Chapter 17: Greenhorn
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As we continued trailing the silver sprite, she took a turn down a large flight of steps. Down to the underground channel that she spoke about earlier to the red-head. This will be the point that we strike.

“Are you ready, Eve?”

“Oh, you know it.”

“Remember, she is an octopus Ruiner who has high sensitivities to water. We’ll have to make sure not to disturb the water too much else we’ll be spotted too early.”

Eve nodded with a slight chuckle. It seems she’s more excited about the kidnapping then I would have thought.

With that, we journey down the dark hole. The world spirals into a deep blue tone as poorly lit mana trickled along the walls. Once we reach the bottom a door already open, likely by Silvertine, stood in front of us. After a brief nod, we marched in.

Channels of pipes and waterways sprawl about the area. We follow the Ruiner in question, marching along with tentacles at her side. They seem to be searching out the area for the mercenaries who are trying to infiltrate the city.

“Go forth!”

She cries as they spread about, slithering along the walls and floors of the channels. After a few moments, Silvertine begins walking towards the east, likely finding her targets.

“Let’s go…and don’t disturb the water around us, Eve.”

“Yeah, yeah you told me already.”

We followed her through a collection of old passageways. The lights grow dimmer before we hear the cry of a man.


As we approach a man's head, speared by a tentacle, rolls about the ground. His eyes rolled up as the face is unrecognizable now. Blood spews on the floor as echoes mirroring whips could be heard from the distance. Around the corner, we spot Silvertine mutilating a corpse. Two other bodies penetrated by her spores lie about the ground.

“Forcing me to clean up this garbage! You son of a bitch!”

Enraged she continues her merciless beating. The man is long gone, back to Ave or whatever god he may have believed in by this point.

“You wanna lay off the body, Silvery?”

Eve snickers, earning a head turn from the furious shorty.

“You two!”

Her eyes shine that horrid silver as she tossed the mercenary's body aside. I approached holding the hilt of my blade.

“Silvertine The Hush. I’m here to get some answers from you.”

“So, you’ve been following me? What the hell do a demon and human want with a mighty Ruiner like me?”

I bring out my blade now and aim it to her.

“I want to know where Vala is first off.”

She flips her hair behind her back and puts her hands on her hips.

“And why would you want to know that?”

“Don’t worry about it, Greenhorn.”

That must have sparked a flame in her. She flicked her body back and held her head in protest.

“I’m not a greenhorn, you bitch!”

The tentacles were released from the ground, aiming my way. I rolled to the side and kicked Eve out of harm's way. The spores speared at me as I avoided the wave our way. With a slice, I cut off the spore's heads.

“Are you sure you want this fight, Silvertine?”

“I won’t be belittled by a petty demon and their pet! I am the mighty Silvertine! Adopted Daughter of Vanadic the Headmaster! I won’t be treated like a scrub!”

She lifted her hand in the air. Cold mana circled her as she pulled out a tri-spear from thin air. It looked less like a weapon and more like a toy. The mana around it was frost, trickling along with the tips of it. So, I brought the burning fire into my blade ready to combat mana. Now facing one another I kicked off the ground, aiming at her.

Our weapons clashed as heat and frost sparked out. Her spores gathered around my legs, stabbing into me trying keeping me in place.

“To easy!”



The Ruiner cried as she jumped back. She gathered frost mana in her spear, her eyes shined that ever chill. Her lips smirked as she pierced towards me. But there was a problem with this situation. She never measured the height of my mana. She’s just trying to overbear me with her own without reading the situation. She’s acting like a…

“What a novice.”

I ridiculed as I burned her spores away then gathered mana into my blade. There I swung upwards, cutting away her spear from her hands. It flew into the air as I kicked her down. Her small body slammed against the floor of the cold waterway.


She lied on the ground as I jumped in the air and took hold of her spear. Now in my hand, a burning blade in one and a frozen spear in the other.

“You’re nothing but a greenhorn Ruiner who has too much pride, Silvertine.”

“S-Shut up!”

“Your actions are sloppy. Your methods are crude. To not even measure my strength to fairly assess how to go about the battle was your first mistake.”

She hits her palms on the waterway ground, sprawled out like dead fish on land.

“Shut up, shut up, shut up!”

Spores released from the water around us, I shifted my body around, cutting them down before they could even think of becoming a threat.

“I’m done playing now, Silvertine. Give me the location of Vala else I’ll murder you here and nobody would find your body.”

She sat up and leaned her head back.

“Kill me then…”

“Hm? What you talkin’ about?”

Eve spoke from the other side of the room. She jogged inside and stood behind me now.

“You heard me! Kill me! If I told you anything Vanadic would do it anyway!”

Frustrated, I sighed sharply.

“Listen, I have no business with you. All I want is Vala. Do yourself a favor and give up his location.”

“You don’t understand, bird…if I tell you I’m as good as dead. I rather not go back to Vala. It’s better for me to just die.”

I slumped my shoulders, slightly annoyed by this point.

“Hm, I guess this lead was useless…”

That would mean I’ll have to take the more aggressive route and just destroy everything until I find Vala myself…

“Wait, Hollow…”

Her voice stopped me from completing my blow. Eve took the initiative and stepped in front of me.

“Hey, shrimp…why are you so loyal to them then?”

With her eyes watered and cheeks puffed the Silver Ruiner turned to the human.

“You wouldn’t understand, human. When dealing with the Council you have no free will. Every demand they make is the word of Wails.”

“Tsk, the very reason why I chose not to be in their ranks.”

I scorned.

“What did you say, bird?”

“Listen, you’re in my way to my goal. I’m going to kill you because of that, Silvertine. But remember, you were too afraid to break free. That’s why you die today.”

I lifted my blade in the air no ready to finish her.

“Wait! What do you mean by that? A-Are you a Ruiner?”

Eve stepped back behind me with a sly grin.

“Too late, shrimp. Be happy, you’re going to be slaughtered by the Forbidden Bird.”

My mana pulsed; my power was ready. How useless of a person to waste my power on.

“Wait! Wait! You’re the Forbidden Bird?! I…I…I!”

She stood up and faced me now. My mana still pulsed with hate.

“I’ve always wanted to be like the fabled bird! Please, wait! Don’t kill me, please!”

I met her in the eyes. Tears streamed from them, but I didn’t care. My body wanted to wash her away in these filthy waterways…

“Are you willing to talk then, scrub?”

That’s when Eve’s voice came in…calming my blood. My mana quieted as I put my blade to the side.

“…What are you going to do with Vala?”

She asked timidly.

“I’m going to kill him.”

I spoke, clear, cut, dry.

“…Then…please…I’ll help you. I’ll tell you anything If you promise to kill Vala for me.”

My mana faded as my eyes widen in confusion.

“Please…kill Vala and free me from the Council! I beg you, Forbidden Bird!”