Chapter 15 – wedding preparations.
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"I want that one and that one, ohhhhh... And that one, ahhhhh... And don't forget that one. Awwww... I just can't decide."

Zoe was madly pointing at every design she saw trying so very hard to pick the perfect one. Of course, they were wedding dresses. 


A few hours ago after waking up, arguing with Elizabeth and running off to help with the wedding preparations but not before kissing the sleeping Zelez on her left cheek, she first made sure they had her darlings favourite flowers hung at every doorway and window but strangely they were all done by the time she got there. The flowers were a beautiful crimson red from the tip of its petals to a light orange at the end of its petals. There was no name for such a beautiful flower but then again there were countless flowers in the dark forest without the luxury of names.

Afterwards, she went to see the decorations but was confused and flabbergasted by the already beautifully decorated gardens, hallways, and rooms even the bathrooms were spotless with beautiful decor. She stood there for a while speechless watching the maids and butlers all running and stumbling around until she saw someone from the corner of her eyes ordering them.


"Get that over here, take that over there, put some flowers here, there and there... WHAT? we're already out of flowers. Well go get some more, what the fuck are you doing standing around for, and where the hell is that statue of my sweet Zelez? This is MY daughter's wedding, a very special day for her. If anything goes wrong or if I see even a single misplacement I will have all your head's, YOU FUCKING HEAR ME...


...GOOD, I've been waiting for this for soooo long that I can't wait anymore. Just imagining her walking in the special dress I designed, hehe... Just thinking about it makes me want to jump in excitement, hehe... AND WHERE prey tell is that useless wife of mine...?"



Seeing queen Angela there it all finally made sense, the hallways the garden the enormous dragons flying about outside as if there was a war, Zoe almost felt sorry for those maids in front of her but only for a second. Looking closer she saw they all looked happy, even excited. They all had the same fire in their eyes as their queen. They didn't look tired nor did they complain, actually they looked more motivated, the fire in their eyes burning even more brighter. 


"She's a lot scary when like that isn't she?"

"Yeah! I almost feel sorry for my queen Elen... Ahhh..."

" Shhhhh... Are you crazy, Are you trying to get me killed or something...? I can't do any more, I can't, I just can't..."


A hand sealed tightly around her mouth Zoe turned her head around to come face to breast. The taller woman looked down making sure Zoe was all calmed down. She slowly but surely pulled her hand back.


" M..y queen... What are you doing sneaking up on me like that? I almost had a heart attack! Even though that's basically impossible."


"Oh my! I didn't think that would scare you my sweet Zoe but I guess I was wrong. And stop with the 'my queen' nonsense, you can call me by my name or 'mother' and I won't expect less. You are going to be my daughter's wife after all. So that means my daughter in law."

... You really have changed. Did my little Zelez cause all this. Looking at her once fears kin she couldn't help but think.


"She's as strict and dominant as she was on our wedding day. 'SHUDDER' you and all the our kin was busy building the new home's so you don't know it was almost like hell mixed with a little bit of heaven. Don't get me wrong, it was the most wonderful experience I have ever been a part of and it was all thanks to her, oh my lovely Angela. I remember it like it was yesterday she single-handedly planned the whole thing dragging me along for everything and the dress she designed for little Zelez was soooo adorable. But you don't want to get near her when she's like this... Trust me, I have first-hand experience or should I say hands. Hehehe... Tell me! Do you know that a dragon's wedding is one of the few special occasions they have, especially the royal ones?"


Zoe shake's her head indicating she did not know of such a thing.


"Well it is, normally a dragon only mates with one mate and it's for life but of course our little Zelez is special she's not fully dragon, hahaha... I can actually see her with her own personal harem. Hehehe... She's gonna be a lady killer in the future. If I didn't have my sweet Angela maybe I would have gotten myself a harem as well but she's more than enough for me, 'Sign' I sometimes feel like she's too much for me. 'SHUDDER' "

"But that still doesn't answer my question m...other, why are you hiding fro..."



Just then a maid pointed at Elena revealing her location to all specifically a very angry dragon.

"OH! MY. WIFE. THERE YOU ARE! I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE! Trying to get out of work again?"

A Voice truly befitting an angel but when heard like that even the demon's would fear it.

"Shit... Hey, I'm your queen too you know, you can't ju..."


Appearing in front of Zoe, Angela spoke looked at Elena's eyes making shiver in fear, not even bothering to take notice of the shivering Zoe down.

" N...othing my love, I wasn't trying to get out of work it's just you're giving me too much even for me and I.. l... I already finished sooo I was j...ust talking to Zoe hear... Ab... Wedding dresses, yes! Wedding dresses, she said she still hasn't found one."

"Is that true Zoe? There are only four more days before your wedding and you still haven't found a wedding dress? Don't you love my daughter enough, hmmm... Tell me have you ever been burned to death."

Not even having enough time to think how Elena found out her not having a wedding dress yet. Shivering Zoe answered,

"M...y queen I was just o...n my way to find one..."


"Is that so? Well, get going then, me and my. Wife. Have lots of work to do. Right, Hunny."

The smile on her face didn't mask her true intentions.

"Ye...s dear."

Taking her chance Zoe sprinted away from the lovely couple. Arriving at the royal seamstress place Zoe almost went mad seeing the designs, even with the seamstress's help it took her almost half the day to find the perfect dress. At least one that satisfies her's and Zelez tastes. 

" Darlings gonna love this dress, 'BLUSH' I can't wait."



3 and 1/2 Days for the wedding.





Sign, writer's block is a bitch.