Prologue: My Last Memory and Second Dungeon
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I was awoken by someone patting my shoulder turning my head back and saw the new Lead-Gunnery officer on our bomber. The last one was killed during the last mission.

"Julie we are entering our combat zone so Capt. wanted all the Gunners awake." He had a calm smile, I nodded.

I turn my head back to my turret, I was one of the three rear facing turrets aboard the SuperStratoFortress (SSF), a silly name but none the less, I was made the gunner after I was drafted into the Federation's military to fight a break away state of some religious zealots but I didn't care any more...

The SSF was a high orbital bomber launched from our Carrier normally we would start on the ground but not now the SSF had 30 crew over 20 are gunners the rest being navigators, engineers the flight crew and lastly a the bombardier...

Another 5 minutes passed the order came from command to check our suits and seal them for oxygen supply another 3 minutes passed before the enemy fighters came...

"Huns in the sun! 5 o'clock high" Called out our top gunners, I looked up but the glare stopping me from spotting them... my auto-tracking system found them, I gave short bursts as trained if you can't see the enemy...

Six craft screamed passed us going below us, some of us asked why they didn't see any tracers or missiles...

But as the craft came back what we saw scared many of rookies... they rammed our bombers... I and many of the Veteran Gunners were not completely unfazed but we had a job to do...

Four of our bombers were lost to that... and the other two had been shot down before impacting...

"More Contacts! 12 o'clock level!" The lead bomber called over the COMMs.

I was Checking my suit again, looking left and right seeing the other rear gunners, the left guy was throwing up his helmet was off and the girl to my right was praying to whatever god that was listening... both rookies and green horns most likely little training 

The enemy crafts flew through the formation, tracers and missiles tearing apart the 12 bombers above us, some more were damaged... our bomber despite being in the lead bomber formation didn't get any damage...

My turret roared to life as my system tracked the enemy fighters down allowing me to hit them...

*BOOM SUUUUUUUUCCKKKK* An explosion rocked our bomber followed by an sucking noise as all the oxygen within our bomber was sucked out... looking around the guy to my left was dead practically sense his helmet was off and most likely sucked away, he was suffocated over his turret... the girl to my right? Her turret was gone... along with her part of the tail section...

I grabbed the radio and answered the Co-Pilot that was asking about rear security and sluggish tail response, "This is middle rear, umm... left rear is dead helmet not secure... and right is gone along with her tail part." I say while still firing...

Flipping on the "link system" as I called it making the remaining rear gun on my left follow my turret.

After shooting down two more fighters I was finding it hard to keep up with rear security, "Captain... request another Rear Gunner or another Bomber to takeover for us." I ask over the radio.

The person to respond was Jasmine... The bitch from her Navigator room, "You should be find their are three of you."

"Their are one of us the other two are dead." I respond and asked  the Captain again...

"They are very busy s-" She try's to responds but i cut her off.


"Fuck!" I Shout in my turret.

Looking out I see Bomber 132 and 174. The Ball Gunner of 132 was looking at me, sending a mores single with my flashlight saying "unable to COMM, the command deck, pass on, need rear support, or bomber takeover."

His turret moves slightly and I think see the dead guy in his chair and gets on his radio.

*VROOOOOOOM* As a missiles fly passed my bomber and partially impacts 174 right wing the SSF loses six of its eight on the wing causing it to fall out of formation right on top of 132 both Bombers crew immediately bailed out when they SSFs were separated... only 12 from both bombers I saw...

Looking back up time seems to stop...

A fighter was less them four meters from me... the enemy pilot was dead his cockpit was blasted open by weapon fire...

I could still move...

Was this that thing about your final moments being very slow... then I heard it...

"Julie do you want to have a second chance?"  The voice was calm, motherly and yet coldly calculating... 

"What?" I respond confused.

"Do you want to live?" It asked again...

Who is that? What is that? Should I? As I argue with myself time slowly resumed, noticing only when my turrets barrels started bending as the craft ramming... I panicked and yelled

"YES!" And everything resumed the fighter exploded killing me and tearing the rear of the bomber apart...



Snapping awake this dream... or nightmare I don't know which then it hit me... I dreamed, I blinked my eyes, I could feel my body... looking down I saw my body... I had a body, I hadn't not had it for twenty years...

