Chapter 47: Future Plans
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“I see….. But with Soma becoming a God, what will become of that plan?”(Ren)

“I would like to ask Death about that, how do you think we should proceed from here on? As our leader, what is your next decision?”(Creation)

“As for the ‘Favorite Children’, I’m going to ask you five to bless them with your new systems and after that, I’ll turn them into my dependents and merge their systems with the Black System and have them work with me going forwards, Creation you take care of Ren and Craft you take care of Dolan, you can turn them into your dependents as well to see how things turn out through their eyes after that, go back to my sanctuary and start fixing the problems that the world might have after being left alone for the past ten thousand years, Beasts, Commerce, and Agriculture once I meet your ‘Favorite Children’ I’ll have you do the same thing”(Soma)

“Yes!”(The five Gods)

“【Bless: Rendoulf】”(Creation)

“【Bless: Dolan】”(Craft)

“【Bless: Rendoulf and Dolan】”(Soma)

“【Book Of Knowledge: Grant ‘Self-Book’ to Rendoulf and Dolan】”(Soma)

“【You Shall Not Die: Rendoulf and Dolan】”(Soma)

“Try Looking at your Status”(Soma)

“Status!”(Ren & Dolan)

NAME: Rendoulf El Valc.

RACE: Human

TITLE: Dependent Of The God Of (Death, Judgment, And Knowledge), Dependent Of The Goddess Of (Creation, Life, Order), Crown Prince Of The Valc Kingdom, Favorite Child Of Creation God.

LEVEL: 101

HP: 1010/∞

MP: 600

ATK: 673

DEF: 673/∞

STR: 1010

AURA: 400

INT: 2200

AGI: 1010

MAGIC: Water Magic Lv.3, Fire Magic Lv.4, Wind Magic Lv.2, Light Magic Lv.1

SKILLS: Oracle, Follow, Self-Book, Swordsmanship, Shield Arts, Fortress, Defence Penetration, Lies Detection.

NAME: Dolan.

RACE: Dwarf

TITLE: Dependent Of The God Of (Death, Judgment, And Knowledge), Dependent Of The God Of (Craft, Development), Head Of The Craftsmen Guild Of Elk, Favorite Child Of Craft God.

LEVEL: 120

HP: 1200/∞

MP: 600

ATK: 800

DEF: 800/∞

STR: 1000

DEX: 1200

INT: 2500

AGI: 1000

MAGIC: Fire Magic Lv.4, Wind Magic Lv.2, Blacksmithing Magic Lv.1, Transmutation Lv.1, Combine & Separate Lv.1.

SKILLS: Oracle, Follow, Self-Book, Mana Control, Appraisal, Enchant, Set & Reset.


“Th-Th-This is…”(Dolan)

“Now, Say the word ‘Book” with the intentions of using the skill Self-Book”(Soma)

“…Book!”(Ren & Dolan)

【STR Means your physical strength】

【∞ Means that stat is Infinite regardless of its value】

【Oracle gives you the ability to converse with your God regardless of distance】

【Follow gives you the ability to instantly move from your location to where your God is and to any place he owns】

【Self-Book is used to learn about the skills you have and what skills you are close to getting and how to get them, and to also learn how to increase the level of your current skills】

【AURA Means the strength of the healing aura emitted by your body】

【DEX Means your dexterity】

“AURA is a special stat that the dependents of the Goddess of(Creation, Life, Order) and the users of the Golden System have, from now on Ren will have a healing aura emitting from his body at all times, the aura will gradually heal everyone around him, and the higher the stat value the stronger the healing power is, but it will not heal your enemies unless you wish it to. And DEX is a special stat that the dependents of the God of(Craft, Development) and the users of the Gray System have, this stat indicates Dolan’s skill as a craftsman, the higher that stat is the better you are at using tools, equipment, and your hands”(Soma)

“…I see…But why healing?”(Ren)

“Each System represents a job, the freshly made Golden System is for those whose jobs are to protect and heal, that’s why you have the newly added Light Magic, use the skill Self-Book to learn more about your new powers and how to use them properly. and as for the Gray System, it’s a system that is used by craftsmen, and as for leveling up, both of you could level up by killing monsters and by normally doing your jobs”(Soma)

“We can level up by doing our jobs?”(Dolan)

“Yeah, for Dolan, the more you make things the more you’re going to level up, but the things you make needs to be properly made and useful, and for Ren, the more peoples you protect and heal and the more criminals you catch the more you are going to level up, but you can’t go accusing people of crimes without evidence”(Soma)

“With this, I can finally clean my country from all the corruption it has…”(Ren)


“So, What’s next? Is there anything we can do?”(Ito)

“And what to do about the spies we talked about at the start?”(Lord Alf)

“As for the spies, it seems that I alone am their target…”(Soma)

“What?! How did you figure that out?”(Ito)

“Because my tea was the only tea that had poison in it”(Soma)

“Poison?! You mean the tea we were served?!”(Lord Alf)

“Yeah, but don’t worry, only mine had poison in it”(Soma)

“But how? No…… wait…Could it be that there are spies in my castle?! But who?”(Lord Alf)

“The Maid who served the tea…”(Marina)

“You finally stopped glaring….... But yeah, you are right! The maid who served us the tea was the one to put poison in my cup”(Soma)

“…How did you know that she was the one who put poison in your tea and not the cook who made it?”(Ito)

