Chapter 46: To See The Sunset Again
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Alright, finally finished another chapter.

Obviously, the 'writing a bit everyday' thing didn't work out. On the plus side, I've now been seeing a psychologist for a while and I'm on some medication and in general feeling quite a bit better than I used to.

I'm happy to hear people enjoyed that last side story. As for the people who have said in the past that they don't like the side stories because they 'don't relate to the main story' or somesuch... Well, let's just say some people reading closely may start connecting a few dots soon.

Now, for reviews.


None since the one I mentioned a couple chapters ago, but apparently I missed one by Fiend:


I hope to all thats forking holy u read this author

I was the biggest fan of this novel when you wrote it, in fact one of your first few readers. I was intrigued on how you can make an inanimate table ware object so f**king interesting story wise Something that cant talk, walk, sleep. Losing its mind was the funniest sh*t. I was enjoying following it along on its adventures... until u f**king killed it

Ok objectively speaking, the route u followed wasnt bad, but there were far too many filler stories. Like the captain on the boat, you almost lost me. Then came the necromacner story, The pov switch was truly disappointing. Disappointing cant even describe what you did next though. You took it down the cliche forking academy route

i hope you go down a more kingdom building route


Pretty sure I've addressed most of your points there already at some time or another. Yes, honestly speaking I'm not proud of my handling of Richard and the related story. Hopefully at some point, maybe after I've finished the novel, I'll go back and retouch some lines to make it make more sense and feel better.

As for the necromancer and POV switches, while I don't know exactly what you're referring to there, there's a few different reasons for that sort of thing. First, while Gerald can see an awful lot around him, he's not all-seeing, and neither can he read minds. Therefore, there's alot of facets to different characters, places, events, perspectives that just don't make sense to mention from Gerald's perspective. Sometimes, I feel like I won't ever get a chance to mention things that are important to the scene or the story unless I mention the from somebody else's perspective.

I also believe that the 'enemies' and 'villains' of a story shouldn't just be two dimensional road blocks in the path of the protagonist, and should have their own thoughts and motives as to why they do things. Again, much of this sort of thing can't be shown from the protagonist's perspective - it often doesn't make sense for the protagonist and antagonist to stop and have a chat.

As for the 'cliche academy route', how else would you have me write him learning magic? The 'cliche magic savant making it up as he goes', or maybe the 'cliche mysterious teacher living estranged from the world'? Chill. As for a kingdom building route... You want the literal fork, the paranoid loner who isn't great at interacting with others, let alone leading and managing them, who cannot reproduce... to build a kingdom?



Novel Discord and Novel Wiki. Wiki now up to date (apart from this chapter) including side stories.

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 46: To See The Sunset Again

“Evening.” Floating just over the surface of the rocky peak of the mountain, I call out casually. “Do you mind if I stay here for a bit? I can go to the next mountain over if not, it’s just that this one is closest to the academy.”

The place would look deserted to most casual observers, but I can see the high elven girl sitting behind a boulder, out of line of sight of the path up to the top, as well as her bodyguards spread around the area.

She jumps in surprise, probably not having heard me fly up, gets up and steps out from behind the boulder. Her eyebrows raise upon seeing me. “You are… Gerald, correct? For what reason have you come here?”

This time it’s my turn to be surprised. I hadn’t expected her to know my name. “To see the sunset. Is the view good from here?”

“Of course.” She replies. “But do you really expect me to believe that is why you are here?”

“I don’t really care either way.” I state, getting my ‘eye’ into a suitable position on my body and settling myself down on a rock to wait. “It won’t change the sunset. Speaking of, has it started? I can’t tell without activating this, and I want the first thing I see to be the sunset.” I raise the eye up to indicate it before setting it back down in position.

“You are blind? I apologise, I had not heard.” She bows her head slightly.

“Don’t worry about it, I don’t exactly act like it – and completely colour-blind is more accurate.” I reply. “It’s complicated. The academy let me borrow a magic tool to let me see and read things, but suffice to say it’s a little short-sighted. So, I’ve been working on making my own… And today’s the day. Or, well, night.”

“The sunset is starting.” She says quietly, looking out into the distance.

“Thank you.” I send a tendril of mana into my magic tool, activating it. I had already tested it at the academy, making sure it would work and all.

But still, as my ‘eye’ ‘opens’, all I can think is that it is, truly, beautiful.

Waves of clouds bathed in red stretch out above me into the distance, mirrored below after a way by the actual sea, reflecting some of the red of the sky.

It’s clear to me that my ‘eye’ isn’t perfect. Some of the wisps and curls of the clouds and details of the terrain are lost to me, but still – I did it.

