Chapter 30: I Dated Them All?! (Part 3)
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As Sayori and I leave the clubroom, I saw a glimpse of Yuri entering the clubroom. She was holding into her arm. But maybe I am a bit paranoid right now. Maybe she just went to the bathroom and got her sleeves wet. Anyway, I will get a moment to talk to Yuri, so right now....


I just need to spend my time with Sayori. We head downstairs.



So far, I dated three of them. Third time's a charm huh? Well, Sayori is a charm.

Sayori: ( "Haru?" )

A charm that I would protect. That I always protect. This cute little cinnamon bun, just by looking at her right now, my mind is going blank.

Sayori: ( "Uhhhh, Earth to Haru? Hey?" )

I mean, just look at her. There is no explanation to it. She is just so cute. Well, no biases and all, the girls in the literature club member are all cute. It is one of the reasons why I joined but... why am I thinking about this right now? Anyway, it our time, my time with her, I should not worry about those things right now.

Sayori: "Haru? Are you okay? You are looking at me... kinda weird?"

"Ohh, sorry. I was just thinking how cute you are today."

Sayori's cheeks explodes with a blush on her face.

Sayori: "T-Thanks..."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me. Where are you taking me right now?

Sayori: "I plan to eat with you right now. So, let's go to a cafeteria for now."

"Sounds great but there is one thing..."

Sayori: "What do you mean?"

"If you are going to eat, how about takoyaki? Sure, cafeteria foods are alright, but we are in a festival. A Festival."

Sayori: "Oooh, oohh! Those taste great!"

"Yeah, and my treat, so don't you worry. Also, if you won't mind..."

I show her the insides of my bag and daw one bento left inside.

Sayori: "Hehehe! As expected of my boyfriend!"

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Sayori: "But Haru, how about you? You said like I am the one who's going to eat everything?"

"I am fine. I'll take a couple of bites. But you know, I want to try something... something embarassing with you."

Sayori: "Of course you do. But, I'll pass to your lewd ideas."

"H-hey! It is not what it looks like! I mean... kkkk..."

I stutter out of embarassment. She burst with a big laugh on her face.


Well, I guess she is right. I recollect my thoughts and words. But failed miserably.

"But there's nothing wrong about it since we are a couple now right?"

Sayori wonders. She stays silent while thinking. She then asks me.

Sayori: "What are you planning to do though? Let's hear it."

Sayori: ( "And if you are going to do it, be gentle with me." )

"Well, I was planning on feeding you. You know, like I will hold the food and you say <Ahhhhh>. Wait, what did you just sa-"

Sayori: "Ahhh! Haru!"

She gave me a cute punch. It hurt though.

Sayori: "Watch your phrasing.... you made me say weird things."


Ohhhh, fuck. Leaving out the main thought in my sentences made Sayori think.....


My face bombs with embarassment.


Sayori: "Ahh! You know what? I think you are just hungry. HAHA. Yeah."

She laughs sarcastically and spoke at a monotone voice.

"Oiiii! I did not mea-"

But before I could explain everything, she grabs my hand and drag me, not looking at me. She stayed like this until I found her a good takoyaki stand.


"Sayori, here you go."

I bought her a dozen of it. Though the price is way off my charts, I am sure it taste great. Not to mention while we are walking earlier, I often see that design on their product. Plus, paper is used to contain. I think it is eco-friendly, but still it is trash.

Sayori: "Wahhhhh! Can I take a bite?!"

"Sure, I bought it for you after all."

Sayori: "Wait, this is not the place to eat. Come, Haru... and we shall go thee and to thy place!"

"I am not sure about your words but okay. Let's go to your.... whatever the place you want us to go... because I have no idea."

I laughed a bit at what I said.

Sayori: "Trust me, it is beautiful and quiet there. We could do that thing that you were saying earlier."

"Then let's hurry before the food gets cold."

Sayori: "I sense a disturbance in the force. We really must hurry!"

"What do you mean? H-hey!"

She runs away from me while doing that thing from an anime where ninjas are running with their hands on their back. It looks funny while she does that, but she looks so cute and cheerful.

"Gosh, that girl. She was very sad at those times... and now... look at her. She seems so happy."

I never regret confessing to her. I glad I can save her.... but there are more things left undone.

"Hey Sayori! Wait up!"

I run towards her as she runs away.




I finally caught up to Sayori. Damn, not only she's hella strong, but she's hella fast as well. That explains that time where she can chase me at the first day of school.


I am out of breath. I noticed that we arrived at the school's garden, well, more like a forest. I also noticed that there is only a few people, which are mostly couples. Sayori then motion to get over there, at the garden's bench.