“just to make sure that the poisoned tea goes to me, she sprinkled the poison in the tea as she placed the cup in front of me, and I was the only one that she served tea to from directly beside me, she did that in attempt to block my sightline from the cup with her own body”(Soma)

“Yeah, she did serve my tea from a slight distance to the side as to not enter my personal space….”(Ren)

“…But that maid have worked for us for more than five years now…”(Lord Alf)

“She must be part of an intelligence Operatives planted in the town long ago”(Soma)

“In that case, we have to go and catch them!”(Lord Alf)

“It’s no use, the maid has already left the castle along with all of her belongings”(Soma)

“…Did you track her with your Search Magic?”(Ren)

“Yeah, but no need to go after her, I have already made my move”(Soma)

“What did you do?”(Dolan)

“From the start, she escaped as soon as she left this room because she was afraid of Ren’s Scale Of Truth, if I died, Ren will start looking for the culprit using the scale, and if she was caught there is a risk that you might know about her companions, that’s why she escaped right away. And right now, she and all of her companions are in their hideout down in the sewers planning how to deal with problems I left behind for them, and about what to tell the undercover operatives sent by Vitos. But the moment she placed the cup of tea in front of me, I touched her hand and applied a little curse on her”(Soma)


“Yeah, it’s a complex trick, what I did was that I enchanted her body with a special barrier! right as all of her companions assembled in their hideout, the barrier activated sealing them all in their hideout without them noticing, and having that barrier activate gives me the ability to listen in to what they are saying, and once they notice the barrier, I made it so all of the Mana inside the barrier will be sucked out creating a Mana-less zone inside the barrier preventing them from using magic or any magical tools and items”(Soma)

“So, now we can just go and arrest all of them?”(Ren)

“No, just leave them there to starve to death”(Soma)

“…Will not we lose valuable informations like that?”(Ren)

“We don’t know how many spies are there in this country, and so actively going after them might cause Vitos and The Four Cardinal Kingdoms to take drastic measures against us, that’s why till we make sure that no informations are going to leak out of this country, we are going to deal with them like this, by having them die or disappear mysteriously without getting ourselves involved directly with them”(Soma)

“I see, but how to make sure that there is no informations leak?”(Lord Alf)

“….The library…”(Dolan)


“What do you mean?”(Lord Alf)

“I asked Dolan to build a building that I am going to turn into a Public Library, my plan is to fill the library with books about history, medicine, science, engineering, mathematics, and some other things, the books will have knowledge about the Gods and the world, knowledge that the Love Faith believers will find offending, I will make it so that you can enter the library with one copper coin and be able to read all you want for that whole day, or you can buy the books you like with one silver coin each, my plan is for my books to reach everywhere in this country through the merchants that way, and of course the Love Faith people wouldn’t be able to not read those books, of course, the books are going to be enchanted with many effects, but the most important one is that the Love Faith people will ‘Forget’ to report to their higher-ups OUTSIDE the Valc Kingdom, just looking at the books is enough for the enchantment to take effects on them”(Soma)

“That’s quite the plan you came up with…..But what about me? What can I do to help?”(Lord Alf)

“I want you to start expanding the town by building new walls before taking down the old ones and to build large farms and industrial workshops in the new empty spaces, and for manpower, you can send messengers to the villages and nomad clans in the area and ask them if they are interested in emigrating to Elk, and with books in the library, people will start to learn and research about various things, and I want you to support them by coming up with new jobs that take advantage of the new talents and skills that the people will have over the time, and for Ren, I want you to go back to the capital and lay down the groundwork for when I finally go there”(Soma)

“Leave it to us!”(Lord Alf & Ito)

“I said that I’ll build the library in a month, but after hearing its purpose I’ll finish building it in half that time!”(Dolan)

“Leave the capital to me! I’ll make sure that I have as much information as possible for when you go there! And I’ll bring in as many allies we can trust as possible into your plans!”(Ren)

“You’ll find from your sister that a rebellion was about to occur in the capital but was stopped”(Soma)

“…What?! What do you mean by that?!”(Ren)

“When I was on my way to Elk, I found a group of knights from the Second Knights Order being attacked by bandits and a female knight that betrayed them, it seemed that their plan was to kill your sister and present her corpse to your father in order to shake him up giving a chance to an Earl from the capital to rebel by killing your father and taking the throne for himself”(Soma)

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!”(Ren)

“You had the Flood to deal with over here, and as I told you, your sister is safe! But I don’t think that the Earl was punished for what he planned to do, and that gives you a chance to uncover more informations about them now after all that you learned here”(Soma)

“…Are sure that my sister is safe?”(Ren)

“Yeah, I gave her healing potions to deal with anything dangerous happening to her on her way to the capital, and the bottles of the healing potions I gave to her are all enchanted with a magic that tells me about her location all the time, and right now she is in her way to the west of the capital as we speak”(Soma)

“…..Why did you go as far as to make sure of her location?!”(Marina)

“In order to have this conversation with Ren, I needed to calm him down by telling him that his sister is safe and to tell him about her location in case he asks about it”(Soma)

“…I see, thank you for saving my sister!”(Ren)

“Don’t mind it, I did what I thought is right”(Soma)

“I know, how about you marry my sister? That way-!”(Ren)



“I’ll kill you…”(Marina)

“…S-S-Sorry!! Please forget what I said!!”(Ren)

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