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Hello everyone it's been a while since the last update I believe the last one was nearly a year ago. Regardless I hope you're all doing well and have had a good Halloween!

Many of you are probably expecting some good news about this story but, unfortunately, there isn't any or at least not for those wishing a continuation or rewrite of this story. As I've just stated this isn't an update on any progress for this novel instead the opposite for the last year I have tried in earnest to make it work with multiple attempts at rewrites to no avail. I just want to list some of the reasons why I'm shelving this particular project of mine in hopes of shedding some light on the situation.

  1. Firstly, this story was never intended to be a passion project of mine if anything it was a way for me to improve my writing skills. See before I started this story I had been out of the loop in terms of writing fictional stories for quite a number of years and in turn, this story came to fruition as a means of practice for me.
  2. Secondly, I never expected this novel to gain the following that it had, in fact, I was content with this trudging along down the bottom as long as it helped me improve my writing skills. So when it did gather a following where on a few occasions it had reached the Top 9 trending it came with that expectation that readers wanted to experience a story that was cohesive and had a vision, and to be honest, I wasn't ready for it especially as it happened so soon after starting this story.
  3. Thirdly, this probably comes to you all as no surprise but, this novel lacked any form of prior planning or long-term plan because of this many readers noticed this to the point where some asked for more clarification on certain events and admittedly at the time I would have to try and come up with something on the spot. This deteriorated my ability to write a satisfying story to the point it would have to be put on hiatus for the last year as I tried to make it work to no avail.
  4. Finally, when it came to rewrites I noticed a certain pattern was occurring the more I tried to fix the problems, alter them or change them completely was hitting dead ends constantly. Soon my motivation started to slowly sap away to the point where I went months without writing entirely because I had lost interest.

I know it may seem that I'm being an ungrateful prick right about now but, I want you all to know that I truly thank you all for taking your time to read this novel helping me improve and above all giving me a chance in the first place.


Now as for the future, I am currently working on a new novel that I've just recently started writing drafts for on this website which will be drastically different from what I have written in Wish of the Cipher and to be honest, I have been having a lot of fun writing it so hopefully, it shows when I finally post chapters in future.

Although I did want to say that there will be some characters and ideas from Wish of the Cipher that will be carrying over into this new novel even if I made it seem like I wanted nothing to do with it.

We're finally there hopefully you all can understand why decided to do this. If not then I can totally get why and I don't blame you, however, it'd be great if you could keep supporting me in the future. To finish off I plan on continuing to have Wish of the Cipher up on ScribbleHub as a way for those who did enjoy the novel to able to re-read or readers who have yet to read either old or new members have a chance to do so in the future.

Anyway, sorry for the long-windedness as always thank you for taking the time to read this, thank you for showing your support when you did and also to those that'll continue to do so. In the meantime, I'll be continuing on my new novel until I feel I'm ready to start posting chapters so until then take care and I hope to see you then!

Peace out!