29. ~Scribbling~
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Sasha’s pencil sped across the page, copying down the teacher's notes word for word.

Sit on my-?”

She stopped her hand, and glanced at the page.

Stupid Yatsu, making me screw up.

She flipped the pencil over for the fourth time.

Scribbling to catch up, she averted her thoughts.

That's right, I have to scream at someone today... no, he deserves more than that.

Sasha glanced at her paper again.

Damnit! Sasha flipped her pencil over and the bell rang.

Most of the class stood up and rushed out the door, all heading in one direction.

Sasha copied down the rest of the notes and closed her binder.

As she zipped her binder, Sasha's wrists were snatched by people on either side of her and suddenly gravity plopped her on the floor; her stool kicked out from under her.


Two more people jumped on Sasha's legs before she reacted.

“Let me go!” Sasha jerked an arm free, and threw a punch, nailing Butter Fingers in the gut. Sasha threw another as she flailed to get free, but Butter Fingers dodged the second attempt, and once again took hold.

Pain shot up Sasha's other arm and she froze.

“That's better,” Scrawny Girl held Sasha's arm, twisted around to breaking point.

Sasha ground her teeth. This one knows me.

The second girl took back Sasha's arm and both were pressed to the cold floor, and sat on.

Sasha tugged again, but it was pointless.

Scrawny Girl hopped onto Sasha's stomach.

Sasha winced and avoided eye-contact.

“The infamous... Sasha? -was it?” Scrawny Girl asked rhetorically. “You know I was planning on stripping you and your, uh, friend... of your popularity a couple months ago? -I never really did get around to it.”

“There's makeup in her bag!” A sixth girl said and brought Sasha's bag close. “Some of it is expensive...”

Scrawny Girl leafed through it and pulled out Sasha's eye-shadow.

“My my, you have good taste... well, the lipstick you have in there is cheap,” she popped the eye-shadow open.

“Psh. Take it, I don't care,” Sasha grumbled.

I wanted to test it on my date with Yatsu.

“You've never used it? This looks brand new!” Scrawny Girl closed the eye-shadow and leafed through Sasha's bag some more.

“We should doll her up!” The girl holding the bag suggested. “And make her look like a slut!”

Scrawny Girl paused and looked up at her friend before eyeing Sasha with interest.

Sasha glared back. “You put any of that on me-I'll kill you,” Sasha growled.

“Hold her still,” Scrawny Girl said.

Butter Fingers, and the other girl sitting on her arm, reached for Sasha's head.

Sasha struggled and tried to bite them.

“Help them!”

The girl holding the bag placed the bag beside Scrawny Girl, and took hold of Sasha's head.

All three held her still.

Scrawny girl pulled out some makeup Sasha didn't recognize. “This will make you look really cute, just for him. This is mine, but I'll let you borrow it for a minute,” she took out a brush. “I wonder what he likes about you anyway? Wait, I remember he once said he liked a girl with a little fire in her...”

Sasha couldn't move, didn't know what to say, could hardly breathe... when the brush came close, Sasha shut her eyes tight.

“That's it, hold nice and still,” Scrawny girl said and applied the first touch.

They brushed and pressed lines across her face. Laughing followed, giggling afterward, talking... whispering…

Anger, rage, confusion...

Shaking, shivering...

A lump formed in Sasha's throat as the group of girls applied one thing after the other.

“And this,” Scrawny Girl chuckled. “This will make you glow.”

They applied one last layer to Sasha's face.

“And we're done! That was painless, wasn't it?”

“Taking a picture!”


“Haha, okay girls,” Scrawny girl said. “Grab your things and let's get out of here, we can't leave him waiting for her too long.”

The pressure on Sasha's legs finally vanished. Next, Scrawny Girl climbed off. The girls holding Sasha's arms were last.

Sasha sat up slowly as the girls fled. Her makeup scattered all over the floor beside her.

With her energy sapped, she sniffled and a teardrop fell on her hand.

“This sucks.”