Will this boring life end?
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“What was that? A dream? who’s that girl?”

I woke up, the sound I heard turned out to be my alarm clock ringing…

“You stupid alarm clock thing are going interesting but you keep ruining it.”

“Is she my future wife?” 

“Now I’m curious!” 

“Argh, don’t get high hopes myself, and there’s no need to be curious, it’s just dream!” 

“Ahhh!! Damn you alarm clock, I won’t use you anymore! “

“Uhhh… It’s school day again, and another boring week for me…”

After I got fired up and curious about that girl in my dream, I looked at my phone, it’s Monday Morning, 6 am. 

I got up from my bed, and  prepare for going to school, my first period of class is Calculus it starts at 7 Am, and it sucks that my first class at Monday morning is Math…

After preparing, I always walk to school because it’s not that from from my apartment, always walking in my favorite route where I can see many beautiful girls from the different Apartment. 

Mitsuaki Ryuu, 19 years old, A second year college student taking an Engineering course. Both of my parents are already dead during my First Year of college with an accident and I have a brother and sister working abroad. Our relatives are giving me only a little help in living, also my siblings pay for expenses in University, I am sure a lucky guy, even so I work as a part-timer at a fast-food chain so I can lessen the burden to my relatives and siblings.

Living alone at an Apartment, not so from the University. Let me tell you a secret, “I’m getting bored of going to school”. Specially because I’m not party goer or hangout maniac. I didn’t even enjoyed my Highscool because personality sucks. I’m not that tall and also not that short, I’m in average height, I am a handsome guy, why would I drag down myself? I have a girlfriend, but she’s only an 2d girl though, I admit it, you can say it as self declaration. I have a dream that if I could just earn money without actually working, so that I don’t need to go to school anymore, I’m spoiled with money already, someone already supports my studies. I just want to watch anime and play games all day, but I can’t deny the fact that this is reaity, and they have high hopes of me. 

I’m bad at social interaction, I don’t have much friend. I hate talking to them, they’ll just backstab me after talking to me. My ambition, my ambition is to be transported or reincarnated to another world just like the anime I’m watching, isn’t it great? In a world that you cast powerful magic spells, depart for adventure, defeating evil person, defeating demon a lord, killing monsters for quest, solving mystery, and experience a Harem life, saving a beautiful princess and then later falls inlove with me.

Ahh〜 isn’t it great to save a cute girl attacked by a scary monsters〜

“Help me, someone help me!! ” 

Entering the fight in a badass way, as I say… 

“Worry nothing  my lady!” 

“I have come to save you” 

After saying those words I would challenge the monsterー 

“You wicked monster! It is I who will be your opponent! Don’t dare to touch this beautiful lady!” 

After fighting to death, defeating the monster is the conclusion of the battle, and successfully saving the girl from the monsterー 

“Thank you for saving me, uhm Mr.?” 

“Mitsuaki Ryuu is my name, you can call me Ryuu, and I’m single.” 

“Thank you Mr. Ryuu! You’re so brave!”

“You’re welcome, I cannot bear myself to watch such a beautiful lady to be beaten to death by some monsters” 

She’ll be flattered from my words, and would fall inlove with meーー

“Yo Ryuu, what’s up?”

I’m sure i heard a voice, is it another enemy appearing to destroy  my romantic scene? 

“……….” (Ryuu) 

I’ll just pretended to not heard the voiceーー 

“ Ryuu, I love you. “ (Girl) 

“ I love you too. “ (Ryuu) 

And then we kiss in romantic background.. 


“Still on pursuing your imagination huh? Common, wake up Ryuu.”

He hits me in my shoulder. 

“Oh, it’s you again. “

My imagination has been ruined by that hit, and looked at him as I made a annoyed face as I spoke…

“You always appear in the wrong time. “ 

“I’m about to kiss that beautiful girl i saved. “ (Ryuu) 

After I said that he burst into laughter….

“You kissing with beautiful girl!?” 

“Don’t make me laugh Ryuu, you don’t even have a girlfriend!” 

It made me downed and cryed as we are walking down to school after hearing what he said, he still continues to laugh. 

“Hey, You’re so mean, go die already. Don’t bother me, again! We’re nearly to kiss. We were almost there you bastard! Ughhh what a pain!”

“All right, all right, now inhale slowly, then don’t exhale.”

“I will die you bastard! “

He laughed at me again… 

Yoshiro, my classmate from when I’m High School until now, we are in the same University and course but in different field. I can’t call him my friend, because he always interfere during my time of imagination, we just happen to pass by each other then he talks to mw as if we were close, and I don’t like being with him, although he annoys me sometimes, but he helped me alot in different things. 

We reached the school without realizing, and after passing our school’s gate, I took my phone from my pocket and  looked at the time… 

“Ahh!!! It’s already 7:30 am!! ” 

“Woahhhh!! I’m late for 30 minutes already!! And it’s my Calculus Class!! AHHHH!! I’m deadd!! I gotta go, I wish I won’t run over you anymore!”

I ran over straight to my classroom and I saw my class already begun, of course I’m nervous, the only  available seat is in the last back left corner near window, I waited outside until my Instructor turned and writes at the whiteboard, and then I entered the room fast and quietly as I can to the seat,  

“Mr. Mitsuaki Ryuu!, You’re late!”

