Explanation / Future plans
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What should the next few chapters be?
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So, the last few weeks I was having quarter exams at university, so I had to take a break. Due to that I want to sincerely ask what you guys want to see next. Expect 2 ch per week from now on until late November. More than that will be a lil hard to come by since I was hired as Editor/Revisor for Lust Knight, another series in this website, by LamenThief.
Currently I'm working full time on revamping the first few chapters up to 50, if you notice a sudden change in quality, it's likely that I haven't gotten that far yet and ur reading the raws.

I am very thankful for the interest shown in my writing and please expect (finally) some 18+ content soon enough.

This pool will be up for the current week and will only change the order in which I post the already written chapters/what I will write right after those. The intro will still come after a couple chapters even if world building wins.

Hope you enjoyed reading this far. See ya