Today is Saturday. I wake to my alarm. Well, at least I think it is my alarm. It was actually a message from Yuri. It says that she wants to know my house address. I give it to her immeadiately. She texted me back
Yuri: "I'll be there by noon. See you later."
I get up out of my bed. Man, just yesterday... two girls are here... alone in my room. Now that it will come to one, I am quite nervous. I mean, this is Yuri. How will she act in front of me? What will she do in front of me. I hope, she isn't cutting herself in her home. Does she have parents like Sayori had? I don't think so. I think the Literature Club members who have a family is Natsuki and Sayori. Of course, Monika is out of this question. She is the president, and probably, the Goddess of the Literature Club.
As I think of what's going to happen later while I take a warm bath, I came to remember Yuri's books. Where does she get those?
"Hmm, I do remember the school librarian saying that I should not recommend this to anyone... and it is so fucking dark. Just thinking it right now gives me goose bumps. I know right? I am in a bathtub with warm water and still get goosebumps. That's how terrifying that book is. I should hide it for now."
I talk and talk to myself like a lunatic.
"You know, this is the first time I realized how lonely I am right now."
I continue bathing in silence...
I finish taking a bath and refreshed myself with some good old day breakfast. Pancakes and Toast. Oh yes. I pop them in my mouth as soon as I cook them... although... I freaking burnt my tongue. How dumb of me. Well, I miss doing this. Back in my world, I use to do dumb things while I am alone and start to get used to it until it became a hobby.
"It actually is depressing... now that I think of it."
Well, nothing I could do. The protagonist here doesn't have parents. And I am the protagonist. Before I wait for Yuri, I locked away the book she gave me inside my study desk.
I await for Yuri's arrival. I wore again the same set of clothes in my drawer. Well, I hate to admit, I love color black... I always like color blue or green... Well, I should clean up a little bit.... and watch a poetry performance examples...
I almost fall asleep watching a poetry performance in YouTube. It's not boring, I just feel so tired as usual, even though I had plenty of rest. Is it because of me dying...? for two times? It may depleted some energy in me...? Well, I can't argue with that. There's always a price to pay for something impossible.
"Yuri is actually taking her time, she's almost late... for a minute that is."
Someone knocks on my door. I assumed that it was Yuri. And it was her. I opened my door and let her come inside my house.
Yuri: "Fancy. It's clean."
"Well, I have you as my visitor so I had to clean up. Oh, let me help you carry those."
I see her carrying a black cartolina and some perfume machine? Or at least that's what I think it is? Anyway, it's heavy so I took good care of it.
"Where do you want to work, Yuri? There's the kitchen, my living room... well, we can go to a spare room in my house and..."
Yuri: "Can we go to your room, perhaps?"
"Ahhh, well... sure. Let me just carry your things over there so we could get started..."
I start carrying with care every item she have into my room. Why my room though? She seems relax though. Let's observe.
"There, that's one down. Let me go grab the other stuff amd fix some stuff downstairs. You just make yourself feel like home. I'll be right back."
I actually want to see what will she do in my room after I left. I quietly peek. I saw her, checking my drawer.
Yuri: "Haah... Haru's pens..."
She starts to grab one. As she grab one, she smells it and tries to lick it. What the heck? Good thing I didn't touch those. She instead put it in her pocket. I go downstairs quickly and grab the cartolinas. It's all black. And some paint.. water paint. I entered quickly.
"Oh hey, Yuri. I notice there are water-based paints here. I'll just grab some water then fron the kitchen."
Yuri: "Ahhh! Yes! P-please do..."
She looks startled. I'll test her some more. I took my time taking some water. As I reaches my room's door, I see her on my bed. Well, it is a good thing she's only sitting there. I thought she was going to smell it. I enter once again.
"Here's the water, Yuri. Now, let's get to work? Shall we?"
Yuri: "Yes, we should. We will be done in no time."
And with that, Yuri started taking out bottles, they smell sweet and fragrant.
"Oh, Yuri? What is that?"
I hope it isn't alchemy or anything.
