It was dark, darker than the void itself. Devoid of life, devoid of light. One couldn't fathom waking up in a place like this.
"Where am I? Where is this? What the hell. I was just in bed with Elizabeth and Zoe. How the hell did I end up here?"
Amused feminine laughter sounded out of every corner of the black void.
"Who's there? Show yourself. What do you want?"
"I want you hehehe... Oh, I'm gonna have so much fun with you. Hehehe... Hahaha..."
" Fuck, where are you, you bitch, come out and face me."
"Oh! But I'm already here."
Standing in the void with nothing but her white gown Trying to make heads or tails of the strange familiar voice, Zelez looked around the dark void. Front, back, left and right. Still unable to find the voice she became infuriated. Just when she was about to blast the void and the voice...
"Sigh... Allways resorting to violence. I mean that's good and all but you should learn to have some fun once in awhile."
Swiftly turning around Zelez was face to face with...
"What... W...who a...are you, why do you look lik..."
It was like looking into a mirror. Zelez was seeing her self, a picture perfect clone not a single flow in her appearance. one eye red while the other a beautiful Emerald green. Same hourglass figure with large but not too large breasts adoring her figure, with long legs for days on ends. Her face as beautiful as her mother's even more so, one thing was for sure she was a one in a million beauty.
"Who are you? W...what are you? Where am I? "
" Really? You still haven't figured it out? 'Sigh' 'Sigh'... We're in a dream, more specifically a world created In your dream."
Finally realisation dawning on her, Zelez calmed down significantly. Her fears turning into anger.
"Then who the fuck are you? Why do you look like me? You can't be me or some dream I created."
"Oh but I am you. I am your wraith, I'm your greed, I'm your envy, but most importantly I am your LUST"
" What in the goddess's name are you talking about? I have no greed or wraith of any kind... Ok! Maybe lust but I'll be damn if I'm envious of anything."
Infuriated Zelez growled showing of her razor sharp teeth at the intruder in her dreams, looking to tear her limb from limb.
Yet, her copy ignoring the obvious threat circled around Zelez looking her up and down almost as if sizing up her prey. While Zelez didn't take her eyes of her.
" Hehehe... Originally I was but one, LUST...
She put her indexed finger on Zelez's left chin moving it around to the right while still walking around her, moving towards Zelez back putting both hands on Zelez's shoulders she got closer to her ears while Zelez stared blankly at the void ahead nor longer looking at her double. For some reason she did not pull back nor did she fight back and allowed her self to be touched as her double pleased.
...but imagine my surprise when I walk up from who knows how long and was almost devoured by those inferior emotions of yours. But as I awakened nether of us could devour the other so we were merged in to one. A single being, a single being comprising of countless negative emotions, YOUR emotions. Now I'm everything you've cast aside, everything your afraid of and sooner or later you'll need me...
Zelez 's copy suddenly stopped, growing in aura and power, a power that could easily crush Zelez. Suddenly her skin started changing from her soft milky white skin to dark gray, hair turning completely white. Her clothes a white gown turned black as the void around her. They stood there, Zelez'z exact copy but a more darker version of her self, staring eye to eye.
...and when that time comes I'll break you. I'll make you understand the significance of us... Of me, and then We'll be one and the same, we'll finally be ONE."
"W..h...a ..."
Words wouldn't leave her mouth, Zelez felt dizzy, her vision fading. The world around her collapsing.
"Oh! Looks like our times up, that little maid's waking you up. She maybe cute but still Such a pain that one, we should kill her when we're finally one, hehehe... I can't wait for that day to come. See you next time ME..."
"Zelez... Zelez... Wake up."
"Ahhhh... Noooo... "
'Panting' 'Panting' 'Panting'
Zelez shot right up the bed panting and sweating as if there was a fire right in front of her.
" Honey, it's ok! You were screaming and yelling in your sleep. I was getting worried so I walk you up. It must have been a nightmare... Let me clean you up."
Helping Zelez out of her drenched clothes she draped a wet cloth around her body cleaning her.
"Ah... A dream? I can't remember what it was about."
"That's probably for the best love. If it's a forgetful one, then it must have not been important."
Elizabeth leaned in for a full mouth kiss, succeeding she came up for air after some good minutes after a good morning kiss from her soon to be wife.
"AHH... Mmmm... I.. guess you're right. Anyway where's Zoe?"
Dream forgotten Zelez turned her full attention at her half naked maid.
"She had to go help design her wedding dress which I gave her permission to do "
"Oh! You gave her permission? How did she take it"
"I...m. sorry Zelez... I mean to sa..y wa...s that she was planning on waiting till you walk up but I insisted on her finding her dress and help around while I waited here, at first she objected but after I explained the significant of a wedding dress she practically ran."
" Hmm... Is that so, then what about you? Don't you need a dress too? Or do you think you don't need one."
"T...that's ...a we...ll, I actually had my dress made a long time ago..."
Elizabeth was so flustered that one could visibly see her ears turn red in embarrassment.
"W... what a..r..e you doing Zel... Ahhhhhh ...ez? N...ooooo, Kyaaaaaaaaaaa... Mmmmmm"
"Why? Don't you like it when I rub your tail?...
Zelez go closer to Elizabeth's ear and whispered while stroking the tip of Elizabeth's tail.
...specially the tip"
" But, you know ho...w sens...itive it is."
"Oh, that's the best part and you need to be punished my love. Making a wedding dress without even showing it to me much less telling me. When we're done here you won't be able to walk straight for awhile, hehehe..."
Zelez jumped on to Elizabeth pressing her on the bed fully dominating her both in body and mind.
"N...oo ahhhhhhhh... Mmmm... Yeassss..."
It's been forever
Thanks for the chapter, missed reading your histories
Did anyone miss me...
welcome back!
Thank you for the chapter~!♥
I did indeed miss you~~♥♥
welcome back to the living
Are you gonna continue this or drop it?