Not long ago, Yurina was for better or worse, thrown into a steaming hot bath by none other than Drelion who in her mind was rather insufferable, however, she couldn't deny that he had an interesting personality. Whereas the other denizens of this area treated her like nothing more than a doormat, Drelion at the very least was more or less concerned whether she was able enough to perform the tasks that she would be needed for in the near future.
Regardless though, she couldn't deny that the reason she was out of those decrepit dungeons in the first place was in fact due to Drelion's involvement in the matter. She thought back to the moment that she and Drelion first came through the portal when the former had tracked her down and captured her.
The evil aura emitting from that whirlpool of creepy liquid mass that first spoke to her sent chills down her spine even now. There was something abhorrently sickening about it that Yurina couldn't quite grasp what it was. She couldn't help, but wish she was home right now admittedly her previous life wasn't by any means great, but compared to her current predicament you would call it a luxury lifestyle.
Yurina knew she couldn't completely trust Drelion, after all, he hadn't done enough for her to even consider him as someone she could simply blindly trust without question. On the other hand, there was a part of her that was grateful for him getting her out of those dungeons even if it wasn't his intention to.
Being wrapped up in her thoughts was totally unaware of the rampant banging upon the hard and slightly worn door connecting the hot bath to the corridor situated outside. When another round of overly forceful bangs rang throughout the calmly quiet room it made Yurina nearly jump out of her skin bringing her back to reality as she knew it.
"Y-Yes?" Yurina's quiet voice was barely audible mostly scared to know who or what was on the other side of that door which for all she knew was keeping her safe from harm.
"It's me!" the all too familiar voice of Drelion responded bluntly.
Before she could even utter a single syllable the door to the hot bath swung open with such force that for a moment she thought it would fly across the room. Without a care in the world, Drelion barged in paying no mind to the fact that Yurina was still completely naked and drenched in steaming hot water.
Drelion just looked at her naked slender form with an emotionless expression from his reaction of staring at her body it would seem that he had been in this situation one too many times before.
It took Yurina a moment to realize the situation the two of them were in. Without hesitation, Yurina let out a short high pitched whelp wrapping her arms around her body and breasts the latter being pressed against showed off her well-developed assets more clearly than usual.
"Well, at least you don't smell like a dead cat" Drelion announced breaking the silence that was more or less awkward at least for Yurina. Walking closer he was kneeling down at the edge of the hot bath looking down on an embarrassed Yurina who was now facing away from him as she fruitlessly tried to cover up more of her body.
He scoffed turning away from Yurina, "Hurry up and get out already otherwise I'll drag you out myself."
Walking away he left Yurina alone in the hot bath, the latter didn't want to test his patience so she hurriedly got herself out of the bath before Drelion had a good reason to come back in and make true to his promise that he made just moments ago. As Yurina carefully, but with pace to her stride she walked towards the door that leads to the changing room.
As she exited out from the hot bath she wasn't prepared to run into anyone so when she did Yurina almost died of shock standing to the left of the changing room with a small pile of clothes in hand outstretched towards her was a person that looked to be human at least that's what Yurina presumed.
However, it was hard for her to really tell if they were in fact a human under the goth-like robe garments which was entirely black. Their hands were wrapped in black cloth and the robe hung so far down the ends dragged against the stone floor that you could see the wear and tear. As for the hood that covered the mysterious person's face it was pitch-black underneath. Yurina didn't say what was on her mind in fear of retaliation either from this person or Drelion, but she thought to herself just how creepy looking this person seemed to be.
Yurina at first nodded her head uncomfortably not knowing initially how to respond, "T-Thank you"
The hooded figure didn't say anything nor did they nod in acknowledgement they simply let Yurina take the clothes out of their hands before turning and floating further and further away with each passing second. The eerie silence as the mysterious person left Yurina all to herself left her with an uncomfortable feeling as to who or more precisely what was under those robe garments.
Without hesitation, Yurina dried herself down with a towel that she grabbed from a basket set upon a wooden table located at the edge of the room. Once satisfied she looked at the new clothes that had been given to her in more detail to her surprise they were quite modest in style and design, she figured that wouldn't be the case seeing how they treated her in the dungeons before being brought here by Drelion.
If anything Yurina thought that the pure black dress was on the level of nobility in terms of how intricate the dark red woven patterns were within the dress itself. With much contemplation, Yurina eventually started to dress she was also surprised that the dress came with underwear, the bra and panties themselves was also as black as the dress itself which explained why she didn't even notice them at first glance.
Once dressed was Yurina she carefully examined herself seeing the dress hang towards the floor, in fact, she had forgotten what it felt like to have worn a dress seeing that the last time she did was before she was reincarnated into this world. It made her reminisce about how much she truly missed her old life compared to her current one, after all, she had experienced one terrible thing after another since arriving here.
Lost in thought she didn't hear the first knock on the door so when she the second knock or in this case hammering upon the surface of the wooden door Yurina almost fell to the floor in shock at first knocking knowing where the sound had come from. When she realized a few moments later that it was coming from the other side of the door she hesitantly made her way over. Upon reaching the door she contemplated with herself whether answer it or not reluctantly she opened the door slowly.
As she did so Yurina peered through the opening between the door and the frame looking around anxiously only to see Drelion slouched standing up against the stone walls that were covered in droplets of liquid most likely due to the dense moisture of the place, at least, that's what Yurina hoped it would be.
Drelion sighed showing his frustration, "Finally, I was about to die of boredom" he didn't look at her. As for Yurina she cautiously stepped out into the corridor regardless of the fact that she was given brand new clothing she, however, didn't receive anything to wear on her feet. So the sudden change in temperature on the balls of her delicate feet from the humid heat of the bot bath to the cold and wet stone floors of the facility was a shock to her senses.
She presented herself to Drelion mostly as a way for her to gauge whether he was accepting of the current situation.
For a few seconds, he stood there in silence before speaking his mind, "As long as don't like some pile of rags lumped in the corner anything is better." Without warning, he grabbed tightly upon Yurina's small wrists pulling her along, the latter stumbling over their feet while trying to maintain their balance and walk at the same time.
"W-Where are you taking me?" she asked with bated breath.
The look on Drelion's face showed he had little care in the world for what was going on instead it seemed like he just wanted to get the problem over and done with as quickly as possible. "You'll see...soon enough" he responded the last two words being barely audible. In reaction to his answer, all Yurina could do was rack her mind through the endless possibilities of what was about to happen as she took a big gulp in anticipation of whatever was going to happen.
I see two possibilities here,
1. This guy needs her to get to our MC (Nuriko) so that she can perhaps create a situstion for Drelion to get a hold of her.
2. Yurina is a reincarnated and since this guy is aware of their existence and possibly the potential power of such beings then he must plan to use her as substitute in place of Nuriko which he failed to get.
Probably both.
Him using her to get to Nariko, and then realizing that she’s powerful too and using her as well