The Hunt
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hello, sorry for the VERY LATE upload, i had to watch my nephew, got to say hi to my new born niece, went hiking, and had a bunch of house cleaning to catch up on. (I still do) anyways here is the chapter. I haven't abandoned it. This is a filler chapter so not really any story progression. Next chapter will be spilt into two or three parts.

   The sun lite the sky, it was in the afternoon. Drago (dra-go) was sick and still fast asleep in the carriage. Midnight exited the carriage and looked behind her. Aireal (air-e-al) and a new member Crystal (boss) were fast asleep by Drago's side.

??? 1: Midnight, how is lord Drago?

Midnight: Drago is currently fast asleep Nethan (ne-than), he has been sick for the past two days. Nethan, do you know anything?

Nethan: It is most likely due to the new slaves we have tagging along in the back. Using any sort of magic takes it's toll on the body afterall. However, at the same time we can not just have unbound slaves.

Midnight: *closing the door to the carriage* I know, but they should all be bound now right? It is a little...unusual for him to be sick this long.

Nethan: Relax, everything will be alright.  Speaking of which Midnight, would you like to go exploring? A group of hunters is about to leave. I can assign you some guards so you can follow them.

Midnight: Really? I would love to!

Nethan: You two over there, come here, please escort Midnight and follow the hunters.

??? 2: Right away sir!


   The hunters had at their sides mana rifles, carvings etched into the barrels of each rifle, a group of five. The men saw Midnight and bowed slightly. They left shortly after exchanging some greetings on a few borrowed carnosaurs from the wagons.


   The air was freezing with the occasional wind chill that could send a shiver down your spine, the land cold, the trees tall with branches decorated in needle leaves. However, this was a matter of course, it was cold in the mountains afterall.

It was only a few hours in that they ran into a small clearing. The clearing was filled with beast as large as a hyena, a little smaller than a great dane at least in height. The beast were in part reptilian in nature with scales covering their bodies. They were six legged, four legs to the front and two rear legs which were slightly lower than the two pairs up front.

Some had their faces partially burrowed into the snow and others dug with their feet, foraging for something. Each and everyone of them had a semi-circular crest on their heads, some small and short, others large and arriving to a point on top.

??? 3: What are these guys?

??? 4: I am not a biologist, I am a hunter. So let's get down from here and take aim.

??? 5: What if they aren't edible?

??? 4: Well than, you just been voluntold for food testing when we get back. Have fun!

??? 5: That is cruel, what if I start choking and die?

??? 4: Than you will have done us all a great service *half heartedly saluting*.

??? 5: Yeah, yeah, I will make sure to drag you down with me to the depths of the afterlife. In the name of a great service afterall.

??? 4: An risk being reincarnated with ypu by my side again? No thanks! Now come on we have a job to do.

The hunters slowly dismounted from their mounts and took aim. Each and every rifle started to glow lightly as they slowed their breathing. Midnight watched from the side with nervous tension and a bit of excitement.

   Their heart beats slowed, they couldn't keep holding their breath for long as the rifles slowly drained their energy and the pressure continued to increase. With the second press of the trigger the bullets wizzed through the air to their destination.

One bullet found itself in a skull through an eye, two more found themselves crushing bone and shattering into fragments. Cutting blood vessels and piercing the heart, a serene winterscape now turned red with the dye of blood.

The heard of beast scattered into the woods on the opposite side of the clearing.

??? 3: Come on guys, let's skin them and get the meat back.


   After the group arrived back to the caravan the sun was beginning to set. The moon began to rise from it's slumber. Midnight went a little ways off to watch the sight as the people of the caravan tended to their needs.

It was a beautiful sight, the moon surronded by clouds in a eye like fashion, the moon a bright yellowish grey. The part of the clouds closest to the moon were orange in color, turning red as it got further out. Than a whitish grey once more.

Midnight stood and stared at the beautiful sight in amazement and awe, she was far from being a golem.