Chapter 13: Look Above (Part 2)
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Rume was scared to try, it was the first she ever encountered something like this after all. However, Galeila was there for her. Thus, she worked up some courage. If she was there, Rume would be safe.

“There is a gap between where you stand and the magic’s area of effect. So you will need to jump a little. There will be a slight fall, but I’ll be here for you.”

Rume reached out and held her hand. She jumped, because of being frightened a little, she jumped stronger than she intended to. She felt a slight tingle on her skin before falling down. She could feel the wind as she descended, with her eyes closed, she braced for it.

However, she realized that she was not falling as fast as she anticipated. She slightly opened her eyes to take a peek. She was indeed descending slowly. Looking around, she was rattled a bit after looking below. She was getting closer and closer to the ground, but it didn’t take long before she fully stopped.

Now she was in mid-air, floating. It felt kind of weird.

“Are you doing fine, Rume?”

“Uh… y-yes. I’m, I’m floating!” She formed a joyful expression.

“Yes, but shortly we’ll fly. For now, look straight towards me.”

Rume looked at her eyes.

“I will be letting you go, so don’t panic. You won’t fall, trust me.”

Rume nodded. Slowly, Galeila let go of Rume’s hand. The little girl was slightly scared the closer her hand was fully letting go from her. But that fear was not to the point of panic. Before she knew it, her hand was now grasping nothing but air.

Her heart beat fast as she looked at Galeila who was beyond her reach. But she did not panic. Rume was slowly tilting as she floated, her smile trembled, but she was enjoying it. However, her tilting was becoming problematic. She will eventually flip upside down.

“Now then, what about you try flying towards me?”

Galeila said with a warm smile.

“...But, how do I move?”

“Imagine moving in the direction you want. Then will it, and feel it. You always go through that when you are imagining something, don’t you?”

Rume nodded.

“Then, try.”

She looked sternly at Galeila, following her instructions. She imagined moving forward. She willed herself to move, felt it like how she loses herself in her imaginations. Forward, just going forward. As she worked her best, her body began to move.

It was slow, but she was moving. Realizing it, she formed a broad and bright smile.

“I’m moving! I’m moving Miss Galeila!”

“Perfect! But rid of the cautiousness and fear, Rume. Just move with peace and calmness, only then will you go faster.”

Rume inhaled deeply to calm herself. She forced herself to move while shoving the image of the ground below her to the back of her mind. Everything in her mind was nothing but the view in front of her. That was all that mattered.

She began to move faster and faster, it wasn’t a lot faster, but it was indeed faster than before. As she got closer to Galeila, Galeila flew further back, making Rume chase her. Rume didn’t falter but only moved — flew forward. With every second her speed grew. When her speed reached at a satisfying degree, only then Galeila caught her in her arms.

“Good job Rume! You learn quickly!”

“Really? Thank you!”

Entranced by Rume’s adorable and happy smile, Galeila failed to resist the urge to pat her head.

“Then we’ll practice on the brakes next.”

Galeila flew away from Rume.

“Do you have an idea how?”

“I think so...”

Rume did indeed have an idea. But she wasn’t sure if that was the correct way.

“In that case, try it.”

Rume flew forward and slowly gained speed. As she got closer, she did the method she thought about. She countered the momentum of going forward by going backward. Then as she almost still, she stopped all movements and let herself float in the air. Unfortunately, her calculations were off for she was still slowly flying forward. She sighed in disappointment.

But she heard clapping in front of her.

“Impressive, Rume. You did superbly in your first try! A little work and you will perfect it.”

“T-Thank you.”

“Then, what about we go up, let’s go to Lein.”


Galeila went up ahead then stopped to wait for Rume. But the little girl had no trouble catching up to her, although a minor problem in stopping. That being said, she was getting the hang of it.

Rume giggled as she approached Galeila, enjoying every single second of this bizarre but exciting experience.

“Lein, what are you standing around there for? Are you not going to join us?”

Galeila asked Lein who was standing at the edge who appeared to have no intention of joining.

“Excuse me? As you can see, I’m wearing a short skirt.”


“S-So?! I’ll be exposed if I fly around. What if there are some eyes around here?! No way!”

“You will be fine.”

“Am I? Is there no one anywhere here?”


“See?! There are.”

“Why did you even wear that in the first place?”

“Why not? It’s fashionable, stylish and elegant, I look great in it. So of course I’ll wear it.”

“Elegant…?” Galeila had a bit of doubt about that word. “Never mind, I understand, so I won’t force you. We’ll be flying around for a while.”

“Watch me, Miss Lein. I’m going to try my hardest to at least master flying a little bit.”

Rume did not fully understand why Lein didn’t want to join. Rume was wearing a dress with a long skirt, so Rume didn’t worry about it that much. Plus, she was still a child, therefore she had not yet completely understood what the adult Lein was trying to protect.

“I will be watching your progress. You’ll never know, it will undoubtedly be handy once you learn flight magic.”

“So there is magic that makes you fly?”

“Oh yes, so practice well.”

“I will!”

Rume was looking forward to learning flight magic. Who wouldn’t want to always be able to fly?

“Alright then, let’s go Rume. Let’s take a good look at the scenery as we go.”

Rume nodded as she followed Galeila around. As seconds went by, they went flying faster and faster than before. As time went on, gradually, Rume got better at flying. Adjusting her speed, slowing down, and stopping.

They went along the several rivers, Rume wanted to try and went through one, but decided to not act on impulse like this, it was dangerous to do so after all. She didn’t want to worry Galeila and Lein. In addition, there was absolutely to need to deliberately put herself in danger.

Rume and Galeila went above the floating islands, some were adorably small, and some were frighteningly massive. Rume couldn’t help but imagine how it would be if one were to fall. The islands were full of vegetation that one couldn’t see the soil beneath them from above. It was untouched, there were no large animals but only birds and insects.

All in all, it was a great experience for Rume. Being able to see bizarre spectacles, being able to feel and experience how it was to fly, it was the best moments of her life. She wondered if she would be able to experience the same thing in the far future.

Is this the wonders of adventure?

If she could, if she had the chance, she wanted to have this kind of experience again. Not only once or twice, but many and many more.