Rougarou-Ramona towers over me, making me feel defenseless and mouse-like. She has to be almost seven-feet tall, all toned muscle and taut sinew. There's no question she's an apex-predator, and I'm about be lunch.
I try to launch a Flash Barrier, but my trembling fingers falter and the glittering dome fizzles out before it can fully form. She swipes a massive paw at me, the long black claws gleaming in the moonlight. I stumble backward feeling the breeze of her hand pass in front of me. It has as much force as the wind created by a speeding city bus. If she hits me, will it rend me into tattered strips or send me flying into the trees? Or both?
My heart beats so fast it makes my whole body jitter and drowns out the sound of my own mind. I almost wish I was still a zombie without any blood flow. At least then, I could pretend to be calm.
She stalks toward me and reaches her paw out again, missing my nose by a hair. She's playing with me. If she wanted to kill me, she could just pounce and have it over with.
No, Sabina. It's not if, but when. Ramona is enjoying my fear for the time being. But the second she gets bored...
I turn to run, but my foot catches on a stray root, and I go sprawling in the dirt. Full panic hits and all rational thought departs me. I scramble on hands and knees through the mud, frantically trying to escape. Knowing I don't have any chance.
*ass* *up*
My body convulses, and my behind jerks into the air. Under the parasite's control, my hand pulls my skirt up over my hips.
Oh, no! Not this!
I continue trying to move forward, fighting the symbiote's influence. But rough, hairy hands grab me around my waste and hold me in place. For a moment, I expect a maw of sharp teeth to rip into me neck, but then I feel pressure down below. Something smooth and hard is pushing into my nether lips, pressing against my entrance.
I squeeze my eyes shut and tell myself, this is how you survive. Just calm down. Relax. It will be over soon. Imagine you're on a sunny beach. Palm trees. Ocean breeze. Pina Colada in you're hand. The warm sun on your face. The beautiful beach stretching out—
Ramona thrusts into me, and my mental beach explodes into a burst of red pain. If it weren't for my stretch-ability, she probably would have split me in half. She's big! I feel my pelvis straining under the pressure, my body expanding beyond any reasonable limits to accommodate her. She pushes in hard and deep, until I feel the tip pressing against my cervix, and her hairy groin shoved right up against my ass. The fur on her legs tickle against my own. It activates my pleasure ruins, and I moan in ecstasy despite my horror.
She rocks against me, moving her engorged, mutated clitoris back and forth inside of me, more concerned with friction and speed than utilizing it's length. The soft, plush fur rubbing my pleasure ruins drives me crazy, and soon I'm gushing like an open fire hydrant. This provides some lube and the pain retreats to something more manageable. Almost pleasurable.
I'm panting and not from terror any more. It's absolutely humiliating being face down in the mud getting pounded by a monster, but my body is enjoying it. It feels like it was tailored for this. All the changes at Bianca's has made this a euphoric experience and not a horrifying one. I hate to admit it, but I begin pushing back against her, swaying my hips to match her rhythm, giving more range of movement to the phallus inside of me, making it feel better for me, until I'm grunting and moaning as much as the beast.
Then, Ramona draws back and gives one powerful thrust. I see stars as she slams into me. She arches back and howls, while jets of hot liquid fill me. It's boiling and I almost expect steam to be rising from my hole. It drives home the realization that I've been completely used. Completely fucked. And I cum, letting out my own howl.
It's over. I survived. Ramona has had her sexual release and will now revert back.
Except, I still have her massive tube of meat inside of me, and she's still holding onto my waist with a death-grip. After a short breather, she begins pistoning into me again.
Okay, so she's still a little pent up, I guess.
This time she's a little more into it. No longer a simple rutting machine. She uses her hold on me to drive my hips back and forth along with her rhythmic thrusts. I'm more used to her size and still tender from the first round. This two things make me more into this time too. Drool escapes my mouth, and I allow my top half to collapse against the ground, so I can use a hand to massage my breasts and squeeze my nipples.
"That's it Ramona. Fuck me! Fuck me like that!"
This yields a snarl from the wolf-girl, and she begins pounding me as if the world's about to end.
My vision judders with the rapid movement, my eyes unable to focus on anything as my head jerks back and forth along with my body. Her hands slip down from my waist and takes hold of my upper thighs. Her thumbs press into my tats, sending a kaleidoscope of pleasurable sensations through my body. I can't imagine being any hornier than I am at this moment. Ramona uses her new grip to lift me up and spread me wider, then drives into me as though she's fucking a wheel-barrel.
"Gah-gah-gah" I say over and over again, loving the hard sex she's giving me. "That's it. Make me your bitch!" I scream.
And with that we're cumming again. This time she withdraws, spraying her load over my ass and back. I feel the molten clit-splooge burn against the bare skin of my cheeks and the span of skin between my bunched up skirt and top. And I can hear it splatter against the snake-skin clothes. Then, one last blast against the back of my head. The air fills with the stench of it, pungent, musky, and sour.
