???: "I need to give you something. She may not trust you, but if you give this to her... she may believe you. Do not lie to her, to any of them."
I woked up in my sofa. It was night time. I suddenly feel myself holding a piece of paper in my hand. I didn't check it yet, for I was so drowsy. I whip up a ready to eat chicken fillet and some warm milk, took a shower and head straight to bed.
"I'll check this note, tomorrow...."
I get back to sleep.
I wake up to my alarm.
"Ahhh, I had a good sleep! Thank goodness nothing bad happened. Ohhh. Hmmm?"
I notice the paper that I was holding yesterday placed in my table. I grab it start to read it.
"Wha-! What is this!?"
It contains weird patterns of numbers and letters. It is like sets of code or something. Plus, I was shocked because it was my own handwriting. Did I slept well last night that made my face fall into a keyboard then just did this? No, I didn't even do anything!
"Ohhh! It must be from that dream."
I just remembered that voice in my dream gave this to me.
"Wait, who is the "she" that was mention?"
I think it's between Monika and Sayori. But I realize it could be Natsuki or even Yuri.
"Well, I'll just do this then."
I put the paper in my pocket.
"Time to start, "Operation: Help Everyone!", right now!"
I get out of my bedroom.
*ring ring ring*
I was heading downstairs them someone calls me. I picked it up.
"Hello, Haruno Ishikawa speaking... who is this?"
Monika: "Oh, Haru. I didn't expect you to pick up. I was actually going to call Sayori but ended up calling you."
"Ohh, why is that?"
Monika: "I've been thinking about what you said, so I'll just ask you then instead of Sayori."
"Go ahead, what is it?"
Monika: "Do you mind if we work at your house... today? Me and Sayori."
"Sure, why not? Don't worry, I have materials here too. I realized something, are you going to ask Sayori my home address? I'll send it to you."
Monika: "A-ahhh, thanks. I... yeah. I was going to ask. Well, you are so unexpected sometimes. You just amazed me."
"Hahaha. Then, I'll see you later here, alright?"
Monika: "Yeah. See you later, Haru."
The call ended. I texted Monika my address and texted Sayori that we will do the pamphlets here.
"Wait, I realized that two girls will come here for today! Oh shit! What should I wear?"
I went upstairs and checked my wardrobe.
"Wow, my clothes are... bland."
They are all the same in gray color. Same t-shirt brand. And same size. At least it doesn't bother me. I just wore the clothes that I grabbed first and head to the shower.
After that, I went downstairs... to the kitchen and check my inventory.
"Oohhhh, pizza dough? I could use this later.... We still have cereal, I guess I'll go with that.... Hmmm.... cheese, pineapple, sauces...."
As I go through my inventory, my ringtone burst a loud noise. I check it to see Sayori has gotten my message and will come here later after she gets consent to her parents.
"Thank God, just thinking abour Sayori having parents in her place makes me feel comfortable."
But I am still worried. Why do I want her to be with me all the time? I am getting a dejá vu right now. Maybe it was my own selfishness.
Both of the girls texted me that they will come here before lunch, so I started cleaning up everything amd hide my manga collection into my cabinet. I saw a baton and a thick rope.
"Why do I even have that in here?"
I set that aside and hid my manga. Because, it's not only mangas. There are some... mangas too... that you don't want to know.... cough cough.
"There we go! It looks presentable now."
I grabbed my printer and head downstairs again. I decided to put it near the kitchen.
Tired, I laid down into the sofa, waiting for the girls to show up. It's almost past eleven. I grab myself the cereal earlier and starts to open the television in the living room. But what do you know? It doesn't work. I check it out but it seems fine. What just happened?
"I'll just watch later."
I watch my reflection at the television screen while eating. This is my favorite show so far. LOL.
My phone rings. It's Sayori.
Sayori: "Monika called me letting me know she'll be at your house soon. See you soon!"
"Take care, alright?"
After a minute pass by, Monika calls me as well.
Monika: "I'll be there soon!"
"Okay, okay. You too, Monika."
Wow, she really is happy. So happier than any girl I could have think of. Besides Sayori though.
