping to get something new up today. I'm way behind on both this and Reality Torn. Stupid life getting in the way.
But thank you so much for reading and all these lovely comments! They really help encourage me to keep going on it!