"How?" my voice was horsed and dry...

"Mistress!" Feeling something small hit me on the side on the head... I knew who it was it was Erika my lovely fairy...

"What happened?" I tried to stand but my legs feel like jelly and it takes me some time to just sit up

"Mistress you don't remember?" her voice was filled with concern.

"I remember the Dungeon, but I don't remember what the Game Master wanted to talk to me about? And I dreamed."

Erika tilted her head before speaking...

"Mistress the Game Master offered us a one time reset and a new world in-exchange for better rewards. Ring a bell?"

I shake my head. Erika does asks about my dream and I tell her, she shrugs not knowing anything about it...


After another few minutes I finally managed to stand up... noticing my lack of cloths, using some of my mana, I create some half decent adventuring gear I've seen. A patted tunic, some shorts, thigh-high boots I've seen so many female adventurers wear... for weapons I wasn't sure... I was good-ish but I have no idea but for being kind of formalized with the Crossbow and a War hammer.  

Next I made a handful of Snots, my ugly little builders, ending up ordering to build a few rooms.

My first order of real business was to check what I could do by bringing up the Dungeon system.

[Dungeon System]

Dungeon Name: /Give name?/

Dungeon Rank and Level: R1 L1

Avatar Menu /Open?/

Summon Menu /Open?/

Research Menu /Open?/


I gave my Dungeon a new name after my mothers homeland since I named my first dungeon after my farther Britannia, so my Dungeon is now called Italia... looking through the rest, doubling back to Avatar Menu.

That's new I open it.

[Avatar Menu]

Avatar Name: Julie

Avatar Rank and Level: R1 L1

Avatar Dual-Class: /Pick?/

Avatar Equipment: Light Crossbow W/Barbed Bolts, War Hammer

Skills and Abilities: None 


Opening the Dual-Class, I get a list of hundreds of Classes from the System that the Adventurers use... I start sorting them by usefulness with in a Dungeon... luckily their was a 'is useful for Dungeons option' it cut the list down a lot removing crafting and gathering/farming classes even merchant leaving combat orientated and a few non-combat, until I found the two I liked...

[Master/Mistress level 1]

Class type: Non-combat Dungeon Class

Monsters that are summoned will specialized in training your captured invaders into whatever you want. Only for slaves you want other wise the monsters will do as they see fit.

Grants Monsters: Head-Butler/Maid; a being that will appear when summoned and handles the day to day operations, organization and training of new servants and slaves. Servants; are a Humanoids that will handle the day to day things cleaning, cooking and so on... only if you want. Other wise they will help the Head-Butler/Maid in training the slaves into the roles you want, if not they will be trained for... chores that are below even the servants

Grants two Buildings: Mistress Manor; while inside the Manors walls you will heal faster and more so by relaxing, not counting the study allows you to overview the complete Dungeon layout. Slave Quarters; This is were the Slaves you wanted will be kept while being trained, you may see them outside of the Quarters when your Head-Butler/Maid deems them ready. But that is ultimately up to you to decide.

[Hunter level 1]

You are a Hunter chasing pray down, nothing is above that nothing is predator. May all that enter your Dungeon fall to your weapons.

Class type: Ranged-combat Personal Class

Grants no Buildings: None

[Will you pick these classes?]

/Yes?/                                   /No?/

"Erika?" I mentally ask for taking the hint she returns to me after going to inspect the rooms the Snots made so far.

Showing Erika my two choices and she agreed with them saying that having both a Combat class and None Combat will help the Dungeon.

Opening up the Summon Menu.

[Summon Menu]

Lesser Goblins /Summon/ (?)


Lesser Goblins: The Lesser Goblin is part of the Goblinoid Race, They often nothing but meat shields for other Races of the Dungeon, Small, Nimble and Numerous.

Health: 1

Mana: 0

Stamina: 5

Skills and abilities: None

Penalties: Lesser

Summon size: Seven per summon


Lesser Slimes /Summon/ (?)


Lesser Slimes: Lesser Slime are part of the Slime Family, all though they are the weakest of the Slimes but nonetheless as deadly.

Health: 0, Magical Core must be destroyed

Mana: 0

Stamina: 25

Skills and abilities: Acidic Body

Penalties: Lesser

Summon size: Three per summon


Head-Butler/Maid /New//Summon/ (?)