I'm groaning and clawing at the mud as orgasm after orgasm explodes through my body and pummels my brain into numb submission.
That was amazing! I'm almost sorry, she going to change back into human form.
Except, she's grabbing me again and driving her rod back in.
Holy shit, Ramona! How pent up were you?
Aloud I say, "No! No! Please! I need a break." It's cuddle time. My vajayjay is tired and sore.
But the beast has no mercy and only thinks of her own selfish desires. This time around, it holds me close, and I feel her chest pressing against my back, her hot breath against my neck. I can even detect the small bubs of her breasts under the layer of heavy fur as Ramona rides into me. This seems a lot more like mating that mindless fucking.
Can her ejaculate get me pregnant, I wonder? Can I even get pregnant? I can't imagine it's possible being undead and all. It's not like I have periods or anything. Then, a more worrying thought comes to me: what of she never changes back? What if the rest of my time in the Lands of the Dead are spent as a werewolf's bitch?
Shut up brain! You are not helping.
This grinding is slower and longer than the first two. I'm small and fully engulfed by her embrace. She grunts in my ear and with each one, the side of my face is sprayed with a moist geyser from her nostrils. After cumming inside of me a third time and bringing me to orgasm, she licks my cheek, her long rough tongue running from chin to forehead.
Ramona leaves me exhausted and spent on the ground. I'm not sure I can move. I'm definitely not walking any time soon. I might just sleep this off and hope things are better in the morning.
Except, after the rougarou paces around me for a minute or so, she comes back and repositions my ass in the air.
Oh, God. No more. I'm all loose and worn out down there. Please, not that. Anything but that.
And as my luck goes, my prayer gets answered in the most terrible way possible.
Instead of positioning her she-cock against my pussy, she aims for my anus.
"No! No! No! Stop!"
Her member is slimy from our past fucks and it slides in with less resistance than I expect. My stretch-ability also helps out. But she is still fucking HUGE! Only the adrenalin from my terror keeps me from passing out. Her girth stretches me an insane amount, but my bubble-butt keeps some of her length at bay, and only about five inches gets in while the rest slides along the crevice of me crack. It doesn't seem to deter her, and in fact, she seems to enjoy this more than any of the previous rounds.
"You're a perv, Ramona!" I call out weakly.
And I hate my traitorous body. My hand works it's way down to my pussy, digging a trench through the mud to reach it. I massage my clit and and tweak a nipple as I'm ass-fucked. I guess I'm a perv too.
Ramona is breathing hard, her grip slackening. Her thrusts feel slow and clumsy. She's tiring.
Hey! I wore out an apex-predator! I'm not sure why that thought gives me so much pleasure.
With more of squeal than a howl, she releases in my butt, sending ropes of her cum pounding into my colon. I finish myself off as she pulls out, and a thick stream of her fluid flows out of me, washing over the lower part of my pussy.
Ramona lifts herself up and groans. Her hands slip from my hips and land on either side of me. Then, the massive wolf body crashes against my back driving me into the swamp muck. I try to crawl out from under her, but her weight pins me in place. Gradually, the pressure on me lessens. The body on top of me feels less hairy, takes up less space. And after a while, Ramona is herself again: a small naked girl. She hugs me close and lets out a soft snore. Soon, I'm asleep in her arms.
Some unknown time later, she wakes me when she gets up and a chill runs across my suddenly exposed skin.
She stubbles a few feet away and sits on the ground with her head in her hands.
"Oh, God! Oh, God! What have I done," she moans.
"It's okay. I'm okay," I say, although my voice is hoarse and weak, and I don't sound at all okay.
Ramona starts to weep. "I feel so dirty."
"You feel dirty! You left me covered in sex-juice and mud."
"But, I was inside of you."
"What the hell does that mean?"
"Just that I have standards and all. No offence."
"No offence!" The anger almost drives me to my feet, but my pelvis is truly fucked up and I drop back into the muck. "Fuck you!" I say from my undignified position. "You forced yourself on me."
"You seemed to enjoy it well enough. I remember you screaming for me to make you my bitch. What kind of slut says that to a wild beast?"
"It still doesn't make it right. You're the piece-of-shit in this situation. If I didn't give into you, you would have killed me. Don't forget that."
I pull myself into a ball and begin casting Fix-it. After about a dozen doses of the magic, my body is mobile again, and the mud and other slop is off of me.
I sit with my back to her, hiding my tears. How can she think such awful things about me after what we've been through? Why does everyone think I'm nothing but a useless slut? It's just bad luck. I didn't ask for all that stuff at Bianca's to happen (at least not most of it). And I certainly didn't ask for brutal (and repeated) wolf-sex in the middle of a bog.