I can feel the nostalgia again, the sweeping of the soothing wind and the piercing of hot, sunrays. Well, the trees here provides shade though. I sat beside Sayori at the bench.

"Sayori, let's do a lap race at some time. Hmmm? Sayori?"

As she sat beside me and looks up into the sky, she almost look like an angel while the sun kisses her face with that brilliant light. I can feel my heart pounding, like what happened to me and Natsuki last time. The only thought right now that is flashing through me is that this girl, who was not real and just a game character, but later became real... she had depression over and over again... then... I came... and somehow she is happy right now.

"Hey. Can you look at me right now?"

Sayori: "Hmm? What is it Haru-"

"Bon appetite."

I suddenly went ahead for a kiss on her lips. She didn't refuse and hold my cheeks with her soft hands. She kisses back at me. This moment last shorter, but feels like forever. Is there any way so that we can kiss forever? We stop after getting embarassed over some people who walk in the garden.

Sayori: "As expected to my lewd boyfriend."

"Heh? You did not stop me though. I guess you like it."

Sayori: "Well, you are wrong about that. I did not like it. I love it, so I kiss you back."

Ack. The damage. Over 9000.

"Are you not mad anymore? About earlier?"

Sayori: "I am not mad to begin with. I was just embarassed. But it feels nice. About you worrying about me. Thank you for that."

"What did I said that time? I am here. So, no need to get lonely anymore."

Sayori: "Oh, while we eat, let's talk. About what happened."


I prepared the food while Sayori is gazing at the flowers. After the preparation is finished, I tried to feed her. She did not hesitate and bite her food. She chews it down and speak.

Sayori: "I want to thank you. For everything."

I gave her another bite and was taken down again. I take one for myself as well.

Sayori: "Remember when my parents went home and took me to a doctor? They said it was you... you are the one who told them."

"Yeah. It was me. I planned it. Because I don't want to see you like that anymore. You may be cheerful but deep inside, I know that you are suffering. Oh, maybe I am rude right now but, can you tell me... when? When did this happened?"

Sayori: "It's fine. Haru. And yeah, it happened when... I realized.... that this world... is unfair. It is so unfair to me that time. I was happy, but missing something. The next thing I know is the fact that I have depression. I was alive on the outside, but dead on the inside. I can cheer people up, but can't do it to my self. I was very happy that it broke me into sadness. Then, people who came into my life, started leaving..."

I feed her another bite of takoyaki.

Sayori: "Thanks, it really is delicious."

"What do you feel about me? About leaving you? Because I did..."

Sayori: "I don't hate you or whatever for that. I just felt so lonely. That's all."

Silence fills the air. I fed her another bite of takoyaki.

Sayori: "But you know... the thoughts are disappearing. The rainclouds, Haru. They are fading. Gone."

I hope it is reduce to atoms.

"I'm sorry, Sayori. For those years I spent... without you."


"I never realized... I felt so lonely as well that time."

Did I? Or is it because of the overlapping memories?

"I'm sorry for leaving you. For parting away from you."

But it is not me, right? It was this body. Or this person, that I dwell right now."

"But now, I really am here. And I am not leaving you.... even if death will take me."

I don't care if it is me, or not me. This is me. This feelings I am feeling right now, is true.

Sayori: "I am very... grateful. But... don't die, alright? We only have one life. You value mine, so I'll value yours."





"Let's now look at the future but never forget the past."


We stayed silent for a while, while I feed her the rest of the takoyaki.

"Ehem, now that's out of the way..."

I opened the bento and Sayori starts to drool.

"Here, say <ahhhh>."

Sayori: "Ahhhh.... hauuummm.... nom nom nom.... delicious!"

"Glad to hear it. I will cook for you for tomorrow as well. So, be sure to ready your taste buds."

Sayori: "Hehehe!"


I feed her again and again till she was full. I feel great satisfaction over my hunger. She was so happy till she rest her head on my shoulder, just humming a sound. I could fall asleep, listening to it. I look up to the sky. The trees were blocking it, but still I can see it. The blue skies.

I was so happy just to see everyone happy.

So much that it doesn't matter how much I suffer....

To see your loved ones.... smile sky high...

To be happy regardless of the cruel world.....

To gain joy from this lie we called life...

It doesn't matter anymore....

I don't care anymore... whatever happens to me...

As she said, value my own life. I have only one. But now it is different. If I could use it all over again, I will make sure....

To protect you, and everyone else....

Is this my redemption? From the old past? Where I could not protect everyone?





Sayori: "Haruno. Don't fall asleep like that."

"H-huh... ackkk... what was I... doing?"

I feel my head lying on something. Wait... someone...

Sayori: "I hope you like it though, you have sleep pretty well."

I must have fallen asleep.

"How much time had passed?"

