*Panting* *Panting*
"AHH...! That was amazing darling! You were like a horny demon rabbit, a very sexy one at that! Watching our daughter sure did a number on you Ha??"
Elena said, while still in Angela's arms embracing each other like two newlyweds.
"N-No! It's just that I've been stressed out about our daughter, I'm worried about her, A-and yes, maybe I got a little too horny watching her ride that whor___ I mean Elizabeth like that!"
"Yeah! An___"
"Mother, mom if you're done in there can you please come out, I think there are some things we need to talk about?"
Angela and Elena both jumped up at the sudden voice of their daughter Zeles,
"S-she knows we're in here? S-she heard us in here? Everything that we did! N-Nooo! Elena, you said no one can hear us in here! Were you lying to me?"
Angela asked in a worried manner while also showing a little anger towards Elena, rocking her side to side,
"N-Nooo! No! No! I would never lie to you darling! S___"
"Stop arguing in there, mother, she's telling you the truth. Mom really did put up a barrier and concealment spell around you both to prevent anyone from hearing you but it was useless, I have a skill that allows me to detect anyone within a hundred metres near me also I have great hearing and even if I didn't I bet I could still hear you both, I think the whole castle heard you scream each others names so there no surprise that I knew you were there the whole time, even though I was busy my self which I know you saw!! Now can you please come out or will I have to come in?"
"NO! Don't come in here! Give us a second honey, we'll be right out."
Angela shouted, not wanting her daughter to see her the way she is right now, all drenched with Elena's love juice and her rock hard member still plunged into her!!
Zeles (POV)
I'm still trying to get used to calling my Dragon mother, 'mother' and my Vampire mother, 'mom'. But it's much easier than calling both mothers and confusing them.
As I wait for my mothers to get cleaned up and come out of my closet I put on my dress. After I'm done I look beside me only to see a very scared and shivering Elizabeth she was even shaking.
"What's the matter, love! Did I wake you from all the noise?"
"N-no! I mean Y-yes you kind of did and it's ok it's just your mot___ I mean the Queen won't be very happy to see me, she might even kill me!! So I___"
Elizabeth said while tears streamed down her beautiful eyes, but I cut her off from finishing her words by placing my index finger on her lips, though her voice was like music to my ears,
"Don't worry my love! You think I would let my mother kill you like that! I love you and I know she will expect you. So don't be afraid of death my love!!"
*Sobbing* *Sobbing*
"It's not death I'm afraid of Z-zeles! It leaving you behind that scares me! I am always ready for death!! But I can't bear not being beside you!"
"Elizabeth...! I___"
Not wanting any words to tell her how much I love and care for her. Instead, I got closer to her bringing my hands to her cheeks cupping them both I pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss showing her just how much she means to me,
"Z-zeles...! I love you!! So, so much!"
"And I love you too! My Elizabeth! Even more, than you love me! Today I'm going to make one of my dreams come true with you and I hope you are ready for it my love??"
"W-waaa...! No way, I love you a thousand more times than y___"
*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*
"Zeles dear, I think you should try to explain this to your mother and me honey??"
Mom said I was a little confused but when I saw mothers face I understood everything! One could visibly see the menacing aura surrounding her, it was so thick that it could burst at any moment now. And all of that was being directed to Elizabeth making her shiver and sweat uncontrollably. I knew I could easily block her aura and protect myself and Elizabeth but Seeing Elizabeth like that made my heartache. I love her too much to see her like this! I reached out and grabbed her hand in mine squeezing it tight. That seems to Calm her down a little making her look at me. I showed her a confident smile making her do the same to me! Goddess, I love this woman!! Looking back at mother,
"Mother, that's enough! Leave Elizabeth alone!"
"S-sorry honey, *Sigh* *Sigh* Ok! Now I'm calm!! Zeles honey! Dear! Please explain to me what is happening??"
Mother said, but I could still feel her menacing aura!! *Sighed* sighing to my self knowing that's the best mother would do. I start to explain,
"Ok, so I have something really important to tell you mother, mom!!"
That made both of them look at me with a bit of worry on their faces,
"Mother, mom in a few days I will come of age to marry and I have decided that my first wife would be Elizabeth with my second wife being Zoe... I love them both and I hope that you will not disagree with me on this matter??..."
How can Angela still be so angry even after venting making love so passionately to his wife just moments ago and being embarrassed to have been discovered by her daughter?