Finally, after over two years of darkness, without colour, unable to see the green of a leaf or the brown of soil, finally, finally, I did it. I can see.

I can see, and nobody can take that away from me again.

“They say that you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” I speak peacefully, still looking at the sky. “I never realised how true that saying was until it happened to me.”

Although I have no clue how it ties in to building parking lots.

I’ve got a long way left to go, Things I want to do. I’ve come a long way, too. Have a lot of things to be thankful for. Maybe I’d be happier if I spent a bit more time appreciating things as simple as the sunset.

We watch in silence for a while, the clouds slowly drifting across the sky and the sun dipping lower over the horizon.

“So…” She hesitantly voices, “You can fly, yes? What’s it like?”

“Wish I knew.” I reply wistfully. “But now I’ll be able to see the views, at least.”

“I see…” She seems somewhat disappointed.

Recomposing herself, she says, “Can I ask that you not reveal to anyone that I come here?”

“Sure.” I agree easily.

“No, really. I don’t want to have to find another place again.” She emphasizes.

“Relax, I already said I wouldn’t tell anyone.” I reassure. “I get wanting to be alone. You’re royalty, so if anyone knew where you were people’d flock there, right? I get it. I’m antisocial, not an ass.”

“Has anybody ever told you that you’re weird?” She says frankly.

“When a high elf talks with a living fork, what exactly is normal?” I reply, uncaring.

She blinks, not quite knowing how to respond to that.

“By the way, I don’t think I ever got your name.” I note. I could just go through my memory and get it from someone who said it, but I couldn’t be bothered.

“It’s Faida.” She replies reflexively, almost appearing shocked.

“Well, nice to meet you, Faida.” I say. “Would you mind if I come here every now and again? The view here really is quite nice.”

“…I suppose so.” She accedes after a couple moments of contemplation.


More time passes in silence, and the sky slowly grows darker. The twinkle of stars begins to peek out around and in between the clouds.

I can hardly believe my singular artificial eye at the sight – literally.

“Faida, does the lens on my eye have a defect, or do those stars have shapes?” I ask incredulously.

“Yes, of course.” Faida nods with a hint of confusion. “Each star represents one of the gods, and bears their symbol.”

“I… See. Nothing in the library mentioned this.” I say slowly.

“Why would there be anything in the library about it? Everyone knows already.” Faida shrugs.

This raises some big questions. Are these stars actual stars in the shape of these symbols, or just projections in the sky? If the former, that really says something about the strength of gods to be able to casually keep something of that mass in a specific shape.

Is it the same way in Odwia, or hell? Or is it just here? If it is just here, why is this place different?

And if it’s not just here, why is Earth different?

“I think I need to build a telescope.” I mutter.

As Gerald heads back to the academy, one of Faida’s flying guards lands and takes out a small book. They twist a gem on the cover about ninety degrees to the right, causing it to start blinking softly. By the shine of a simple light spell, they open the book and flip to an empty page, quickly writing in the date and time after referring to a magic tool from their pocket.

‘Your grace, I wish to make a report.’

After writing the simple line under the date, they don’t have to wait for long before more writing starts to appear on the page, as if written by an unseen hand.

‘Is Faida alright?’ Reads the reply.

The guard sighs slightly. Had anything nefarious actually happened to their young ward, they would have begun their communication in an entirely different manner. They wouldn’t say that, however, and thus write, ‘Yes, your grace. The young lady is unharmed and in no danger. This report is of a different nature.’

‘Very good. Continue.’

‘The young lady spent this evening, as I have previously reported she is wont to do, at the peak of a mountain nearby the academy. Shortly before sunset, someone ascended the mountain and joined her at the peak. I thought I should report this because it had occurred once before, about half a year ago, and it seems probable that it may become a semi-frequent occurrence. That, and the uniqueness’ They shake their head as they write at the accuracy of the word that can’t be conveyed through simple text, ‘of the individual.’

‘Don’t tell me some overzealous Earl’s son is trying to woo my daughter again.’ The frustrated reply comes.

‘No, your grace.’ The guard writes, unsurprised by the response. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. ‘I mean ‘unique’ in the most literal of senses. The individual is of an unknown species which takes the appearance of - and I do not jest - a table fork.’

This response takes longer to come than the ones before. ‘They say the worlds are full of strange and amazing things, but this is truly unexpected. What, then, are their intentions for meeting Faida?’

‘They say that they are colour-blind, and had just completed a magical tool allowing them to see normally. They wanted to test it by viewing the sunset from a place with a good view. It is plausible, given that the mountain is the closest to the academy.’ The guard accedes. ‘They claim that they wish to return there occasionally to do the same again, which seems like a flimsy excuse to get closer to the young lady. If that was their goal, however, they are going about it in a very odd manner.’

