[19] Homecoming
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I looked up into the treetops to see where the woman came from. On closer inspection, I was able to discover suspension bridges that were protected by the larger branches.

The bridges led to the right while the elf left to the left.

I took the baby out from behind the tree and followed the bridges.

It took about twenty bridges before I could see a hut at the top of the tree.

How do I get up there?

"Psst, child."

I tried to calm the child down, but it hadn’t had anything to eat or drink since yesterday, so these attempts were doomed to fail.

I walked around the tree once. On one side, stakes were driven into the tree that could be used as stairs.

A bit far apart for me, but I should be able to do it.

I gave it a try and jumped on the first stake. The posts were free of ice, making it safe for me to take the child with me too, so I kept hoping until I reached the hut.

I pushed open the wooden door and looked inside. The room was empty, yet a light illuminated the hut.

The elf must have stayed here for quite a while, but it doesn't look like a hut to live in ... more like a guard post! Damned, the others will follow her when she tells them about us! I have to hurry.

I put the child aside and ran to the only cupboard on which there were bread and cheese. I tore open all the doors and closets to look for something the child could eat. In the top drawer were apples and fruit that I didn't know.

I can take that!

I took out two apples and placed them on the floor in front of me. I split and peel them with my claws. I carried two pieces to the child and put a part of the apple in the child's mouth.

The child immediately stopped screaming and chewed with the few teeth it had.

I turned back to the cupboard, which I had discovered in a compartment on the side of a glass jug with white liquid. I pulled out the cork and smelled the bottle.

No cow's milk, but it's milk, maybe from a goat? Or an animal close to a goat.

The bottle was cold.

Damn it! The child cannot drink it that way.

I was stressed and looked for something to warm the milk in a hurry.

The child finished the apple and began to scream again.

What to warm... to warm. Am I stupid? My magic...

I put the bottle in front of me and made a small flame. After half a minute, I felt the temperature and considered it as ok.

I hopped over to the child and dripped a little bit of the mild in the child's mouth. I made sure that it wasn't too much. After a few sips, I gave the child another piece of apple.

"Child, we have to leave."

It seemed satisfied at first, so I wrapped a bundle from a piece of fabric lying around and packed the bottle as well as the apple and bread pieces into it. I stretched the bundle on my back, taking several tries before it held up properly.

With the child and the bundle, I slowly hopped off the tree. Once I was back at the forest ground, my journey continued to the east. I went more to the southeast because the elf was moving to the northeast, and I didn't want to see her again if possible.




A brook!

I reached a stretch of waters, but I couldn't say whether it was the brook I was looking for.

Hmm, should I move north or south?

Everything was so strange, and I was lucky that I hadn't met a wolf or any other animal. The elf was enough for me for a while.

So further south.

I followed the stream and took regular breaks to drink, feed the child, or clean the child's cloth.

The sky was about to turn red. My body told me to rest, but I pushed myself to keep going.

After hours of walking, I was just about to cross a hill when I saw a treeless place. I approached with slow steps and with feet that became heavier with every step.

At the last tree before the clearing, my feet failed, and I landed with my side on the forest floor. With one last movement, I let the child land on my stomach while the bundle of groceries fell from my back.

"Who are you?"

Something shiny appeared in front of my face. I looked up to see who or what was in front of me. In front of me was a woman, no, a girl, she was just in her early teens from her looks. She had the same pattern as Crete on her body, a plant pattern. Her clothes were made of leaves, and her hair was red as a rose.


I answered with the last of my strength.

“And this child? Why is it with you?"

"Found... Next to its mother's corpse..."

"And why did you take it with you?"



My answer silenced her, but only for a moment. She turned and looked the other way. She stared into space without saying a word before turning around again.

“You are the rabbit that Crete told me about. Nah, then I guess I didn't come here for nothing. I'm Aigle. Nice to meet you."

My strength was exhausted... I felt how something lifted me... I tried to say something, but only a single word came out of me before everything went black.



=== The next day


Warmth surrounded me when I woke up. I raised my head and opened my eyes. It smelled of earth and furs, the smell of home. Beside me, Si, Grandma, and other rabbits that were caught with us. We all lay together under a tree. It wasn't just any tree. It was the tree from Myrani and Vond.

"Oh, you are awake."

Last night's voice came from the tree. I looked up at it and could see Aigle sitting on one of the thicker branches, holding the child in her arms.

"Aigle, right?"


She hopped off the tree and landed on the ground as lightly and quietly as a feather. She waved me over.

We kept our distance from the tree so as not to wake the others.

"Do you know what kind of child you brought here?"

I shook my head at her question.

"I will show you."

She removed the cloth from around the child and exposed him. The child was a little boy who immediately began to cry when Aigle pulled the fabric and exposed him to the cold wind.

"What are you doing!?"

"Look, instead of getting upset!"

She stroked the boy's front hair. Between his front hairline were two tiny horns just one centimeter long.

"What does that mean?"

“This kid is... how best to put it... this boy is half-demon and half-elf. These children are referred to as cursed children by most demons and elves alike. You said you found the child next to a corpse. What did it look like?"

I told Aigle what I saw the previous night.

“...the female elf was in a hole. Her back was studded with arrows. "

Aigle looked thoughtful.

"What did the arrows look like?"

I thought for a moment.

"I couldn't see any of the tips, but the end of the feather was adorned with yellow-greenish feathers."

"Damn it! I knew it."

I turned my head in confusion.

"What? What's the matter?"

“The elven clans dye their arrow ends in the colors of their clan. The yellow-green color is the clan of the poisoners... It is a clan of fanatics... They are not hostile to dryads, humans, or other elves, but everything beyond... Whether it is orcs, demons, goblins, or other races... all of them are seen as evil..."

“Poisoner? Elven clans?"

At the beginning of their explanation, I couldn't follow and understood only a part of it.

"Sorry, I skipped too much...

In this region, there are four well-known elf clans. Each of them has a name that reveals what they worship. The two largest are the moon worshipers and sun admirers. You can think of what they honor, right? The third still influential clan is the wind riders. And the last of the four is the poisoners. Elves who swore off nature and their gods and now worship poison...”

Four elf clans...

"There is still a fifth clan, but this one lives far to the east behind the human lands. They are called fire preachers."

Aigle shook her head.

"What I am actually about... I hope the clan doesn't know that the child is still alive and, much worse, can follow your trail to here."