♦ Small Things, Unnecessary Ones, and Necessary Ones ♦
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 Hi! Yes, it's me! SO! What is this all about? Well, as you can see from the Title, a few things that I need to clarify, things that are quite stupid and on, and so on. So, let me get started!

 First of all, why am I posting this? Because of critique. No, I'm not crying, just, again, clarifying some things. What was the critique about? you might ask? Meh, quite, for me that is, strange?(yes, a question, cause I can't think of other word to use here)

 So, first things, is grammar issues. If you go back to the first chapters, even AFTER I remade them, there are lots of grammar issues. And not gonna lie, there are a LOT of them. But that's where I make my question: Does that really make impossible for you to understand what is being conveyed? No? Then why stop reading the novel because of that? Just a reminder, since on RR I don't know where to put a note, and I don't want to put every single damn time, a note on the beginnings of the chapters:


 Got it? I made mistakes as anyone else. As for things like too many commas, capitalize of some words, wrong words being put(such as was/were, wrong sentences, such as past/present/future), and on and so on.

 "But your mistakes are a lot! And you don't fix them!"

 I have a life where I need to do things, as any other human. So currently, I'm busy. Then, going to the typos that you find on the chapters. Saw something? Then comment or send a ticket to me, that is a good thing, because I might not notice if someone doesn't mention to me. I end up forgetting these things, alright?

 Next issue: CLICHÉS.

 Yes, I use them. Yes, I won't stop using them, and no, sometimes I don't know how to use them. The same for tropes as well. I'll use them, I'll not stop using them, and sometimes I don't know how to use them.

 Like the cliché of being USELESS. When you read that on the first chapter, when the emperor said that, you probably asked yourself:

 "Is this guy an idiot(Stupid, a fool, a dumbass)?"

 And the answer is: YES, THE EMPEROR IS AN IDIOT. I would talk about it in a extra chapter the next week(and I will, but I'll mention it here, whatever). 

 The Emperor, and the people around him, Ayduin, the Colonel, and other people ON THE EMPIRE, considers technology too hard, and not as impressive/versatile/powerful as MAGIC. What did you expect from a fantasy world? It helps in lots of things, such as cleaning the room, which people on the empire have, like, vacuum cleaners powered by mana, and all of those things we have as well. Just that the EMPEROR, consider technology to be useless. And another little point, that some people might not have noticed: Kenji/MC, knows that the EMPEROR, is fishy, since he noticed on his first encounter with him. AND, FOR GODS SAKE! The Useless thing, was applied to MC, for moving the plot, and other details. So, let me summarize them here:

 1 - Kenji has a STATUS CONDITION, which makes him evolve really slow.

 2 - Technology for the EMPEROR is USELESS.

 3 - MC noticed that the EMPEROR just summoned them for his own selfish reasons, and that lots of people already talked to him that the EMPEROR is hated, AND THE CHAPTER: Thoughts of a Primordial Spirit mentioned that as well.

 4 - I hate the trope: "Summoned to another world, stay IN the fucking castle until notices something fishy, then goes out, and is called a traitor/criminal/heretic". I. HATE. IT.

 And that's it! Now! The last and most important thing! THE MC/KENJI'S UNIQUE SKILL!


 Okay, no joke now. Yes, guys, the skill is super OP. In fact, it's too OP for a fantasy world. Mixing Magic and Technology in one? Damn! That's no joke! 

 Anyway, then that begs another question:

 "Then why it isn't OP?"

 Uh... Plot? Yes, I know that a super, duper, mega powerful MC is nice and all to read, but if all gets resolved by said MC appearing and using a powerful skill to eliminate the threat and yada, yada, yada, that's too shallow. Also, I'm bad at balancing charts, you probably noticed that by now, no?

 The reason why I'm not making his skill super OP, is once again, another trope that I despise/hate: Transported to another world = Knowing how to use magic from the ass. 

 Yes, I used that here. But, had you asked yourself: Is it just that? No, it is not. There are some things that I'll explain now, that will be on a future chapter. Just like science, magic does have theory as well. You can use magic without the theory, else no one would ever be able to use magic, but it won't be AS powerful as someone that uses magic, knowing the theory.

 Let's get back on track, seeing the recent chapters, where I mentioned the 'Draconic Energy' and 'Vampiric Energy'.

 Both were put as basically as "powered up version of usual mana". Not gonna lie, the day I wrote that, I just left as is, but after revising, I thought: What if that is the knowledge of a layman? And that will be explained more ahead, both on the next arc, and a future arc. 

 Now another question: Does that mean that Kenji/MC is using magic, without the full potential of it? Yes, he is. Even Kasumi, Amara, and Lucy are. Hell, even the EMPEROR uses magic without the theory, only thinking: If it's powerful, it's good.

 And another thing. If you take a look at the website, Superpower Wiki, and check for Technomagic, you'll see, and confirm even further, that the EMPEROR is a fool for consider MC as USELESS. If he ever knows about the last Sub-Skill of Technomagic Medium, he would make Kenji his slave. ANOTHER POINT WHY THE USELESS STUFF ON THE FIRST CHAPTER!

 Those are some things that I wanted to convey to you guys. Both on SH, and RR. Again:

 • Noticed some Grammar issues? Notify me by a ticket or comment.

 • Thought that I'm using too much tropes/clichés? Talk to me, and give me some advice.

 • The MC isn't reaching the full potential of his skill? Take a look at the Superpower Wiki for what he WILL DO in the future, and consider the plot that might happen(create your theory too! And when the chapters come out, do comment what you thought it would happen!)

 So, that's it people! Hope you understand. If you still have some problems, and decides to drop the novel, feel free to do so! I can't please everyone's tastes, unfortunately. 

 See you guys next week!