‘How so?’

‘For the most part, they did exactly as they said, or at least perched on a rock facing the sunset. I didn’t sense them doing anything, excluding feeding mana into the magic tool they made and one they used to talk.’ The guard elaborates. ‘In fact, apart from initially greeting the young lady, they hardly pursued conversation at all. They claimed to not even know the young lady’s name, although if I remember correctly from their last meeting they recognised the young lady as a high elf, and the repercussions thereof.’

‘Playing hard to get, perhaps? It would be something novel, at least. What do you know about this individual?’ The unseen respondent asks.

‘Not much, my grace. They go by Gerald, no other titles or even a family name that I know of. Hasn’t caused much of a stir at the academy, other than by appearance alone. They move around with some form of levitation. I’m unsure exactly what, except that it isn’t magical.’ The guard details. ‘The only other thing is that both times they met the young lady, I could sense him watching me the whole time. No hostility, just… Watching.’

‘I see. I expect a full report of their background and capabilities next week. Otherwise, keep working as you have been - but keep a watchful eye on this Gerald.’

‘Understood, your grace.’ With that final message, the guard waits a few seconds just in case something more is written, then closes the book and deactivates the gem on the cover.

Both they and the recipient of the messages understood the possible implications of Gerald being able to see Faida’s guards and yet interacting with her anyway: It could be that he had no hostile intentions and thus assumed he had nothing to fear from them – or it could be that he didn’t see them as a threat.

In actuality, it was a bit of a mixture of the two. Gerald, of course, has no reason to act against Faida. In the event that her guards acted against him, however, while he was in no way confident in defeating them, he was at least fairly sure he could flee safely to the academy, where they wouldn’t be able to act.

Carefully adding another symbol to the formation, I set down the pencil and take a look at the result, thinking. I sigh internally as I realise that it will only complicate making the necessary subformations compatible and go to rub it out when I hear a knock on the door.

A chair scrapes along the ground as one of my dormmates gets up to open the door.

“Hey! Is Gerald in?” Comes a familiar voice.

“Yeah, come in. He’s over at his desk.” He replies.

“Finally!” Spark zips over before the others, wings a blur as he hovers next to my desk. “Do you know how much time we spent searching the library for you? The heck are you doing here!?”

“Can’t have been more than twenty minutes, really.” Lamar shrugs as he walks. “Spark’s just impatient.”

“Hey!” Spark shakes his fist at Lamar. “I’m not impatient, I just want to get going already!”

Lamar rolls his eyes.

“Well, we’ve found him now, so it’s all good!” Iueia says happily. “Whatcha workin’ on now? Didn’t you say you already finished your new eye?”

“I finished the prototype, sure. But it doesn’t have all the features I want to include yet, it was more just to make sure what I was thinking of would work. Even the materials I made it with are kind of cheap and shoddy.” I explain. “Anyway, what’d you guys come find me for? If you want to do something I’m happy to take a break.”

“Told you he’d come, Spark.” Lamar raises an eyebrow in satisfaction.

“Well sorry if I thought mister workalot doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘break’.” Spark shrugs, shaking his head exaggeratedly.

“Anyway!” Iueia interrupts. “We were thinking of heading into the city for the day, poking around some shops, seeing the sights, that sort of thing. You coming?”

“Sure, let me just grab a couple things.” I agree simply. “I needed to go there at some point soon anyway.”

“It won’t take long, will it?” Spark sighs. “We’re going out to have fun, not check out their library!”

“They have one there?” I ask reflexively. “Never mind. Well, if we don’t end up having spare time for it, I’ll just go back to the city on my own tomorrow. No biggie.”

“What are we waiting for, then? Let’s go!” Iueia starts pulling us out the door.

Before long, we’re walking and flying along the road between the academy and the city, at our own pace. For people their age, and in Iueia’s case his size, I’m amazed how little things like this faze them. Maybe it’s just because I grew up in a much more sheltered and domesticated environment, while they grew up running around the countryside and whatnot. Or maybe it’s just magic and levels playing their part.

“Some of my teachers have said that if we want to be able to do some of the more advanced spells, we’ll need to level up a bit and put some points into intelligence and wisdom.” Spark complains from where he sits on Iueia’s shoulder. “They’re saying getting to level ten or even fifteen would be ideal, but it’ll put such a dent in my savings.”

“Yeah, same with mine.” Lamar nods. “I’m not too far off that already, though, so it shouldn’t be too bad buying the last few levels.”

“You can buy levels?” I ask, surprised.

