Chapter 51 – Starting the Preparations
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Author’s Note:

From this point on, the chapters will be in 3rd person. I just gave up on the whole 1st person thingy. I get often confused while writing in that POV. Anyway, enjoy the reading.

 “And that’s it. Simple, right?”


 Those were the reactions of the girls after hearing Kenji’s explanation of his Plan.

 “What? Wasn’t it easy to understand?”

 ““It was.””

 “Then? What’s the problem?”


 The one to voice out their worry, was Vermivia. Kenji just looked at her with an expression that said: What’s the problem, though?

 “What part is the worse, in your opinion, then?”


 “Why’s that so surprising? I need to take down the gates.”


 In an Ooooooh moment, Vermivia now understood what Kenji would do.

 Kenji’s plan was very simple indeed. The girls, together with the people who wanted to revolt against Victor, would confront his forces head on, and take care of the big shots. Those probably being Victor’s hands. 

 One of those, was of course, Sirius. The guy with Shadow like powers. Heh. Dumbass. Kenji warned them to not engage in combat with him, but if he did that first, that the ones fighting him would only stall for time.

 The girls didn’t understand, until Kenji pointed out why.

 “It’s simple. None of you can really hurt him… Except you.” He pointed at Kasumi. “You can control shadows as well, since you’re a Darkness Fox.”

 Kasumi was literally the daughter of a Goddess, and she had the affinity to Shadow Magic as well. Even if Sirius was well versed in it, Kasumi was more than a match to him. And even though she never really showed much on the side of Shadow Magic, Kenji had a hunch that she could defeat him.

 “From all that Vermivia explained to me, there are other 2 Pure Blooded Vampires. Those being a woman, and a guy. Though, you said that the guy isn’t really keen about helping Victor, right?”

 “Yes. He sees himself far above Victor.”

 “Hmmmm… he’ll probably interfere, but then he’ll try to backstab Victor.” Kenji was even making plans to deal with that guy. “Well, he’s all yours, Ayla. Since he’s kinda into you.”

 “Ugh! But what about my-”

 “We’ll deal with him after.” Kenji interrupted her. “Deal with that guy first, then! You can start thinking about dealing with daddy.”

 Kenji crushed any hopes of her being out of the battle against the big shots. But one thing was making Kenji intrigued. Where exactly the Pure Blooded Woman was?

 “Amara… You said it that you’ve found a woman that had similar powers as you?”

 “Yes! She could manipulate plants and trees!

 “Any info on her?” Kenji turned to Vermivia.

 “She’s… the pure blooded one.” Vermivia was surprised by that information. “It worked?”

 “What worked?” Kenji asked intrigued.

 “She died. She was supposed to be dead, in fact. I can’t believe it.”

 “What exactly aren’t you saying to us? Explain with words…”

 Kenji was losing his patience. After all, he was thinking as all Pure Blooded Vampires as threats to his plan, including the woman. But now, there was a surprise, that the woman wasn’t alive.

 “She… died after birthing a few Vampires.” Vermivia spoke. “After she gave birth to a few vampires, as in, 2 or 3 of them… she fed them, and let them grow, and then… Victor… Tried again.”

 “Are you saying that after she gave birth to more Vampires, right AFTER they were able to do things by themselves… Victor simply chose to DO IT again? Like, having sex to have more children?” Asked Ayla.

 Vermivia nodded. Kenji simply had an expression of disbelief, and just looked around, because the topic was awkward. Dude’s gone insane. 

 “After that, she just stayed in a state of… she looked dead. Her eyes were cold and empty the times I saw her. And then… my mother thought of something…”

 “Oh my god.” Suzuki covered her mouth.

 “She tried bringing her back with some magic. And… that’s where you saw her.”

 Vermivia seemed like she didn’t want to talk about it. Kenji noticed she felt dread of whatever she had seen. 

 “Alright… I’ll end her suffering.”

 “She’s in trance. If you can…”

 “Do you think being used as a tool, over and over again, would make someone want to stay alive?” Kenji spoke harshly. “And I bet she thought of Victor as someone important to her. Imagine having your expectations betrayed, and used as a tool to literally spawn more of your minions. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to live anymore.”

 “But! Even a chance of that happening!”

 “If I see that she wants to die, I’ll just give her that.”

 “Then you…!”

 “Whatever! Let’s get the plan working! My head’s becoming a mess right now!”

 Kenji scowled, and said that. 

 “Will you be safe, Kenji?”