Yuri: "This is for the atmosphere. I notice that fragrants like these can calm the mind and give a soothing, warm feeling. I want to test it here, since you can be helpful."
"Ohhh, thanks. So, it's aromatic then huh? Give it a try."
Yuri: "Let's see then."
She starts mixing up some liquids in a container and poured it into the aroma machine... more like a dispenser but what do I know? It's the first time I saw something like this. She then plugs it to the nearby socket and test the effects. Oohh.
"Yeah, you were right. It does feel... calming..."
Yuri: "Well, mind if we turn in on for a while? While we're working?"
"Sure thing. It won't hurt though."
Yuri: "Okay! Now, let's get started."
She takes out the paints and starts sketching at the black cartolina. I tried my best to copy her style... and it did work. A little bit. It's close to her work. She was suprised I can keep up with her.
Yuri: "See? Your actually talented. Why would they even say you will hinder me?"
"Nahh, it's just because I need to do my best for you and for everyone."
Yuri: "R-really? Thank you then, Haru. Let's continue with the coloring. That will bring the life to the background."
"Lead the way then, Yuri."
I grab a paintbrush as well as Yuri. We first then painted the cartolina, like a different scenerios... there's a silhoutte, a universe, a forest, an ocean and more backgrounds. I love the ocean scenery though. It was my own work as well. Honestly, I am fucking buff. I can't do these thing quite okay, but look at it. I almost top the Mona Lisa painting. If I could though.
"Hmmm, that gaves me an idea..."
Yuri seems to be interested. She just watches me while highlighting a white color paint the borders and lines of the drawing. I started to draw something she would react too. I draw my situation right now. A man floating in the darkness... then suddenly, hands of people reaches for him.
Yuri: "Oh, that could work. I see that you are still influenced, not only in your poems but in your drawings too. You are amazing Haru.. it's like you can do anything."
"Haha, thanks for the commends... I appreciate your kind words. Ohh.. hmmm?"
I stare at Yuri for a moment. I just notice she was wearing a white, long sleeve T-shirt. More like a sweater though. She is wearing black pants as well. It suits her actually.
Yuri: "Ahhh... Haru... w-where are you looking at?"
"Oh sorry. I notice your clothing looks nice. Didn't it get stained by colors or anything?"
Yuri: "I-I d-don't think so."
"Oh wait! Yuri."
I suddenly saw her neck with paint on it. I tried getting it off but it has dried.
Yuri: "Haah... no... I'm... ticklish over there..."
"Woops, sorry for that sudden move. There's a paint stuck in your neck. How can I remove that?"
Yuri: "Ow... y-you don't have to do that..."
How can I removed that? She's so warm to the touch... Wait, that's it!
"Don't worry Yuri, I'm doing this because I want to help you. Stay right here, I'll just grab something to clean that up."
Yuri: "O-okay... sorry for the trouble."
"You aren't though. I"ll be back."
Well, it's not like she'll go anywhere though..
I head outside my room and went to the bathroom. I grab a clean, unused, small towel and rinse it with warm water. After that, I went back to where Yuri's at.
"Here, let me do it."
Yuri: "Please do..."
I start compressing it for a while in her neck. The paint is coming off, bit by bit. She then holds my hand. She is so warm to the touch.
Yuri: "Haru.... keep it at there for while. Let's stay like this for a bit."
"Oh. Okay?"
What's up with this mood? She's so aggressive right now. It's because of the aroma's scent. But here's my chance. I tried to reach her hand where she cut herself. But she seems to notice it and eventually, she tries to not get notice and leads my arm out. I struggle a bit. Damn, she's strong. We are like having an arm wrestling right now. Then she shove my hand near her pocket. I scream in pain.
"Ackkk! What?!"
Yuri: "Ohhh, sorry. I give a bit of a push. We were playing arm wrestling right? I notice you trying to reach my arm... so... Ahh!!"
Something impaled my finger just right at her pocket. My index finger is bleeding.
Yuri: "I'm sorry! I didn't mean too...."
"Ohhh, it's fine. It's only a little wound."
Yuri then suck my finger forcefully.
