Chapter 3: Birthday party.
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Today was Rose birthday.

Noble's were invited in hopes of forging connection with them.

All things proceeded smoothly on her birthday's preparation.

Luke: Rose happy birthday!

Luke said so with a big smile in his face.

Luke: Look at what we prepared for your birthday!

Rose look around and saw that the whole place is magnificent, she think that only rich nobles can only have this party.

Luke: I helped the servants prepare for your first birthday party! 

Rose: T-thank you brother.....

Luke: I have high pride being your brother, of course I would make your first birthday party to be the best that you'll have as this will be the day you'll meet your future.

Rose: Future?

Luke: Yes... The one you'll love.

Rose: Love! Really brother?!

She then get excited.

(Of course she'll first meet him after he was saved by him, but Rose will still get a trauma, well it's the game plot right now it she won't have a trauma but he'll surely meet her now, I even invited him here personally myself.)

Luke: Really.

Rose: Love like those in the books!?

(Oh no I don't know what book it is.)

Luke: Well uhhh yeah...

Rose: I'm looking forward for him!

Luke: Good luck on your birthday Rose, and of course I'll still be there.

(Now that they'll surely meet now the plot of her continuing the romance route in the DLC is on.)

Luke exited the hall.


Luke: Nora are you here?

He called Nora in the maid quarters.

A bit later someone showed up.

Nora: S-sorry Young master t-that I was late...

Luke: Don't worry about it, also as my personal maid I want you to have an experience to be by my side, and now is the good time to test your 1 month of training, we'll be starting now, the stage of the training experience will be in the birthday hall.

Nora: T-thank you Young master...

Luke: Also when talking to me always look at the one your talking to, if you are like that to others they'll be thinking that you are looking down at them.

(Technically she will be looking down at them.)

Nora: Y-yes Young master...

She turned her face to Luke but her eyes are not looking at him.

Luke: *Sighn, Nora that's how it is, look at me not look the other way, what are you embarrassed?

Nora: Y-yes...

(How much charm does Luke have that he can even make children blushed on him?)

Luke: Alright then, if you won't do it properly I'll have to punish you.

Nora: O-okay...

(What the fuck is that reaction?! why did her face turned red?)

Luke: Look at me in the eyes.

Little by little she turned her eyes to look at him.

Luke: There you go.

Nora: Y-young master...

Luke: What?

Nora: Your too close...

Luke: Oh my bad.

When I backed enough her face became a little bit dissatisfied.

Nora: ...

Luke: Lets go now Nora, my little sister is waiting for me.

Nora followed Luke in his back.

As they walk through corridors Lily showed up.

Lily: Young master take care, you too Nora I'm sure you are nervous that this will be your first experience, don't worry it's the same as the time when I became the maid too.

Nora: Thank you Lily.

Luke: Take care and also be sure to guard the food, we can't let someone poison the food.

(I might be changing the plot unknowingly, to be safe Caution is needed.)

Lily: Got it Young master.

they proceed to go to Rose's birthday.


Roxal: welcome! ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming for my daughter's birthday, she wa-

while he was talking the focus turned to rose that was at the back of the curtains, there she lay nervous on the wall.

(I should be able to do this, I can do this! since my brother even prepared my birthday party, and he even said that I will meet the love of my life here.)

She grips her fist.

(For the sake of my brother!)

Roxal: -introducing my daughter! Rose Standford!

The curtains was opened by the curtain, there they saw Rose.

Many were impressed by how they made the introduction like this.

As she was at the top of the stage gossips were starting to be heard.

"Isn't she beautiful and cute?"

"She's like a jewel."

"No that necklace she has is the true jewel."

while some kept quite looking who are just inspecting Rose.

All sorts of talks were made, this made Rose to stutter a bit.

Rose: I am happy that all of you have attended my birthday.

But it is not enough to lower the confidence she have.

She continued.


While she keeps continuing her speech, Luke was seated in a table while Nora is beside him standing at his side.

