Me and Monika rush downstairs.
"S-Sayori?! AHHH! What.....?"
I saw her.... just grabbing food in my fridge.
Sayori: "Do you have any sauce?"
She showed me that I have a pizza dough in my fridge, and finding some sauce.
"Seriously, you're going to give us a heart attack. Well, here though. The sauce."
I grab the sauce in the cabinet. She looks at me.
Sayori: "Okay, you can cook us food now. Teheee~"
"Ah, I see. And here I am, worried about you. Well, let's see what I can do then."
Sayori: "Oh Monika, are you both done? What did you talk about?"
Monika: "We talk about Haru's poem for the festival. Yeah, poems."
Monika gave me the look of "I know, it's our secret" expression. She then heads to the living room.
Monika: "I'll go cut this pamphlets for a decorative display while you and Sayori continue what you are doing in the kitchen. Just call me, alright? Sayori, keep sending those printouts in the printer."
Monika grabs the wireless printer and head to the living room. I see what's going on. She wants me to spend time with Sayori, alone. Because she understand what am I doing lately. Yes, saving them all. Thank you, Monika.
So, it's just Sayori. She's so energetic but when she's at focus... she's so quiet but in a good way. She's pretty determined right now. Well, I should too. And I guess I need to show off my skills to Sayori. Too bad Monika won't see it... or would she?
I start to take out my phone and do some research how to make a pizza. Seriously, I didn't know I have this in my fridge. And it's my first time making one. Of course, it will be hard at first but Sayori wants pizza. I hate spending money on deliveries too. Quite expensive.
"Hey Sayori, check this out."
I show her how to beat the dough and tried to show her how to flip it, make it fly in the air... and almost fall to the ground. I almost failed so bad.
Sayori: "Haru, what are you doing? Hahahaha!"
She starts laughing at that. Well, she looks so beautiful right now. Now that's Sayori. That smile is her trademark.
I place the dough at the metal pan after managing to make it in place. Just the perfect size for us three.
Sayori: "Haru, me and Monika are almost done. Can we stay here for more?"
"Sure thing, you can watch television in the living room as well."
Sayori: "Okay, just a few more editing and then we're done..."
I started to make the sauce for the pizza and poured it to the dough. Now, time for some toppings. I know Monika, doesn't like meat... I think? So I put veggetables at the half of the pizza and meat for the other half. I don't care if I don't get to eat it though. And besides, I just want pizza... even with any toppings.
Sayori: "Hey... hey Monika! I think we're done?!"
Monika: "Wow, we didn't even take too long. Thank you, Sayori. Or should I say Vice President Sayori?"
Sayori: "Glad that I could help! Hehehe!"
"You girls done? If you want to stay here, you can just watch at the living room. There is a television there."
Sayori: "Ahhhh! I'm hungry!"
Monika: "Well, it is past lunch time. So Haru, how's your pizza going?"
"Well, it's not done yet. So I was thinking you could watch television for a while."
Sayori heads to the living room and shouts.
Sayori: "Haru!? Your television isn't working!"
"Wait, what?"
Oh yeah, earlier... it did not operate. Weird...
"Well, you can just go to my room. There's a spare television there. It's not that big as this one though."
Sayori: "Ooh! Good idea! I'll guide Monika over there."
Monika: "Let's go then? Shall we, Sayori?"
Monika looks at me with a smug face. What was that all about? I quietly followed them, to my room.
I opened the television. Apparantly, it works. Sayori starts to grab the remote by Monika beat her to it. But, I grab it form her hand and put it on a cooking channel. Of course, a way to a girl's heart... is her stomach. Did I say that right? Regardless, the girls starts to drool at the masterchef's episode. Monika gets out of trance and speaks up.
Monika: "Haru, I have been thinking... Is this part of your plan? Is the television downstairs breaking down is your alibi to get us both here?"
Sayori: "Yeah, yeah! Suspicious...."
They both look at me, with a joking face. Seriously, I may be smart... BUT! I am not that kind of smart! But, having two girls in my bedroom.... I may be a dejected person.
"If you are done right now, I'll go back to the kitchen."
Monika: "Heh? So you're just ignoring us?"
Sayori: "What if we found something here in your stuff?"
"You don't... and you can't. I don't have much stuff besides manga."
Sayori: "If you say so... Hehehehe...."
I head out of my room and go downstairs. Don't worry, I hid everything perfectly. And, it was all locked away. Wink. Wink.
I check the pizza and saw that it was cook. I grab my mittens and take out the pan with pizza. I cut the pizza onto 16 pieces. Knowing that Sayori had an enormous appetite. She looks so fit though.... Why is that? Then I put the pizza on 3 big plates. I put a slice of pizza on my refrigerator so I can munch something later again.
"Should I wash this?"
I look at the metal pan.
"Nahhhh.... I'm too busy... no one's going to use the oven too."
I put the unwash pan back inside the oven. I head back and heard Monika talking to Sayori.
Monika: "So, I heard this from my classmates. It seems like it was a thing lately. It's called "Netflix and Chad". But who is this Chad?"
