Chapter 38: Departure
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Ning Wei maintained his outward calm as he digested everything he just heard.

In the end, it turned out that the reason he was able to survive the roughest patches of the war was due to Yan Yixuan’s stealthy help and sacrifice. His beloved had given up so much for him, even inviting his respected teacher’s anger upon himself for Ning Wei’s sake.

The general suddenly recalled the day when Yan Yixuan explained the circumstances behind why he was estranged from Master Jin. Ning Wei had asked if doing all this for his purported friend was worth it. The young man had smiled at him and replied, Yes. To see that person alive and whole, it would be worth it even if I had to destroy everything and everyone dear to me.

Now, realizing that Yan Yixuan meant him, Ning Wei’s emotions were thrown into turmoil again. Even after staying with him so long, his Ah-Xuan still surprised him with his mysteries.

Ning Wei realized with disconcertment that the person he thought he was firmly holding in his arms was not as close as he appeared. Yan Yixuan seemed increasingly incomprehensible by the moment. Knowing everything made the young man seem more…distant now. Ning Wei felt the intense need to see his lover again and talk to him just to make sure he was still the person he knew and loved.

But thinking about the various ways Yan Yixuan went above and beyond for him, Ning Wei couldn’t help but wonder. How long had the young man felt so deeply towards him? Ning Wei had already realized that Yan Yixuan did indeed seem to have known him even back when he waylaid his carriage on the way to the Yan household. Just what had happened between them to make him feel so strongly?

Ning Wei’s gaze conveyed his confusion as he asked, “Why does he always go to such lengths for me?”

The empress had been watching his quiet contemplation while sipping tea relaxedly. Hearing his question, she shrugged. “That is something you should ask Xiao-Yan, not me.”

Considering that this was the second time the general asked her this, the empress decided to add a few more words, “If even you don’t remember whatever incident brought you into his sights, maybe it was something you casually did in passing but had a great impact on Xiao-Yan. After all, knowing what I do of his past, even the slightest of kindnesses would have affected him strongly back then.”

Ning Wei grew thoughtful. That certainly made sense. But if it was something he did along the way, it would be difficult for him to remember exactly what it was.

The empress observed him with a smile, then interrupted his thoughts to advise, “Now that you know how capable Xiao-Yan is, you must know he won’t need your help. It’s enough that there are people looking for him around the area of the landslide. General, you should go back and calmly wait for news about his rescue.”

Rather than being convinced, Ning Wei’s expression only turned steelier. All of his beloved’s efforts to protect him in the past only fed his intention to reciprocate his care now. How could he bring himself to be heartless and just abandon his lover when he was lost and alone in uncertain circumstances?

Keeping his thoughts to himself for now, Ning Wei said, “I want to ask for regular updates on Ah-Xuan’s situation. Which of our people are in charge of the search?”

“It’s actually headed by Sui’s people, especially their first prince,” the empress answered. “His team seems unexpectedly dedicated in its search.”

Ning Wei stiffened with alarm and gripped his armrests as if about to get up. “I’m setting out to find Ah-Xuan immediately. I refuse to stay put when my lover is about to fall into enemy hands!”

The empress frowned and sat straighter. “Enemy hands? General, sit down and explain. Why would you consider Sui, the kingdom we’re in the midst of signing a treaty with, an enemy?”

Ning Wei grimaced but settled down. His foot restlessly tapped the floor while he rummaged for something in his sleeve. “Sui might not be an enemy to the empire or you, but it’s certainly not safe or friendly towards Ah-Xuan. Just give me a moment and I can show… Ah, found it.”

Ning Wei took out a creased letter that had obviously been read many times and handed it over to the empress.

As she looked over the contents quickly, eyebrows rising higher and higher, Ning Wei continued speaking, “As you can see, according to Ah-Xuan, though Sui’s king is troublesome in how he’s insistent on making Ah-Xuan his concubine, his methods are straightforward enough to be considered harmless by him. The dangerous one is his son, the First Prince Tai Long.