 “Well, at least I won’t get caught.” Suzuki felt like a punch on her stomach. “I mean, this time the task needs the chaotic chaos, instead of a stealthy mission.” Another blow. “And I’ll be doing the thing that is necessary too!”

 “Alright! I get it! I failed! Enough!” After receiving the last blow, Suzuki just shouted out.

 “Well then!” Grinning, Kenji said: “Let’s make it a mess today!”

 While the revolt was starting, and Kenji was laying down the plan to the girls, Victor, was in his chamber, drinking blood from Yumi, through her leg, while she was basically moaning, not of pleasure, but of pain.

 And Victor, who had stopped and licking the blood that was lips was about to give her a bite on her neck, he stopped and looked to the door of his chamber. 

 “Tch! Fucking hell!” Swearing, he glared at his window. “They have started. No matter. They’ll lose anyway. The Nether-Gates are made of an almost indestructible material.” 

 He smiled, and glanced at the door again.

 “What are you doing still outside? Enter already, Radreiale.”

 As obeying his orders, a voluptuous woman, entered. She had small purple snakes on her head, green eyes with a slit in the middle, and this time, she slithered in the room with her lower snake body.

 “It has started.”

 “I already know that. So?”

 “The boy isn’t with them, however.”

 “What? Why?”

 “The boy named Kenji followed his own path. In fact… he has gone to the location where the Onis had fought a group of girls.”


 The 2 would continue speaking, but the voice of Yumi surprised them. She was barely able to keep her conscious, however, and lost it right after uttering Kenji’s name.

 “So she does have a connection to him. Even better.”

 “In any case, he’s heading towards the passages to the gates on the surface. Should we-”

 “No.” Radreiale haven’t even been able to finish speaking, and Victor interrupted her. “It does not matter. He won’t be able to destroy it.”

 “Are you certain about it?” Radreiale asked him.

 “I am. The pope said that there is no existing thing in this world that can destroy it.” 

 Radreiale only sighed, to which Victor got angry to that.

 “Why the sigh? Are you doubting my father’s word?”

 “You know why asked you that.”

 “He cannot invent something that can destroy the gate. And even if he could, he does not have the time to do so.”

 “Very well. We’ll be taking care of the revolt, then.”

 “Do it well.”

 After Radreila got out, Victor glanced at Yumi, but he suddenly clicked his tongue, and got up from bed. Putting his clothes, he walked to the window. He glanced at the places he felt the gates on, and put his hand on his chin.

 “He won’t be able to destroy the gates. They were blessed by brother’s power. Even though I do not like Dhorasil, he has the capabilities to do so.”

 Even though Victor said that, he still had a very bad feeling about what Radreiale said. Snapping his fingers, his shadow, on his right side, moved, and a head appeared. 

 “Did you called, my lord?”

 “Send some troops to the gates. Say to them to protect at all costs.”

 “As you wish.”

 “You won’t be able to take down that amount of people… Will you?”

 Scoffing, Victor turned around and walked to the door. After getting out, he headed to his Throne, sitting on it, and glancing at a clock he took out of his pocket.

 “The night is long. And this will be your last night. You brat.”

 The time in the clock was almost at dusk. The night belonged to the Vampires, and Victor would use that to his full advantage. 

 The end of the afternoon was coming, and for Radreiale and the people, that would mean the battle would be at its peak. 

 Victor was strong enough, but if night fell, things would get worsen. She glanced around frantically, searching for Sirius. She still had a sliver of hope, thinking that he wouldn’t betray her.

 Since she was a child, neither her mother, nor her father cared for her. They merely took care of her bare necessities. And even though nobody cared for her, one person did. And that was Sirius.

 He took care of her, teaching her how to do simple things. From the most basic stuff, to the most complicated. The moments she had with him, were happy… at least to her. 

 Even when it came to magic, her mother thought her the basic, and said to Vermivia to do the rest herself. And Sirius once again helped her, teaching from the start, and going forward.

 She learned everything she could, even though nobody expected that from her. But one thing that she wanted to do, would never come to her grasp. Going outside of Victor’s castle.

 Both Victor and Radreiale never allowed her to go out. And once more, Sirius helped her. She thought the outside of the castle would be beautiful. A world for her to explore, and be happy about it. But it was in such a memory, that she noticed how her father was awful to the city.

 The entire city was a complete mess. Her expectation of seeing people happily going around, talking and buying things was shattered to pieces. She walked with Sirius close by, but no matter to where they walked to, everything was awful.

