I am Zoe Irvin, once leader but now second in command of the famous vampire knights known as the devouring tendrils in the blood-red empire. Though I am not proud of it, I have taken more than a thousand lives even more without any hesitation or doubt but now... Why? Why? Does it feel so wrong to take a life...? Ever since that day I feel like I have changed, no! I know I HAVE changed. And in a good way, I feel relieved, like a big weight has been lifted from my chest.
I mean since then I have only been able to look at the bright side, I remembered my past, I gained my emotions, stopped all that senseless killings but most of all I fell in love! I now a Vampire like me who have taken more than a thousand lives don't deserve anything but death least of all love. But I'm glad, glad that I got to meet her, glad that my Queen found a wife, cause let's face it she was getting lonely and more depressed by the day and it's also thanks to her my love was born. And glad that my princess chose me, of all the people in this new empire she chose me.
I love her so much and would do anything for her, cause she understands me, she now's what I've been through, she's also a very good listener, I mean she listens to me talk for hours and hours with that beautiful enchanted smile of hers. Which only makes me want to make her laugh more often than normal. Oh! And did I mention She's amazing in bed! I mean she dominates me in bed but I'm the one with the dick, which she made for me, ain't I suppose to be the dominant one? Yet she's amazing, once we went at it for hours and I couldn't go any further but she, she kept going even though I couldn't move. However, I was still hard as a rock. She finally settled down in the next morning but I enjoyed every bit of it. Oh, Goddess just thinking about her makes me soo horny right now! Good thing my Dicks hidden with illusion magic.
I really wish I could spend some more time with her though I guess Elizabeth's got that covered, she is the princess personal maid after all. Even though my princess, my love has another woman it doesn't bother me, cause I have the feeling she loves us both the same and would be surrounded by multiple women of all races in the future and as long as I have a small space in her heart I'll be great full and Elizabeth seems to think the same.
*Sigh* Sigh*
I'm really bored, ever since our two races United I have been patrolling the outer edges of the region which belongs to the blood-red empire along with a few vampires and dragons alike. And I'm really surprised at how well we're getting along with each other, Hmmm... Must be the two Queens doing. Well, at least my shifts over. Time to go see my love, wonder if the Queen will kill me if she or rather both of them found out about me and Elizabeth. Naahhh... I'm sure it'll be f____
*Rumbling* *Rumbling*
W-what in the Goddess name was that S-such a powerful and ferocious aura, almost like ____... No! I looked around me only to realise all the dragons even the dragon guardian 'Vritra' is on her knees and she's the most powerful of the guardians. Even the vampires are on edge, fuck even my legs are shaking. This must be the dragon Queen's aura, It's as frightening as the Vampire Queen's...
After a while, it completely disappeared wonder what caused it? Not wanting to think about so I tried to ignore it and made my way to Zeles's bedroom only to hear,
"Oh! Mother, Mom, I'm pregnant and Elizabeth and Zoe are the father's or rather mother's"
*giggling* *giggling*
W-what??????? My jaw nearly fell towards the floor but before I could regain my composure the Vampire Queen Elena's aura was released in full, bringing me to my knees, I found the courage to stand up but____
"Zoe, I know you're out there, get in here now? Before I break a few bones and then drag you in here."
The vampire Queen Elena said only making me flinch for a second but I quickly regained my composure, after all, I knew this day would come.
DAMN!... Looks like mom knew Zoe was out there. *Sigh* Sigh* well, hope it all goes well. I don't want a repeat of what happened to Elizabeth after all. Without wasting another second Zoe came in looking calm and collective. Much better than Elizabeth was.
"Yes, my Queen? "
Zoe said slightly bowing down,
"Don't you act dumb, you fucking bitch. First, it was this bitch, now you! I'm going to___"
"Mom! Stop that...!"
Elena kept shouting at Zoe nearly getting closer to kill her until Zeles's voice snapped her out of her trans like state.
Elena looked at her daughter and looking at those caring and loving eyes she couldn't say anything but remember how Angela treated Elizabeth. Elena didn't want to do something like that and looking at her daughter's eyes she knew that her daughter made the right choice In choosing Zoe as her second wife,
"Sorry honey, I kind of got carried away, but I will say the same as Angela did. Zoe Irvin, proud daughter of Faust Irvin and Sabine Irvin. I hear by permit you to marry my daughter, may you have a healthy and great sex life... But unlike Angela I won't just never forgive you, I would also kill you if you ever let any harm fall before my beautiful angel here. Do you understand?
"Yes my Queen, *Sobbing* *Sobbing* thank you, my Queen."
Zoe didn't at all except this but it was a welcomed surprise. She began crying as soon as she heard the words spoken by the Queen. Zeles before going to comfort Zoe she reached her mom, Elena kissing her on the cheeks.
"Come on honey, let's leave them be. After all, we got a wedding to plan, oh. My. Goddess. I can't believe this day has come so soon. And we're even going to be grandparents, Hehehehehe... "
Angela said grabbing Elena's hand and dragging her out of the room leaving only the three love birds inside. After the tough day, both Elizabeth and Zoe faced they were both tired. Right after their embrace with Zeles, they both fell asleep in her arms. Zeles brushing away the stray hairs from their faces carrying them both with ease and bringing them to her bed, making sure their both comfortable before getting on the bed her self cuddling them both from the middle, she drifted off to sleep...
By the way, why isnt any description of the vampire lover and the dragon lover
lays me out how this dragon and the vampire are both parents. only thinks mc will give birth to twins
may you have a healthy and great s*x life...
*Rumbling* *Rumbling*
My stomach went off as I read this * sigh * purgatory has bad food
I see u went with the Zeus family plan/curse as in Zoe's parents were killed by humans then she comes around later and kills a young girls parents which will cause her to come back and kill a baby's/child's parents and the cycle goes on and on.