[23] Naming ceremony – Si’s name
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Hey everyone,

This is the penultimate chapter of this arc. This arc is shorter since it connects the previous and the upcoming arc.

2 Chapters are left, so the first chapter of the next arc will be coming at the end of the month.



To my surprise, Crete was at the tree with Myrani in the middle of the meadow.

Crete suddenly jumped up to Aigle and hugged her.

"Child, I know we rarely see each other, but don't jump at me every single time!"

Aigle stroked Crete's head, which looked rather strange since Aigle was older but had a younger appearance and shorter physique.

"Is everything ready?"

Crete nodded. Vond jumped from the top of the tree and looked at Aigle.

"You know Myrani and my job. Why do you keep dragging her into your affairs?"

What is this actually about now?

Crete turned angrily and stared at Vond, who stared back emotionless.

“How dare you speak to my sister. You, worm!"


Aigle grabbed Crete's shoulder and pulled her back. She moved up to Vond and leaned against his ear. I couldn't hear what she was saying to him, but I could read something on his face. At first, he looked serious, then surprised, and at the end, he went silent.

“Since we everything is sorted out. Crete, get the other main characters."

She nodded and disappeared.

I directed my gaze to Aigle, who was still holding Viczien in her arms and was playing with him. Nothing reminded of this serious mood, and she looked more like a sister playing with her little brother.

I watched her for a few minutes and only realized a little later that Crete had returned.

"What is actually happening now?"

I asked around, and Myrani was the first to answer.

“Today, names are given to the rabbits who have paid great tribute. Since we have high numbers this time, we call the individual families."

Aigle came to me.

"Here, take good care of the little one."

She winked at me and sat Viczien on my back.

“I'll go first, old Ovid asked for me. En, you can go back to your family."

Aigle left us, and Crete accompanied me back to the others. She disappeared, and I was left with the others.

I lay down because of the remaining pain, which still wasn't gone. Viczien, on the other hand, was energetic like never before and played with Ef and Si.


=== In the evening


"Hey, Kuro, Kyoku."

Crete came to us and greeted my parents.

“Oh, Kyuna! It's been a long time. Could you three come to me."

Each of us watched as Crete called our parents over and built some distance to us. We couldn't and shouldn't overhear what she was telling.

It wasn't long before they returned together. Crete was the first to speak.

“Si, En, please come with me. Kyoku, the boy has to stay with you."

"Roger that."

Mom came over to me.

"Can you leave Vic to me?"

"Of course, mom."

I turned the yet sleeping Viczien over and leaned his head against Mom.

Crete went first while Si and I followed her.

I could see something from a distance. A kind of magic circle, like that used to determine skills, was drawn on the meadow.

"I don't get it. Is it something special to get a name?"

Crete answered without turning around.

“Well, maybe not for humans, because names have a different meaning for humans than they do for us. Humans, elves, and even demons give their children names to distinguish them. We give each other and others names to honor them. That is also the reason why only you two get a name and none of your siblings."

"And what did I do?"

It was a severe concern of mine because everything I had done was to survive so far.

"Where should I start? You survived half a year in captivity."

“I survived. Is that really an achievement? I would rather have honored those who did not survive."

“Tough nut, huh? You distracted a basil python so that two rabbits, one of them was wounded, could escape."

“Si and Grandma? They are family. Why shouldn't I want to protect my family?"

Crete sighed.

"You saved a little child from certain death. Do that count?"

"Wouldn't have-"

Si nudged me from the side.

"Finally, could you take these credits?"

Si grumbled with me, and I couldn't contradict her.

We reached the tree and could watch Myrani lead other rabbits away.

"Come on, who would like to start?"

"Aren't we waiting for Myrani?"

Crete looked in the direction Myrani was going.

"That's not a problem. I'll give you your names."

"En is it ok if I start?"

"Please do."

I was in no hurry, so I let Si go first.

“I warn you that if you get a name in this way, some kind of evolution will take place. For some, nothing much changes, and for others, a lot. Your parents are great examples. Your mother got this curved horn, and your father just got a little bigger."

Si looked a bit confused and turned her head to the side.

"I don't know my parents any other way. How can I imagine that?"

“Hmm… Ah! Imagine a larva that first goes into a cocoon and then emerges as a butterfly. Here you are, the larva, the cocoon, the ceremony, and your changed appearance, the butterfly. Is that better?"

I felt Crete’s uncertainty.

"I think I got it, thanks."

Si thanked her, and I could watch Crete exhale relieved.

"Can we?"

Crete pointed to the center of the circle, and Si carefully stepped inside.

Crete began to mumble something unintelligible, and as a result, the magic circle under Si started to glow. It shone only faintly in greenish light.

"Child, Si, from now on, your name is... Silija."

The green light turned white before it went out. Instead of the circle, Si’s, no, Silija’s body began to glow. The light became brighter, and I could no longer see Silija’s outlines. It blinded me and made me turn my head away.

I waited until the light faded to finally see Silija.

I blinked in disbelief because Si ... hadn't changed. The only new thing about Silija was that she had a Y-shaped horn instead of a standard horn.

"How do you feel?"

Crete looked down at her. Instead of answering her, Silija turned to me. With one jump, she jumped on me and flattened me.


She cheered as she buried me under her.

“Si, can you get off me? It's my turn now."

"Hmmm... No."

She rubbed her face against my back.

"Come on! Get off me."

"...I don't want you to leave!"

"What are you talking about? I won't go anywhere!?"

"My feeling says something else!"

Crete came to us.

“I don't know that she wants to leave, but you should get off her anyway. Otherwise, she can't get her name. You got your name, so you should allow her to get a name as well."

Reluctantly, Silija stepped off me and made room for me.

"Should we start?"

Crete got ready.


From now on, En calls Si, Silija as teller, but still Si in their talks.