54. ~Balls~
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As promised, Sasha regretfully, but patiently waited outside Eva’s bedroom door while she dressed for school.

Fireworks still danced inside Sasha from yesterday, but the scary part was that she wanted to kiss him again. She wanted him to hug her, she wanted him to-

Sasha shook her head. Stop thinking about that. It’s time Eva left her room, or she won't have enough time to eat before school.

“Okay Eva, I’m coming in to help, or we’re going to be la-”

Eva opened the door, fully dressed, holding her backpack in front of her.

Dry tears stained her cheeks.

“Ready?” Sasha asked.

Eva shook her head.

“Well you can’t miss school because of some stupid boy.” Sasha dragged her to the kitchen where her mom waited with both breakfast and a pre-packed lunch.

Eva sat down and took two bites, unable to finish.

She’ll eat later...

They cleaned up and put their shoes on.

At the door, Natalee kissed Eva goodbye. “Try to have fun today, okay? I love you!”

Eva whispered a reply before Sasha dragged her toward school.

Halfway there, Eva breathed in.

“Sasha, h-how can you be so strong? You’ve had a boyfriend before Yatsu, right? What did you feel when he- when you-”

“Broke up with him?” Sasha finished her sentence. “Psh, that moron just liked to cuddle a lot. Eventually he got bored of me, so I dumped him before he grew balls and made any further moves.”

Eva coughed and snorted, slapping a hand over her face to hide her smile. Her cheeks turned pink.

“What?” Sasha asked. “Balls? If he had any at all they’d have prolly been tiny,” Sasha gestured with her fingers just how tiny she guessed they were. “Maybe this big?”

Eva burst out laughing... and giggled uncontrollably throughout the rest of the walk.