“Sure.” Lamar shrugs. “Pay some adventurers some cash and they’ll add you to their party, let you get some of the experience from their kills. For higher level adventurers, it’s an easy way to get some extra cash off of weak monsters, because they wouldn’t get experience from them anyway.”

“Didn’t you say you were starting to get a bit worried about money, Gerald?” Iueia looks at me in worry. “Are you going to have enough to spare?”

“Yeah, you gonna be alright?” Spark flutters over to me. “I have enough that I could lend you a little if you need it, you know.”

“Thanks guys, really, but I’ll be fine.” I chuckle. “I’m already over that level.”

“Wait, what!?” Spark shouts. “Which level? Ten? Fifteen!? Come on, tell us!”

“Yeah, you have to let us know!” Iueia agrees.

Lamar doesn’t see anything, but I see him watching with great interest.

“Fine.” I sigh. “But don’t tell anyone else this, alright?”

“Of course.” Lamar nods seriously. “It’s not something that you can just let anyone know.”

Oobviiiooously!” Spark agrees exaggeratedly. “Now tell us already!”

“Thirty-three.” I say.

“Thirty-three!?” Spark shouts in shock. “You’re kidding!”

“I’m really not. Show Spark level.” I reply.

Spark pauses for a moment, hovering in the air. “He’s not kidding. How can you possibly have a level that high? You’re not that old – how old are you, even?”

“Well, I used to help out an adventurer.” I explain. “We got into quite a few wild and dangerous messes. My level is just the result of surviving through them.”

Lamar shakes his head in amazement. “No wonder you were so calm fighting those bullies back then. I thought you might’ve been faking it, but you didn’t even take them seriously, did you?”

“If anyone takes duels at the academy seriously, they’re doing them for the wrong reasons. The whole point is to have a safe environment to learn how to fight.” I say simply. “As for those guys, a sick group of goblins could have killed them. How on earth would they scare me?”

“That’s so cool!” Iueia cries. “Can you tell us about one of your adventures? Please?”

Lamar nods. “I’d be interested in hearing, too. It’s still a while before we get there.”

Iueia expresses his agreement as well.

“Alright, I guess I can.” I think for a second how I should start the story. “I guess I should start with Ferdinand. He’s the adventurer I mentioned. He wasn’t powerful, or special or anything like that. He was just a guy who used to be a farmer who had some bad luck in life. Big heart, though. Kind. Anyway, we were on the road between two cities when I noticed…”

“And, basically, that’s how I ended up here.” I finish.

There’s a few moments of silence.

“Okay, why’d you leave out all the cool bits?” Spark complains.

“What cool bits?” I reply, confused. “We both nearly died a bunch of times, other people did die, and then I had to abandon him to stop a demonic invasion.”

“I mean, when you put it that way…” Spark lowers his head. “Sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. That’s life.” I say.

“Looks like we’re nearly there.” Lamar notes.

“Finally! I can’t wait to see all the amazing things in the city!” Iueia says excitedly, his steps speeding up slightly.

“By the way…” I start, noting something disconcerting just inside the city gate. “Have you guys ever seen these guys who say stuff like ‘would you like to become one with our lord and saviour?’”

“Ugh, those guys are creepy.” Spark shudders. “My pops says they’re bad luck.”

“Not just creepy, they can be really dangerous.” Iueia say seriously. “I heard of a village that kept trying to get rid of them, but a new one came back every time. Then, one day when someone passed through the village, everyone was saying those creepy things.”

Lamar nods. “I’ve seen a lot of them too, travelling with my dad. I’ve heard stories. A village being sacrificed to some evil god but they left that person untouched, even armies avoiding them in sieges. Why d’you ask?”

“Well, there’s one inside the gate. I also saw them in Odwia, and in Hell.” I say grimly. “Even demons avoid them.”

“Even demons?” Lamar winces. “Damn.”

“Who or what are those things? I always thought that they don’t feel like people. They look like people, they smell like people, but they don’t… don’t act like people, y’know?” Spark muses.

“Yeah, they always say the same things, stand in the same place all the time…” Iueia agrees. “That’s not normal!”

The conversation quickly shifts to other topics. Clearly, nobody is comfortable talking about them, a sentiment that seems to be shared by most people judging by how little I’ve noticed it happening.

Before much longer we’re at the city gate. We pass through fairly simply due to our uniforms. Remembering our earlier conversation, the others look around and quickly notice the man proselytising to passers by.

Perhaps noticing our gazes, the man turns to face us. “You are too young to join us. Return in a few years if you are interested. As for you…” He tilts his head, considering. “Gerald.”

I feel a chill. How could he know my name?

“You cannot become one with us. Still, perhaps we shall have dealings in the future.” He stares at me, unblinking.

“At the risk of sounding offensive, I hope not.” I reply honestly.