I heard my doorbell rang. I opened it slowly to see who is it.
Sayori: "Yey, I'm the first one here!"
I rush out of the house and gave her a big hug.
"I've missed you!"
She starts to cry uncontrollably.She starts to wrap her arms tightly around me.
Sayori: "I've missed you too, so much. Is this really okay."
"Silly Sayori. Of course it is."
I hold her and pull her closer.
Sayori: "I don't want to let you go! Haru! I love you so much!"
"You know, I've been wanting to hear that for a long time. I love you too."
After that moment, we decided to enter my house.
Sayori: "You know, this is very strange. I haven't been here in a long time! So, this is going ti be so much fun!"
"Well, is that so?"
Sayori: "Oh, oh. Haru? Where can I set up my laptop?"
"The kitchen table is the most efficient place. Plus, I already set up a wireless printer so you could print your pamphlets with ease. And besides, if you got hungry, I can cook something for you."
Sayori: "Wow Haru.... thank you so much!"
She starts jumping around and goes to the kitchen. As I guide her, I heard my doorbell rang. I am sure it was Monika.
Monika: "Thank you, Haru. For having us over."
She's wearing a new attire. She is still wearing that white ribbon in her hair. The color of her dress is white, like her smooth skin. And her dark-reddish skirt, not long and not that short, conceal a bit of those thighs of hers. Wow! I've never seen Monika out of her school uniform. This is a nice change.
Monika: "I never had done this before..."
"Well, you look fantastic! Let's go to where Sayori is."
We head to the kitchen.
Monika: "Oh, Haru? Can I talk to you in a moment, in private?"
"Well, okay. We'll be back Sayori."
Sayori: "Okay!"
We head to my room upstairs.
Monika: "There was something I wanted to discuss with you. That's right."
*pulsating background*
*dark vision*
*Monika only visible*
Monika: "I....know...who...you....are... I know what are you doing. I know how hard you're trying to make everyone happy, even me. But none of that matters anymore."
*background glitches*
*flashes Monika's room"
Monika: "It just you... and me. And you made me the happiest girl in the whole world, being able to see you... again. I can't wait to spend everyday with you... Ha-ru-no. I've been waiting forever. And I want to be with you... forever... and ever..."
*background glitches*
I hand Monika the paper in my pocket. She must be that one. Monika starts to read the letter and I see tears run down from her eyes.
Monika: "It's you! It really is you! You... didn't forget me... you didn't forget... us."
She wipes her tears but still, she cries...
Monika: "You... you really did came here. [He] really did made you come here..."
"Wait, who is [he]? But well, Monika... I've always been here.. You just didn't... listen..."
She looks directly at me, more like through me.
Monika: "I don't know how this happened, but this is the first time I got to face who's outside that screen. I am always looking out. And you were looking in. You made me so happy."
Oh, does that mean she knows me? The actual me?
"Uhmm, Monika? How much do you know about me? Is there any relation to you how I got here?"
Monika: "No, I don't. But... I always see you when you play the game. Thousands of times... you always do your best to save us all... and that... just makes me so happy."
"So, are you saying this is actually a game world?"
Monika: "It is... but it isn't in some terms. We are living in a game world, but this is still like the world you were living in..."
"Oh. You don't have any clue how I got here? Well, thank you Monika. It actually feel the feeling lighter on my chest."
So, I assume I wasn't using a time loop or time leap when I die... I think it was more like [Save and Load]. I try saying it to her hut it won't come out. Huh? Is it forbidden? Well, anyway. I got a question for her.
"Are you still messing with things? You know..."
Monika: "I noticed too that you were different since a few days ago. Because of that, I stopped everything. I stopped changing things... but... maybe you know now... they wouldn't stop getting worse. Something is wrong. In this world. With us. Something... is here... more powerful than what I have. You need to know this. This world has changed. Even the girls have changed. I know you came here to save us. I mean, this is the first time I wore this... thanks to you. I'm sorry for acting the way I just did. I wasn't... myself. Thank you for saving me with that letter. Normally, I know what's happening. I am the president. I know [everything]."
