Chapter 26: Just Natsuki
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I wake up to my alarm.

"Ahhhh! That was a pretty good sleep. I don't feel that tired like yesterday."

Well, time to start the new day. Today is Sunday. I should get up now. I think Natsuki may be waiting for me at her house. I decided to message Natsuki but there is already one. A message from her, that is. I read it.

"Hey perv, what is your home address? I'll be coming to your house. And don't question me why. Just tell me alright?"

What? Why does everyone want to go to my house? Well, there's no time to argue. I send her my address immediately. She replied super fast. I read her message.

"Okay, thanks. Oh, if you wouldn't mind? Can you buy some ingredients or some stuff? I will give you a list. I'll be there by lunch. See you soon."

She puts a heart and laughing emoji at the end. She types so cute. Okay! There's no time to waste. I get up out of my bed and took a shower. After that, I started to re-heat that left-over pizza. Anxious, I didn't cook myself some breakfast. Then I just remembered.

"Maybe I should cook for Natsuki breakfast, lunch and dinner? I know that father of hers doesn't feed her properly. Tskk."

I clenched my teeth out of anger. It's really frustrating. Girls like Natsuki should be taken care of with care. She doesn't deserve that life. She deserves better, and everyone else.

"Okay, I am taking too much time. Time to go to work."

I read the list that Natsuki sent me. It seems that I don't have to go outside because I have them all, right here. Now what I have to do is clean my house again. Who knows that I have leave some embarrasing stuff laying around for her to see. I actually don't want to rant with her. I just want to spend time with her. She is actually a nice girl, and tsundere on the outside. It's great that I understand something about girls. I got to thank those rom-com mangas.



It's almost lunch time. Well, almost twelve o'clock. I am at my living room, thinking about Natsuki. What is her personality when she's alone with me? I will know that later. Speaking if which... My doorbell rang. She's here. I opened the door and greet her. She's carrying a lot of stuff.

Natsuki: "Oh, it's nice to see you. Can you help me carry these bags inside?"

"Oh, sure. But wow, you sure are strong, Natsuki."

I grab the bags and it was so fucking heavy. What the hell? Is her whole house in here?

Natsuki: "Well, thanks for that. I haven't shown you my full power yet."

"I will surely pay attention then. Let's go inside then."

I brought the heavy bags inside, to the kitchen.

"So, here are the stuff that you ask me to get. I actually have everything here. Can we start now?"

She grabs a recipe book at her things. It was actually hers... Damn, she is so amazing. Not only that, she's wearing a cute pink skirt... a plain white t-shirt with also having pink sleeves. She is so full of pink today. I guess I love pink now. Lol.

Natsuki: "Okay, let's get started!"

"Oohh, you are so fired up right now? Let's get to work then, shall we?"

I grab the things inside the bags and see it was cooking tools. Whisk, containers, nozzels for the icing.. icing bags, cake cutter, small chocolate pieces, whip cream, eggs, butter, flour and much more to say. Is she baking me a wedding cake or something? It's only cupcakes right?

Natsuki: "You should start by making a dough for the cupcakes. Here, I'll show you."

"Thank you for teaching me right now, this is my first time baking."

Natsuki: "Don't worry, Chef Natsuki got this. Hehehe!"

"You are way to excited, aren't you?"

Natsuki realizes something.

Natsuki: "A-ahhh! It's because... t-this is my first time b-baking... w-with someone... That's all. Just, get to work now."

Wait, is Natsuki way too nice today? She's been smiling so sweetly. There is still a bossy tone, but it's like this is actually her when she's alone. I love this side of her. I want to see more sides of her.

"Ooh, wait up Natsuki."

I grab some aprons for us. And a chef hat. It was for some performance in school at some time, from my memory that is. I give it to Natsuki. She gladly wore it. Now she looks like Gordon Ramsy. Oh snap. I haven't got the lamb sauce! I joke in my mind. Oh shit, Natsuki will start putting Gordon to shame by her cupcakes.


I start beating up some eggs and flour. But, something is wrong. I can't get it right. What the fudge?