“Tai Long’s methods are more insidious and unscrupulous. Ah-Xuan has mentioned numerous times that if he made one misstep and fell into his hands, he would probably never be able to step outside the palace again. Despite the first prince’s outward lechery and interest in him, Ah-Xuan suspects that the first prince would rather wrap him up in chains to present him to his father to gain his favor instead. Once the king is bored and casts him away, the prince might indulge himself and confine Ah-Xuan somewhere to play with at his leisure.”

Even though he was just recalling his lover’s comments in the letter, Ning Wei still felt a fresh surge of anger that someone had such intentions towards his beloved. That dastardly prince did not just covet him, but looked to take advantage of, humiliate, and hurt his precious little fox as well!

Taking a deep breath and letting it out, Ning Wei suppressed his emotions and concluded, “All of this is why Ah-Xuan being found by the search parties under the first prince is not a good thing.”

The empress folded the letter back up after finishing with it. “Yes, I can see that Xiao-Yan has unfortunately become more popular among Sui’s royal family than I expected. But General, what I find interesting is…” The empress looked up with an amused smile before going on, “Are you so lonely in Xiao-Yan’s absence that you carry his letters around with you everywhere?”

“……” Ning Wei coughed embarrassedly, not knowing what to say to that. “Well…as I was saying, it would be ideal if we could send our own search party, and I’m more than willing to lead it.”

The empress sighed and returned the letter to the general, then leaned back in her seat. “I understand that, but my previous statement still stands. I cannot permit the soldiers to leave their posts now while we’re still under scrutiny by other nations. It hasn’t even been a year since the war. Even though Xie seems to have come to their senses and isn’t hostile towards us anymore, we need to maintain some measure of alert, especially around the borders.”

Ning Wei straightened, his gaze furious. But the empress preempted whatever he was about to say by proposing, “Instead of the soldiers I can’t afford to give you, why don’t you go and convince the people under you who are free now? As long as it doesn’t affect our defense by much, I can look the other way when you recruit people and form your own search party.”

The general stilled in surprise.

The empress added, “I’ll even give you a few days of leave for you to go wreak whatever havoc you want.”

Ning Wei thought about it and nodded. “I’ll take it.” As long as he had the empress backing him, even if it was through a verbal agreement and not an official statement, it would make things much easier.

He hesitated, then asked, “Your Majesty, are you truly unaffected by Yan Yixuan’s situation?” Throughout their conversation, the empress had looked relaxed and calm. Was she really not worried about her friend at all?

The empress replied languidly, “I’m the ruler of a nation. I can’t let the wellbeing of a single subject distract me from overseeing the empire.”

From beside her, the consort who had been silent till then added dryly, “Yes. It’s not like you came crying out to me in the middle of the night, saying you were worried about Xiao-Yan and wanting to know if it was possible to send your secret guards to Sui to search for him before he gets eaten by a bear or tiger in the forest.”

Without missing a beat, the empress nodded and said, “Yes, it’s not like that happened. I’m a very fair and composed ruler, and the general is going to be a very idle one who will soon be going on vacation outside the country. A vacation whose plans I know nothing about.”

Hiding his smile, Ning Wei got up. “I understand. Farewell then, Your Majesty, Imperial Consort. I will see myself out.”

As he made his way out, Ning Wei thought about the empress’s suggestion to assemble his subordinates and use his just now earned ‘vacation’ to go and search for Yan Yixuan. As long as he was crossing the border on his vacation, the empress could at least have a paper-thin defense about why her general ventured into Sui with soldiers. After all, she could say he went there not in his capacity as the general, but rather as a visitor with his friends who just happened to serve in the military.

After leaving the palace, Ning Wei notified his family about what he planned to do, then went to his former deputy, Jian Lan, to ask for his help.