I'll make sure to reread it from the beginning afterwards.
Thanks for your dedication
Our experienced minds cannot comprehend this so why u even trying?
@Crazedpanda1987 Because trying to understand the characters' motives is one of my hobbies.
@Gin0001 You must love anime logic then
@Crazedpanda1987 It's totally incomprehensible but entertaining as hell
@Crazedpanda1987 Truth. Like monster girls and legal lolis.
@Gin0001 I like monster girls too but however there are no legal lolis in the eyes of those ' people '( You know who speak of)
@Crazedpanda1987 We don't say their name only post memes
@Crazedpanda1987 Haters and the police, right?
@Gin0001 Haters? f*ck em. The police, let's be more specific........
@Crazedpanda1987 ...f*i?
@Gin0001 You have made a grave mistake mentioning the name. I pray you survive to read the rest of this novel.
@Crazedpanda1987 If they catch u don't mention me. I have priors
@Crazedpanda1987 I just censored a part, is it better?
@Gin0001 Look outside and tell me after and this answer this question: Do you feel safe?
@Crazedpanda1987 Yes, since I'm like a little tree hidden in a forest.
@Gin0001 And yet they are even better and tracking and catching our brothers in arms then even the Predators......Till today I watch what I say cause I fear them.THEY CAN BE ANYWHERE AND ANYONE ( I feel like a conspiracy theorist)
@Crazedpanda1987 Would we still be persecuted if we lolified ourselves?
@Gin0001 Nope we'll just be taken and indoctrinated as their bait for other brothers
@Crazedpanda1987 Truly demented methods
@Crazedpanda1987 Even if we became loli liches?
@Gin0001 For the future of cuteness....... Gladly
@Crazedpanda1987 this is one hell of a conversation. People are going laughing later
@Crazedpanda1987 Undoubtedly. kufufufu
If you were to become a lich loli and could choose your form what would it be like?
@Gin0001 I've seen so much that I've no clue..........at all. It's like yeah that's the Loli and then I'd see another one and change my mind. I would just randomise praying for the best
@Crazedpanda1987 Or take what they first gave and change from there
@Crazedpanda1987 In my case, I think I would choose to be a 138 cm tall girl, with a B-cup bust, purplish black hair, heterochromia (left eye purple and left eye blue), pale purple skin, short pointed ears and a conical tail.
What do you think?
@Crazedpanda1987 PS: And 13 years old as apparent age.
@Crazedpanda1987 PS²:and wide hips to match the tail.
@Gin0001 You have my full support. Do you want that with the F*I detection avoidance skill?
@Crazedpanda1987 In fact the plan was to go to a world with no f*i and create a spell capable of lolifying any intelligent life form to increase the population of legal lolis in the world. I was thinking of attracting candidates with promises of eternal youth, cures for things like osteoarthritis, baldness, missing limbs, etc, as a side effect of the lolication.
What do you think?
@Gin0001 I'm smiling like f*cking idiot reading your comment. Go ahead brother FORWARD WITH YOUR NOBLE CRUSADE. However as I said before nowhere is safe from the F*I that includes other worlds
@Crazedpanda1987 That's why I want to go there to popularize the concept of legal loli, insert in the laws that legal lolis are okay, convert half the population of men and women into lolicons and lolify at least a third of the womens and futanari population before the f*i get there.
@Gin0001 Then the very presence of the F*I erases those laws and takes you away while I escape with the rest of our brotherhood
@Crazedpanda1987 If they do and I get cornered I can always self-detonate to exterminate the f*i and then revive like any lich.
@Gin0001 exterminate the F*I? You know yourself that it's impossible. They're unstoppable, they'll come from windows, through the walls, ceilings,doors and floors. With them you delay not stop
@Crazedpanda1987 What if I go with an undead army?
@Gin0001 Hmmmm skilled professionals who are experts in intelligence gathering and shock and awe tactics armed with modern weaponry and experimental stuff who have no record of being stopped vs The undead legions......... I'm going with cops here
@Crazedpanda1987 That's why I will place great past experts from all fields among my undead minions.
@Gin0001 You forget that the cops will research your troops and the commanders and then use tactics making your armour completely useless against them
@Crazedpanda1987 How will they recognize them if everyone will be lolified?
@Gin0001 Instincts cultivated over time
@Crazedpanda1987 So I'm going to use the same tactic against them.
@Gin0001 But they are a different kind of fighting force so it wouldn't have the same effect
@Crazedpanda1987 But it would be a headache for delays, while I call in lolicon reinforcements from the other races.
@Gin0001 And eventually get thrown into prison for 5 years where you'll be praised for how long you held out. I gotta sleep now so peace and Viva La loli revolution

