8: That wasn’t the plan
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8: That wasn’t the plan.

Evil God’s view

What? She… she killed no one. I suppose she injured the planet itself, but no one died. Instead of creating the massacre I wanted, she actually halted the battle entirely! All it would take is one small scratch! Damnit, she was so lost in despair before. Why did she suddenly begin to think? Did I underestimate her?

Vampire Queen’s view

A small canyon, filled with blood. With my power over blood, I’m able to absorb it all rather quickly, and it is delicious! Such enormous life-force! This planet is alive. The fact that I could make it bleed is proof. I must not eat it though. Maybe I should’ve left the blood to rot in the canyon. Then I’d not know this temptation. 

Now… now I must resist. I have learned that the earth here is alive, and that its blood is delicious. If I eat this planet though, I will doom the inhabitants here. The entire point of covering myself in this bloody cloth and armor was to avoid killing them all. Still… making the earth itself bleed… that wasn’t something I thought would happen.

*sigh* I’m delaying aren’t I? Spending all this time thinking about this rift and the blood, when I need to be leaving and saying hello to people. I’ve not spoken in so long. Will I even understand the people here? … oh, right, I’ve got a skill for that. Well, sorta. It lets me understand any living creature, but only if they are trying to speak to me. It won’t help with overhearing conversations. I really don’t understand this skill tree. I mean: Why is a language skill in the blood skills section? … maybe they wanted to let vampires communicate? The skill works both ways. It ensures I can speak to others as well. I’m assuming blood skills are something Vampires get.

Demon soldier’s view

A shower of blood cleaned up in mere moments. Such a feat must be the work of an ancient vampire. Did one of them awaken just now? This canyon, were they within? Wide enough we can’t expect to jump over. Deep enough, it’d take half a day to climb up. I and many others like me all stood and stared in shock. What else could we do? The enemy is retreating. They aren’t even firing arrows anymore, not that the arrows were really a threat to us. 

As I continued to stare into the canyon in awe of the power that made it, I heard a murmur to my left, and turned to see what was there. I couldn’t see through the crowd of other soldiers, but somehow I knew. She was there. The presence of such power is unmistakable. How many did she kill to acquire it? I’ve never before felt the presence of so much bloodshed on one person before. Instinctively, I knelt. We all knelt. This was a queen.

“All hail the queen!”

Vampire Queen’s view

Uh… what? I lept to the surface from the bottom of the canyon, and upon landing I find myself surrounded by kneeling soldiers calling me queen.

“Why are you all kneeling before me?”

Silence. Nervous silence… right, they don’t know who should answer. *sigh* I was never good at socializing, and the fact that I haven’t even spoken to anyone in years doesn’t help. Let’s see, I need to be more direct and specific. So, I picked one.

“You, why are you kneeling?”

“Your greatness is unmistakable. I will do anything you ask.”

Wtf? … I’m really beginning to dislike this place. Finally have a chance to talk to someone, and they’re all crazy! One side is fleeing, the other side is kneeling. The fleeing side should be saner… I hope.

“Then leave me alone.”

I lept to the other side of the canyon and walked towards the other army. With my new armor, I should be safe enough to not need to worry about accidentally going on a rampage. Just need to make sure I don’t accidentally bite my tongue. That is seriously one of the most embarrassing ways to trigger a rage.

… though, now that I think about it… maybe how much those soldiers unnerved me is a sign that I’m the crazy one. *sigh* it’s been way too long since I last socialized with anyone. At least I haven’t forgotten how to speak. That would really be embarrassing if that had happened.


“Good” god’s view

My dear sister was foolish enough to choose a kind soul as the demon lord this time. They might be powerful, but all I had to do was wake them up a bit, and get them thinking again, and now they’ve found a way to avert the disaster my sister must’ve been hoping for. Wait… why are you walking to the human side? The demons were bowing to you! You were supposed to go with them!

***Author Note***

Got indecisive about how to deal with all the kneeling. Decided to roll a d20 to see if the main character leaves or stays. She left. Guess the weird behavior unnerved her too much.