Chapter 8 : Birth Of The Universe; Dragon Chronicles
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After countless trial and error, we were able to make the perfect Planets.

Of all of them, 4 were the King Planets Earth, Sun, Atlantis and Astaria.

Attributed to them are the elements earth, fire, water and air, respectively.

We made millions of races, many of them were previously known though some we made out of our own imagination.

I was actually disappointed when Qtayegasaurus were sent to extinction by Monkey's, I had put a lot of work into making their physique.

Likewise, every god was working hard to make different races, since we had to make everything out of scratch, it was tiring.

Imagine breathing life into a Monkey, you had to kiss those things! yuck! after many nightmarish kisses all races were ready, each god made their own planet placing the races they made there.

After much contemplating it was decided that the 4 Major planets should be made free of being a domain of any single god.

Thus, Earth was made and given to our faction.


Astaria was formed and given to the virtue faction.

For Sun and Atlantis, they were split between 7 Sins and 7 Virtues. With Atlantis under 3 Virtues and 4 Sins and Sun under 4 Virtues and 3 Sins.

I know it sucks to be me, I didn't get invited, but why should I care I can just make another planet if I want. Ha, I can make Astaria with my eyes closed, it's nothing more than a giant blob of air.


I was sitting with patience during our regular sessions and no it's not what you think, it's just that she's a good therapist.

How do I know she's a she? Do gods have a gender? What gender do I have?

Ha, that's easy. We have no gender. first we don't, but we can choose to. You see genders are important. Take me for example, if I could become a busty beauty why did I become a muscle beast? That's easy, benefits.

Male and female...genders, are important for gods. Females can influence more mortals to be it sinners or virtuous, after choosing the female gender and immersing themselves in it, the female gods can naturally produce 10 times as much divine energy as genderless or males.

While gods with male gender have better conviction, um...Rtyr just invented it this way, Female gods have more mana while Male gods have more defence and attack.

Did I mention mortal followers work as a momentarily buff, at least for Female gods, we male gods barely feel divine energy from mortals.
Ah.. back to what I was saying, so I was sitting with patience, she's a nice person kind of lazy, I think she waits too much if she wasn't a virtue I'd just call her sloth.

Scrolling through her thigh...let me put it this way, I converted her thighs into a holographic program and was scrolling through to see the earth and the other worlds progress, Earth is the most interesting.

It's such a mixture of races and people, multiple religions because of different gods. Just too interesting to forget about.

When the first signs of intelligent life appeared. My eyes freaking sparkled, it felt so liberating knowing we finally did it, we made our own universe.

The previous worlds were for as long as we were, an eternity, they kept sapping our divine energy to live, which was infinite.

Umm... infinity is hard for mortals to understand.

The first intelligent life forms were Kyota a four-legged land mammal, it looked illiterate and stupid, couldn't even talk, but could share a telepathic link with their pack.

Soon pride, packs, herds appeared, following them appeared the first truly intelligent life form. Dragons.

The core of the gaseous infernal planet Sun birthed the first-ever Fire Dragon.

Soon the molten hot core of Earth birthed Earth-Dragon.

Atlantis's frozen abyss birthed Water Dragons.

Astaria highly pressurized core birthed the Air Dragons.

These beings with their high magic affinity and intellect soon became the apex predator of their worlds.

They could convert to smaller forms with two hands and legs at will, allowing them to enter small areas as well.

I as well as may other gods watched them progress with expectations and curiosity but were seriously disappointed.

The Water Dragons had devolved into Sea dragons. Thank god the Fire dragons didn't change their names to hot dragons but likewise, their strength decreased drastically. Air Dragons devolved into Wind Dragons, Earth dragons were merely a shadow of their past selves.

However, their old power remained though only in variation one in ten thousand years a Water Dragon, Air Dragon, Fire Dragon or Earth Dragon was born, containing their past glory.

This year a young princess, born as a Water Dragon was becoming queen...her mother had died of internal strife. Majority of Atlantis's Dragons had grouped up and formed an empire.

I had watched her all her life, sometimes even peeking at her changing clothes, it was totally ungodly but surprisingly exciting.

So one day I went down to meet her.

After becoming Queen, life was hard the court kept pressuring me to subjugate a small town, the townsmen were barely a threat and were wholeheartedly willingly to come under my banner.

But their fear was justified and true, what would they gain if they become my people? would their lives change for the better?

It was no hidden fact that the court was corrupt even the troops guarding cities and town were corrupt and greedy. After the first emperor and citizens found their love in gold, gold became the national currency. And Earth Dragons traded it in exchange of rare corals.

This incited the free nature-loving dragons to turn into greedy scumbags. But what can I do to change anything? This title 'Queen' is just that, a Title, nothing more.

The court orders, the people follow.

The people don't even mind the royal family being mistreated and ignored, they seem to contend with greed and corruption, wait till the gold hits its limit.

With a huff I left the throne room after being bombarded by 4th court member Tguyr, he's an influential bastard, knowing when to play his cards.

He came today to cut the royal family's security budget, presumably "The Water Dragon can care for itself", because "Water Dragons are our image for power they if they can't protect themselves, they are unworthy to rule".

Of course, I won the discussion and sent him scramming but it was a close one, next time I won't be so lucky.

Reaching the garden I sat on the floor my back facing the pond, what would the people say if they saw their Queen sitting on the ground? Frankly, right now I don't care.

My natural silvery-white hair swayed in the wind, yeah that's right, wind, we traded water stones in exchange of wind stones, Atlanta is built inside dome structures.

We could've just lived underwater but most utilities don't function there.

An easy example is speaking.

"Hello my Queen, would you rather have me as your company?" A foreign voice whispered it's frequency hit my sensitive ears and sent electricity through my spine.

"W-Who dares!" I demanded embarrassed being caught unguarded and undignified.

"Your guardian angel" it spoke.

"W-Where are you come out at once, you might be spared!" I negotiated hoping to find the owner of this voice.

"You won't find me, I'm not here, I'm in your head, your heart, your soul," It said the last word in a thirsty hoarse voice. Sending a parade of butterflies and shivers through me.

"Where are you then? And how come you can talk to me?" I asked playing along, maybe this way, it'll show itself.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk, naughty Queen tricking God takes more than that" It chuckled lightly as if it was an inner joke.

"We'll talk later my Queen, I'll be watching till then" It continued sinisterly before quieting down.

"W-What was t-that? I exclaimed to no one in particular that ominous voice was maybe a new spell?

It probably was...right?

I should've just shown my self, rather than whispering like the devil.

Well, that was foolish that poor girl's going paranoid, I facepalmed myself.