oh my Goddess. I woke up to 67 notification and it's all about loli's.
. I'm in, where do I sign up
. Long live the loli's and f* the police

@Queen Right here!
Now, a question do you want to be a legal loli or a onee-san lolicon?
@Gin0001 Legal loli all the way
@Queen 2nd question. Do you want to be a loli who is loved by another loli or a onee-san?
@Gin0001 loved by another loli, I want to hug her, cuddle her and love her soo much

@Queen It is now confirmed that you are a peak lolicon.
3rd question: What do you want your new loli self to look like?
@Gin0001 I want to be a 145cm tall girl with blood red eyes a wide hip so that I can show off, B cup breast, smooth skin with twin tails on my head, oh! And pointy ears and I want my hear colour to be pure white with silver linings and long beautiful unblemished leg's with a hour glass figure. Oh and 15 years old in age.

@Queen You have good taste.
4th question: What kind of loli do you want your girlfriend to be?
I for example want a dragon loli for preference.
@Gin0001 I want a fox Beast-kin loli, with cute long ears and bushy, fluffy tail.
@Queen I see, you are from the mofumofu faction.
4th question: Do you have any idea how to deal with this insistent and irritating f*i?
@Gin0001 sadly no
the only thing I can think of right now is to unit all the loli's as one and bring them down once and for all
@Queen Hell yeah fluffy all the way
@Queen Many a good luck cause you'll need to be the ultimate Big Daddy(Bioshock) to delay 'them' at least
@Crazedpanda1987 @Queen Now that I've stopped to think about it, if I lolified the f*i agents' wives or husbands they would have to arrest themselves for being married to lolis, right?
@Gin0001 Oh my Goddess, genius, you are a genius. Let's do it. I can almost smell the loli's in the air
. Hehehe... Hahahaha...

@Queen Is it just my imagination or is Zeles laughing along with you?
Now that I've stopped to think about it, what is your personal definition of loli?
@Gin0001 Pffft hahaha hahaha they'd arrest themselves
@Gin0001 When you get Super Dragon Balls and are about to make that wish call me and Queen we want to remember the day
@Crazedpanda1987 Yes, unless they publicly admit they are wrong and declare that legal lolis are legal. kufufufu
I'll make sure I do it when I get it.
@Queen Legal lolis are also in the Zeles's strike zone?
@Gin0001 That is reality that doesn't even exist in ANY alternate earth or universe
As entertaining as all this is to read and picture this scene happening in a dark basement somewhere, yall know that the FED's have keyword seaches running across multple forums and chat rooms (no matter how small). So I'd start running, Im safe since im outside there jurasdiction. And just for the record I have nothing against legal lolis but I'd rather be a tall busty Onee'san, either catkin or foxkin or dragon with human form, uses either bows or katanas, silver hair, heterochromia eyes (red and gold) and is a little bit of a battlemaniac.
@SR1 Yeah that's the safe route...... Right? There's no alternate universe F*I where they go after our busty onee'sans ......May have just caused a dark reality to be born
@SR1 I think the FED's have a lot more to worry about with so many terrorists, drug dealers, etc around the world to be able to spend time and resources on fictitious lolis, even more so in other worlds. After all, they ignored the UN's attempt to ban violent games, right?
But I admit you have good taste. It also just reminded me that the good thing about being a tall, busty onee-san is that the size difference makes the lap perfect for loli to sit on and the boobs make a great pillow for loli to snuggle into.
On second thought, I think being a lich able to freely switch between loli and oneesan forms would be better. After all, that way I could be both the loli that gets pampered in oneesan's lap and the oneesan that pampers the loli and if my future dragoness girlfriend can do the same it would be even better.
@Gin0001 which reminds me there was this anime called tenjho tenge with an onee-san that could transform from a loli to a busty onee-san at will. She had purple hair, used a wooden katana and had a blonde sister the same age if not height as her. I think she fits the bill for u.
@SR1 I also watched this anime. And just for the record, Maya's childlike form is too immature even for me. I prefer it when the lolis have some curves even if they are light.
@SR1 * Writes name of anime, Searching anime on site, locks the doors,barricades the windows and walls, reinforces the roof with frames, turns on radio for F*I broadcasts * Now I'm ready..... sh*t forgot snacks * removes 2X4 from door and gets arrested *..........
@Crazedpanda1987 thats some bad luck right there and if ur gonna baracade urself in the first thing on the list is food and drink then the questionable contraband last.
@SR1 no, no the first thing is some hentai and anime then comes food, cause I can go on for days without food if there are anime present