Ramona comes over and sits next to me, wrapping an arm around me. While I was healing and cleaning up, she'd gotten dressed. "Hey, I'm sorry. I know I was a total bitch just then. I shouldn't have treated you like that. It mustn't have been easy for you, and I really appreciate what you did. I can be in wolf form for days if something doesn't trigger me back normal. And it's no fun at all. You were wonderful." Then out of nowhere, she plants a big wet kiss on my mouth, full of passion and desire.
Suddenly, she breaks it off and scoots away from me, letting out a, "Eeep!" Her hands fly to her face covering her mouth.
"The stuff we did. It...I...I marked you. Claimed you. Now, I just want to keep you close and touch you. Kiss you. Fu— No. No. Stupid animal psychology! It's like I'm in love with you."
"You sure don't make it sound like love," I say with distaste.
What are the conditions necessary for a rougarou to transform?
Does all rougarous have this level of vigor or is Ramona a special case?
What Ramona ejaculated was vaginal juices, right?
What exactly are the Ramona standards for women? I was curious after she implied that Sabina does not fit her standards.
Thanks for the chapter
She clearly thinks Sabrina is a dirty slut so that’s probably the reason.
@AliceHiess ... does this mean that Ramona would be happier if instead of Sabina, she had raped a pure and inexperienced maiden who most likely would have been unable to endure all that wild copulation and would be broken in body and mind?
Ah, That's a good question. I am going to explain this a bit in the next chapter. But essentially, it's normally an uncontrollable reflex to fear or anger, but Ramona has it under control (chapter 27 will explain how). So, in this instance she willed the change to happen.
By vigor I'm guessing you mean sexual appetite. Yes, they all would be willing to have s*x instead of attack. However, Ramona doesn't have s*x often in human form so she needed more release than most.
Yes, basically vaginal juices. Although, my general idea her was she'd become a monster and everything about her was stronger and more powerful. Also her wolf-form has different properties than her human one. I'm not sure if I'll expand on what those properties might be. I'm writing this story as I go so I may add additional affect to Sabina for being exposed to it, but for now she's just been marked by the wolf's scent.
Ramona is into monogamous long-term relationships. From what she's seen and heard about Sabina, she thinks Sabina just sleeps around with everyone.
@AliceHiess Well, human Ramona certainly thinks that.
@DemonRose Now that I've stopped to think about it. Is Ramona a native of the underworld or one of the dead just like Sabina?
@Gin0001 She's similar to Sabina but more evolved. In this universe only full monsters (like Bertha) and demons are natives. Otherwise, when you die you end up in different situations (I hesitate to call them levels because it doesn't follow game world mechanics) depending on your spirit's power. So for example, Marie died with lots of power and she entered the Underworld fairly high up in the pecking order. But Sabina died with the lowest (and most normal) amount of power and was a spirit waiting to dissipate back to the ether. But where ever you end up, it's possible to evolve. Sabina has done so twice now (first to zombie, then to revenant). But she still isn't as evolved as Marie or Ramona. I'm not sure where Ramona started off, but when she became a rougarou, she reached a pretty high point by Underworld standards. The highest would be to become full monster or demon (the succubae offered this evolution to Sabina but it wasn't a fast or easy change).
@DemonRose I understand. What do you think about using letter ranks like: SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, F and dividing each of them into upper, middle and lower, such as C +, C, C-?
I remember it was said that ex-humans had a high libido in the underworld because they were close to death. Is someone as reserved as Ramona a rare exception?
@DemonRose Now that I've stopped to think about it. What are the requirements for evolving to a revenant?
@Gin0001 I'm reluctant to make it seem like the process is anything like a system based world because I see it as being a bit more muddy than that. For example, in this world, it would be possible for a spirit (the lowest) to ascend to monster (the highest) skipping everything in between through magic and not effort. Also, someone like Fiona is a revenant like Sabina but from her learning of spells is more powerful than Marie, who is more evolved. Or look at the lesser demons, who are extremely high up on the evolutionary ladder but are just servants. In a way, the world is pushing every one of the dead toward either oblivion or monster/demon status (although monsters and demons are also born there and don't need the dead to evolve into them). But it's up to each individual to decide what they do.
Ramona would be an exception. Her high level of evolution would lower her libido (the way some of the demons aren't interested in sex). But even then she's a bit prudish, which is why she is so lustful as an unrestrained beast.
@Gin0001 This is one of the reasons I don't want to get into game world parallels. There are no requirements. Sabina evolved into a zombie because the stone angel cast a spell on her, and she evolved into a revenant because she drank the right potion. Her next evolution will probably be just as random and unpredictable.
@DemonRose So, as I understand it, you want to make a world where race is nothing but a starting point, with minimal influence on power issues, and with everything else depending on the individual's own efforts. So that the combat ability is something that varies from person to person, right?
@Gin0001 Yes. Although, I don't think about combat to much. In this last chapter, Ramona fought the rats, but otherwise fighting has been absent from this story. And that will be the general trend going forward too. Sabina is a traveler not a worrier.
After chatting about this with you, I decided to put up some reference stuff in the glossary. Mostly the things we just talked about.