Volume Two | Chapter Four – You Have Been Chosen [Part Four]
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Nariko along with the others was heading towards the exit of the academy library, the conversation that they had just moments ago about the Chalice of Choosing still weighed on her mind. Although Varen told them that no one lost their lives during the trial just the image of withstanding tremendous pain during such an ordeal sent butterflies into her stomach.

The group was too busy engrossed in their current conversation to have noticed Lonshanks sitting before them between the two aisles of stacked books.

"I found you at last," he spoke up startling them for a moment.

Varen laughed briefly, "Trying to scare us half to death, are we?"

Nariko swore for a moment that she saw a smug look on Lonshanks face, but before she could confirm it with her own eyes what she thought she saw was gone.

"Trust me, if I wanted to kill you wouldn't be running your mouth as of this moment" the proud four-legged feline bluntly stated the obvious, even the look on Varen's face said as much. Lonshanks then directed his attention towards Nariko, it was clear to the latter that he must have come all this way to see her.

"As I was saying before I have been looking for you..." he turned away strutting away from them before turning his head to face them once again "...Lord Belial specifically asked for me to seek you out, Lady Nariko." He started to pick up the pace. At first, Nariko was unsure what Lord Belial could possibly want with her she was pretty sure that she told those of nobility what happened in the slave district. She racked her mind for an answer when she was suddenly brought back to reality by someone calling her name.

In the distance, Lonshanks had been calling her name. Nariko could very well tell that he was irritated having to wait on her, after all, she couldn't blame him as she thought she'd probably get sick and tired waiting on someone like herself. She rushed over to him leaving the others behind who in turn followed close behind.

Lonshanks shook his head in disapproval, "Unfortunately, Lord Belial only asked for the presence of Lady Nariko, the rest of you will have to wait for the meantime." He continued strutting down the centre of the aisle. As for Nariko, she looked back at her friends shrugging her shoulders unsure of what to say.

"It's okay, we'll meet up afterwards at your classroom" Mana knew that Nariko didn't know what to say in this type of situation so she decided to take the helm in her stead.

"Sure" Varen responded in agreement, as for Etsudo she just silently nodded in approval of the idea.

"Okay, see you all later" Nariko shouted back before chasing after Lonshanks who had decided this time to go on without her instead of waiting on her as he did before. Once she had caught up to him she could sense that there was an air of uneasiness surrounding him, it was obvious to her that something was clearly bothering him. Before she could ask, Lonshanks beat her to the punch stopping in her tracks on following through with her question.

"Finally, I thought I would have to drag you to Lord Belial's office the way you were acting" he sarcastically remarked. Nariko at this point didn't have to run after him, she was now in step with the feline creature.

"S-Sorry, I'll try to do better next time" she answered.

Lonshanks made a surprisingly human response by letting out a drained sigh, "That's something else you have to learn not to do as often,"

"Stop doing what?" Nariko was perplexed by his comment.

"Being so sincere all the time, don't get me wrong it's nice seeing a person like that you don't get too many of them nowadays..." Lonshanks paused for a moment "...but it makes you an easy target for people who are good at getting inside someone's head making their subjects do what they want. Just keep that in mind for the future."

With nothing much else to say about the matter Nariko silently and obediently followed behind Lonshanks. Thinking back to her first meeting with Lord Belial and she too also met the likes of Nur, Syl and Elaria. She then noticed that the way Lonshanks was going wasn't in fact to where she initially thought they were headed.

"Aren't we going the wrong way?" she muttered quietly as she looked at her surroundings with keen interest realizing that she had never seen this part of the academy. After having left the academy library the two of them to a route that was very rarely used by students themselves.

Lonshanks perked his head back tilted slightly as he looked at Nariko, "What are you talking about? This is the way to Lord Belial's office."

"But I thought it was in the family house mansion above the academy" Nariko replied.

At first, Lonshanks didn't realize only until she mentioned her first encounter with Lord Belial. "You're talking about his private study which admittedly he does use as an office, but he's got another office located within the academy mostly for convenience though. This is the only path that goes by his office."

Thinking about some more Nariko remembered from her past life how many rich fathers often had an office at their workplace and another located somewhere in their house. Also, her question about why this path was very rarely used by students very much explained the case in and of itself, after all, there'd be no other reason to wander down here unless you had to discuss something with Lord Belial or was personally summoned by him.

Walking down this very corridor Nariko realized just how draped it looked compared to the rest of the academy which was stylish and themed around the prospect of a high-class institute of education. The fabric's of the many ornamentals covering the walls weren't particularly scruffy, but they weren't exactly displayed in a way that spoke of royalty. Upon closer inspection, Nariko noticed that the fabrics themselves had much stitching of symbols and pictures she had never seen before especially in Lord Lucifer's mansions.

It wasn't long before Lonshanks arrived at a set of large wooden double doors with Nariko in tow. Between the cracks of the two doors, Nariko could see a faint light emanating from within. Lonshanks stopped in front of the door muttered some words that were incomprehensible it didn't take too long for something to happen.

To Nariko's surprise, a motion started to happen over the doors, she concentrated on what was happening before them and she could just make out the slight movement happening over the two doors. A multitude of panels ranging in size and scope shifted and slid over one another until they heard the sharp sound of a click before the doors slowly swung open inwards.

Lonshanks strutted into the room paying no mind. At first, Nariko was unsure of whether she should follow or wait to be summoned into the room against her better judgement she did the former albeit timidly unsure of what to expect.

As soon as she took her first step into Lord Belial's office the doors slowly swung back closing behind her admittedly it made Nariko jump slightly. Some of the stupidest stuff seems to make me jump or on edge in this world, Yuuma's subconscious mused and he mocked himself.

"Perfect, you're here" Lord Belial announced sitting at his desk. Lonshanks wasn't too far off sprawled out on top of a comfy-looking sofa.

"Please take a seat" Lord Belial concluded gesturing to the spot available next to Lonshanks.

Sorry about the long wait.

Things have been a bit crazy at work lately considering the UK is currently and slowly coming out of lockdown so I've been a little bit backed up from work. The next part will be the last in this chapter, and it'll most likely be a bit shorter than this one.

As always thanks for spending your time to read this, and if you spot anything grammar or spelling wise that I might have missed by mistake be sure to let me know in the comments.