Chapter 9- It’s time to die.
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“Heh, You think you’re telepathic or something? I’ll admit that you’re sneaky. But there is no way you can guess what’s in my“

“Devouring fox. It’s in your hand, isn’t it?”.

Yume’s eyes widened. She looked at Sui with discontent and blurted out.

“Y-you. How?”

Sui sighed.

“You just charged a fire card, right? Devouring fox requires 2 fire mana to activate”.

“Pfft. You’re bluffing. And how do you know that?” said Yume quizzingly.

“It’s because you milled all of your cards. I read the descriptions of the cards in your tomb carefully. Devouring fox was one of the cards that was put back into your deck with rolling pumpkin’s effect.  And besides, you kinda proved it with your reaction. I have to input the name of the card on the pc for it to be accepted. And I haven’t done that yet”.            

Yume tried to put up a confident face. But it was for naught. Sui wrote the card name on the computer. The computer revealed the cards in Yume’s hands to Sui. The most annoying thing about this was that, even if Sui was wrong, she would still be able to know what Yume had in her hands. And it made it all the worse that she was right.

“I’ll take that”

Yume inserted the asked card into the machine. For the purposes of not allowing Sui to gain ownership of Yume’s card permanently the device gave Sui a duplicate of the card that only works for this game. A rather odd setup, considering that Yume or Sui was going to die.

Yume placed her sweaty palms on the stand. Her odds of winning were starting to seem meek. “Devouring fox” was a card that could increase Ninetail’s strength by 7. Coupled with devilkid’s 2 support, Ninetails would have attacked with a wooping strength of 12. It would have been a crushing victory because Army of Steel’s total strength was 5. But this strategy was all in the past. And regardless of this loss, Yume had to fight. She could do this. She had to.
“I attack with Ninetails and Ender Dragon”

Ninetails and Armymen battled and both received damage due to both having total of 5 strength. But Ninetails’s strength rose to 6 while Armymen’s fell to 2. Ender dragon destroyed Commissioner Golden and took his place. Now the mighty dragon was facing a character who was only good at giving support.

Sui’s turn 6 - lvl counter 6

Sui moved Lawright forward and the character was in Yume’s backrow. That was the only thing she did that turn.

Yume’s turn- 7 lvl counter 7  

“I activate a strategy card”.

**Dark instinct
Strategy – equip
Increase the strength of a dark character by 2**.

Yume chose Ender dragon whose strength rose to 9. During the combat phase Ninetails destroyed Army of steel and took it’s place. Ender dragon destroyed Watsun Wonderleague. And since it was a crushing victory it made an extra move and attacked Chess Master. Due to another crushing victory, chess master was destroyed. 

“Now, your pesky Lawright won’t be able to have mindbattles” said Yume proudly.            

Sui’s turn 7 - lvl counter 7

“End of the line, Yume. It was good knowing you”


Yume’s lips quavered. Her legs shook. She wished Sui was bluffing. But another part of her knew that she probably wasn’t. Sui slammed the card on the stand.

**Pen and sword
Void lvl 2  cost 0         
During this turn, every character’s strength is increased by the amount of intellect they have.**

Lawful Lawright attacked. Yume’s Town HP reached zero. And with that, the game was over.  

Yume wanted to laugh, really. It wasn’t even close. Sui kept outsmarting her over and over again. She fell to every trap Sui set up. Yume always thought of herself as level headed. She always knew that she had a grand destiny to fulfill. If anything, she was fulfilling her destiny when she was rioting against the corrupt government that desperately held to power. She thought that she really had the strength to make a change.

But now she was going to die in a bunker. Beaten and humiliated by this pale chick.

“Well, well. Bravo. You have shown quite the skill. I am honestly quite impressed and entertained” said the pumpkin headed man while clapping his hands.

“Then, you’re definitely going to get a kick out of seeing me getting blown up, won’t you?” asked Yume with daggery eyes showing her razor teeth. 

“Yes, quite so. There is nothing more poetic than seeing a beautiful flower getting blown to guts and pieces” said the pumpkin man  devlishly.