Head-Butler/Maid: This is the head of your Servant and Slave staff. 

Health: 1

Mana: 30

Stamina: 20

Skills and abilities: Trainer

Penalties: None

Summon size: One per summon


Servants /New//Summon/ (?)


Servants: They are Servants and will clean your Manor while you are and not present.

Health: 1

Mana: 10

Stamina: 10

Skills and abilities: Skills are granted by the Head of Staff

Penalties: None

Summon size: One per summon



Mmm? Okay then.

Summoning two groups of Lesser Goblins, one Lesser Slime and the Head Butler...

For the Head Butler it had opened a very small menu asking for a name and if they are a Butler or Maid. I picked Butler and named him Sabastian.

The Lesser Goblins we're not more then three feet tall only in loin cloths and crude stone daggers with the two "respective" leaders had crude iron daggers and loin shirt. Sending them to explore the main tunnel that leads out of my Dungeon and the local area around it, and to kill and collect local animals to give to me.

The Lesser Slimes are gelatinous blobs of slime... all though they feel like latex in my hands, but none the they are useful as cleaners, sending two off to patrol leaving the third with me... oddly felt nice to rub a slime so I'll keep one as a pet.

And when Sabastian emerged from the smoke. the first thing he did was to strengthen tie and bow, Sabastian ware a full black suit and white gloves, his face is nothing but a calm reassuring smile yet holds something dark behind his eyes. His face was that of a father that seems to look at me like one did at his daughter, a mix of pride and happiness, yet sorrow, sadness and disappointment. 

"Mistress." His voice was cold but I could sense his kindness, "My name is Sabastian... but you already knew that. How may I serve?"

"Could you get me a cup of tea even without the Manor built?" I asked, not knowing if I could, having better things to build.

He answered me by using some of his Mana that I could detect to create a hot cup of tea... he hands it over to me.

I take it with a grace I didn't believe I had, bring it to my lips and taking a sip...

"Darjeeling?" I ask. He nods.



During the next few hours the Snots finished the few rooms I ordered them to make. While I was idle, spending the time by researching and practicing the weapons I picked.

What I had been researching was an interesting option... [Adventurer Races] it was an odd thing that wasn't there before along with an entire tree of Creatures and Buildings. Picking next being an upgrade for my Goblinoid races which would allow them to repopulate their own units and not waste my Mana by remaking them, in exchange it takes time for them to return to full strength. The name though... [Goblinoid Breeding Rituals] Yeah...

When the Goblins returned they had dead animals granting me an number of both carnivores, herbivores and some omnivores. Also somehow they found carnivorous plants...

"Good." I exclaim in excitement, Animal based Monsters are my favorite ambush and can work well with my other monsters... Goblin wolf Calvary or Spiders, but plants are the best traps, a vinous fly trap but a man trap.

Nether the less I order the Snots to convert three of the five rooms, I had them make into a sleeping area until I can make more permanent housing, next was the Micro Pigs Pens that will make little piggies for my monsters until I can research better food and finally the Tavern which surprisingly has nothing better but can be upgraded.


The second the sleeping area was made the little Goblins went to sleep... lazy shits...

Sabastian most likely saw my anger or frustration... hesitantly he rubs my back... the action may seem like nothing but... the last time I had someone do that to me was Dad, he told me something that I could never forget... "If you ever enter the Military drafted or not make sure you keep a bullet for yourself, so that no one can mock you for cowardice..." he died the next day, he committed suicide... why? He was mocked just because he was taken prisoner during one of the many wars we fought with ourselves...

I was the only one that respected my Dad's service, arguing or fighting with other students when I was going to school.

And after becoming a Dungeon?

My hate for Humans grow as I started seeing them nothing more then pest below even the dust that the Snots clean out of my Core Room... soon that extended to the other races that fought along side them... my Dungeon was too dangerous in its final year of it's open life... my blinded hate drove them to close my doors forever...

I couldn't do that again...

So while Sabastian rubbed my back I had some point had started crying, only noticing when Erika was flying in front of me with a scrap piece of cloth, and my slime pet slowly crawling up my leg, I could sense his anxiety...