 At that moment, Vermivia decided to not follow what her father ever decided for her. She saw the people’s faces, how they were unhappy, and trying to make a living of small things. 

 The market on the city wasn’t the worse, but it wasn’t the best, either. People sold things that were barely edible, since part of the city was not ONLY composed of Vampires. Vermivia was one of the few who did not need blood to survive, so she basically lived off of normal food.

 She would always receive a beautiful plate, with delicious food whenever she ate, and would never complain about it. However, after seeing what her plate could look like, if her father wasn’t the King, she decided that she wanted to help the people.

 With barely 14 years, she started to take in some people, always saying to her father that they were retainers. Victor never really cared about what she did, since he could, very easily, crush her. And she knew that. She knew that her father was THAT strong.

 And after a little more than 50 years(Yes, Vermivia is that old XD), she had got a handful of people that would help her. Not the same amount of people as Victor had, but people with great skill. And Sirius was one of them.

 However, things changed with Sirius receiving a mission to go take a woman on the Empire. She knew Sirius wouldn’t refuse this mission, after all, Victor was still his leader. She just said to him to complete the mission, and that would be it. 

 But then, he brought back not only the woman Victor ordered him to bring, but also another girl. Vermivia was shocked with that fact. But she disregarded that, seeing that Sirius felt some kind of attraction towards her.

 She ignored the fact he KIDNAPPED the girl named Naomi, AND would FORCE her to marry him.(Note: That’s the author speaking for y’all to understand…)

 When she discovered about the plan that Victor had to marry the woman, and kill another person, she made the decision to want to meet this person, and ask for his help. She never expected this person to go against Sirius, however.

 And after a discussion, Sirius simply disappeared. After that, no matter what she did to call him, he would not appear. She simply remembered what Kenji said to her when he disappeared.

 “The only reason he’s on your side, was because you promised him that he could have Naomi as his wife. But now that he won’t be able to have that…”

 She didn’t want to believe that. Sirius has been on her side since she was a small child, so why? She thought that Sirius would be able to find another person he wanted to marry.

 As she had entered a room to think about the speech she would have to give to her retainers…

 “Hello, my lady.”

 Sirius was there, looking at her. 

 She tensed up, and could only look at him. Why is he here? Sirius would not do anything to her, however. She knew that much. Then why?

 “What are you doing here?”

 “Can I not come back to my lady’s side?”

 “You do know you’re awful at lying, right?”

 “It would seem so. You were always good at knowing when I lied.” He smiled faintly.

 “What do you want, Sirius?”

 “If you promise me, that the girl will be mine, I will come back to you, my lady.”

 Come Back. Those words sank on Vermivia’s mind. He was right. 

 “I cannot do anything against him, you know that.”

 “A shame then. He’ll probably fail anyway.” 

 What does he mean? Vermivia asked herself.

 “I do hope you survive, my lady. Farewell.”

 “Wait! Dammit! What did he mean by that?!”

 If Kenji was here, he would say: “What you mean, what? Probably something in the catacombs.”

 But since he wasn’t here, and she already had enough worries, she couldn’t think of that.

 “Alrighty! Things are done.”

 Since Kenji had laid out his plans to the girls, he decided to  make his own preparations. To be more specific, his preparations were related to him making more of Zerstörer charges, more of Ravager bullets(a lot more than before, roughly 1k+), and even made more of the stupidly overpowered weapon that he had fabricated when he was exploring the pyramids, Verdammnis

 He finished everything by making 50 more missiles to Ansturm, even though he had difficulties in finding materials strong enough that wouldn’t blow up as soon as he pulled the trigger. For other reasons, he made bullets to Strafe as well, AP Ammo to be more specific.

 “Let me also see if these will be safe.”

 Taking off his gauntlets, Kenji took some materials, and repaired them accordingly, even going as far as revising some of its Magical Formations, on the HUB of both gauntlets. 

 With fiddling with the gauntlets, something came to his mind about the concussive waves. Instead of maintaining the Heat Wave(Left Gauntlet), and Shock Wave(Right Gauntlet) on each gauntlet, he decided to scratch the entire Heat Wave. Why?

 “This thing isn’t as useful as I thought it would be.” Was the result he thought. “Not only that, but… The shock wave is a thousand times more useful, too.”

 After removing the entire magic formation on the HUB he had made, he made a new HUB and basically copied and pasted from the right gauntlet.

 “This should do.” He put it on, and tested on a small box in the corner. 


 The box got smashed partially with the impact, and then it smashed on the wall, becoming nothing but splinters. Whistling, Kenji now worked on the other function of his gauntlets. The blades.

