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The following is a list of terms and explanations for certain aspects of the story that may not be explained well in the context of the story up to this point. It's not perfect, but then again, it's a WiP. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them.
These Indexes will be made every so often (at least once a volume), to update information and clarify on things that may not have been clear at first.
I want to try and put all of the Major Info Dumps into stuff like this, instead of like the last Interlude. That one turned kind of boring BWHAHAHAHAA! Tell me what you think.

Item Ranking

-- Common: Everyday, Mass produced items, nothing special about them.
-- Uncommon: Common items that have been modified in some way or another. Uncommon items have been tweaked to perform a function slightly out of or above their intended purpose.

-- Custom: Custom built items designed to fit the needs of their owner. The dividing line between a Custom ranked item and an uncommon item, Is the extent of the modifications. While an Uncommon item can still be grouped together with similar items, Custom ranked Items are their own beast entirely.
-- Engraved: A Step above Custom ranked, Engraved ranked items have been modified by an Engraver Sigil, embedding a special program directly into the Item itself. Engraved items are often called “Magic” items due to their wide range of strange and powerful effects.

-- Relic: Powerful, highly advanced items and tools found within a Relic Ruin. The Inheritance from a long lost Civilization, the production method and effects of Relics are far beyond what is possible today.
-- Myth: Items and treasures spoken of in Legends and Myths. These ancient items all have their own story to tell and may only show up once in a lifetime. It is said that Mythical items each have a will of their own, and choose their own Masters.

Coinage and Value Conversion
0.10-USD = 1 weight = 1 Small Bronze
1.00-USD = 10-W = 1 Large Bronze
10-USD = 100-W = 1 Small Silver
100-USD = 1,000-W = 1 Larger Silver
1,000-USD = 10,000-W = 1 Small Gold
10,000-USD = 100,000-W = 1 Large Gold

Larger denomination exist as well, however they are almost never used by the common man, and are only seen during transactions between large Businesses or Countries. An average famliy of 4 can live comfortably for a year on roughly 60,000w in most medium sized cities.


Basic Stat system, Class levels, but no Character levels, Class sigils. “Magic” and active Skills are performed by semi-organic, microscopic life forms (Magi) in the environment and instructions encoded into “Sigils” which designate “Class”. As the “information” (exp) in a Sigil increases, so does its functions, allowing it to relay more complex instructions to the surrounding Magi. Passive Skills are modifications done to the Body by internal Magi, according to the information drawn from an active Sigil.

Magi: Magi are microscopic, semi-organic organisms that exist throughout the world. These creatures are the tools used by God to shape the world, and they have the power to influence the natural laws of reality. To do so, however, they must draw “Energy” in the form of "Metabolic Power" (MP) from a host. Magi take 4 main “forms” that all interact with each other in different ways. Core (Environmental) Magi, Miasma, Internal Magi, and Plasma

-- Plasma: Plasma is the newborn, immature form of Magi. They congregate into large clumps of visible light called “Wisps”. These Wisps will remain near their birthplace in large numbers. Because of Plasma’s unsettled nature, they are extremely unstable and can react violently when stimulated. “Wisp pools”, the natural springs from which Plasma is born, tend to be extremely dangerous areas with unstable environments and powerful Monsters feeding on the young Wisps. However, these springs are also integral to the natural order of the world, so much so that they are recognized at protected sacred lands by every nation in the world. A Land who’s Wisp Pool is destroyed, will soon wither and Die.

-- Core Magi: Core, or “Settled” Magi, is the most stable, mature form of Magi. Once magi reach the mature phase of their life cycle, they “Settle” into their environment, taking on the properties and nature of that area. Magi that settle in the Ocean will be better able to manipulate Water. Magi that settle in the Earth are able to shift Stone, etc etc. Core Magi can be instructed by the Super Computers call “Sigils” to perform certain tasks, according to the instructions stored in the Sigil resulting in the phenomenon called "Magic".

-- Internal Magi: Internal Magi are Core Magi that have settled into the body of a living being, Human or otherwise. Internal Magi do not take on any set properties, but rather grow and adapt to their host. A Person, who spends a lot of time near the water, may find their Internal Magi taking on a more water-centric nature, where someone who mines for a living, may find their Magi more attuned to the Earth. Internal Magi take on a symbiotic relationship with their host. The Magi will slowly rebuild their host's body to better fit their experiences and abilities as they grow, taking the form of “Passive Skills”. This rebuilding can supplement itself with information from that life form’s Sigil, creating what is known as a “Unique Skill” constructed from their life experiences. Normal Passive Skills can be acquired by anyone, however, Unique Skills are one of a kind.

