[13] On the sidelines
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Hey everyone,

wow, I had to rewrite some parts of chapters 14 to 16. -.- I made a wrong turn in chapter 16 and had to rewrite around half of the chapter and some minor parts of the other two. What a shitty job. Soooo... enjoy. :D


Also, I am currently playing Cyberpunk (naturally on PC), and I kind of love and hate this game. If I set bugs and glitches aside, the minimap is totally useless while driving because the scale is fixed and too small when I drive too fast. Most quests are uninspired(I don't talk about the main quests and side storylines), unlike the witcher 3, where almost all side quests got nice stories to tell. And what is missing the most is the option to choose your way. Each origin ends up with the exact same story, no variations... almost all dialogs end with the same outcome... It's not like I played a bit and stopped... My character is lvl 43/50 and SC 50/50... Well, I don't want to stop you from reading, so enjoy.


=== Orc city, 70 days later1Their will be some longer time skips over the next few chapters., POV En ===


I lost track of time because every day was the same... We had nothing to do aside from eating, sleeping, or fighting. I had to say, without self-praise, that Si and I have become much stronger.

Since our first fight together, it happens several times that Si and I had to face an opponent together, but we had never seen Vex again since this one fight.

Si and I had grown to be the same size as Grandma. So I could tell that we were fully grown, although I had changed a lot more than Si. My golden horn had turned into a white horn within ten days after the fight against Vex and Tox. It was more like Dad's horn now. Another change happened after I won against a floating ice snake. Because of the victory and that strange ball, my fur became less sensitive to cold. Even the icy attacks from other creatures of the same species weren't as effective as from the first one.

Si hadn't changed over the entire time, but now and then, when she came back from a fight, a trace of sadness shimmered in her eyes. Over the weeks, this feeling only got stronger, which got me thinking... was there no way out of this hell to escape these endless battles?


I sighed as my thoughts turned too negative.

"What's happening?"

Si gave me a concerned look.

"I finally want to get out from here..."

I put my frustration into words, which left Si speechless. She lowered her gaze and stared into space.

"Kids, the fights are about to start."

Grandma threw herself between us and banished the gloomy mood.

The same two orcs as every day came in and took some of us out. Si and Grandma today weren't their turn, but it was my turn and another of those who came with us. We were packed in separate boxes and carried out.

The orc took me towards the big arena. I could already hear from the orcs what my opponent would be. It was a creature they call Feron. At the same time, it sounded to me as if the orcs were not giving me a chance to win.

When we reached the back room of the arena, I was placed down.

“What's the matter with Velora? She's been acting strangely for a while."

It wasn't the first time that the orcs mentioned this name, and after a while, I was able to assign the name. It was the name of the female orc who ruled over the arenas.

“I don't know, but our chief has been busy for the last few days too. Maybe an important visit will come again?"

The second orc shrugged when he suggested that.

“Hey, you two! It will start soon!"

Another orc stepped in and called out to them. Immediately the two prepared loudly to open the box.


The resounding start-up sound rang out, and my box was opened immediately. I stumbled into the arena, which was set up differently today than usual. A huge grid was built around the stadium, and the reason for that was the creature I was going to face. Across the arena was the Feron, a red bird with a body roughly the size of one and a half meter.


The Feron screamed and rose into the air. It attacked the bars without paying any attention to me. Some orcs reacted immediately, and Velora's voice could be heard.

"Come on! Make sure it fights!"

Two orcs ran into the arena, one of them armed with a bow aimed at the Feron. The arrow flew and missed the Feron, who immediately noticed these two. The Feron flew down and spat fire. Its target was the orc with the bow. Before he or the other one could react, the fire hit them. They started to burn down, and I was puzzled at what happened in front of me.

Fortunately, it was not hostile to me. Otherwise, I would be the losing party.

I let my gaze wander at Velora and stared at her. She gripped the back of her chair, her eyes sparkling with anger.

My gaze returned to the fight that was taking place on the other side of the arena. There were two new orcs with bows. They tried to shoot the Feron down, but it dodged the arrows with ease. It started a counterattack and set one of the orcs on fire.


It screeched loudly that hurt my ears.


Velora's voice then also echoed through the arena. She descended from the stands and came into the battle area. The Feron pounced on her immediately.

"That's all?"

She dodged the flames and waited for the bird to move. This climbed up before attacking her again. With a quick leap, Velora approached the Feron and grabbed one of the wings. She pulled the Feron down by the wing and let it crash to the ground.

“You lousy thing wants to make me look ridiculous!? Forget it, you piece of dirt!"

She kicked the bird's stomach, crushing it. The Feron began to scream, but the scream stopped under the pressure of her foot. It caught up again... And again... And again... It was, as if the bird was being run over by a truck, over and over again.

Already after the third time, I averted my gaze, but the noises of further kicks kept on and on. I could hear her breathing hard before she stopped stepping on the Feron.

"Ha! Get this pile of rubbish away and bring this creature back. It must have been a lucky day for it."

I was pushed back by some orcs and locked in the box. Oddly enough, Si and other rabbits reported similar incidents in which new, still wild, creatures were used. But these did not bow to the arena's rules, which led to actions like this one.

The orcs brought me out, both of them looking very excited.

“Oink! Oink! Oink! Incredible what a sight."

One of the orcs grunted conspicuously before licking his lips in lust. It disgusted me, and I wish I hadn't seen it. Velora’s brutality had made him horny, which was just repulsive to me.

The other orc, on the other hand, looked a bit insecure, so he kept quiet. The expression on his face showed me that not all orcs are the other because he had a somewhat worried face.

"Do you love this show?"

The concerned orc spoke to the other, who was still simmering in his memory of just now.

"Why, surely. If she were still actively fighting in the arena, that would be so breathtaking.”

He sank into his thoughts again.

When I finally arrived at the stable, I was finally freed from the perverted orc and returned to my family.


Si lunged at me and hugged me.

“Si… I had a Feron, a red bird, as an opponent. But it wasn't interested in me, and instead fought against the orc guards. The creature and two orcs paid with their lives for this."