Though Jian Lan had retired for a calmer way of life, he still stepped up when his general needed him and agreed to follow Ning Wei into Sui. Yan Yixuan had also left quite a favorable impression on him after his visit to Jian Lan’s house.

He and Yan Yixuan had enthusiastically discussed the evils of fish during lunch, then the young man had helped take down the hornet nest and saved the woodpeckers his daughters had grown fond of. The duke also made Ning Wei smile more and shed the burden he always seemed to carry around. And so, Jian Lan was more than willing to brave going against a foreign prince on his soil if it meant he could help his general and his lover.

Since securing Jian Lan’s help was a success, now came the task of finding Qiu Qingyue.

Though Ning Wei didn’t usually keep close track of her whereabouts to give her privacy, it didn’t mean he was incapable of locating her when he needed to. After a couple of rounds through her favorite spots for eating and drinking cheaply or picking fights, he easily found her. Hearing that they might have to fight against the First Prince of Sui’s people to save Yan Yixuan, Qiu Qingyue was very happy to volunteer.

Not only did she love battles, she also respected and acknowledged Yan Yixuan after the events of the couples’ contest. There was no way she’d let him get captured while she still had many other things she wanted to compete against him in!

With that, Ning Wei had already recruited two of his three subordinates.

Now came the difficult part. The last one, Ke Jing, was still at the border and not as easy to reach. It would take quite some time if Ning Wei wanted to trek all the way there and bring him back. Not to mention, though the four of them together would make a formidable team, they would still lose if they had to face hundreds of Sui’s soldiers. They needed to gather some troops of their own, but all the soldiers who were loyal and might be willing to join them had already been assigned to the border to take care of the war’s aftermath due to their competence.

Just as Ning Wei was scratching his head while wondering what to do, Ke Jing arrived by himself with a troop of select soldiers who professed their willingness to follow their general once again and die for him if necessary.

Ning Wei could only look at them, blank with shock. “When did you depart from the border? Why are you here at this time?!” This was too much of a coincidence to be believable!

Ke Jing tilted his head and rubbed the back of his neck confusedly. “But General, weren’t you the one who sent for us through that secret letter? And here I was feeling all warm and fuzzy that you were missing me! Don’t I even get a hug after all the traveling I did to get here so quickly?”

As the younger man approached him with a cheeky grin and outstretched arms, Ning Wei kept him at bay with a hand on his face and said exasperatedly, “You’re dusty and stink like week-old horse sweat. And if I give you a hug for getting here, doesn’t it mean I’ll owe even more to the other soldiers who not only had to travel the same distance, but also had to put up with you without contemplating murder?”

Wrapping his arms around himself, Ke Jing pretended to shudder with ecstasy and grinned. “Your merciless words give me such stimulation, General~ Don’t stop now, keep going~ Whip me with your harsh tongue again~”

Ning Wei ignored his ridiculousness as usual and ordered, “Stop fooling around and tell me what you meant before. What letter did you receive?”

Realizing from his tone that something was wrong, Ke Jing grew serious in an instant and explained, “I got a letter stealthily delivered to me that informed me that you are in need of people to rescue your lover. It told me to get together anyone who is willing to take a leave and accept responsibility for any consequences of following you unauthorized into Sui. I assumed it was from you, but was it not? Was it a plot by someone targeting you? Just in case something happened at the border in my absence, I did make necessary preparations in advance to buy some time until I returned. Do you want me to go back now just in case?”

Ning Wei shook his head and frowned, trying to figure out who could be behind this and what their purpose was. It should be someone with enough ability to leave so few traces behind, but they should also have something to gain by doing this.

But to send Ke Jing and the soldiers to him right when he needed them, they must be related to the current situation and must want to help with rescuing Yan Yixuan. However, who would have such a well-developed information network that they knew to send for Ke Jing and the soldiers so many days in advance? It must be someone close to Yan Yixuan, probably a skilled courtier from his faction. It should be someone powerful and capable, someone who was used to carrying out such covert schemes…

When realization finally dawned, a smile slowly spread over Ning Wei’s face.