 The blades would be very much useful, but they got chipped, and Kenji took them out, repairing them, while doing his utmost to not lose the Holy Enchantment he did from before.

 “Oh my god, that was close.”

 He almost scratched the formation of the enchantment. After that, he tested the 2 functions, both the Fiery Enchantment, and the Holy one. Both worked perfectly, and then he started fiddling with his shield.

 The accumulation of damage and return of concussive energy was one of the best things Kenji had made, by far. Even his weapons couldn’t hold a candle to this shield, since it would absorb the damage, and delivery it back to whoever was targeted… if they were still, of course.

 But his shield had a small problem right now. It had a dent.

 “That bastard sure is powerful, huh. He almost passed through the Shield’s threshold. Imagine if I have to fight someone stronger than him? That won’t be good.”(Foreshadowing XD)

 After remaking the inner part of the shield, where the concussive force was accumulated, Kenji fixed the dent, and also the corners of the shield, putting it back into full function. Can I upgrade it?

 After thinking through, and looking through the list of materials he had, he had to give up. The materials he had weren’t enough. 

 “Alright. I think this will do.”

 Putting the shield back, he tested to see if the shield would fit back into its left gauntlet, and it did. After that, he glanced at his Odyssey Outfit.

 “It feels like yesterday when I modified this thing to look less like a clown. Funny.”

 He analyzed the entire Outfit, looking through each part to see if it needed an upgrade, but thankfully, it didn’t.

 “Thanks, I won’t need to die and try to upgrade this thing.”

 Knock knock!


 As he put his outfit, Vermivia entered the room, and glanced at him, stretching with the outfit.

 “Careful on the catacombs. Sirius appeared… and…”

 “He probably said some bullshit, about me dying, right?”


 “Nothing new. I won’t die… yet. Hm? What’s the problem?”

 Vermivia seemed confused, worried, and afraid. She was about to go against her father, mother, and a person she trusted the most. Guess she’s having a bad and long crisis, Kenji thought.

 “Any issues, Vermivia?”


 “You’re goddamn bad at lying.”

 “Heh. I said that to him as well.”

 “Not gonna say I get it, cause I don’t. But one thing’s for sure. Sigh. You might want to deepen your relationship with your sister.”

 “Huh? What, do you mean? That came out of nowhere.”

 Kenji smiled, and kept speaking.

 “Ayla is pretty much wild. You on the other hand are… tamed.”

 “Excuse me?”

 “Not talking about that type, ok? I’m saying that you two are the total opposite of each other. You’re sound, and focused, while Ayla is… kinda crazy, not gonna lie.”

 “And that is…?”

 “Heh. Your sister wants to take revenge for her mother. But after that… she might just want to go with us. Which I don’t want to.”

 “You don’t like my sister? She seems pretty fixated on you, for some reason.”

 “Yeah, but that’s not the issue. I would accept her to come with us, if she wasn’t lost.”

 “What do you mean?”

 “She lost her mother, swore revenge, was trapped into ruins for god knows how long, and is about to enact the revenge. But in between that, she discovered she has a sister. To which she doesn’t have a single connection to.”

 “You’re saying that it’ll be good for her to, instead of going out with you, and stay here so that she and I know each other better. Is that it?”

 “Yeah. Pretty much.” Kenji noticed his explanation was long. “In any case, she’s also a powerhouse. I’m pretty sure some guys will try to dethrone you. So she might also be a big help to you in that regard.”

 “Okay… Makes sense… I barely know anything about her.”

 “Good point.”

 She looked around a little, then sighed, and spoke to Kenji once more.

 “Alright. I’ll try to maintain her here. But she might take the decision of going to you anytime.”

 “So long as she knows that she has a place to come back to, I’m cool.”


 Knock knock.

 A knock on the door alerted the 2, and Vermivia opened the door. It was an Oni warrior, who bowed, and said.

 “Preparations are complete, my liege.”

 “Thank you. Kenji… I guess it’s time for you to go as well.”

 Vermivia spoke to him, to which Kenji grinned.

 “On it.”

 They got out of the room, and headed to opposite directions. Vermivia towards the close by square, and started a speech.




 From a distance, Kenji looked back, and smiled once again.

 “Took the words… Out of my mouth.”

 Activating his Agility Mode, he moved towards the place that Suzuki couldn’t enter, with a sure attitude, that whatever would come at him, he would beat it up, and move on!

Author's Note:

 Thanks for the reading, and see you next time~