Sayori: "It's been an hour since we got here. Though, it is still three in the afternoon. This is a great time for a nap, right? It is so cool..."

She poke my cheeks. I try not to move while looking at her.

"What is this sensation... your thighs?"

Sayori: "Yep, just enjoy them."

"I want them to sandwich me."

Sayori: "Pervert. Well, I guess that's just your downfall. But I don't mind. Maybe."

"Oh, sorry. I just wake up from a nap."

Sayori: "So your reason is you are half awake? No matter. You can't escape the truth anymore. Hehehe~"

She teases me just like that. I guess this is fine.

Sayori: "I just realized that you worked so hard for us. So you must have been tired."

"Yeah, a bit. Wait, more than a bit. But it is worth it."

Sayori: "Have you rested well enough?"

"Yeah... I rested so muc- Huh?"

I caught a glimpse just now.


Sayori: "Huh?"

"Ohh, nevermind. It was my imagination."

Sayori: "Good grief. You must have been so tired for everyone. Just rest some more before we go back. I am sure that Yuri is waiting."

"Ohhh, I have one question. Is this what the rock paper scissors game that you four are playing earlier?"

Sayori: "Yeah, and I sucked. I got third."

"Figured. Well... uhmmm... how do I say this..."


"You sure you don't mind that I am doing this to the other girls?"

Sayori: "Yeah, I have several questions but... I trust you. You must have a reason not telling me but I have an clue about it, and believe me... I am rooting for it. I know you are trying to help as all... like how you help me."

"Yeah. I am not that dense. I can see everyone has problems. And I am helping everyone. So...."


"Sorry... I am your boyfriend but I feel like I am making you feel jealous."

Sayori: "Not really... yeah~"

Why does your face says that you are getting jealous?

Sayori: "But I get what you mean. You want to know why? Say why."

"Hehe, why... ooo' my cute girlfriend?"

Sayori: "Because I am your childhood friend and girlfriend after all. And Haruno is Haruno. The boy that I have known like... for my entire life."

"I-I.... Sayori... I-"

Sayori: "Figured. Your next words are <I love you> and I love you too."


Have you been watching anime? You are kinda weird, with all the references. I kept this though to myself.

Sayori: "Hmmm....?"

"Is your thighs numbed?"

Sayori shuts her mouth. But I can see the pain in her eyes. She speaks back after a couple of seconds.

Sayori: "Y-yeah..."

"Want to go back?"

Sayori: "Maybe. Yeah? Well, I don't want to make Yuri waiting."

I stand up slowly and almost touch her thighs. I restrain myself. I patted her instead. Damn, almost lost my humanity for the thighs....


She stands up as well while I support her with my hand. We head back to the clubroom.


"Hey Sayori, while we are going back... can I take a picture with you... so I can set it as my wallpaper."

Sayori: "Yeah! Let's do that! Hehehe~ Paired wallpapers!"

Sayori takes out her phone and take a selfie with me. I did the same with my phone.

"Ohhhh, that reminds me! Sayori, close your eyes."

Sayori: "Ohhh, would I get a suprise?"

"You would. This is for you after all."

Sayori: "Okay!"

I take out the keychain that I planned to gave her.

"Open your eyes."

I showed her the keychain.

Sayori: "Is that?! My favorite keychain? But I thought it was time-limited?!"

"It is. Well, here. You can make it as your cellphone strap."

She hastely grabs it and puts it at her cellphone. I take out the other pair.

"Yeah, I bought a pair. Now, we are matching. Hehehe~"


She gave me a big, cheerful hug. I hugged her back gently. And whispered.

"I love you too, cinnamon bun."


We head back to the classroom, with cellphone straps in pair.


Sayori: "Good luck with Yuri. And Haru, I will forbid you from lewding. Alright?"

"Alright. It's not like a lewd EVERYONE, right?"

Sayori: "Sometimes, I doubt you. Or maybe I pity you. But I am kidding. Besides, why lewd others when you got me?"


Sayori: "What?"

"Ahhh, nevermind. Anyway, are you going to wait for me right here?"

Sayori: "Yeah, let's go home. Together. So, I will be right here... waiting for you. Don't forget."

"I won't."

Sayori pats my head and then head inside first inside the clubroom. I follow afterwards.


In a distance, Yuri is approaching me. This is it. My chance.

Yuri: "Uhmm, are you not busy?"

"Yeah, just got back for you. And hey, I am free right now so... want to ask me out?"

Yuri: "Yeah... Can we?"

"Yuri... of course. Let's go!"

I grabbed her hand softly but she refuses.

Yuri: "I... uhhh... will just walk with you."

"Oww, sorry. Let's go?"

Yuri: "Yeah."

We then head out....

I hope this would turn well...