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Some of you might already know this, but let me jog your memory. Immortal Queen was my first novel, and if you’ve read it, you can tell it’s not exactly the most polished or well-written story out there. When I started writing it, my dream was to create amazing worlds and memorable characters and that dream hasn’t changed. But, like always, life has a way of getting in the way.

It honestly makes me sad to see this story stuck on hiatus for so long. I’m not saying I’ll continue it right away because I’m already juggling Caring Mother and editing Wolves of Fate. My schedule is stretched pretty thin. But you can never forget your first, right? Whether it’s a first kiss, first date, or, in my case, my first story.

Immortal Queen will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s the story that made me forget everything else and dive headfirst into its world. That’s why I’ve been thinking about rewriting it. I’m not putting a release date on it like Caring Mother, but I want to give it some love and occasional updates.

Thank you all for your patience and support over the years. It means more to me than you know!
