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I Wake up in an unfamiliar room found, laying on a bed I slowly try to move my body then a shock goes through my body


I felt pain so I try to move my hand but to no avail, even moving a tiny bit of my body causes pain. Knowing that I can't get out of bed I begin to look at my surrounding.

The room a much larger than I used to, looking at the floor there are multiple books scattered along the floor,

"So messy"

looking at the roof it seems to be made out of wood as I continue to look around before my eyes stopped at the desk in the corner of the room there I see multiple books staking on one another and a person sleeps with a book on his head it seems one of the stacks is a place beside him.


It's seemed he is waking up but the moment that person wakes up he will bring all the books down on him


"Uw that hurt!"

As he gets up the books begin to fall down

"Damn I really need to organize"

As the man said that he noticed that I am awake

"Ow finally awake huh... There is something that I want to know why are you sleeping at the side of the road and cover in multiple wound"


I could not answer seeing my difficult expression he then said

"but that could wait until you get better. Anyhow my name is Howard I am the so call book mage, and you are?"


Name what should I tell him for the longest time I never been preferred by name and I don't have one


Before I could finish the sentence he then spoke again

"Then I shall call you anon"


"I got it from the feeling of the unknown that I got from you a boy with black hair and a black eye that covered in wound and the look you give me to show my reflection and this room in a much darker form as if I know only the surface but not know the depth of it, you can call yourself with another name if you don't like it"

"No, I have no complaint moreover why you brought me here?"

"Well when you see a boy covered in wound and have a fever at the side of the road would you not help him"


I do not answer, I was suspicious of this person but he seems to be telling the truth but I could not trust him there must be something for him just like that girl who said that I would be taken care of that I would be saved and I was willing to take that hand without thinking anything.

"Hello, are you there!"

The man, no Howard is now standing in front of the bed and facing me. I was too absorbed in the past that I did not notice himself

"So that what will you do after getting better"

"What do you mean?"

"A boy who doesn't have a name and doesn't know what to do will always end up in slavery or the slum as a pickpocket"

Been told that is my so-called fate, I begin to ponder.

"How about you work for me"


Hearing such word from him I began to doubt my ear


"Why you ask, well when you help someone you would expect something in return right"

Hearing such word I......

"Yes I accept"

"Good now for your first job is....."

I brace my self for his order

"Is to drink this medicine that I been trying to make"

"Um, what?"

"Do you think that I would make you do manual labor with such body, now try this medicine I have no test subject so you are the most perfect subject to trying out my medicine in its imperfect state"


Staring dead at the man who showed such enthusiasm begin to go out of the room and come back with multiple bottles of the so-called medicine he described

"Now let begin the experiment shall we"

And so I become the assistant of the books mage that is obsessed with making the perfect medicine