It must have been the empress.

Even as she pretended to convince him not to rescue Yan Yixuan, she must have had people lure Ke Jing over as soon as she heard about the landslide. She had meant to send Ning Wei over to Sui from the start and simply used their conversation as a ruse to make Ning Wei realize just how much he owed Yan Yixuan. Then she pretended to hesitate before finally agreeing to let Ning Wei go.

Was her purpose in doing all that to make sure that he treated her friend well? Ning Wei laughed to himself helplessly. He wouldn’t be surprised if part of the reason was for her own amusement as well. The empress’s methods were so similar to Yan Yixuan’s; no wonder they were friends.

Ke Jin blinked with amazement at hearing his general’s soft laugh so suddenly. During the war, he and the others were used to seeing Ning Wei with a light frown firmly etched between his brows, lips pressed together into a harsh line with the corners perpetually turned down, and his eyes glinting with a stern resolve. It was the side-effect of seeing too much bloodshed, losing too many people, and bearing too heavy a responsibility, and they had long been used to it.

But in these last few months they hadn’t met, Ning Wei’s countenance appeared to have softened and loosened up quite a lot. He seemed much more approachable and at ease. Ke Jiang appreciated this change very much. He didn’t know if it was the civilian lifestyle or his general’s lover that had brought about these changes, but he was nonetheless grateful and was determined to do everything he could to keep that light smile on Ning Wei’s lips and that warmth in his eyes.

“General, did you figure something out?” Ke Jin finally prodded.

Ning Wei gave a nod. “Yes, but let’s not worry about it. I know who must have sent the letter to you, and it’s best not to talk about them too much.”

Ke Jing tilted his head this way and that in an attempt to puzzle it out. When he realized who would have a sensitive enough identity that his general would not want to speak about them so openly, especially in connection with their current task, Ke Jing’s eyes widened. “Is it…?!”

Ning Wei nodded and said, “Don’t think about it anymore. Since you and the troops are here, we better convene and discuss what to do next.”

Ke Jing naturally listened to his general.

Now that Ning Wei had all the people he needed, he gathered his three subordinates in the Ning household and explained the situation first.

When they heard about Ning Guang having been kept alive in Xie all this while rather than being executed as they were told, they expressed a giddy mixture of disbelief and happiness. After all, Ning Guang was not just the general under whom they grew up, but also their mentor who guided and took care of them.

Hearing that the reason Yan Yixuan had gone to Sui was to negotiate terms for a treaty in return for the empress giving resources to Xie, thus helping free Ning Guang, they felt a fresh wash of gratitude towards Yan Yixuan. They became even more motivated to help him now.

When Ning Wei finished bringing them up to speed, the room was silent as the three people digested everything.

Finally, it was Ke Jing, as always, who broke the quiet. He folded his arms and leaned back in his chair, resting one knee on the edge of the table, and said, “Well, I knew some of it, but not the details. I heard unconfirmed rumors that there was a possibility the previous general might be alive and in Xie, but I didn’t know there were such conditions to get him out or that the general’s Duke Yan was involved.”

Ning Wei sat with his fingers knitted over his stomach and replied, “Ah-Xuan doesn’t like publicizing his involvement in most things. He prefers to be sneaky.”

The image of Yan Yixuan peeking up at him to gauge his expression flashed through Ning Wei’s mind, suffusing his thoughts with a sudden gush of longing and affection.

Ke Jing covered his eyes as if unable to see Ning Wei’s indulgent and loving expression and exclaimed dramatically, “Stop, General! I can’t bear to watch you being such a helplessly lovestruck little husband! Where did my strong and domineering General Ning go?”

Qiu Qingyue huffed from beside him and poked him in the ribs with an elbow. “Little Monkey, you can accuse the general of being helpless after you’re able to survive at least a couple rounds of sparring with him.”

