51. ~Ugly~
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The mouth-watering stares of the boys and the piercing glares of the girls because irritating. The final bell rang and students scrambled out of their classrooms. I can finally go and take this stupid thing off.

But I can't let my guard down yet.

Still expecting the cheerleaders to pounce, Sasha finished packing up and left. Eyes stared at her down the halls, and out the door, until she was out of sight. Surprisingly, no one followed her out.

And no one followed her home.

Well, I guess they weren't up for it today.

Sasha opened her front door and walked inside.

“Did the boys drool at you all day?” Miya grinned at her from the other side of the room. “They sure drooled at Luna.”

Luna walked in from the kitchen. Wearing a similar pink dress as Sasha, even behind the thick layer of makeup covering her face, her cheeks glowed red.

That's because she's cute.

“You know, I bet Yatsu would love to see you wearing that costume,” Miya grinned.

Sasha blushed.

No he wouldn’t.

“He’d ask you to marry him, I bet.” Miya nodded.

Sasha’s blush deepened.

She shook her head.

“I’m taking a shower. Luna, you’re after me while I make supper,” Sasha retreated upstairs, flew into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

The bathroom mirror sat on the opposite wall, above the sink.

Sasha stared at herself.

He won’t do something like that because of this ridiculous thing… would he?

Butterflies twisted her stomach around in a knot. If they married... she could... he would...

I'm visiting him.

-but the makeup is ugly.

She ran her hands under the sink.