Chapter 2
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I'm kind of getting more into writing this story compared to my other one.
Thanks for voting on my Polls to, it kind of gives me motivation\o/
Thanks for supporting my amateur-ness x.x

???'s PoV

???: "Aww... I lost him when I entered Ul'dah... Hmm... Let's try The Quicksand. It's getting dark, maybe he's sleepy now."

As I approach The Quicksand, someone catches my attention.

???: *giggle* "Found you!"

I keep a little distance away from him. I was curious about, what he was up too. When I entered The Quicksand, I notice him at the innkeeper desk getting a room for the night. I follow him to his room.

???: "So this is your room. Hmm... I be back later."

It's midnight. Most people within the Quicksand have gone home. I slowly and careful sneak my way past the innkeepers desk. It'd be no fun if I get caught. I arrive at his room and check to see if it's locked... It opens.

???: *Sigh* "So forgetful."

I slowly enter his room and walk up to the side of his bed. I bend down to get a closer look at his face.

???: "Aww... your sleeping face is pretty cute"

Whilst being distracted to much by his sleeping. My grip on my staff loosened. I quickly scramble for it so it doesn't fall on the floor, but the other end off the staff knocks against his bed.

???: HUH!? Who's there!?

???: "Whoops, I woke my sleeping prince up. I am terribly sorry my dear." *giggle*

???: "Who're you!?"

He slowly starts reaching for his sword. Not very subtle are you now, my dear.

??? "Sorry, my dear. It's not time to met yet. I just couldn't resist seeing your sleeping face. Honestly it defied my expectations... so cute."

I raise my staff and waved it in front of him.


He falls back asleep, peacefully. I bend down close to his face.

???: *giggle* "I guess a little kiss won't hurt."

I give him a little kiss on the lips.

???: *giggle* "So sweet... I want more... but I must leave. I'll see you later my dear Elwin"

Elwin's PoV

Elwin: *yawn* "AH! My head feels fuzzy."

I slowly sit up on my bed.

Elwin: "Hmm... something happened last night or was it a dream, I wonder... Huh!? What's this?"

After my head cleared a bit I not something, fuzzy poking out between the sheets. A silver colored fuzz. I curiously pull it.

???: "AH!? Not too hard..."

Shocked by the voice. I quickly throw the bed sheets onto the floor and there I see a miqo'te snuggling against my leg, just waking up.

Elwin: "RESHA!?"

Resha: *Yawn* "M..m.morning."

Elwin: "Don't morning me. What the hell are you doing here? How did you even get in here? and probably the most important question, where are you clothes!?"

She sits up and stretches.

Resha: "Hmm... Clothes?" 

She looks down and instantly grew red. She panics and quickly grabs the bed sheets off the floor and wraps herself in them. I laugh at her.

Elwin: "Pretty cute when your all embarrassed and stuff. So care to explain?"

Resha: "Umm... Well, I was on my way back from the bathroom and noticed a door slight open. Then my curiosity kicked in and I decided to look in, that's when I saw you sleeping. But you looked cold and well... after that... well..."

Elwin: "I didn't know you was staying here too. You should of said something. So... I do tend to forget to lock doors but it was open? Was there anyone else here?"

Resha ", I didn't see anyone. I'm sorry for just crawling into your bed."

I gently pat her on the head and think to myself for a bit. If what she says is true then there is a high chance what I saw last night wasn't a dream... I best be on guard.

Resha: "E..Elwin, you okay? You can stop petting me now."

Elwin: "Oh!? I'm sorry. Was lost in thought. Anyway Resha, care to form a..."

Resha: "YES!"

I look at her shocked.

Elwin: "Don't you want to think this..."

Resha: "NO! I'd gladly join your party."

Elwin: "OH!? WOW!? Okay then. Then firstly how about you go get dressed, then we'll get someone breakfast together and then check the main desk for any quests."

Resha: "Y..yes! We'll do just that."

So after sometime Resha gets dressed and we have a peaceful breakfast together. To finish we end up back at The Quicksand to get a quest or two. Surprisingly Resha was very clingy along the way, occasionally grabs my arm... pushing her breasts against me. Either she's scared of what happened yesterday or shes doing this on purpose. I look at her and see her smiling. I kind of warms my heart to see her happy compared to yesterday.

Elwin: "You seem very happy, you're clingy to me quite a lot today."

As soon as I said that, she seems to have realized she's clinging. She quickly jolts back, away from me.

Resha "I..I'm sorry, I..err... Just feel safer being with you"

Resha blushes softly

Elwin: *laugh* "It's fine, I didn't hate it. If it helps you can cling to me. I don't mind."

I offer her a warm smile. She quickly shows a massive smile and without hesitation jumps at me, instantly clinging to my arm. I look away embarrassed. Trying to pay no mind to her breasts.

Elwin: "W..well, lets get going on some quests then."

Resha: "YEAH!"

Meanwhile in Gyr Abania.

Camilla: "Well, how are you gonna help me."

???: "Don't worry, firstly I'd like to introduce you to someone. Private! You may enter."

???: "Reporting for duty, Commander."

???: "You have a very important mission, but it should be very easy for you. We are looking for someone by the name of Elwin Lionheart who recently was let through Baelsar's Wall. I want you to find him, but that's all. I presume you sister would want to bring her brother home?"

Camilla: "Anyone else touch him and I'll kill them. He is mine."

???: "Expected that'll be your answer, but don't you think that'll make him harder to catch? He clearly not want to come back home. At least lets use help catch him, I promise no harm will come to him. Once we've caught him, you can go and pick him up yourself. Obviously depending how long it takes, we'll give you permission to get him yourself. Give my Private here a chance..."

Camilla: "Tch... Fine! I'll give you a week, then I'm going myself."

???: "You heard her Private. You have 1 week and to give you some help I recommend going to Hingashi first, there'll be a ship wait for you there. It'll help with your err... features."

???: "At once, commander. I'll do my best!"

Camilla: "Brother... you will come back to me, no matter what."

  • Yes Votes: 28 45.2%
  • No Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Yes, but when you gonna give me 18+ stuff. x.x Votes: 32 51.6%
Total voters: 62