Ke Jing stuck his tongue out at her. “Can you afford me getting beaten up, Lieutenant General? Who’ll do your paperwork then?”

Jian Lan sighed and rubbed his forehead. “I’d almost forgotten how noisy you two get. Qiu Qingyue, Ke Jing, sit quietly and listen to the general. We’re having an important discussion here.”

The two named people quietened down and obediently refocused on Ning Wei.

Ning Wei threw a grateful look at the always dependable Jian Lan and spoke, “Before we go into deciding on a plan of action on how to rescue Ah-Xuan, do you have anything you want to say or ask?”

Qiu Qingyue immediately raised a hand. When Ning Wei nodded at her to go on, she spoke, “General, can I inquire how the previous general is? Is he in this residence now? Can we go see him?”

The other two had been mindful not to bring up these questions in case Ning Wei didn’t feel comfortable talking about his father. But now that Qiu Qingyue went ahead and asked him, they looked at Ning Wei intently, waiting for his response.

Ning Wei sensed their need to know and sighed. “Father is currently not in a condition fit to receive visitors. If that changes, I will let you know. And no, he isn’t here. He’s been going into violent fugues randomly and seems unable to distinguish between reality and his captivity in Xie. Since we have children here, I decided to temporarily have him stay at the Yan residence. Most of the servants there are well-trained and should be able to at least escape successfully if he begins attacking during one of his fugues.

“Master Jin, who is not only Ah-Xuan’s tutor and my father’s beloved but also a renowned physician, is looking after Father and administering doses of calming medicine regularly so that he won’t have a chance to hurt himself or others. It is uncertain when or if Father can recover, but Master Jin and several other physicians are hopeful that something will be able to trigger his return to normal and set him on the road to recovery.”

The atmosphere in the room turned quiet and solemn.

Ning Wei let out a breath and sat straighter. “Are there any other questions?”

Jian Lan spoke, “I have one regarding the rescue. We have a team gathered, but what about supplies?”

Ke Jing leaned forward. “Since we’re a small enough group, even with the soldiers camping outside included, I can manage obtaining food and certain other necessities from my merchant contacts. However, it might be a bit difficult to legally obtain the large number of weapons we need on such short notice.”

“Don’t the others have their own weapons like us?” Qiu Qingyue questioned while stroking her sword.

Ke Jing gave her a look. “Having available replacements for the soldiers’ weapons can have a significant impact on their continuing combat effectiveness.”

Jian Lan frowned and asked, “What seems to be the problem in getting more then?”

Ke Jing answered, “Since the war just passed, they haven’t had the chance to completely remove the restrictions on privately buying large amounts of weaponry. Since we’re doing this without involving the military’s name, it will be difficult.”

Ning Wei suddenly brightened. “I have someone who can help us with that.”

The others turned to him in surprise.

Ning Wei smiled. “Ah-Xuan’s brother-in-law works as a weaponsmith in one of the military forges in the capital. I’m sure he’ll be able to do us a favor as long as I offer to take responsibility for it.”

Qiu Qingyue and Jian Lan looked at Ke Jing to see if that would resolve the issue of weapons.

Ke Jing nodded. "That will help.”

Ning Wei slid his gaze over them. “If there are no other questions, then we’ll begin planning.”

The others gave him their undiluted attention and the discussion finally entered the planning stage.

For the next few hours, they debated and straightened out their ideas to put together a working arrangement. After deciding to set out within a few days, they dispersed to make preparations.

A couple of days before setting off, Ning Wei went to the Yan household to check up on his father and relay his impending departure to Ruan Shu, Master Jin, and Yan Yiwen.

Yan Yiwen came to the household often to be updated on her younger brother’s situation. Her husband, Lin Changyuan, was hard at work to ready the weapons Ning Wei asked of him, so he was unable to accompany her regularly. Meanwhile, Master Jin had shifted to conducting his lessons in the Yan household so that he could keep an eye on Ning Guang at the side, so Lin Meihui was with him.