“We understand. If you change your mind, we are never far away.” He says, and with that, he stops paying attention to us.

“What’d I tell you?” Spark whispers. “Those guys are creepy.”

“Agreed.” I say shortly. “Let’s get a move on, shall we?”

Putting the strange meeting behind us, we explore the city. It holds up to our expectations as the city nearest what is purportedly the greatest academy of magic, with magical lighting and tools everywhere. Stores selling potions to heal, rejuvenate, make the drinker appear younger, increase their strength and many things besides.

Elementals and the occasional golem work alongside more common races, carrying heavy loads and helping with simple tasks. People show off their skills at magic on every other corner, such a regular sight that rarely a glance is thrown towards those simply juggling fireballs or spitting fire.

Iueia and Spark watch with excitement people coming and going from the doors of the adventurer’s guild, where the distribution of warriors and mages is practically the reverse of many I had seen elsewhere, with armour and sword being more a rarity than the robe and wand. One of the warriors passing through notices their gazes and, smiling, turns away from them to display the greatsword on his back. Reaching over his shoulder, he touches the hilt, and the blade of the sword is quickly covered by a sheet of ice almost glasslike in its clarity. Mist begins to wreathe the blade, showing that the ice isn’t just for looks before he lets it melt away again.

“…I want one.” Spark gasps.

Lamar facepalms. “You’d be crushed under its weight.”

“Shut up, I can dream.” Spark retorts.

With the trio’s youthful energy, flitting from one thing to the next, time quickly flies away from us and we have to leave so we can get back before nightfall. I look up at the ornate temple as we walk by. Tomorrow I’ll return here and ask some questions. I don’t have much specific that I want to know, but if gods have so much influence and power, I need to know more.

For now, I appreciate the company and watch the sunset as we head back to the academy.

Geralds Status


Name: Gerald

Race: Living Fork

Level: 33

Experience: 6419.0/7600

Gender: None

Age: 2 years (local time)

Allegiance: None

Fame: 1

Strength: 6.5 (65.0)

Intelligence: 54.7

Dexterity: 9.0 (18.0)

Wisdom: 54.5

Charisma: 6.0

Luck: 12.1

Hardness: 26.94

Durability: 18.54/18.54

Mana: 1094/1094

Mana regen: 10.90/min (11.88)

Psi: 545/545

Psi regen: 5.47/min

Ki: 35425/3542 (35425)

Ki regen: 3.54 (35.42)/day

Unspent stat points: 0



Living – You are a living being, and as such, the energies of life heal you and the energies of death damage you.

-Trait: Average life energy absorption -Trait: Average death energy weakness

-Trait: minute life affinity -Trait: negative minute death affinity

Progenitor – The first of your species, and its forefather. Your reputation affects the reputation of your entire race.

-Trait: Minor fame gain enhancement -Trait: 50% of your fame is added to the fame of your race

Household object: Being an everyday, household object makes other beings less likely to notice you and mention you to others.

-Trait: Small fame gain reduction -Trait: Small presence reduction

Assumed inanimacy – Despite being a living entity and continually in the presence of other living entities, few have noticed your existence, assuming you to be an inanimate object. People are slightly less likely to notice you and less likely to notice your life energy.

-Trait: Minor presence reduction -Trait: Moderate life presence reduction

Fork – You are a fork. As such, you are designed to pierce, scoop and carry food.

-Trait: Minute taste enhancement -Trait: Minute piercing enhancement (restricted to food)

-Trait: Minute carry capacity increase (Restricted to food)

Second life – You have lived, and died, once before. While you died young, the experience nonetheless is an advantage over others. -Stats: Wisdom + 1, Intelligence + 2

Clinically sane – You have experienced insanity and overcome it, one way or another. The experience has changed you, for better or worse.

-Stats: Luck +5, Wisdom +1, Dexterity +0.5, Strength +0.5, Intelligence +1

Ouroboros – Like the serpent of legend, you bit your own tail. Then you ate it. Weirdo.

Stat – Luck +2, Charisma +1, Wisdom -1, Wisdom +2

Undead slaughterer – Killer of many horrors of the night, you can instinctively sense nearby undead, especially those harmful to you. All stats increased by 2 when attacking undead.

Skilled – An individual with many different skills. You may now rearrange the skills in your status.


Life energy absorption (Average) – life energy heals you, causing you to regain durability.

Death energy weakness (Average) – death energy damages you, reducing your durability.

Life affinity (Minute) – You find it easier to gain life related skills and proficiencies than if you did not have this trait.

Negative death affinity (Minute) – You find it harder to gain death related skills and proficiencies than if you did not have this trait.

