With the smoke rising around the battlefield, the signs of battle began to fade as the Forsaken began to withdraw to their place of origin. The Demonic Army had managed to do its part in the campaign all that remained was for them to wait for the forces of the Heavenly Realms to take their place.
As he ascended the spiral staircase of the tower connected to the main fortress, a demonic soldier was about to relay information to the commander. As he exited the staircase to enter the top of the tower, he knelt on one knee and bowed his head slightly.
"Lady Deus, the enemy is in disarray, do you want us to go after the enemy?"
Sitting atop a wooden crate a slender demon girl with curled bright pink hair tied in a ponytail looked out upon the afternoon in a whimsical state of feeling the cool breeze cover her entire body compared to her troops who wore a more heavy-duty robust metallic armour, she wore a more agile and lightweight almost like a nano suit skin in the form of one-piece dress that had thin plates of metal armour attached over her vital parts.
She hopped off the crate landing gracefully upon the stone blocked flooring beneath her turning around she faced the Demon soldier who was still kneeling before her. Her coat that looked like a laboratory coat was highly personalized with intricate gold stitching similar to that of ancient Japanese paintings. Deus never wore her coat properly, in fact, she had suspended it to her elbows instead of wrapping it around her shoulders.
"No, there is no pleasure in chasing the weak enemies," she replied in a playful and downcast tone. Although she was a few hundred years old-time was very kind to her she still held onto her youthful looks but was blessed with a curved toned body and a respectful bust size.
"Tell the others to remain alert until further notice" responding to the soldier's question.
"Understood ma'am" the Demon soldier swiftly vacated the area leaving Lady Deus all by her lonesome. Contemplating things to herself Lady Deus' couldn't but think about a multitude of things doing so made Lady Deus think up all manner of things.
"I wonder how Lucifer is doing without me by his side..." she then giggled to herself "...who am I kidding he can't get enough of his adorable little sister" her cheeks started to blush at the thought of such things.
She was unaware that thinking such things made Lord Lucifer uncomfortable. At first, he thought he was imagining it until he realized that his little sister may very well be plotting something mischievous behind his back the only thought going through his mind then was to watch his own back for the foreseeable future.
After seeing the Grand Eldar Satan a mere few hours ago, Nariko still had many questions that she wanted to ask, however, with everything that happened recently she felt that even if she did ask both Lord Lucifer and the Grand Eldar Satan would have deviated from the question. Even so, Nariko couldn't help feeling that there was something in plain sight that no one was talking about.
Because of this Nariko thought it would be a good idea to explore the mansion with Mana to get her mind off such things unfortunately that wasn't the case.
Walking through the mansion of House Helel ben Shachar didn't seem to take her mind off things for some reason looking at the elaborate architecture of the pillars fixed into the side of the walls within the corridor that both Nariko and Mana were walking down. The numerous paintings of ancestral family members and statues depicting Demon culture alls seemed to bring up the question as to how things got to the way are now, in Nariko's mind.
Not realizing that Mana had been talking to her Nariko was quickly brought back to reality.
"Y-Yes?" she responded.
"You look to be worried about something?" Mana looked generally concerned for Nariko.
Hearing that statement made Nariko think about everything that happened at the slave district days ago. "Don't you think it was weird?..." she asked Mana just looked at her perplexed for a moment "...I mean, how it was our first time being there and all of a sudden something like that happen"
Mana was deep in thought thinking about what Nariko just said. "Now that you mention it does seem rather peculiar that a Forsaken beast would suddenly appear in the slave district of all places, after all, Lady Leviathan mentioned to me that the capital has many protocols in place to ensure such things don't happen"
"That explains why the Heads of the Noble families are in a panic about what happened especially the local populace" Nariko ascertained.
"You better not be getting ideas about on some undercover investigations by yourselves." Without warning, both Nariko and Mana felt a firm grip over the tips of their tails making the both of them squirm and squeal instinctively. Both of them pulled away from whoever grabbed their tails cheeks red from embarrassment while holding onto their tails tightly. To both Nariko and Mana's surprise, Varen was standing behind them with a complete casual look on his face as if thinking he had done nothing wrong in the first place.
"Who in their right mind just grabs a girl's tail without asking them?!" Mana reacted without thinking it through beforehand. As for Varen, he stood there wondering what the big fuss was about rubbing the back of his with his hand awkwardly.
"Don't see what the big problem is, it's just what guys do to have harmless fun with the girls..." he placed his hands in his pockets "...very often the guys in schools will do competitions to see who can grab the most girl's tails in a day heck even the girls use as a way of finding out who's the most popular among them"
Nariko could see where Varen was coming from in her previous life after all when she was a boy they would often rate the girl's bust size throughout the school, or which girl was the cutest and how many wanted to date a particular girl. Now being on the other end of the spectrum, Nariko was somewhat concerned about what other things demon boys considered harmless fun.
"Hmph, any way you were saying something?" Nariko could tell just from that sentence that Mana was quite annoyed with Varen for what he did, after all, she figured that her friend has experienced similar antics from other boys over the last few months.
"I know what you're thinking and I'm going to let you do it" Varen spoke bluntly looking serious as he did.
"W-What you mean?" Mana seemed to look nervous upon hearing what Varen just said.
"You're thinking about looking into the incident on the Forsaken beast the other day, am I wrong?"
Nariko was almost in awe at just how perceptive Varen was regardless of how much of an ass he seemed to like to portray himself as. "You must realize as well that something seems off about all this" Nariko questioned.
Varen nodded in agreement, "Yes I do, but Lord Lucifer, my father and the other pro-peace members are doing everything they can to get to the bottom of this incident"
"B-But..." Nariko was about to argue her point before Varen stop her mid-sentence.
"If you think I'm going to just to let the two of you run off and put yourselves in danger, you're poorly mistaken, if you do I won't hesitate to snitch on you..." saying such a thing made Varen guilty for acting like an asshole to the girls standing before him, he could see the disappoint in their faces as all they wanted to do was help the others in solving this mystery, he sighed "...anyway the two of you better get some sleep classes at the academy resume as normal tomorrow.
Nariko was about to try to ask him another question when suddenly Varen yawned obnoxiously.
"Anyway, I am knackered from all this drama these past few days I'm heading home to hit the hay for the rest of the night..." he turns walking away from the girls waving while still yawning "...goodnight"
Although Nariko knew that Varen meant good by his statement to both her and Mana she still believed that they could still be of some use to their families, however, she was yet to determine how to do such a thing. So for the time being she thought it would be best to follow his advice not wanting to put any more stress on Lord Lucifer.
Seeing that there was already to much on his plate of problems he had to deal with. Just thinking about it made Nariko feel guilty about putting him through such a thing.
Yooohooooooo, you are back I am so happy!!
And nice chapter, I think Lucifer and Nariko will have some hard time with Lady Deus. LOL
to pick up again the long hiatus
to pick up again after the long Hiatus
The capital h was just a small nitpick that I also saw when I read it.