Monika enters the room, again with her talk being late practicing piano.
Yuri: "Were you playing the piano again? You must have a lot of determination. First, this club then practicing piano...."
Monika: "Yeah, but maybe not determination. More like I guess.... passion. And remember, the club won't exist if it wasn't for you all. And I'm super happy that you're all willing to help out for the festival too!"
Natsuki: "I can't wait for the festival! It's going to be great!"
Monika: "Ehhh? But weren't you the one complaining about it yesterday, Natsuki?"
Natsuki: "Well, yeah. It's not about our part of the festival. I want to go play and eat all kinds of delicious food!"
"Wow. You sound like a bit like Sayori just now... all of a sudden..."
Natsuki: "Hey Monika? Do they usually have fried squid?"
Monika: "Squid? That's a pretty specific thing to look forward to.... "
Natsuki: "Oh come on. You don't like squid? You of all people? It's pretty obvious."
Monika: "Ehhh? I didn't say I don't like it."
Natsuki: "Because... it's right in your name.... Mon-ika."
Monika: "Hey, thay doesn't how you spell my name. That joke didn't make sense at all."
Natsuki: "......ehhh?"
Monika: "Ahh, neveemind."
"Pfft. Good joke, Natsuki."
No one laugh, so I did.
Monika: "Let's just focus on the event, okay?"
Natsuki: "Fine, fine. Your reactions aren't fun as Yuri's or Sayori's anyway."
Yuri: "Wait. Where is Sayori?"
"Ohh. About that, her parents pick her up today after school. I actually walked her over to them."
Natsuki: "Really? That's strange. She didn't even tell anyone of us about it."
"Well, I did just know earlier. I am just passing the message to everyone. And it'll be just for today."
Monika: "I see then. Well, we should cancel poem-sharing today. It'll be rude if Sayori is not in it, right?"
"Well, yeah. I do agree. Let's do it some other time again once she returns."
With that, they go back to thier respective places and hobbies.
I started to approach Monika because I saw her alone sorting out some papers. She might need help. Also, I need some time to talk with her. I did promise her, right?
Monika: "Oh Haru? How's it going?"
"Well, everything's okay.... hey, this might sound a little strange, but.... have you ever noticed something about Sayori? You know? The past few days she's been acting strange?"
Monika: "Well, I can't say I've noticed anything about her. But I think there is something on her mind. And you certainly know her a lot better than I do."
"You may be right. Sometimes, it's hard for me to read her thoughts. But lately, she was secretive, until finally, I discovered it on my own. Oh, sorry. I know it's not your problem! But I think you should know, as the club president."
Monika: "Well. I do need to know. Not as the club president, but as her friend. I am her friend after all. It's my own interest to know what's happening to her too."
"Well, she'a already gone to the doctor. That's what I need to tell you about. Well, I don't know if I told you this already... you see, she was always late for school. But this one time, she is more even late than usual so when I decided to go to her house. Her door was unlocked so I went to her room. I found a noose."
Monika: "Are you sure about that?"
"Definitely sure. I informed her parents and she told me she's been feeling depressed for a while. So, earlier. Her parents took her to a specialist to the hospital to get her screened. Hopefully, that would fix it."
Monika: "I can't believe our sweet Sayori is suffering."
"I was really relieved that I manage to find out before it was too late."
I grab Monika's hands and hold them.
"All of you.... are my friends. Which I carely deeply for. I'll make sure not a damn thing happens to any of you. I promise."
Monika: "Well, you are really holding my hand tightly, you know? Ehehehe."
"Whoops. Sorry. But I will promise you that, alright?"
Monika: "You're so funny, Haru. But I'll take you up in your offer then. Thank you for your help and for the talk."
She smiles meaningfully at me and heads out while carrying those papers we sorted out.
Monika. I can't read her as well. But, she isn't feeling pity for Sayori just because she was just the club president... she felt that because she was really caring for her. She was about to break. Her eyes, those emerald eyes... I can see someone inside being imprison... no hope... just locked away... no power.... being tormented by sins of the past. But why do I think of it that way? And if you put it that way.... it's not like I met her for real, right? This is the first time I really saw a game character face-to-face.
I can't argue for now. Again, my thoughts hurts my head. Puzzle after puzzle... it's getting hard lately. It seems like weeks for me, but the time... it's been for days.
Huh... I have nothing to do. Maybe I should join Natsuki? But went I go see her, she is sleeping soundly. I guess I'll go with Yuri.
"Why, hello there."
I remembered a reference as soon as I did that.
Yuri: "Oh, hello there... Haru. I didn't notice you there."
She is once again engrossed into her book. Again... her book. It is colred red. And this time, the title of the book is "Anonymous". The cover is just a pure, red color. It gives me the creeps like the last time. She closes that book and talks to me.