I almost burst into tear, laughing on the inside. Sorry, it's just... so funny....
Sayori: "Ohhh, you mean "Netflix and Chill". I actually heard it too. It was fun, they said."
I enter the room, having a poker face for laughing at Monika on the inside.
"Here's your pizza, madams..."
I gesture like a waiter. I put a plate in front of them and the girls starts to drool.
Monika: "I didn't know that you can cook that well?"
"I can write things you don't know about me."
The girls dig in to the pizza while watching a romantic show. I head outside my room and clean the dump I made downstairs. Of course, except that pan. After that I joined the girls. They left a seat between them so I just help myself and sit there. We watch the movie after that.
It was already 6PM. Monika stands up.
Monika: "This has been a long day... Haru, if you wouldn't mind, can I stay here for the night? Hehehe..."
"Well, I wouldn't mind... but..."
I look at Sayori. She seems.... jealous... kinda.
Sayori: "Haru, if I remember correctly, I'm your girlfriend right? And Monika, we should be going home already."
Monika: "Alright, alright. I was just teasing him. Hehehe, it's the first time I see you pout like that, Sayori."
Sayori: "Well, I couldn't help it."
Monika gave Sayori a big hug.
Monika: "Okay, now that's done. Let's go home now. I don't want us to be bothersome to Haru here."
"You are not bothersome at all. If you can, I'll agree that you both stay here. But I guess home is where we really belong. Take care, alright?"
Monika: "I will. Thank you for today, Haru. It was a lot of fun! Ooh, time to go now! Haru, make sure you walk Sayori home!"
She heads outside, rushing. I shout back.
"Hey Monika! Are you going to be alright!?"
Monika: "Of course! I am the President after all! See you later!"
She the disappear in the distance.
"So, that leaves you, Sayori."
Sayori: "Haru, thank you so much for today. I enjoyed the food, you... and your kindness."
"You are always welcome, cinnamon bun."
I gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Sayori: "Will you walk me home then?"
"Of course!"
Monika wants that too. She wants to change for her friends. Maybe she really does care... she really do....
As we walk at the street, me and Sayori starts to plan where will go to our festival date. She said that there will be a garden restaurant in the festival. Well, it will be outside... but she wants to taste the food their. I agreed going with her. I will always do.
We are finally at the front of her house. I stop her while holding her hand.
"Sayori, are you fine with me?"
Sayori: "Are you worrying that I'll leave you? Not a problem. I won't. I can't."
She hugs me tightly.
Sayori: "I can't let you go now. Because now, you are my sunshine..."
She sobs quietly at my shirt. I pat her head.
"Don't you worry too, Sayori. I'll never leave you."
I will never leave everyone else. I will save them, like how I save you. Even though it will take me a million times. I will get everyone to their happy endings.
Sayori: "You know, it's funny. You're so dense at sometimes... You didn't notice that I have a crush on you..."
Well, screw that. I am no more Mr. Dense. I am more like.... Mr. Chivalrous...? Sounds more like a pervert.
"Well, you did say earlier that you are my girlfriend. Was that true?"
Sayori: "Of course. You said that you love me too, right?"
"Aight, aight. I'm joking. I'm joking. Being your boyfriend... sounds very nice. I love it. I love you."
Sayori: "Haruno...."
We look at each other eyes... we were about to kiss when suddenly....
Sayori's Mom: "Ahhh! Sorry to interrupt you both! Honey! Don't come out here, alright?!"
Sayori's Dad: "Why?! What happened?! Is it our daughter!?"
Face palm. I heard them screaming of joy.
"Well, let's continue some other time."
I kiss her on her cheeks. And so did she.
"Goodnight, Sayori."
Sayori: "Goodnight too, Haru. I'll talk to my parents about that. You should take rest now. See you later."
And after exchanging goodbyes, she went inside her house. I heard screaming, mostly of happiness and joy. It was a graet thing Sayori's parents are home. Not only I am her happiness, but her family is there too. I wish my family is here... My Father...
I head back to my house, keeping a eye on my surroundings. I may be finish at Sayori, but there are 3 girls left. I still need to help Monika... Yuri, and Natsuki. Alright! This is going on pretty well.
I made it back home on one piece. I decided to not eat the pizza I made.
"I'll give this to Natsuki. Hopefully, it will be edible."
I keep it refrigerated. I did cook it well though.
I had a nice bath and skip dinner for I am stuff at those pizzas...
"Ahhh, finally... my bed. I want to marry my bed...."
And everyone...? I laugh at myself. Why? It's possible right? I feel like trash. But, no one can stop me now. I do want I want to do.
I start to adjust my alarm and went to sleep....
"Tomorrow is Yuri... huh...?"
What will happen for tomorrow....? I need to know more about her....
Sorry everyone. Forgot to upload yesterday. Had things in my mind recently. Enjoy!
You did a good job Darken162-san. Now go marry your bed ?
Knowing that Sayori had an enormous appetite. She looks so fit though.... Why is that?
Anime or VN logic is the answer
Yuri = Best Girl
The true ending we get to marry the BED
Screw everyone else let's marry bed-chan!
Thank you for the chapter