Luke: My little sister is amazing right? 

He sips a tea.

Nora: Y-young master you are not supposed to drink the tea yet.

Luke: Don't worry I just want a little bit of caffeine I'm getting kind of sleepy after preparing for her birthday.

Nora: Just this time o-okay? I'm gonna get scolded if you get found out.

Luke while sipping the tea has been thinking.

(I can't seem to think of a countermeasure to stop that assassin, but I'm more worried that I'm just letting the assassin to go near her...Sorry Rose i can't do anything... but this is a risk that I've taken, her meeting her supposed loved one, while I apprehend the assassin.)

Luke hold his head.

Nora: Is there a problem Young master?

Nora seems worried.

Luke: I'm Okay.

(Sorry Rose, A mage is a bad matchup against assassin, I can't even see him here...and this game made the assassin that will be attacking you so powerful and can only be stopped by your future love.)

Nora: Are you really okay young master?

Luke: I'm okay Nora just worried about my little sister.

Nora: Say something if there is anything you need alright?

Luke: Yeah sure.

The two watch Rose speech.

Before she ended her speech.

"-and thank you... I would also like to thank my brother for preparing this magnificent birthday party."

After she ended everyone clapped.

"She's amazing for a girl that just turned 9 years old, I would consider marrying her to my grandso-"

"She's magnificent if she turned to a Lady she would truly be the star of the noble ladies fo-"

"Beautiful! she truly is! your daughter is-"

"She sparkles like her necklace..."

After she go off the stage many approached her introducing themselves.

Her destination is where her brother seated in, but she can't go as there are many people introducing to her.

Luke who was observing her was puzzled.

(What how? how did no assassin attacked her? and I can't see him the one who is supposed to save her.)

Nora: Young master there you go again, are you really okay?

Luke: I'm alright...

(This is unexpected...I know I will change the plot by a butterfly effect but I didn't know that I will change the day where she will be attacked, this is kind of worrying.)

While Luke was still thinking a waiter who they didn't know brought another cup of coffee.

Luke: Thank-

Nora suddenly attacked the waiter by kicking him in the balls making him unable to move.

Nora: Someone apprehend this person! 

Guards: Yes!

Guard approached the waiter.

Luke: Ah...

Nora: Young master you okay?

Luke: Eh ah yeah.

(What the heck just happened?)

Luke was unable to comprehend what just happened now.

When the guards finally apprehend the waiter.

Guard: Who are you?! you are not the waiter here!

While this commotion happened all the other nobles just watched the spectacle.

???: Tsk! 

He click his tounge.

He begun to get limp.

When Luke finally understand the situation he thought.

(Shit...I was the their target.)

Guard: He just killed himself!

They know that it is some type of poison that once tasted you'll die in a minute, and since in those seconds the pain is numbed.

Luke: Hold him in place.

Guard: Y-yes Young master!

Luke: And they planned to poison me based on what he have brought here, then so be it.

Luke casted a healing spell to the man.

This spell is what he learned in this world.

(If I were to have this in my world I can save Mai, since I'm saving this for Rose, and nothing happened to her I should use it.)

The unknown waiter's body lighted up.

Once the light was gone his became back to normal.

???: What... H-how?!

Luke: Bring him to the cell investigate where he get his orders from now!

Guard: Y-yes sir...

Once they left Luke turned to Nora.

Luke: Nora Thank you for saving me there.

Nora: It's m-my job after all...

Suddenly Rose came running to him.

Luke: Whoa! Rose Don't just...suddenly...

Rose: Brother... I'm worried...*hic

There she cried at my arms.

(The opposite happened huh.)

This event at the birthday makes the birthday party to end too early.

Even if they left they were still astounded at what happened, there were no dissatisfaction within them.

They thought of this new Barron noble as having high potential on combat prowess, as expected of the two S class adventurer that became a noble.

In their mind they thought of marrying their sons and daughters to the Standford family, for the sake of being the allies of this new family.