While Oliver is fine going to the local supermarket, he quickly understands that a lot of ingredients cannot be found there. Soon after they start living together, Robin takes Oliver out to one of Melbourne’s largest food markets early Sunday morning (inside of sleeping in like Oliver wants to do).
Oliver’s eyes grow wide at all the different small grocery and food stalls. Some of the price signs are handwritten on cardboard, and virtually nothing is pre-packaged in plastic, instead with everything sold by weight or by number.
And despite how early they’ve come, the market is bustling. Oliver sticks close to Robin, lest he gets lost.
“If there’s anything you want, tell me,” Robin says.
Oliver shakes his head. “But like, how do you know how to pick what? Look, both of these stalls are selling the exact same apples...right?”
“They might be the same, actually,” Robin admits. “Think about what you would willingly serve your mum.”
Unable to really help, Oliver quickly takes on the task of carrying all the produce Robin buys: seasonal fruit and vegetables like asparagus, leeks, and oranges.
There is one place his eyes linger.
“Morning snack then,” Robin says when he notices. He goes up to the doughnut stand and buys two jam doughnuts, placed in a single brown paper bag.
“Since I’m carrying all the bags, you need to feed me,” Oliver says promptly.
“Here comes the aeroplane,” Robin teases. He holds up the doughnut, the sweet, slightly oily smell filling his senses.
Oliver takes a bite. The doughnut is soft and fluffy. Sugar coats the outside, and sweet, warm jam oozes from the inside. Oliver licks his lips, catching strawberry jam and sugar whilst Robin takes a bite.
They continue like this, Oliver being absolutely shameless.
With the bolstering of the doughnuts, Oliver’s ready to follow Robin to all the other areas of the market...
“Robin! I didn’t know there’s so many different types of honey!”
(The shop owner smiles and offers them to have a try of a couple, and Oliver quickly agrees. Oliver finally settles on buying a jar of blossom honey, but he’s definitely going to come back)
“Robin! That pork belly hasn’t been pre-sliced. This means we can make crispy pork belly, right?”
(“Yes, that’s true,” Robin replies indulgently, and buys some.)
“Robin! Look at all these sweet potatoes! You can make bubble tea out of sweet potatoes that aren’t taro, right?”
(“We can,” Robin affirms, and buys a few of each type, which later in the week they will steam and eat.)
After the shopping trip, laden with bags, Oliver has agreed to come back again next week.
Donut!! *drools* ... why am I doing this to myself, reading about delicious treats I can't have rn

xD jk it's not that bad but .... still *sniffs* XD
You read this *and* eat a mango, both of them filled with delicious food ????
(I mean, both of these fics were written in love for food~)
I enjoy reading about their domestic life, and honestly I kind of want some donuts now... *sigh*
Anyways, cute read, lots of fluff which is always a plus. And- ohmygodOliverwhyareyousocute?
hello, fellow lover of fluff!!!
and yep, I was probably craving donuts as I wrote this