Chapter two: The First Kill.
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I'm open to criticism, so please, any mistake you find, tell me about it down in the comments

Thank you all for reading <3

You are probably wondering: "What the fuck is wrong with this person" Right now, but bear with me, I can explain myself.

To be honest, I've always found the world dull, boring and nothing really goes on with my life.

I know, it's probably my fault for not socializing too much, but I simply can't bother with people.

That's why I used games and stories as ways to spark some action in my life, as I imagine myself in the shoes of a protagonist or my game characters.

And this now? This is the best fucking thing ever, I can go out, I can loot stores, I can kill mobs and maybe, just maybe, save some damsel in distress.

The only missing part is a game-like system, and I don't see anything like that, which is quite disappointing. 

But oh well, I will take what I get.

Yes, yes, people are dying, that's supposed to be sad, right? Well, no. Over 150,000 people die every day. Do you feel sad about those people? No? Then why do I have to feel sad about a couple more?

Next question.

Hmmm? "What will I do after food and water run out? Oh, Easy. I die.

I'm totally okay with dying due to starvation or dehydration.

But anything else is a no-no. especially to some fucking Zombies.

Looking through my apartment for a while, I quickly collect a couple of probably useful items.

2. two 1-liter water bottles.
3. five cans of sweet corn.
4.Flash Light.
5. Leather Jacket (Armor).
6. fingerless leather gloves.
7. First aid kit.

I stuff all of the "items" into the backpack and put the jacket and gloves on.

Next, I look for "Weapons".
My search didn't come up with as much stuff this time, as my options were quite limited in this small apartment.

1. Kitchen Knife, recently bought, still sharp.
2. Stainless steel Pan, Wooden handle. heavily used, Handle isn't too stable.
3. Stainless Steel Pan, Metal handle. recently bought, sturdy.

I take the knife and the second pan, And after wearing my backpack, I'm finally ready to go out.
Exiting my apartment into the hallway, I can already see signs of shit going down here, as blood was smeared all over the walls and pieces of human remains are littered here and there. Weird, how did I not hear any of this going down?

Probably happened while I was asleep, as I tend to have music playing into my ears while sleeping.

Going down the stairs and to the first floor, noticing more gore and blood, I reach the last stair, and right opposite of me, a zombie is sitting down right in front of the door to the outside world. By the clothes he's wearing, I assume it's the gate guard, Jerry.

a 1 on 1 match in a closed space where no more Zombies can at me? Well, this looks awfully convenient, as if I was the protagonist of some story and this is my introduction into the new apocalypse, and how to defeat the enemies I will be facing.

Welp, Jerry was always a bit of a dick towards me, and he is already like, dead, right?

It's time to kill Jerry.

Zombie-Jerry (Aka ZJ) seems to be distracted, looking out of the window facing the main street.

He is probably thinking about what the fuck happened to the world, or maybe he is sad because he is a zombie now?
None of my fucking business.

I drop to a crouch and slowly start advancing towards ZJ, holding the knife tightly in my right hand with the pan in my left.

When I'm about 4 meters away from ZJ, I stop and check the floor in front of me, making sure to not trigger the cliché scene of me stepping on something and making a loud noise which would cause me to be discovered.

After making sure that the path is clear, I look back up and find ZJ looking at me straight in the eyes, its red glowing eyes looking quite intimidating.

I freeze.

It moves.

After about a couple of a second of stillness, my senses return to me and I quickly jump up from my crouching position, finding ZJ is less than 2 meters away from me and is within arms reach.

I don't think about it much, as my right-hand shoots forward, the knife in my hand slicing ZJ's neck and drawing a 5 centimeters long gash on it.
I quickly step back after my attack and find that ZJ has stopped.

There wasn't a spray of blood from his neck as you would expect a wound to do, instead, a disgusting black substance was oozing out of the wound and slowly closing it.
After about 3 seconds, the wound is fully healed, leaving a green patch of skin where the wound previously was.

ZJ started advancing again, but this time I'm not panicking and can actually see how slow it is.
Its steps are large, but that's about it. It takes a whole second to step once.

Taking a step back, I start circling around ZJ, which seems to confuse it as it slowly, even slower than it walks, starts rotating its body towards me. I start thinking of a better plan of action

'Hmmm, since a wound didn't work, maybe I should try his heart? Naah, it's always the head in zombie movies or games.
Maybe if I cut off the head entirely? but I doubt I can do that with this knife... Maybe I don't have to cut it off, instead, just crush it?' I think to myself as I eye the pan in my hand.

I drop the knife and hold the pan tightly with both of my hands. Right now, I'm almost completely behind it, and it's still struggling to spin around.

Raising the pan overhead, I step once towards ZJ and let the fury of all the gods descend upon his skull in the shape of my pan.
The moment the pan made contact with its skull, a loud *BAAM* was heard throughout the hall, and I panicked, afraid that a millon zombie just heard me and they are going to swarm this place any second now.

I didn't break off my state of panic until I heard a *thud*, and when I looked down, I could see ZJ's body on the ground, completely still.
Its head was crushed on one side, oozing out another disgusting liquid, but this time, it's not the same black as before, but a red one instead, which I assume is its blood.
Looking at the pan, I find smeared with blood and bits of flesh so I quickly wipe it on the lobby carpet and head back up to my apartment.

Why didn't I go out instead as I was planning to?

Because in my vision, I could see something so beautiful, that my eyes start to water.

Initiating System...

"Yesssssss!" I say as I pump my hand in a winning gesture as if today is the best day of my life.
"Oh wait. It IS the best fucking day of my life.