24 – Going Out With a Bang (Even When Trying not to) ⊗⊗
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At the mention of an orgy, the tearoom erupts into pandemonium. People rise from the tables scattering chairs. All the succubae are on the floor, helping the guests remove their clothes. It's as if everyone was just waiting for the suggestion. Even Lily who earlier seemed vaguely disgusted by the mention of sex hikes up her black dress and tugs off her thong.

Someone roughly spins me around, and I find a strange face pressing into mine. One half of this girl's hair is bright red and the other half black. She wears harlequin makeup with dark diamonds covering her eyes. Her tongue invades my mouth and she tastes of cakes and other sweets. I find myself falling into her embrace, while she attempts to yank up my dress. But I'm still seated, and it slides back over my crotch when she lets go. Then, her hand travels up to squeeze my left boob. Luckily, I'm relatively empty and there's no gush of milk as she gropes it.

It would be easy to fall into this pit of depravity. After all, that's pretty much all I've done since coming to Bianca's. It almost seems normal now. Having sex with strangers has been more common than eating a meal or having a night's sleep. But as pleasurable as it sometimes has been, it has rarely been consequence free. And as I see Ramona slipping out of the room with her payment clutched protectively in her arms, it occurs to me that if I lose track of time, I may miss our appointment and get stranded here, having to find a new guide. And that would mean having to acquire some new (and likely degrading) form of payment.

I push the harlequin woman away and send her into Evie's orbit. She's only too happy to draw a new new participant into the multi-partner sex position she has going. Once free, a creep across the bedlam, trying to avoid sprawling and grasping limbs, spasming bodies, overturned furniture, and smashed tea sets. I'm so closely watching my footing that I don't notice the succubus until she's right in front of me.

"Well, well, Little Miss. You're not trying to sneak out of your own orgy, are you?" It's the same demon who gave me the make-over and who got angry with my earlier rebuff. Her maid outfit is in a bit of disarray. Her cap sits askew on her head, and the top of her dress hangs down in front of her, exposing her huge breasts. They're not as big as mine but they're still very impressive. 

"This isn't my orgy." I try and walk around her, but she grabs my wrists and holds me in place.

"Haha! Very funny. I saw you and your slutty friend starting it. I should have known you two would team up. Such dirty girls. Now, shouldn't you be in the middle of a pile-up getting your slutty holes filled?"

"It's no business of yours. Let me go!" I struggle, but she grips me tight.

"This is my tearoom and everything that happens here is my business. And you have been very disrespectful to me. I think you need to be taught a lesson."

"Please! Just let me go. You'll never see me again."

"Don't worry." She releases me but keeps my path blocked. "If you obey, you'll be well compensated." She holds up her hand and dangles a prize in front of my face.

"Ribbons!" I say with hushed awe. My brain is still unable to fight the effects of that pink potion I'd drank (even though it seems like ages ago).

"Yes, nice pink ribbons for a good little whore. Now, get down on your knees."

She jiggles her hand letting them flutter, and my legs buckle of their own accord bringing me to the ground.

Fight it, I scream at myself. Then I think, hey, Symbiote a little help here.


Of all the times to be quite. Stupid parasite.

"Now, let's start with something we'll both enjoy." She lifts the skirt of her dress and commands, "Eat!"

Her slit is smooth and shaved. The swollen lips are almost bubble-gum pink like her hair. I know I should be getting up and running from here. I definitely shouldn't be doing anything for this sadistic demon. But I NEED ribbons, goddamn it!

I reach my tongue out and taste her juices. They're sweet like candy and delightfully warm. My mouth tingles as her wetness touches it.

"Really get in there and make me cum," she tells me.

And with that, my face is buried in her crotch, my eyes looking helplessly up at her. I grab handfuls of her plush ass for balance and to keep myself pressed to her. I lick her pussy and suck her clit. I use my tongue to fuck her hole, eager to please her. Eager for her to be happy enough to reward me.

"Ooooh! Yeah, that's it. I knew you were a good slut. You just needed a bit of encouragement," she says staring into my eyes. 

Then, to my immense joy, she begins tying my hair up with the ribbons. I know I shouldn't want it, but a stress I hadn't realized I was feeling washes out of me when I see what she's doing. I redouble my efforts to make sure she doesn't stop. When she's done putting my hair back into pigtails, she pulls on them, driving my face harder against her pelvis and begins grinding against my face.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she screams with each thrust. Then, "Ahhhh-ooohhh-ooooohhh-hhaaaa!"

She squirts out all over me, filling my mouth and spraying her hot fluid up my nose and into my eyes. I gag and move to wipe it out of my vision, but she grabs my wrists again.

"Nuh-nuh-nuh. You can only remove what you're tongue can reach."

I suck up her juices coating my upper lip and catch drips off my nose with my tongue.

Beside me I hear: "Hey Felola, who's your bitch?"