Fame gain reduction (Minor) – The amount of fame you gain is reduced.

Presence reduction (Small +1) – Others are less likely to notice you.

50% Fame added to racial fame – The fame of your race is equal to 50% of your fame plus the added fame of all other members of the species divided by the number of members in your species.

Life presence reduction (Moderate) – Others are less likely to notice that you are alive.

Taste enhancement (Minute) – All food that touches you tastes slightly better.

Piercing enhancement (Minute) (Restricted to food) – It is slightly easier for you to pierce food.

Carry capacity enhancement (Minute) (Restricted to food) – You can carry slightly more food than appearances would suggest.

Mana touched (Minor) – Mana permeates your body, changing it in some ways.

Herculean Strength (Large) – In possession of the ability to exert strength far beyond that of your peers. Multiplies base strength (Before using passive or active skills) by 10.

Structured sanity (Moderate) – a well-structured mind is a strong mind. You are resistant to mind affecting or altering affects, such as fear, charm and hypnosis.

Magic metal – You have gained the properties of the magic metal, Mithril. Your body conducts mana at twice the normal rate. Your passive mana absorption is doubled. Your maximum mana is now equal to Intelligence multiplied by 20 instead of Intelligence multiplied by 10. Your maximum durability is increased by your maximum mana divided by 100. Your hardness is increased by max mana divided by 100.

Psychic – You have unlocked the hidden potential of your mind. Stat unlock: psi.

Poison Resistance (Huge) – You are completely immune to weak and ordinary poisons. The effects of more potent poisons on you are greatly reduced.

Flea-bitten (Minor) – Fleas instinctively move towards you.

Physical damage reduction (Minute) – Damage taken that would do under 5% of your total durability as damage is reduced by 5%.

Ki Practitioner: You have gained the ability to control the energy within you, and to reinforce it with the energy around you, enabling you to perform far beyond the normal limits of your body.

Stat unlock: Ki.

Water-Proof (Minor) – Water, and many water based fluids, will slip from your surface with great ease.

Feather-weight (Minute) – You feel light as a feather. A feather that weighs slightly less than you originally did, that is. 1% weight reduction.

Cat’s flexibility (Minor) – Base Dexterity is multiplied by 2. Range of movement of joints increased by 1.1 times.

Curse resistance (Minor) – You have developed an innate resistance to curses. Reduces the effect of weak curses on you.

Heat resistance (Minor) – You have developed an innate resistance to heat. Reduces discomfort and damage inflicted upon you by high temperatures. Slightly increases your melting point.


Absorb (Advanced) (Racial, Low Unique) 34.18% - Allows the absorption of energy, or substances through the surface of the body or at a distance of (Int*Wis)/10mm. Rate of absorption can be controlled. Although this ability is magical in nature, as it is a form of mana control, and mana is also absorbed, mana cost is 0. Currently the only form of energy able to be absorbed is mana. Absorbing substances has a minor chance of giving traits, abilities and skills relating to the substance.

Mana sight (Expert) (Low Unique, Passive/Toggled) 6.72% - You are capable of seeing smaller congregations of mana than before within (Intelligence*Wisdom)/1.75m. Their forms are now distinct. You can now differentiate mana by type.

Form manipulation – Self (Expert) (Low Unique, Active) 49.28% - Through the use of mana, you can manipulate your own form at will. Cannot change density or mass. Costs 3.5 mana/second while changing form, costs 6 mana/minute while in a form not your original.


WARNING! Do not use this ability if you are of a race with aspects that could result in death if you were to change them E.G. internal organs, mana pathways, et cetera.

Doppelganger (Static) (High Unique, Active) – Switch between your original appearance and that of a Human Male. Costs 1000 mana/min.

Self-repair (Master) (Low Unique, Active) 10.95% - By expending a type of energy available to you, you can repair your own durability and recover your original form. Current energies able to be used: Mana, Psi, Ki. Exchange ratio: 5 mana: 0.1 durability, 10 Psi: 0.1 durability, 10 Ki: 0.1 durability.

Mana control (Expert) (High Uncommon, Passive) 99.46% - Your practice with magic has led to a great familiarity with handling mana. Maximum quantity of mana able to be controlled reliably: 100 mana. Minimum quantity of mana able to be controlled reliably: 0.2 mana.

Meditation (Master) (High Rare, Active) 19.38%: Enter into a state unburdened by the worries of the physical world. There is only you, and your thoughts that exist in this world. While in this state, mana regeneration multiplied by 3.0, Psi regeneration multiplied by 3.0, Ki generated at 25 times the normal rate. User is also calmed and receives slight resistance to mind affecting or altering affects.