She sucks it like she was an expert it. What is this? Recovery girl? But as soon as she takes it out, it wasn't bleeding anymore. Okay, what the hell just happened?!
Yuri: "Ahhh! I'm so sorry! I did something embarassing...."
"Well, it is. But you help me though. I'll wash it right now. Thanks, Yuri."
Yuri: "You're so nice, Haru. You always consider for me."
"Well, you did a great job today. Look, now we all got to do is to dry it. Even the aroma in the machine you have mixed is great. Great job, Yuri."
Yuri: "About that, I don't think it will dry before I go."
She makes an expression that she wants to forget what she did. I just rode the flow.
"Well, just leave it here then. I'll just bring those banners on the festival. Just help me transfer it to a spare room. It will dry over there."
Yuri: "Yeah... let's...."
We then head out carefully while holding the cartolina banners and backgrounds and transferred it to my parent's room. After that, she stayed silent. Well, I am fucking embarass as well. That's the first time I had a girl do that with my finger. I tried forgetting it but it was embedded on my mind. Well, fuck it. I'm gonna have dreams about that.
"Oh Yuri, want to stay over? I can cook for you a snack or something."
Yuri: "Thank you for the offer but I have got to go now. It's my curfew later."
"I see then. Well, let me lead you at least outside and see you off."
Yuri: "O-okay..."
She looks really flustered. She looks cute. Ahhh! Why the hell this girl is so cute?! I need to save her soon... I need to wait patiently. We both head outside my house. She starts to hold me, tightly.
Yuri: "Haru, I felt it."
"What is it?"
Yuri: "This feeling I feel for you... I always feel it... it is always you... haah.... I wish I can... I can... Hahaha... hahaha... haah... I can't stop this anymore. Haru.... I.... I...! Ahhhh! Monika?!"
Monika shows out of nowhere.
Monika: "Oh, you are both here? Did you both finish already?"
Yuri returns to her self... What I mean was she return to her normal self. What she behaves like in the club.
Monika: "Ohhh. Haru, I forget something in your house yesterday. I was going to retrieve it."
Yuri: "About your question...Yes Monika, I was just talking to Haru about the banners. That's all. Now, excuse me... I have to go now!"
She quickly leaves me and Monika.
Monika: "Nice save?"
"Y-yeah? I think so... I thought I was going to die or anything. What did you forget though...?"
Monika: "Well, about what I forget."
She kisses my cheeks.
Monika: "There! See you later! Haruno~"
"Wait, it's only a kiss?"
Monika: "Always have been. But do you want more?"
"Ahhh! Ahahaha! Well.... maybe?"
Monika: "You're so funny, Haru. Okay then, I"ll go now! See you later, again!"
She winks at me. I wave back at her while she walks in a distance. Well, damn. She saved me somehow. I'll be counting on her some time then.
Back at Yuri earlier... she showed me her true self... just for a second. And it was dangerous. It was so dangerous.... Her eyes... they were so sharp... like a knife... piercing into my very existance. She looks like she is ready to kill. But still holds it in. It scared me for minutes. I calmed down after a few more minutes.
"Monika's kiss works. Well, I feel a bit pale right now.
I enter my house and straight to my bedroom. I skipped lunch earlier. I didn't feel hunger once in a while. I quickly get up and just grab a cereal bar and milk and ate it in one go and head back.
I feel so tired. Like something inside me is getting renewed. And fixed up. And because of that, I lack some performance. And energy. Like I was using it while it's not even done yet.
Sunday is Natsuki. Tomorrow is Natsuki. I guess I need her wholesome aura for tomorrow. Yuri drained me like, insanely. I need to rest a bit. Natsuki, you're next. I'll save you.
I set up again an alarm and head to sleep.
???: "You are adapting to it very quickly. I replaced some old parts of you with mine. I will make you perfect so you could save them all... as you wish. Yes. It's not me anymore. It's "our" wish now. Now, rest... and get ready for tomorrow. Learn. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. You will grown on your own until... you won't need me anymore..."
Happy 3rd Year Anniversarry! Doki Doki Literature Club!
Good meme at the end.
At this point, I wish I never waifu'd Monika alone.