Chapter 28: I Dated Them All?! (Part 1)
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Me and Monika head out of the clubroom, while hand in hand. Finally, some alone time with Monika! We rush into an unkown place in the school. We both saw that room. It is not that familiar, but if you open the door.... it will-




Monika: "Welcome! Haruno! Or maybe welcome back? So, you remember this place? We were here quite a lot. Just you and me. It's amazing that you know where it is located. Can you talk right now?"

I nod my head.

Monika: "Okay. But you know, I wanted to take you here at least, so we can talk again. But you beat me to it. You really are something.... well, someone else."


Monika: "It's amazing how I can talk to the actual player, it is like... you are the soul of this body. In terms of the game though. But now, it feels like everything is so real. I can actually meet and talk to you. Haruno. I've been waiting for you to talk to me again. Just like how you download a mod, just for me. Just for us. I am grateful for that."

Not a problem. I want to help you, even though it's useless. Mods are still codded with endings. Besides, you were really suffering. I'm sorry for not helping so soon. It must have feel... lonely. Over and over.

Monika: "That is true. But this time, it doesn't matter anymore. I got you here, don't I? And having you here is like the thorn that had been stuck in my heart... is gone. I just can't thank you enough..."

Well, you are already thanking me with a date so far. It's fine. Oh yeah. I have a question.

Monika: "Go ahead then. Your Monika will answer it honestly."

I was thinking, if crisis falls into this world, and I know this space here, your room here, will not be affected right?

Monika: "Well, yes. But if you delete me again, it will."

Woah. Why are you pouting like that? Well anyway, will the girls get "aware" in some time?

Monika: "Well, I suppose. Sayori is the first one who became aware after all besides me. After you deleting me, that is."

Well, if the girls are in danger, I want them to bring them here. If that's okay?

Monika: "Yeah. Yeah. It's fine. Haruno. You are so unfair."

Why are you pouting like that?! Did I do something wrong?

Monika: "Well, Sayori became your girlfriend.... and you said you want a harem... so...."

Wait, you know what's a harem. And are you getting jealous? That's cute of you right now.

Monika: "Hrrgggh. Well, I won't talk to you right now."

Heh? If you don't, then I'll poke your sides. I will start. Now!

Monika: "HAHAHAHAHA! Haruno! Stop! Hihihihi! I'm ticklish!"

So you are... then, I'll just grab me a bjte then huh?

Monika: "Huh?! Uwaaahh! Don't pull m-....."



Monika: "Mhmmmm..... Nghhhhh..... No... I can't breath...."

Well, I am kissing you passionately. As I love Sayori, I love you too. I love everyone else. People can call me greedy... that is fine, but this is my desire. To make everyone happy, every girl loved, and if death will tear up apart, I promise to come back and save you all.


She's kissing me back, passionately as well. God, I think I love this.

Monika: "Alright... I forgive you."

I love you, Monika. Please, let's stay like this. And I want you, to be my girlfriend too.

Monika: "Okay...."


Let's head outside. Let's have a proper date. Okay?

Monika: "I love you too. Please, take care of me well. And the others."

Of course, it will be my pleasure.

I grabbed her hand and went outside.

"Okay, that was somewhat refreshing. But Monika, you are a great kisser. How did you learn to do a French Kiss?

Monika: "Uhmm, it's a secret..."

"Well, okay. I won't force you to say it then."


"Alright. Because this is so awkward, why won't we have fun? Let's go to a café. My treat."

Monika: "Really? Then, I'll be in your care."

I hold Monika's hand gently and we started walking around the festival, hand in hand.


We arrived at a café. Apparantly, I heard it while we are walking. Rumors can be true though. Mine as well give it a try. We sat on the table. Being a gentleman, I made sure Monika sits first. Smooth.

"Hey Monika? After this, you can pick the next place."

Monika: "I have something in mind then."

"That's great. Oh, what do you want by the way? I heard the coffee here taste great. And if combined with cocoa, it will taste even more awesome!"

Monika: "C-coffee? Did you just say coffee?"

"Yeah. You heard me right! Wait, why do you like drooling? Do you like coffee?"

Monika apparantly nods in excitement. I guess after this, I'll treat her more coffee-related products or sweets.


After ordering, we indulged in our drinks. We talked about what happened earlier. The poem that I made for her, how I played the piano and it is mostly just literature. And those what happen to the clubroom.


We finished our drink in no time. Well, sorry to say, Monika ordered a large one. Good thing I have my funds today. Also, this coffee blend tast really good. I might ask who made this and somehow, maybe teach me how to do it.