That is when I could notice that all my Monsters and Creatures we're looking at me... Sensing they fear, anxiety, stress and many more emotions... I calmed down.


As the seconds drag my emotions under control they started dispersing until it was my Erika, Sabastian and my slime...

Turning to my Head-Butler, I smiled and said, "Thank you... it has been sometime since... I thought without my anger over taking me... thanks." I said embarrassed.

He claps me on the shoulder and gives a laugh just like my dad use to do... slowly I worked it out...

"Dad?" I ask in a small voice.

"Mmm?" He responds.

"Is that you? Are you my dad's soul? Really? Not just a cruel trick?" I ask again.

He gave me a warm smile that dad only gave in rare cases and never in public. "I am not your Father's soul nor that man... I no not his sins nor his accomplishments. But I'm your Head-Butler Sabastian. His soul has joined the rest... broken down and reformed to make new souls" He explained.

After a few more minutes to calm down I had done something that I should have done... let go of my deep hate for Humanity and give these next Humans a chance before trying to wipe them out...


Hours, Days or a week at most passed.


Then the most important message appeared.

[First Invaders]

As per Dungeon Traditions for Dungeons with Avatars is that they must to prove themselves worthy of the Avatar is to defeat an invading party with only one other monster or none at all.

But their was exception like this party of 13... thankfully that Traditions had nothing to do for fresh starters. But keeping to the sprit I picked Sabastian, the slimes and one group of goblins.

The group looked exhausted along with weapons I hadn't seen before... but felt familiar but when using my Dungeon senses to see who they are I saw red when seeing who they belonged too.

[Invader scan results]

Number of invaders: 13

Adventurers: No

Invaders Faction: Terran Federation

I didn't read anymore then at... it took Sabastian holding me down and explaining that it was un-lady like to act out of anger... I calmed surprisingly and returned to the scan.

[Invader scan results]

Number of invaders: 13

Adventurers: No

Invaders Faction: Terran Federation

Classes: All Bomber Crew Class,

Sub-Classes: 4 Flight Crew, 7 Gunners, 2 Navigators

Weapons: All have Daggers/Boot Knives, 4 Handguns (unknown type)

Groups: 7 From Bomber 132, 5 from Bomber 174, 1 from Bomber 12


Wait... those numbers feel familiar... 132, 174 and 12... 

A distant memory interposed it's self in my mind, I tried to ignore it but the words got to me.

"Bomber 12 you'll are going to within the lead formation, Bomber 1 through 11 will be with you and the two veteran Bombers 132 and 174 form the 8th Orbital Bomber Corp will be joining your formation." the Crew chief told our Formation right before our fateful mission and my death.

Those are numbers within a formation... Bomber 12 was mine.

Wait am I home? After 20 years holy shit I'm home I guess...

But not completely...

I start Scanning for the last person from Bomber 12.

[Scan Results of Invader]

Name: Jasmine Barker

Gender: Female

Class: Bomber Crew

Sub-Class: Navigator

Weapon: Dagger/Boot Knife

Group: From Bomber 12



"Yes Mam?"

"I have a first challenge for you."

He raises an eyebrow, "Mistress it's rude to keep people in suspense for no reason."

"Could you train someone with out the Slave Quarters."

"If its only one, who?"

Using a bit of Mana to create a image of Jasmine and hand it to him.

The image was of a woman in her mid 20s with shoulder length hair, average build, her body was good, but she was a bitch, who taunted us Gunners from the safety of her armored bubbles. While me and the other Gunners would die I may have only died at 17 but I was drafted when I was 15 and saw more combat then her before and defiantly now after becoming a Dungeon.

"What would you like me to train her as?" He asked as sickening smile forming on his lips.

"A loyal... dog. But... destroy her hope, make her think that it was her idea."

"It would be an honor... And Challenge accepted." He says while checking his cuffs, I finally see his weapon a whip. Which he cracks against the Dungeons wall carving out a half a foot gash... looking back at him he had two Red Horns sticking out of his temples. He gave me a smile filled with demonically sharp teeth.

"Oh Shit." A smile forms on my lips... I'm no longer Julie Lukens the Rear Gunner of Bomber 12 or Julie Dungeon Master of Britannia... myself filled with hate... 

It was time I acted my age.

I'm Julie Dungeon Master of Italia.