Rebooting This Novel
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As the chapter title says, I'll be rebooting this novel, doing a complete rewrite. I can't talk much about it as I am still working on it, at the moment. But, a few things that I can say that has already been decided for the reboot will be the following…

1): the story will mostly be told from a first-person perspective, with moments being told in third-person perspective where the story requires it.

2): much of the original story won't be carried over to the new one, however, certain aspects will make it into the reboot, albeit told in a slightly different way. Characters will be different but, you will notice certain characteristics carried over into these new characters.

3): the main character will be male.

4): the storytelling will have a darker tone to it.

I know the information isn't much or all that exciting but, I wanted to let those of you know that interested what to expect going forward. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them below, and I'll try to answer the best I can.

For the time being, I hope this new iteration works out better than the original. So until the reboot is ready to be posted I wish you all the best, and thank you!