As I am about to reach the seat unfortunately my Instructor noticed me…

“I’m sorry sir, an unexpected accident occurred during my way to school.” 

As I slightly laugh and slightly scratch my head.. 

He gives sermon to me for being late to his class, but I’m not absorbing any of it, should I just sit already? 

“Come solve this equation as your punishment for being late!” 

“Huh? Me?”

“Yes, who would it be?”

“Ah-haha, okay sir” 

I was called by him to answer the written equation in the board. I feel voluntary and hesitation at the same time. I’m shaking into embarrassment and nervousness as I go in front of the board.

I solved the writen equation for almost about 3 minutes, and then my Instructor checks my solved equation, while I’m nervous and looking down while hearing my Instructor’s explaning and checking my equaion. 

“Very good Mr. Mitsuaki, your answer is correct, but don’t be late again next time. “ 

“Ah-hehe, thank you sir, may I seat now? “

“Go ahead, as I had said, don’t be late again!”

My nervousness relieved when I heard my Instructor said I got the correct answer, I smiled and smirked as I go back to my seat.

I have class  until afternoon, in my last period of class, I always get sleepy and then sleep, luckily I’m at the back seat and is covered by my classmates in front of me, and my Instructor couldn’t notice me. Although it’s her fault for having a soft sweet voice, it makes me sleepy. 

“Goodbye teacher!” (Students) 

“Okay, be careful om your way home.”

“Let’s go home together! “ (Student 1)

“Okay. “ (Student 2)

“Me too‼ “ (Student 3)

“Let’s go somewhere to have fun before heading home!” (Student 1) 

“Sure, I’m in! “ (Student 2 & 3)

I slightly heard those slowly fading voices, but it didn’t wake me up, I feel like I am half wake and half sleep. 

“Ah, i overslept in my class again. Why is it so dark?” 

It’s almost night time when I  wake up completely, I wandered at my surroundings, nobody was there, the lights are off, fans are off, and the windows are closed, I’m not hearing any other person from other classroom as well. I stand up from my chair and my arms are feeling numb because of my sleeping position. After all, a hour of discussion, my last period of class ended, I’m still sleeping at that time and one bothered to wake me up.

“I should go home now, it’s getting late, I hope the guard won’t report me for going out from school late” 

“Huh?, why are the doors locked? 

I’m holding the doorknob to open the door but it won’t budge, it is locked from outside? I knocked the door so hard and asked for help loudly so that if someone is still there they can hear me, but unfortunately after after about 10 minutes of shouting and knocking, no one heard me, no one’s left in school. 

“This is the first time i got locked in the room from sleeping in my last subject, and first time waking up at time like this after sleeping in class, normally I always wake up before the class end, why now?”

“Why didn’t they wake me up? Those bastards‼

“ Seriously? I’m trapped‼?”

I sat in the corner, and after minutes of wondering of what should I do, 

“I guess I’ll stay here tonight.” 

I remembered my phone so I attempt to take it from my pocket, but   it feels like it slip through my hand and didn’t touch it…


 I attempted to get my phone again, that time I touched and got my phone, 

“Huh? Why there is no cellular signal?” 

I opened it to look at the time, but I noticed the cellular signal is down. 

“Man I can’t watch anime with this, I’ve got my charger but it’s useless if I couldn’t watch or even play” 

Something crossed my mind, I have been using internet without getting signal loss problems my whole semester, here in our classroom or rather in our whole school without a problem to start with, why now? Could it be they’re in a maintenance? It think not, they would do it at daytime if I’m not mistaken. 


“Something’s off here” 

“You’ve gotta be kidding me!”

“I’ll go crazy here! “

I panicked in fear and tried to stand, but then at that moment I can’t move, I can’t move my limbs, I  screamed but there is no voice coming out, I can move my head but again not my body. I tried to move my body, but as I force to stand up, it feels like my soul is getting sucked out from my body, it makes me feel numb and I get tired easily. 

“What’s in the world is happening here? I didn’t hear any news about this school getting a story like this! I didn’t hear any rumors about this school being haunted! Why?” 

After a minutes of trying to move and screaming without voice, I calmed myself and breathe slowly. 


I stopped talking to myself when I heard weird voices, footsteps, and wind gusting, slowly getting closer to this room where I am. I have no idea of who or what are they, and how many. As they get closer, I can clearly hear someone groaning. 

“Who the hell are you guys? Help me!”

My voice already goes out this time, but I still can’t move. 

“What’s in the world is happening here?”

*『Groaning.. 』 

『Hey, What’s with those scary noises?』 

"I know it is only a prank! Please stop this, let me go!”

The noises and groaning stopped, and then loud hard knocked and kicking of the doors began. I almost cry at being scared. I’m so scared. 

“ Stop this! Please, I’m begging you all! “


The door is destroyed and flied in a short distance by force..

 I stared at the entrance, I can’t see the faces of the persons standing there, I can hear their groaning like something I heard in some movies I watched. 


“W-wh-what are you?” 

“W-w-who are you?”