Natsuki: "Having trouble?"

"Yeah, it still have lumps on it. Am I doing something wrong?"

Natsuki: "Well, it's just that..."

She grabs the whisk at my hand.

Natsuki: "You need... to beat.... the crap... out of it..."

"Oohh, I guess I am still to weak beyond you're level huh?"

Natsuki: "Don't worry, you will be better. Well not better than me though. Hehehe."

"Then, can I be better like you then? I want to be at your level too, you know? So I could be with you at that level."

Natsuki: "W-wha...? W-what are you saying right now?! Just finish this so I could start shaping them."

"Alright, alright. Master Natsuki. Hehehe."

Natsuki: "Dummy."

She gave me a weak punch at my arm. She looks flustered right now. We continued to work. After that, we put them at the tray and Natsuki sets them inside the oven.


"Ahhhh, now that's done. What's next? This is so much fun!"

Natsuki: "Told you so! Well, we should start making the icing. Well, I should. You can just prepare the bags for it and the nozzles."

"Okay, leave it to me!"

I start assembling the icing bag and started to put the nozzles. I put on a thick nozzle and a thin one. The thin one I think, it can be use to write something at the icing so I set that aside.

Natsuki: "Hmmm, this seems alright now. You can put it at the bag now. After that, put it on the cupcakes I bake at the oven."

She already finish two that fast. I put the icing at the bags and starts to put it on the bake cupcakes in the tray. Wow, the shapes are so perfect. This is what you call perfect cupcakes.

Natsuki: "Well, you are getting the hang of this. Look, the design is pretty good... but..."

She takes the other icing bag and put an elegant pattern of icing on the cupcake. She shows it to me.

"Uwahhh, that looks so good! You are so awesome, Nats."

Natsuki: "I am the master after all. Hehehe!"

She notice that I am holding an icing bag with a thin nozzle. She looks at the other cupcakes that I am doing.

"Oh that, well, I wanted to try putting literature designs.. since it is a literature event. See, look at this book I made?"

Natsuki: "Not bad, rookie. Well, now I have an idea about the designs as well. Oh, the next batch is done. Maybe we should fasten the pace? I notice you have an another oven right there? Can we use that as well?"

"Of course, that would speed up the productivity, right?"

I set up a tray of dough on the oven. I open both ovens. Natsuki set the time and the temperature for it. We then head back to putting icings on the new batch of cupcakes.

Natsuki uses her index finger to taste the icing.

Natsuki: "Hmm, this is about right now. It's not that sweet or bland. Perfect!"

Out of curiosity, I did the same. She looks shocked.

"Mhmm, you're right. It's just the right amount."

Natsuki: "Hey?! What are you doing? I made this you know, so I'm the only one who could taste it."

"Heh, but you are using my container to create it, so it's just a fair share."

Natsuki: "Ohhh!? You want the icing so bad huh? Here then.... take this!"

She grabs a bit of icing with her index finger. She starts to put it on my face. But, I am faster!

"Ha! Ha! Ha! You underestimate my power!"

Natsuki: "I am more powerful than you, know that?"

Oh shit, she's right! She's fighting back so fast. I am taking the offensive. But she manage to put a bit on my cheeks. I return and retaliate the favor.

"Hahahaha, now you have some as well!"

Natsuki: "I'm not giving up! Hehehehe!"

She grabs another icing with her index finger. But, I know that move already. I grab her hands and gently push her to a wall. Resisting is futile. I have the high ground now.

Natsuki: "A-ahhh. I give up. I give up, Haru. You win. You win."

"Yes! Hahaha! Finally giving in huh?"

Natsuki: "Well, this is your fault though. If you hadn't done that earlier."

"Well, you did wipe icing on my face... so it's your fault that I fought back too."

Natsuki: "Just don't lick the icing anymore with your finger."

"So, I could do this then?"

Natsuki: "D-do... what?"

I licked the icing on her finger. It taste sweet.



What the fuck did I just did!?