Yuri: "How's your stay here at the club?"
"It is better than doing nothing, how about you?"
Yuri: "I've been reading books, as usual."
What? That's it? Why is the atmosphere is so.... awkward? Do I always need to start a conversation?
Yuri: "Haru.... uhmm... how's.... how's...."
"How's my day? Well, it's great and all. I made breakfast earlier then go to school early."
Yuri: "Ahhhh! I mean! How's your reading? About... the book that I gave you."
"Ohhhhh, that book..."
I didn't read it. It is still in my bag, but I can't seem to have energy to read it. Plus, the story was kinda scaring me.... well, more like making me feel insane or whatever.
"Well, I left it at home, but it was a fun read."
Yuri: "Thank God. Good thing you like it. Uhmm, Haru, can I ask you something?"
"What is it? Want to read-"
Yuri: "Do you want to read with me? Ahhh! About the book I gave you. Since you forgotten it."
Hmmm, an oppurtunity to see more of her. I'll take it. I need to connect the dots.
"Yes, sure! Why not? But... if we were going to read together... why not try reading at the floor. Trust me, it will feel great..."
Floor gang. Oh yes I did. She accepts and grabs the book at her bag. She takes out some chocolate as well.
Yuri: "Want one?"
"I'll take you up to that offer."
She gave me some Pocky. Wow, I never knew how this taste....
Yuri: "What part did you left off, Haru?"
I point at the page number in the table of contents. And yes, it was random. Like I said... I didn't read that much.
We started reading. She's so close. Even our arms are like attached together. We read it like last time. She flips the page after I finished reading, and it goes on...
"So, this is about a high-school boy who thought he didn't die? But later, he found it out at the end that he was dead... and just faded? Or did I get the wrong concept?"
Yuri: "You are right on point. However, he just rejects the fact that he is dead. And the one who murdered him is none other than himself... out of his sanity."
The story is dark, and too cruel. The boy dies but he thoughtbhe was still alive... it was like a happy memory before death... now I understand.
Yuri likes this kind of stuff. But everything she reads is somewhat interconnected to someone. I always have these hunches and gut feeling.
We continue to read more, now that she spoiled the story or whatever.... but the thirst for knowledge... because of the spoiler, you want to read it more than ever now. That's what I feel when Father spoils me of his favorite manga.
Why... do I feel so weirded right now? Yuri is so close to me. Her scent is embedding on my mind... her warm shoulders are touching me and her eyes.... amethyst color. When she looks at me and I look her eyes, the feeling... is so....
Yuri: "Haah... haah."
She stands up.
"Yuri, is everything alright? You look... different?"
Yuri: "Haru, I can't take this anymore.... this feeling I have... haah.... haah... haah... haha. Hahaha...."
Oh shit. The situation locked me up. Where can I go? She keeps looking at me. Those eyes, it look like someone whose about to kill.... I remember surges of memories about Yuri killing herself.
Monika rushes to me. She extend her arms to me and pulls me up.
Yuri: "Oh! Monika, you are here now.... a-are we talking about the festival?"
Monika: "Yes. We need to plan what will be the events or preparations needed for our performance. Come sit now at the front."
Monika looks at me.
"Hey, let me borrow Haru for a second. I'll talk to him about Sayori."
Yuri: "O-ohhh. Sure...."
She heads off to her seat. Phew. Thanks Monika. She saved me there. I literally frost.
Monika: "You're welcome."
Huh? About what?
Monika: "You know.... wink, wink."
"Okay? So, what do you want to talk about?"
Monika: "Nothing... Hehehe~"
Did you.... did you just read my mind?
Monika: "No. It's nothing. Come here in front now."
Well, I felt my soul almost came off from my body. I'm glad... at the same time... terrified. I got to stop Yuri. Before she kille herself.... or.... kills me....
I go to the front and sat with Natsuki.
Monika: "Alright everyone! Listen up!"
Well, Time to Explain!
I have a test for a scholarship... I am taking one by the way... and I want to pass wth flying colors so I was reviewing... that's why this chapter is kinda late now. Also, the connections here at my place is a bit overwhelming... I can't even post yesterday because it was down again... forgive me for that. But thank you so much for reading! I'll post one chapter per 2 days. So it won't be rush. Stay safe everyone! ????
Good luck for scholarship, Monika can read mind. So she know he wants harem , lol
Okay author-san. I am starting to feel like we are in the same boat since when I was a kid, I got the opportunity to go to a famous school. Don't f*ck it up like I did. I f*cked it up two times. You don't deserve it.
@SimplifiedGod , no, Monika know we want harem
Break legs with ya exam. I’m really curious what your planning for the other girls. Thanks for writing.