"This is a naughty girl who refused my gifts. She's beginning to learn that a succubus's pheromones are hard to resist, but she's going to learn a whole lot more before this night is out. Would you like to help, Jilysh?"

"Would I! She looks pretty hungry for some tail and mine is itching to plunge into some corrupt mortal flesh."

Great. Now I have two succubus maids debasing me.

"Awesome!" the first one, called Felola, says. "Take her pussy. I want her ass."

I'm hauled up and carried somewhere, pushed and twisted until I'm in a position of their choosing. The girl-juice still stings my eyes, but I think they've sat side by side on one of the banquette benches that line the sides of the tearoom. I'm sprawled out over their laps face down. My dress is yanked up at the skirt and down at the neckline until its only a belt over my midriff. Jilysh uses a hand to help guide the heart-shaped tip of her tail into my pussy, but Felola roughly plunges hers into my anus without warning, causing me to gasp.

They both pounding me, using the flex of their tails to piston them back and forth. A hand comes down hard on my ass cheek.

"Eeeep!" I squeal.

"That's for being such a slut," Felola says. "I was hoping to break you in, but you're all lose down here like you've been taking it for hours."

"I was," I say.

Another slap.

"That's for being an anal whore." Slap. "And that's for saying no to my nice offer of another tattoo. Are you ready to apologize yet?"

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry what?"


Between the double penetration and the ass slaps, I'm beginning to fall into a well of pleasure and pain. A long dark tunnel where my brain can only concentrate on the ring of light at the top: a growing climax waiting for me just out of reach.

"I'm sorry, Felola."

Slap. Slap. SLAP.

"Who said you can use my name? Call me Mistress."

"Sorry, Mistress."

"Oh, I like her," Jilysh says. "Let's keep her and turn her into a succubus. She already has the pink hair, and we could use the extra help around here."

"Would you like that?" Felola asks me.

I do not want to be turned into a succubus, but I'm also afraid that answer will only anger her.

She goes on, "Would you like being our slave for millennia while your wings and tail grow in?"


"Well, if you're not going to use your mouth to talk, it's time for it to be doing something else."

"I'm on it," Jilysh says as she jams two fingers between my lips.

She must have been busy before coming over to us because they're covered in the strong taste of pussy. She pushes her hand in, until her fingertips press against the back of my throat. Only the long term effects of Samantha's venom keeps my from gagging.

Felola says, "Now, be a good girl and suck. And if you bite my friend, I'll punish you...savagely!"

With her last word, she thrust her tail in deeper. And I swear, it feels like I have two feet of it inside of me. I know it can't be because it's barely that long to begin with, but damn! It's farther in than anything I've had. Not even Bertha's tentacles went so deep. It doesn't hurt, but the sensation is all wrong. Like having something so far in isn't just penetrating my ass but my mind as well. This disconcerting feeling makes me want to chomp down, but I resisted the urge with all my might, bringing tears to my eyes.

Then Jylish says, "That's right, Cutie-pie. Show me how you would suck a cock."

I do my best to obey. Although, despite my recent encounter with the slime girl, it's not something I'm experienced with.

 "Oh, she's pretty good. Makes me wish I had a real one for her to suck," the succubus says. "We definitely have to make her a slave."

"Nnnnng," is the only thing I can say around her hand.

"It doesn't sound like she wants that," Felola says devilishly. Then to me, she says, "I'll tell you what if you cum, I'll take that as a sign you want to be our slave. But if you don't cum, you can go on you're way. That's fair isn't it?"

Before I can so much as grunt a response, she begins massaging the pleasure ruins on the back of my thighs. My brain turns into a warm bowl of porridge. I was already close to cumming from the constant thrusts of their tails, now this is sending me over the edge. It's no longer a question of if I'll cum but how many orgasms I'll have.

*slave* *no*


All my arousal vanishes as an icy steel clamp closes on my mind. It's as though not just my body but my entire spirit is plunged into cold water. 

The succubae continue to vigorously fuck me for what feels like hours. But the parasite is finally being useful, now that our mutual fates are at stake, and it keeps any of it from affecting me. I lie their and take it with all the sensation of a rubber fuck doll. 

Finally, the succubae pull out and sit me up. Felola says, "What the hell is the matter with you, bitch? Are we not good enough for you? Did you not like the fucking we gave you? Answer me, bitch?"

I can see they're both exhausted, breathing heavily and covered in sweat. They might not heave the strength to keep screwing me, but there were other punishments (the tattoo gun being one of the most severe, but not the only one a their disposal). I wasn't sure how I could answer without ending up in more trouble.


The symbiote puts the idea in my head, and my hands move up to Felola's horns to massage the soft tissue around their base. The succubus's angry face goes slack, and after only a few moments a trickle of drool begins to roll out the side of her mouth. A soft mewing sound escapes her, and as I keep it up, she slowly falls asleep.

"Me! Me! Do me next!" Jilysh squeals.

