Vo: Chapter 4.
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The origin of the universe.

(Pvo´s Goddess).

Linn: "Well, it's time to get to work".

Now I had calmed down and was cleaning my body but I still could not be comfortable with my new body, although I did not feel anything out of the ordinary I was still thinking about if I could do something to regain my gender.

Before I started working I wanted to know if I really couldn't do something about my current situation so I decided to ask my only current source of information.

Goddess: "Wait Linn is there no way to go back to being a man?" –I really wanted a solution and even though I didn't want to ask Linn for advice but maybe he knew something.

Linn: "No, once you were born will you stay like this" –his answer was very disappointed.

Goddess: "And what about changing shape, can I do that or can't I?" –I spoke to him while I was dressing in the clothes he handed me which consisted of a blouse and a miniskirt.

Linn: "Yes but it is very difficult and is only temporary should also relax you".

Goddess: "How do you want me to relax if I'm in a miniskirt?" –I felt very humiliated for having to wear such feminine clothes.

Linn: "That's to make you look more tender, changing the subject we need to start with the universe" –Linn quickly changed the subject, I think to avoid provoking my anger, I'm a goddess now after all.

Goddess: "And how is it done?".

Linn: "As you want it to originate, why are you smiling?" –Linn went on alert when he saw my face and do not blame him because at the moment an idea popped into my head.

Goddess: "Linn, I suggest you start running". 

Linn: "I don't like that smile".

Goddess: "Linn congratulations as you will be the origin of the universe" –It had occurred to me to take it out on Linn so I cornered him. He immediately ran from me but it was too late, my fist was already catching up with him and he couldn't dodge it.

Linn: "no wait!" –even though he screamed with all his might, I didn't stop.

Suddenly a loli hits a cat with the force of the big bang and a blinding light filled the absolute void the universe was filled with cosmic dust and light, the universe was living its first moments, surely in the near future some galaxy would harbor life.

The energy collided with itself and rapidly changed shape constantly, the emergence of this new and immense world unfortunately caught the attention of many gods who were seeking power beyond what anyone can imagine, definitely the war will come to this world. and will swallow it.

(Pvo´s Alice).

While in an abandoned temple full of traps and dangers, Alice was looking for objects lost in history.

Rinn: "Alice-sama, I told her not to take that bag off the shelf" –she had stolen a bag on a pedestal but that was a mistake.

Alice: "This bag belonged to a famous archaeologist was worth it, run!".

Rinn: "Just because of that, it's because of him that we run in front of a rock"–Rinn was yelling at her goddess because she got her into a lot of trouble.

Alice: "yeeeeees" –She did not regret her mistake but still knew that if the rock reached her, she would surely suffer a lot.