@Queen I stand corrected sir.
The only hangup is if we bring any good hentai and anime in there for the duration, cause we all probably have some "sh*t taste" in our list.
@SR1 *Emerges from the ground with plastic spoon * *Breathes in deeply * I'M BACK. I'VE ESCAPED FROM A F*I BLACK SITE AND HAVE SEEN THINGS........
@Crazedpanda1987 Our brethren strapped to these....devices.... It forcibly removes any happy feelings associated with the loli..... I'VE HEARD THEIR SCREAMS, THEIR CRIES FOR HELP ..... I've been offered refuge in purgatory so I'm leaving for a few days. Protect yourselves my brethren and guard your loli collections. Good bye
@Crazedpanda1987 glad you escape my friend. But we can't just leave our brothers behind to face the wrath of the f***** F*I. We need away to somehow deliver them some plastic spoons. Start thinking now, cause I'm having a hard time figuring out how to break in to a f**** up place like that

@Crazedpanda1987 let me guess they have real futanari's down there, the very first artwork from 1800s japan that could be the very first hentai manga, the condom god used that burst accidentally to concieve Jesus with Mary and the evidence to prove that the elite of society have been secretly doing experiments to create catgirls !!! *takes deep breath and breaths heavyly.*


futanari's... Ok I have made a decision I will sacrifice myself and take one for our team and break in to the F*I. (It's definitely not so that I can see some futa
@Crazedpanda1987 I'll gladly take on this mission under a few conditions :
1. U guys get Tom Cruise to help.
2. What ever I take out I can keep including any warm bodies I find.
3. If I dont make it back yall have to build a statue in my honor and make a movie about my final mission and how I heroicly sacrificed myself for the cause.
@SR1 1st : We poor so don't expect that happening but I can organize Johnny English if you like
2nd :em you gotta negotiate real long about this
3rd : We can't build a statue or film a movie but we write about your deeds and I'll tell the bois in purgatory about you
@SR1 ok, 1st, no Tom cruise or Jonny English cause we can't even afford him so instead we'll send @Ginooo1 with you .
2nd,you can keep anything you find but I want a live futa, and this is non negotiable.
3rd, I'm pretty good at crafting so I'll build a statue of a beautiful busty blonde babe and tell everyone she a national treasure and no movies but I'll tell everyone in immortal Queens world about you
@Crazedpanda1987 Oowwwwww... That's so sweet. Thank you and ok, I won't go but I will find another way to save our brothers and sisters cause no matter what we don't leave a man or woman behind

@Queen How about we summon the spirits who have a grudge against the F*I and turn them into the undead and use the mess they've caused with their revenge as a distraction to the rescue?
I wonder if I could find some hentai there that I haven't seen before, with a futanari getting his d*ck rided while receiving a tail insertion from his girlfriend. After all, this combination is pretty rare.
Have you seen any?
@Gin0001 I think we're over thinking this rescue plan. We keep it simple we get everyone in queen's comment section plus as many others like us that we know to just raid F*I HQ. They cant get us all, just have a few suicide stink bombers in a few areas of the building and some card board boxes with crazy hentai scenes on them to hide under and we'll do fine.
@SR1 Y'all gonna lose I'll stay here in here in purgatory though with my whole communication set up and try and guide you through but I suggest you wait though cause I JUST escaped and they probably got that place on knockdown
@Crazedpanda1987 perfect they wont be expecting an attack this soon then.
That was a fun ride!!!
@SorrowGrim the novel, or our conversation

@Queen BOTH both is good asf