-- Miasma: Miasma is the stagnate, rotting remains of dead Magi. Under normal circumstances, when Magi die; they will be reabsorbed by nearby Wisps and used to birth new Plasma. However, under special circumstances, such as deep underground or in lands where the Wisp Pool is no longer functioning, clouds of stagnating “miasma” will form. While harmless on its own, Core and Internal Magi that are exposed to Miasma for extended periods will mutate into a dangerous, viral form. These Miasmic Magi will latch on to any lifeform they touch, twisting and reshaping them into a “Malignant”, a mindless killing creature that will attack anything not its own, and reshaping the Environment into a twisted mockery of its former state. Malignants will also continuously produce further Miasma, “infecting” the surrounding Magi as they move. While Malignants can be very dangerous, they are unable to survive long in large concentrations of Plasma. As soon as Miasma is detected by a Wisp Pool, they surrounding Wisps will attack the Miasmic Magi as though they were dead magi and reabsorb them. Thus it has become practice for Adventures to carry a “Wisp Lamp” when adventuring to protect them from Malignant infection.

Sigil: Extremely advanced Computer-like existence that takes the form of a pattern inscribed on a person’s Body and Soul. This pattern contains a huge amount of information (far more than even modern computers are able to handle), and interfaces directly with a person’s brain, allowing them to give instructions to surrounding Magi. The more information that the Sigil contains the higher level privilege (Sigil level) and thus the more complex instructions (Active Skills/Magic) one is able to give to the Magi, and the more detailed changes (passive skills) Internal Magi are able to make.

Most people are born with what is called a “Blank” Sigil. Blank sigils are able to store info but cannot grow, acting more like a storage device than anything else. Through a “Baptism” a Sigil can be programmed based on that person’s Life experiences and wishes to that point, and can evolve and change as they grow. Blank sigils tend to follow a predictable pattern; someone who is physically active may obtain the Warrior Sigil with it eventually evolving into a Solider or Knight sigil. The Greatest advantage of a Blank sigil is its ability to change and adapt, evolving to meet its host's experiences and skills.

Certain people are born with special “Inheritance” Sigils that already contain programming installed. These Inheritances differ in that they cannot be overwritten. They can be passed down from parent to child, meaning Inheritances tend to play a major role in nobility and succession. While Inheritances can evolve just like a blank sigil, it is far more rare and unpredictable.

4 Types of Sigils
-- Body: Focus on physical changes to the body
-- Mind: Focus on changes to the Brain and nervous system
-- Spirit: Greatest connection to the Magi, and allows the broadest use of “Magic”.
-- Composite: Combination of 2-3 of the above, however their strength in each area is not as great.

Character Sheet Templates:
All Numerical stats and Information are nothing more than units assigned by the host's internal Magi, and do not represent absolutes. Someone with 30 STR might be able to overpower someone with 40 STR, if they were able to properly use their strength to the best of its ability. In the same vein, Skill levels do not effect a person's ability themselves. Instead, they are a representation of that Person's general level of understand and talent in that field. Someone with Weaving lvl-1 would be a novice or hobby sower with little experience, while someone with Weaving lvl-7 would be an experienced seamstress with years of knowledge. 
Thus, Skills by their nature, have no upper limit to their lvl, though it is typically accepted that "Masters" tend to float around lvl 13-15. The exception to this rule, are certain passive skills such as Resistances, since these tend to be artificial modifications preformed by Magi.


Name: Character Name
│Active Sigil: The current activated “Class”. Only 1 Sigil can be active at a time. Sigils that have been “deactivated” are remembered by the Soul, but active skills cannot be used.
│State: Active effects (Pos/Neg)

Sigil Level: Level of Active Sigil
HP: Total Life force; 100% = peak condition. 90% = slight injury, 75% = painful injury, 40% = debilitating Injury. Continued heavy action will cause damage, 20% Critical condition, <5% = fatal without treatment.
MP: Metabolic energy stored in the body. Used by Magi to warp the laws of reality. 1 Unit of MP is the equivalent energy needed for an average grown man to lift a 100lb object to chest height. MP can be restored with food and rest. Excessive use will drain the body of resources and will leave the host hungry, tired and sore. As the Internal Magi reconstruct their host’s body, energy storage will become more efficient, leading to a larger pool of available MP. However, for the same reason, the condition of the Host’s body can lead to a decrease in the total MP pool, if they are not able to retain that energy.

STR: Qualitative numeric value of a Life-Form’s muscle power. High values indicate more developed and complex musculoskeletal system, thus allows that life-form to demonstrate more physical power.
END: Qualitative numeric value of a Life-Form’s Regenerative power and body density. High values indicate an ability to ignore and heal from damage to a higher level. Increases HP.
WILL: Qualitative numeric value of a Life-Form’s mental capability and reasoning ability. A higher value indicates a larger intelligence, as well as a greater ability to instruct Magi.
DEX: Qualitative numeric value of a Life-Form’s flexibility in Mind and Body. Higher values indicate the ability to quickly analyze and react to the environment. Large values Increase the senses.

│A complex set of instructions constructed by a Host’s Sigil. Used to communicate with Core Magi and preform metaphysical abilities. Active Skills require the host to supply the Magi with Metabolic power (MP) in order to function.
│Modifications to the Hosts body performed by Internal Magi on a fundamental level. Can effect such things as muscle density, explosive power, brain functions, and even energy storage.
│Under special conditions, the Internal Magi of a Host may use that life forms experiences and memories stored in their Sigil to construct a completely new Skill. Since these skills are constructed using the data from their own past, these skills are unique to the host and can take on a wide range of forms, passive or Active.