I got so heat up in the moment that I forgot Natsuki is actually real. How did I get into this mess? She speaks up.

Natsuki: "Haru... you should be doing these things..... to a girl that.... you like..."

I feel myself blush.

"Natsuki, I... uhmmm... I lik-"

The alarm suddenly burst a loud sound. Something is smoking in the oven. Me and Natsuki rush to it.

Natsuki: "Ahhh! That's why! You left a dirty pan here. Now it's all burnt."

Fuck that!

"Ahhhh! That's the pan from pizza Friday!"

I wish I could have wash it that time. Damn it!

Natsuki: "Pizza friday? Well, that doesn't matter. I though the cupcakes burnt or something."

"Y-yeah. We should just finish everything for now."

Natsuki: "Y-yeah.. let's..."

We work at the cupcakes, silently. That went on eventually.






Natsuki: "Finally, we are done! And just in time!"

"Yeah, thank you for your hard work."

Natsuki: "You help me a lot too. Thanks, I guess..."

"Wait, you said just in time?"

Natsuki: "Oh. About that. I have to go home early. I'll start packing now."

"Let me help you with that then."

We packed up and cleaned up everything in the kitchen. Then, I lead her out of my house.

"Are you sure you want to head out now? Want to have dinner with me or something?"

Natsuki: "Well, I wish I could. I haven't eaten yet."

"That reminds me..."

I went inside and grab the pizza that I was keeping for her. I head outside carefully.

"It's for you. I cooked it. Please enjoy it, okay? I am a huge bother earlier too."

Natsuki: "...... t-thanks..."

She bites down and finishes it up. She cries a bit.

"Ohh, sorry. I know... it was from friday. I shouldn't have give it to you. Did it taste bad now? I'm sorr-"

Natsuki: "It's delicious. It's so great. I'm sorry that I have to go...! I wish I could stay a bit longer... but I can't... I'm sorry..."

I hugged her tightly. I looked up so she couldn't see me crying.

Natsuki: "You're so kind. You're so warm. Maybe that's why I.... Haru... I...."

"Yes, Natsuki? You can say it."

Natsuki: "Nevermind. It can wait for tomorrow. You can let go now."

I let her go gently.

Natsuki: "If I'm always with you... I can tell you... but please... wait for tomorrow, alright?"

"It's okay, Natsuki. I can wait. But don't keep me waiting that long... okay?"

Natsuki: "Thank you. I'll head out now. Ohh, Sayori is there... just say Hi for me... see you soon..."

She runs quickly while holding those bags. I wipe my tears away. Sayori starts to poke my back.

Sayori: "Why are you crying? Is everything alright?"


I hugged her tight.

Sayori: "Haru...?"

"I promise..."

Sayori: "Hmmm?"

"I promise.... that I will save everyone from the literature club. Like how I save you."

Sayori: "I understand... you love us, right?"

We stayed in silent for a while like that.

"Sayori, why are you here by the way? Forgot something?"

Sayori: "Maybe? Hehehe..."

She suddenly kisses me on my lips.


Sayori: "There! Now, you are my first! Teehee!"

She runs away from me back to her home.

"S-Sayori? W-wait? What just happened?"

I touch my lips. She kissed me here. She was my first kiss. That escalated quickly. I am still suprised for what happened. I am going to die from diabetes. First Monika, then Yuri... then that time with Natsuki and now... Sayori... those girls are bad for my heart if they keep doing that.


I enter ny house, feeling lost. I feel weaken right now. And I haven't eaten yet. I forgot. So I did eat breakfast, lunch and dinner food altogether. I stuffed myself. Then, as usual... I head to the shower room and took a warm bath and eventually, everything ends up in my bedroom... I went to sleep as soon as I set up an alarm.







Huh? I am dreaming again... I feel myself floating in this vast darkness... I feel warm and lighter though. I hear a voice.


???: "Tomorrow will be a special day to all of those girls. You know what to do. Give them a gift that will show how you treasure them. Surely, they will treasure you back as well... You got this now.... just rest again... Haruno."