Well, I didn't get to ask them. And because Monika wants to go to a haunted theme place. So I guess she'll find a haunted-house room. We wandered around first in the festival as she brought food. I treated her though. She looks like she's the happiest girl alive right now. I guess she felt free right now. Imagine, being restraint from your power, unable to do fun stuff, force to do horrible things, she has no freedom. But not anymore. Because as she said, I am here. I am quite special to this girl. I tend to keep it that way.


Monika: "Ahh, here we are."

She points at that place. I looked at the room she pointed. Apparantly, it look like the part. It actually looks scary. Well, my life is been wholesome for a while now. Is this a punishment?

"They did a great job. It looks scary. I wonder how much budget they use for this?"

Monika: "True, but if you think about it, it is a very large group. They have many funds and man power for that. I guess we need club members soon too."

"You know, I ain't against your idea or whatever, but I am fine with our club."

Monika: "Ohh? Why is that?"

"It's just that, it's happy just being with you and everyone, after all."

That's not the real reason though.

Monika: "Then, what is the real reason then?"

"Ohhh, you're teasing me now? How bold of you. Well, it's a secret."

Monika gives me a smug face while grinning.

Monika: "Don't worry. I know. You greedy person. Not only you can have me, you want the others as well. I think it's like your just using as your things for perversion. Tehee~"

"Oh, come on. I just want everyone else. That's it. Nothing lewd. That's it, okay?"

Monika: "You know what? You're really funny. But right now, you're cute when embarassed."

Tsk. Well, at least she is right. I suppose. But I don't do anything like that, alright.

"Let's just enter and have a good time. I feel like you are teasing me very great now."

Monika: "Heeehhh.... If you say so..."

I hold her hand and we entered the classroom. It was so dark. I feel Monika grabbed me on my arm.


Forget handholding! Having your arm being hold by a girl is bliss.


As we went on, we notice that this is a maze.

"Woah, I didn't expect a classroom can be a maze?"

Monika: "And we are trap somewhere...."

I touch my surroundings while Monika just continued to grab me by my arm. I feel that there are chairs in this fake walls, so that cleared my hunch that we aren't trap, because we are trapped. I heard something like moving on the chairs. I guess there are people who jumbles this fake walls and create a maze so people would get trap. But so far, no jumpscares. At least that's what I think.


"Monika, look out!"

I grabbed her and dodged it, but that cause me to bump into the fake wall and hit my toe on the chair outside of it.


???: "AHHHHHH!"

Oops. He run away. Monika burst into laughing.

Monika: "HAHAHA! Ha-ha-haruno? HAHAHA!"

"Wait, what?"

Monika: "Y-you.... scared him...! HAHAHA! I though he w-was the o-one to scare us..... HAHAHA! You monster!"

"Wha-? I didn't do that on purpose, I hit my toe..."

Monika: "Hehehe, that was a great laugh. I'll treasure this memories and this time of ours."

"Well, I'm fine with it. To see you happy, everyone happy is all what matters to me."

Monika: "So, you are not bothered who you scared?"

She looks at me with that smug face. Seriously, it is so amazing.

"Oh... yeah. I'll go apologize later."

Monika: "Then, let's head on."

The passage continues, the walls have been removed. We continue around the haunted classroom until we got out.


I speak to the President who manages the classroom and said my sorry to the student... that I ACCIDENTALLY scared.


After that, we head out back to the club.

Monika: "Haru, before you go, just one piece of advice for you."

"What is it?"

Monika: "Be careful, alright?"

"Of course. Besides, I don't want to make you feel sad if I'm hurt."

Monika: "Sorry, if I couldn't help you. If I tried, it will make things worst for you."

"No need to apologize. What's important is your safe right now. And I will keep it going that way."

Monika: "Thank you for understanding..."

I hugged her before entering the clubroom. She blushes and hugs me back.

Monika: "Thanks..."


And after a bit of hugging, we went inside the clubroom. People are still here.


Monika: "Haru, I'll go and talk to them, alright?"

"Sure. President."

Wink wink.

Monika: "Hehehe. Wink wink."

She heads to a group of people. I think that is her classmates judging from their collar. Oh, there are color coding collars by the way in this school. Keep that in mind.


As I was about to sit in a table and take a nap, Natsuki taps my shoulder.

Natsuki: "Hey, bud. You doing good?"

"Ohhh, hey Natsuki. What's up?"

Natsuki: "Nothing much."


"So, let me guess. You want me to accompany you?"

I grabbed my stuff.

Natsuki: "Well, if you know now, why didn't you say s-"

I grabbed her hand.

"Yeah, a date with you seems fun. I couldn't agree more!"

We dashed outside the classroom.

Natsuki: "Ahhhh! Wait! Haru!"