Magic missile (Expert) (Mid Uncommon, Active) 91.50% - Fires a projectile of mana. Power scales with mana consumption, unable to exceed 50 mana per shot. Maximum range = Intelligence*1.75/metres. If remotely controlling, there is an additional mana cost of 0.65 mana/sec, otherwise direction of travel is set at initial creation of shot.

Magic edge (Advanced) (Mid Uncommon, Active) 7.14% – You have discovered how to clad the edge of your blade in magic power, increasing the power of your strikes. Increase in power varies depending on mana spent.

Formation casting (Expert) (High Uncommon, Passive) 8.35% - You have an excellent grasp of casting magic through formations. Small increase in speed and precision when casting magic through formations.

Vocal casting (Basic) (Low Uncommon, Passive) 25.18% - You have a basic grasp of casting magic vocally.

Creation magic (Advanced) (Mid Uncommon, Passive) 38.57% - You have a good grasp of creation magic. Slight increase in mana efficiency and spell control when casting creation magic spells.

Destruction magic (Advanced) (Mid Uncommon, Passive) 26.32% - You have a good grasp of destruction magic. Slight increase in mana efficiency and spell control when casting destruction magic.

Summoning magic (Advanced) (High Uncommon, Passive) 2.92% - You have a good grasp of summoning magic. Slight increase in mana efficiency and spell control when casting summoning magic.

Illusion magic (Advanced) (High Uncommon, Passive) 13.67% - You have a good grasp of illusion magic. Slight increase in mana efficiency and spell control when casting illusion magic.

Light magic (Advanced) (High Uncommon, Passive) 65.15% - You have a good grasp of multiple aspects of light magic, including creation and illusion. Slight increase in mana efficiency and spell control when casting light magic.

Darkness magic (Advanced) (High Uncommon, Passive) 21.76% - You have a good grasp of darkness magic, particularly creation magic. Slight increase in mana efficiency and spell control when casting darkness magic.

Fire magic (Advanced) (Mid Uncommon, Passive) 47.43% - You have a good grasp of fire magic, particularly creation and destruction magic. Slight increase in mana efficiency and spell control when casting fire magic.

Water magic (Advanced) (Mid Uncommon, Passive) 31.04% - You have a good grasp of water magic, particularly creation magic. Slight increase in mana efficiency and spell control when casting water magic.

Earth magic (Advanced) (High Uncommon, Passive) 41.75% - You have a good grasp of multiple aspects of earth magic, including creation and summoning. Slight increase in mana efficiency and spell control when casting earth magic spells.

Wind magic (Advanced) (High Uncommon, Passive) 4.26% - You have a good grasp of wind magic. Slight increase in mana efficiency and spell control when casting wind magic.

Force magic (Basic) (High Uncommon, Passive) 90.77% - You have a basic grasp of force magic.

Artificing (Advanced) (High Uncommon, Passive) 19.58% - You have a good grasp on the craft of designing and building magic tools. Slight increase in the ability to recognise the use of unfamiliar magic tools.

Common language-Written (Master) (Mid Uncommon, Passive) 13.63% - You can not only read common the right way up, but upside-down, sideways and reflected without much trouble. The very few words you don’t recognise you can understand from context, and you can read like lightning if you need to.

Small increase in the ability to ignore superfluous text and descriptions to find the actual information you want. Allows you to skip over info dumps and flowery descriptions without flinching even slightly.

Common language-Spoken (Expert) (High Common, Passive) 78.31% - You know most of the commonly used words in the common language. Only obscure and occupation specific words are likely to be outside your knowledge.

Terran language – Written (Expert) (High Uncommon, Passive) 14.19% - You have a large vocabulary and can understand most writing.

Terran language – Spoken (Expert) (High Uncommon, Passive) 4.18% - You have a large vocabulary, and have no problem engaging in simple conversation.

Ignitae language – Written (Expert) (High Uncommon, Passive), 8.51% - You have a large vocabulary and can understand most writing.

Aquan language – Written (Expert) (High Uncommon, Passive), 1.07% - You have a large vocabulary and can understand most writing.

Aerus language – Written (Advanced) (Mid Uncommon, Passive), 22.52% - You have a good vocabulary and can understand most things written in this language, although in some cases it may take some time.

Telepathy (Advanced) (High Rare, Active) 41.15% - Allows one to communicate with other beings in exchange for 0.5 Psi/sec*distance between user and target in meters, to a maximum range of (Wisdom*Intelligence)/5m. Allows the user to share emotions and thoughts with the recipient.

Telekinesis (Expert) (Mid Rare, Active) 26.63% - Through Psi, your mind pushes at the world around you, moving objects without the need for physical contact. More Psi is required to produce greater forces. Currently slightly inefficient.

