2b – Friends
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A cute pink little snake stared down at a curious worm wiggling over some leaves on the jungle floor. Everytime she blinked her eyes, the worm seemed to be a little closer, or was it her imagination? Its wiggling shook its head and tail everywhere, up, down, below leaves and hitting against them. It was like it didn’t know how to move or burrow into the ground.

After Pinky noticed it was drawing closer when she blinked,  she tried hard to keep her eyes wide open, bobbing her head up and down slowly focusing on the worm. Then it found something, and burrowed under the leaves. Pinky’s heart began to fill with warmth while her tail grew cold.

Her head began to bobble faster, she was scared now. She searched and searched for the little worm but couldn’t see it anymore. The warmth in her chest expanded to her neck and right below her jaw. Her mouth slackened and she couldn’t keep it shut. She shook in fear and her mouth spilled saliva everywhere. It went numb and she tried to say something, it was funny how she couldn’t feel it.

She stopped shaking and tried to look into her own mouth, tilting her head to one sided turning her eyes as much down as she could. She put her tongue out and tried so hard to see her mouth she did a full tilt and was upside down. The world upside down was the same, except it was upside down. She giggled at it because the sun looked funny shining from below, but then everything started moving in a slow circular blur as the ceiling attempted to become the floor again.

She didn’t have to move and everything was back in place again, but the earthworm was now stuck in a tree vine. The warmth in her chest cooled a bit as her head and tail grew warmer. The worm seemed weirdly content, and wiggled around until it buried itself on the hanging vine. Her heart began to warm up again, but cooled down just as fast.

She then tried it again and turned her head upside down, or back to normal. And the world soon followed. As it moved, the center of her vision blurred white, and the colors of the surrounding jungle mixed into the center instead of finding their places. The blur in the center kept turning fast in her vision until she was dizzy.

It spiraled with colors and slowed down, but it didn’t slow down evenly, the green of the leaves and the red of the fruits kept going faster as the blue of the sky slowed down and got in their way. Yellow, a little bird flying in from what used to be the sun, joined the red and green. Then all of them were swallowed by the circle that spiraled once more and became an egg in the middle of the jungle just as everything was back in its place.

Egg : “Is someone there?”

Pinky : “Me! Who is talking?!”

Egg : “It’s me.”

Pinky : “Me who?”

Egg : “What do you mean who? I can hear you, can you hear me?”

Pinky : “Oh, you’re the egg.”

Egg : “I’m... an egg? What’s an egg?”

Pinky : “You don’t know? It’s a white thing babies come from.”

Egg : “What are babies?”

Pinky : “Hmm, people that were just born. I guess you’re a baby, too.”

Egg : “People? I think I'm people not babies. I am not 'born'?"

They communicated with feelings rather than words. And where meaning was not enough Pinky inadvertently remembered images and those got through .

Pinky : " Can you see me? I feel like you are not just listening."

Egg : "See? No, i can’t see you. Everything is "dark".”

Pinky : “I guess, you’re in an egg. Duh.”

Pinky slithered closer to the egg. She went past it a bit and watched the shell closely from all directions, trying to find its mouth or a crack where she could help it hatch from.

Pinky : “What is your name?”

Egg : “Name? I think i heard someone call me once. I think my name is *roar*.”

Pinky : “What was that? That’s not a name that’s just you growling. Don’t you know your name?”

*roar* : “No! *roar* is my name! You’re the one who doesn’t know your name!”

Pinky : “I’m Linda. Nice to meet you, *growl*.”

*roar* : “It’s not *growl* it’s *roar*! *ROAR*!”

Pinky giggled and flicked her tongue. She coiled herself around the egg so they could share warmth, but it was so big she barely circled around it once.

Pinky : “Nice to meet you, *roAr*. Can we be friends?”

*roar* : “It is *roar*... What are friends?”

Pinky flicked her tongue and began to explain (vaguely since she didn't get to play much). In the middle of that, the vine the worm had burrowed itself into dropped down towards them. She was startled for a moment, bobbing her head, but gathered courage to ask.

Pinky : “Do you want to be friends too?”

At that the vine extended down, bent and tied itself in knots. The knots were like joints, as if the vine grew two legs and it’s head and torso was a vine leading back up, hanging to the tree. It tried to walk on its wobbly green noodles but fell backwards, saved only by its head holding to a tree.

Pinky giggled again, fickling her tongue. *roar*, inside the egg, seemed amused too and its eggshell thinned as its color changed to a bright pink.

Pinky : “How pretty!”

*roar* didn’t understand at first. After a second, the feeling got through that Pinky's words were meant to compliment her, she changed colors all the way to a dark pink just a little shy of purple.

*roar* : “Thanks!”

The vine got back on its feet and held onto the egg for support. They talked and tried to get the vine to talk until Pinky and *roar* were sleepy, *roar* learned about and bid goodnight. Pinky slept coiled against *roar*’s egg and vine tried to imitate her, becoming a pulsating blanket for her and *roar*.

The jungle around them changed colors and turned into a plain, the dark blue of the sky dominating the green without help from the fruits. The vine woke up having lost its support to find they were now sleeping on a log, it coiled around it instead. The colors changed again into a forested mountain, the blue being dominated by the gray of clouds and snow. But the three of them were all in deep sleep, and the colors made no difference to their angelic closed eyes.

Slightly bigger chapter coming up in the weekend. How did you guys like the naming the speech lines thing? I like to experiment more than an amateur should but it is fun e.e ( I mean the *roar*) just a little rant tho ihate delivery companies. I would have finished an actually good edit on the initial chapters If i had gotten my PC working again t.t