After hearing that Ning Wei was going to rescue Yan Yixuan, Ruan Shu firmly stated, “I will come along. I can fight and do other chores for the troops along the way, so I won’t be a burden.”

Yan Yiwen peered at him with worry.

Shaking his head, Ning Wei replied, “No. You need to stay here to manage the household and defend it in case the opposing faction makes any political play in Ah-Xuan’s absence.”

Ruan Shu clenched his jaws but knew that he couldn’t refute his words.

Yan Yiwen looked between them, then offered, “It’s alright, Brother-in-law. Take Brother Ruan with you. I can take care of the household.”

The two men turned to her, startled.

Yan Yiwen smiled at them. “Even though I’m lacking in expertise when compared to Yixuan and Brother Ruan, I was still more or less educated about how to run a household and how to fend off political opponents. If worst comes to worst, I can stall for time until you all return.”

Ning Wei seriously considered it while Ruan Shu looked at her with concern. “Sister Yiwen, are you sure about this?”

“Yes. I already let Yixuan down when it counted too many times.” Yan Yiwen’s smile turned bitter and self-deprecating. “Even if I try to make up for it by accompanying you to rescue him, I know that I won’t be of much use. In fact, I’m self-aware enough to realize that I will only be a burden dragging you down. But unlike me, Brother Ruan will be of great help. So I’ll stay here and hold down the fort so that you all won’t have to worry about it.”

Since she said this much, both Ning Wei and Ruan Shu finally agreed and left the household to her.

Next, Ning Wei and Ruan Shu went over to the Cang residence to ask Cang Xiyu to accompany them. After all, he had witnessed the landslide take Yan Yixuan and must have a more accurate grasp of the location. If they didn’t want to depend on Sui to give them that information, then they could only ask him.

When he heard them request him to join them in trekking across the border, Cang Xiyu wanted to cry. He had just been feeling happy that he could finally luxuriate in the comfort and security of his home after having returned from Sui recently. Though he was also worried about Yan Yixuan, even more so after being told that the First Prince was the one heading the search party, he still didn’t think him accompanying them on their journey was necessary.

Trying to squeeze out of this arrangement, he reasoned, “Can’t I just point out the location to you on a map?”

Ning Wei folded his arms and refused. “That area’s landscape changes often due to landslides, so the roads are too complex and lead to too many dead ends. Maps won’t be of much use. It will be much simpler if you just came along to show us the place.”

Cang Xiyu didn’t give up. “I’m very bad at fighting and using weapons, doing chores, and surviving in the wild. Why would you want someone as useless as me weighing you down?”

Ruan Shu stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder and said earnestly, “Official Cang, you shouldn’t put yourself down like that and say you’re useless.”

Cang Xiyu was both surprised and faintly moved.

Then Ruan Shu continued, “At least you’ll be useful in carrying any extra supplies.”

“……” After a moment of incredulity, the official burst out, “Am I a fucking donkey to you?!”

Ruan Shu leaned forward, his smile turning sharp as his fingers dug into the official’s shoulder painfully. “After the way you tried to kill Yixuan, who is as beloved as a younger brother to me, be glad that I’m at least willing to give you the status of a donkey.” His smile widened to a grin. “After all, I don’t kill or torture animals.”

Cang Xiyu gulped and shut up. It was better to be a live donkey than a dead human. He supposed he should go and pack his luggage again, then.

And so, it was decided.

When all necessary supplies were acquired and appropriate preparations made, Ning Wei gathered the group consisting of Ruan Shu, Cang Xiyu, Jian Lan, Qiu Qingyue, Ke Jing, and the troops who volunteered. Without ceremony, they departed for Sui to finally bring Yan Yixuan back home.


A little heads up: Things have been difficult for me recently, so I might not be able to get out the next chapter on time (๑ŏ ᴗ ŏ๑) I'll still try my best though!