Psychic translation (Static) (Low Unique, Passive) – Through subconscious psychic analysis of thought waves and language patterns, allows you to understand (and temporarily speak) any spoken language as if it is your native tongue. Does not apply to non-vocal languages.

External Ki manipulation (Basic) (Low Rare, Active) 0.51% - You have discovered how to manipulate Ki outside of your body. Doesn’t mean you’re any good at it. Difficulty of control increases drastically with distance and quantity of Ki.

Ki blast (Advanced) (Mid Rare, Active) 47.28%: Expel Ki from your body in a concentrated blast. Power varies with ki infused. With your lack of experience, you are not able to accurately control the amount of ki you infuse into the skill, it may vary by up to 10 points.

Metallurgy (Advanced) (Low Uncommon, Passive) 6.97% - You have decent knowledge of common metals and alloys.

Herbalism (Basic) (Mid Common, Passive) 59.11% - You have some knowledge about the names, appearances and uses of common and even rarer herbs, but lack practical experience.

Lip reading (Advanced) (Mid Uncommon, Passive) 89.27% - You have learned how to understand what people are saying by the movement of their lips. Doesn’t hurt that you can see their tongue and jaw movement, either. Rarely inaccurate, you can usually tell what people are saying, unless they have some crazy accent. Good luck with those.

Multitasking (Advanced) (Mid Uncommon, Passive) 97.81% - You are skilled at doing multiple things at once. Small increase to your ability to keep track of multiple things at once, small decrease in the reduction in precision when performing multiple tasks at once.

Body of deadly poison (Advanced) (Low Unique, Passive/Toggled) 0.10% – Deadly poison courses throughout your entire body. So potent is this poison that even touching you will cause great sickness and partial paralysis for a short period of time. Potency of poison scales a small amount with proficiency.

Body of weak acid (Advanced) (Mid Uncommon, Passive/Toggled) 2.07% - A weak acid courses throughout your body and on your skin. So weak is this acid that it acts better as a cleaning agent than a weapon. Acidity scales minutely with proficiency.

Power stab (Advanced) (High Common, Active) 13.12% - Multiplies the speed and power of a stab by 1.2. Cooldown: 4 minutes.

Nine lives (Static) (Passive) – You will avoid the next eight attacks that would be deadly to you, seemingly by accident. After avoiding eight attacks, this skill will disappear.

Charges remaining: 8

Melee weaponry – Spear (Advanced) (Mid Common, Passive) 0.00% - You have some experience using a standard spear. Minor increased grip strength when wielding this weapon, and +1 to Strength and Dexterity while wielding this weapon. Maintaining this type of weapon is easier for you.

Flee (Basic) (Low Uncommon, Passive/Conditional) 3.28% - Multiplies base dexterity by 1.5 when running away from something. Will deactivate if offensive action is taken. Will not activate if you do not perceive the thing you are running away from as a threat.

Climbing (Advanced) (Low Uncommon, Passive) 0.00% - You have a slightly increased ability to find handholds and footholds when climbing something, as well as a slightly increased ability to maintain grip on smaller handholds.

Gaming – Minesweeper (Expert) (Mid rare, Passive) 13.30% - You’ve sunk way too much time into this game. And despite the statistics saying 0 wins, 308 losses, you are way better at this than almost everyone else. Slightly increased analytical abilities. Slight instinctive ability to correctly guess the outcome of a 50/50 gamble.

Gaming - Tic-Tac-Toe (Master) (Low Unique, Passive) 48.97% - You are a master at Tic-Tac-Toe. Congratulations. Slight instinctive ability to correctly guess the outcome of 50/50 and one in three gambles.

Deception (Advanced) (High Common, Passive) 0.07% – Whether the end game is a knife in the back or a slowly drained bank account makes no difference. It’s not like they don’t lie to you, either. Others are more likely to believe your words. Affected positively by charisma. Synergistic effect with the ‘flattery’ skill.

Flattery (Advanced) (Low Uncommon, Passive) 0.00% – Skill and tireless effort is the surest way to the top. But sometimes, a few lined pockets and some glitzy compliments are all you need. Others are more likely to have positive opinions of you. Affected positively by charisma. Synergistic effect with the ‘deception’ skill.

Mud bath (Basic) (Low Uncommon, Passive) 0.00% - Your injuries heal faster when they are covered with mud, by 1.2 times. Slightly lowered chance of contracting infection and parasites from this activity.

…However, as you are for most purposes an object, this skill does not affect you.

Well, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Kinda has a more slice of life feel to it, I think. Had a couple other things planned for this chapter, but word count pushed them to the next chapter. Something to look forward to, I guess.

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