I'm shocked at how excited she is, but I don't hesitate to render her unconscious like my other captor. Once they're both snoring, I escape the tearoom and the orgy, which is still in full swing. I bolt down the hallway with the vague idea of finding Fiona and sticking with her for protection. I don't even bother to fix my dress and cover my private parts.

The Red Bar is winding down for the night and is almost empty. I don't see Fiona or Shayna, so I approach the demon bartender to ask if she knows where they went. Unfortunately, this is when the stupid parasite releases its hold on my mind. All of the fucking the two tails gave me and all the rubbing of the pleasure ruins flood in at once.

I drop like marionette with its strings cut and lie quivering on the floor. A banshee wail of pleasure escapes me, and a geyser of ejaculate blows out of me.

The Red Demon stares down at my lewd, limp form. All she says is, "You got to be fucking kidding me."



For the rest of my time at Bianca's I keep a low profile, spending most of it in a private room practicing the spells I'll need. Although, I still can't work out to get them to work. 

I also meet up with Shayna a few times to be milked, and these sessions tend to devolve into sex pretty quickly. There's something to be said for gelatinous women. It's amazing how she can contort herself and how many appendages she can create and use on me. To be honest, I was almost tempted to stay.

But I stick to the plan and get to the downstairs bar early to wait for Ramona.

"Hey, you're back," the Dark Demon says, greeting me. "Do you want me to whip you up another Bianca Temple?"

"Keep you're potions away from me. I aught to kick you're ass for what you did to me."

She busts out laughing. "Oh, what's a matter. You look so cute now. Come on have one more. Perhaps we can get you looking like a little dolly. Bwahahaha!" She watches me standing off to the side of the room grumbling and says, "Seriously, have a drink with me. I'll have the same thing so you know it's okay."

"No thanks. I'm just waiting for my guide and I'm leaving."

She whistles. "A lot of people are going to miss you around here. Guess it will be up to Evie to take up the heavy lifting."

"I'm not that big of a slut."

She bursts out laughing again. This time so hard she has to wipe tears from her eyes. When she settles down, she says, "So, you're going into the swamp with Ramona, huh? Well, let me give you a free bit of advice. When you come face to face with a rougarou, all of your...um...talents are going to come in handy."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you see, when it comes to rougarous the only thing that will keep them from being mindless mauling machines is sexual release."

"What?!? Are you trying to get me to fuck some kind of weird wolf monster?"

"That or get torn to pieces. You're choice. And I think I know which one you'll make." At this moment, Ramona walks in and the bartender puts her finger to her mouth as though this is going to be our little secret.

My guide is looking pretty cute all geared up. She's such a tiny girl. We might be the same height, but she has so little body mass. There's a frailty to her that makes her outfit look out of place. She wears green pants and a matching tunic with a heavy cloak tied her neck. The cloak looks waxed to protect against the elements. Her footwear are like sturdy combat boots and are huge on her feet. Various packs and flasks are strapped about her.

The first thing she says to me is, "Why aren't you ready?"

"What do you mean? I have all my stuff." I hold up my canvas Victoria Secret's bag.

She shakes her head. "We're going through some of the most dangerous terrain in the Lands of the Dead not not ot the nearest corner to turn tricks. You can't even walk in that stupid porn star dress."

"I admit. It's not the most practical, but it's all I have."

"Shit," she says, shaking her head again with displeasure. "Take off the dress."

"I'm not going around naked."

"That's not what I mean." Exasperation creeps into her voice. "I'll fix it for you. Or at least make it easier for you to walk in."

I stand there awkwardly for a few minutes while she uses a knife to slice the tube-shaped dress into two pieces, and while the bartender ogles me. When Ramona is done, I have a bra piece that covers my breasts and a skirt that reaches mid-thigh. They're still skin tight and look like latex with a snake scale pattern, but it's an improvement.

"Huh," I say. "Why didn't I think of this sooner."

Ramona says something under her breath that I don't quite make out but guess is: "Because you're a dumb skank." Then louder, she says, "Let's get going. It's a three day hike to Lightning Rock and standing around isn't going to make it any shorter."

And with that we leave Bianca's and entered the wider and wilder world.

Hey, My Darlings!

Holy smoke! We've finally left Bianca's! I know a few of you will probably be upset with me for not having Sabina embrace that orgy, but I was worried that would send me down another multi chapter diversion. I'd originally only planed on Bianca's taking up a few chapters, but here we are, and it's more than half the story (so far). It was a lot of fun, but I'm happy Sabina's moving forward.

Also, maybe some of you noticed I wasn't about for a bit and it's been a while since an update. I started covering shifts for an AWOL coworker and then suffered a huge drop in enthusiasm for writing, but hopefully all that is over. I have a busy work weekend coming up, but I'm going to try to have a bunch of updates for you all next week.

Kisses! ?

P.S. Special thanks to reader Gin0001! We discussed a few story elements in the comments and I used a couple of his suggestions in this chapter, including the modification to the dress and the skin around the horns being a demon's weakness. Thank you!