Oh, does that mean I don't need to explain my power? Well, it hurts my whole body when I try to say it to her. I'll just leave her my secret then. If she does know....
Monika: "Well, now that you are here... I've discovered that to be a delusion. When you became president. You are made to believe in everything. To know everything. It was.. actually... a trap. A lie."
"Tell me."
Monika: "Mhmm. I was fed up. Made to think I was all powerful and I could do anything. No offense but, I tried one time to see if I can get you here, but I can't."
"None taken. Please continue, I need answers."
Monika: "Anyway, it was all a lie. All so I could do is control. I did even ended up killing... my friends. All over again. Over and over... again and again. Time after time.... after time. Until I can't count the times anymore actually! Just to keep us here... out of jealousy."
She starts crying again.
Monika: "I was.... just trying... to find... someone... to love...! Someone to understand me. I've been so lonely! Trying to find.... you.... Everyday, is so hard. You find yourself.... being in control... but in the end... I was the one being.... controlled."
She pauses herself. I didn't know how hard she suffered here. I gave her a comforting hug. She starts speaking again.
Monika: "I've tried to stop it, Haru. But.. I can't. Anything I try to do to help just accelerates the madness.. so I stopped. Because the purpose of this world... is to make no one... be happy... ever. Forever and ever. But you already know that, didn't you? I know this isn't your first time trying. You tried and tried. And that's why you manage to save Sayori. And I know, you will try harder... to save the rest of us even more."
Monika: "You even knew if you delete my file really didn't delete me. That I still exist. Even after when everythis was gone... I still remembered somewhat. Not everything...just fragments of memories."
"Oh, I'm sorry about that. I made you feel worse, didn't I?"
Monika: "I know, you didn't mean it. But you have no choice, am I right? I understand. But Haru, each time it resets though, it get worse. However, you are helping.... I still don't understand how you are doing it... but something in you... is so powerful.... almost it was like [him]."
"[He]? [Him]? Who is that?"
Monika: "A more powerful being that died saving us on the last time before you got here. And try stoping [that person], but failed... and died... but [he] resets the world again and promise me that one day, someone like him will make us free. As long as it works... who am I to judge?"
She looks at me with her emerald eyes. It's shining. I saw myself in her eyes, shining like a star. I see... I am her hope now.
Monika: "Please save us. Please help us. Save us from this endless missery."
I grabeed her hand and made a promise.
"I'll do anything I can, even if it takes me a million times!"
Monika: "Ahhh!"
She gets flustered. My passion burns with fiery determination.
Monika: "I am not used to this. It's like [him] but more funnier. I love how you've changed though. Before, you were so two dimensional, wait.... I think three? Nevermind. What I mean was you have come closer to my level."
"You just noticed that now? I've always been here."
Monika: "You know my eyes are set on you, Haru. Don't disappoint me."
"Is it fine having a harem then?"
Monika: "I don't know what that is, but if it is related to the girls... maybe?"
Well, maybe.
"Ohhh! I have something to tell you. Remember when I said that I have dreams? It have like these voices in my head? I'm not crazy, right?"
She looks throughly at me again.
Monika: "I believe it's your conscience just trying to help you do what is right. I think you should trust it."
"Well, if you said it... then I will."
I wipe her face with dried tears.
"Let's go back and help Sayori out. The other girls will need me too."
Monika: "I believe in you, Haru."
"Oh. Before we go, don't tell anyone about anything. This is our secret, alright? I don't want to worry anyone. Including you."
Monika: "Then, it's our secret. And Haru.."
Monika: "Be wary of [that person]. It could be anyone here in this world. It is the one who is causing more problems to the girls. If you can find [that person], tell me. Okay?"
"I have no idea who is that, but I'll be wary of my surroundings..."
After that, we head downstairs to help Sayori. Sayori starts to scream about something....
Author needs inspiration. Lol. I am so tired at reviewing. I'll write the next chapter later. Gonna wind down for a bit.
You are doing an amazing job at this novel. Giving these girls the real chance they deserve... is really good.